Post Office Honors Pedophile. Why?

talk to the Station Manager....the clerks cant take anything like that down without his/her ok.....

I think the Post Office has an almost military chain of command, where the clerks can't do anything without orders from a superior.
well to take things down that were ordered up....yea....there are lots of vets from all generations working there....and lots of them still think they are in the military....
Elvis was no more a pedophile than Milk- but we know Elvis was sexually involved with a minor- Priscilla has told us that- but we don't know that Milk was ever sexually involved with a minor- its just speculation.
The age of consent was/is 16 in Mississippi.
And that makes it okay then?

I just want to make sure that I don't misunderstand you
Elvis having sex with a 16 year old minor in Mississippi is okay with you because it was legal.
Milk possibly having sex with a 16 year old minor in New York is not okay with you because it was illegal?
No, you don't understand shit. Not even your own, which is spectacular given your vantage point.

You said it was illegal, I pointed out that it was legal. Now stuff your noggin back into its' compfy spot.

No- I never did

Here is what I said:
Elvis was no more a pedophile than Milk- but we know Elvis was sexually involved with a minor- Priscilla has told us that- but we don't know that Milk was ever sexually involved with a minor- its just speculation.

Once again- you are just lying.
Once again you are the weasel and I'm pointing it out. You said Elvis was involved with a minor, but she was legal age in Mississippi.

So- Weasel- I just want to make sure that I don't misunderstand you
Elvis having sex with a 16 year old minor in Mississippi is okay with you because it was legal.
Milk possibly having sex with a 16 year old minor in New York is not okay with you because it was illegal?

And yes- both McKinley and Priscilla were minors- however in in Missippi, it was legal for a grown man to be shtupping a 16 year old.
Well we know you hate when any homosexuals fight for civil rights- and you hate the fact that Milk is being recognized for fighting for the civil rights of homosexuals.
We know you hate Reagan and I think he swayed more people than Harvey.

Hmmm what the hell are you bringing up Reagan for?

I haven't mentioned him, nor do I really have strong opinions about Reagan- I can bring up things I liked about Reagan and things I didn't like.
...Really? Then how come so many different places define 'underage' differently? I mean, if there's an absolute truth in this matter...
The bar is set at the Legal Age of Consent, yes?

I'm saying the age of consent is like the age one can possess a gun, or vote, or drive a car. Or what a certain speed limit is.

There is no 'right' age.
Harvey milk was not a pedophile, he was a gay sexual predator that should have been arrested and put in jail not on a USPS Stamp.

They put John Burgoyne on a stamp once.
not one of ours.....just sayin....

He was on an American postage stamp.
yea this one.....his surrender at Saratoga....but he did not have a commemorative himself.....nice try though....

as soon as a President dies he will get a commemorative ......

This will be the Obama commemoration...

View attachment 41194
nope it will look like this.....

Jeb Bush golfs. Disqualified from being president?
take the stick out of your ass was a joke....and if jeb gets elected,when he croaks he will get a commemorative too....

I'm crushed you didn't realize I was joking too.
Harvey milk was not a pedophile, he was a gay sexual predator that should have been arrested and put in jail not on a USPS Stamp.

They put John Burgoyne on a stamp once.
not one of ours.....just sayin....

He was on an American postage stamp.
yea this one.....his surrender at Saratoga....but he did not have a commemorative himself.....nice try though....


That was very informative.

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