Post-mortem on the C19 pandemic – 6 million avoidable C19 deaths plus 36 million vaxx deaths


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2011
Some numbers here. Are they reliable? If they are the whole world was had. A significant transfer of wealthy went on. That destroys capitalism. I will go with the had. It is a bioweapon.

"What kind of moron would claim that any measures taken to address C19 have been “effective”. Certainly not 95% effective, unless you believe that without the measures, deaths with C19 present would have doubled to more than 13 million by now."

Some numbers here. Are they reliable? If they are the whole world was had. A significant transfer of wealthy went on. That destroys capitalism. I will go with the had. It is a bioweapon.

"What kind of moron would claim that any measures taken to address C19 have been “effective”. Certainly not 95% effective, unless you believe that without the measures, deaths with C19 present would have doubled to more than 13 million by now."
Your source for health and epidemiologic information:

Peter Halligan: Global traveller, retired earliest opportunity, anthropogenic climate change denier, hater of socialism and fan of as small a government and least taxes as possible.​

Your source for health and epidemiologic information:

Peter Halligan: Global traveller, retired earliest opportunity, anthropogenic climate change denier, hater of socialism and fan of as small a government and least taxes as possible.​

And? None of that means the vaccine is not a killer. Try again.
Just saying that if you want to be taken seriously, at least by me, you should cite a knowledgeable source, not some layman's opinions.
Those sources have been cited. If you are not paying attention to the threads concerning the bioweapon you can spend some time catching up today.
I don't get my science from either of them. And I don't get my medical advice from Trump.
Aside from implied sarcasm in my post, as citizen's and voters we elect persons, like those two clowns, to make laws and decisions on many matters, often ones they are not "experts" or very knowledgeable in. One of the purposes of education is to know enough to know when an "expert" is selling you a "bill of goods". FWIW, most "experts" usually are focused on a slice of their field, not the full range. Consider that your primary care physician may not know much about surgery, or your mechanic might focus on only some brands of automobiles.

"Specialization is for insects," the science fiction author Robert A. Heinlein famously wrote. "A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly."

That's a hell of a lot higher standard than I can meet. But Heinlein's ideal of wide-ranging competency is an excellent goal, however imperfectly any of us might achieve it.
Aside from implied sarcasm in my post, as citizen's and voters we elect persons, like those two clowns, to make laws and decisions on many matters, often ones they are not "experts" or very knowledgeable in. One of the purposes of education is to know enough to know when an "expert" is selling you a "bill of goods". FWIW, most "experts" usually are focused on a slice of their field, not the full range. Consider that your primary care physician may not know much about surgery, or your mechanic might focus on only some brands of automobiles.

"Specialization is for insects," the science fiction author Robert A. Heinlein famously wrote. "A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly."

That's a hell of a lot higher standard than I can meet. But Heinlein's ideal of wide-ranging competency is an excellent goal, however imperfectly any of us might achieve it.
Heinlein was a great sci fi writer but on this he is wrong. It is because of specialization that humanity progresses. We need bakers and doctors and physicists and artists, etc. If we all had to be pilots we'd have little time to master other fields.
Heinlein was a great sci fi writer but on this he is wrong. It is because of specialization that humanity progresses. We need bakers and doctors and physicists and artists, etc. If we all had to be pilots we'd have little time to master other fields.
But I think he was wanting to get across that one shouldn't remain focused only on what they chose for their field of "specialization"/career. It's advisable to have other knowledge and skills. I can bake, but chose not to make it a career. I can draw fairly well, but not interested in doing it professionally.

Both bleach(chlorine) and ammonia are used in cleaning processes. Would you mix the two into one solution to get a better cleaning solution?

In terms of this thread topic, the experts had varied positions, from one extreme to another. Some of that depended upon what date they considered. Some depends on what is expected based upon where they got their funding. Point is that it's your health and each of us is the final responsible one when it comes to how to respond to a health issue.

About 8 years ago, after abnormal results of a blood test taken for my PCP, he recommended I see a specialist and after some more tests the result was that I did have prostate cancer. But it was dormant at moment and only part of my prostate affected so I had a few choices.
Radiation treatment and/or chemotherapy to see if that would kill the cancer. Or surgery to remove the prostate. All three options have about 50% chance of side effect of erectile dysfunction.
I'm to young and have a wife who wants me me active and functional in that area, so I elected for the "wait and see" if further symptoms and complication manifest. I'd also read where CBD had show results in lab tests to suspend grow of cancer and sometimes kill it off, so I've been dosing daily since then. So far my PSA level hasn't skyrocketed.

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