CDZ Post Americana


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
How do you see the world in 50 years?

By that time, the Trump Train will be a distant memory and America will have become a stew of competing ethnic groups with no common culture or even language to bind them together. As a result, issues like national defense and border security will have withered away in response to ever greater demands by special interest groups. The floodgates of unrestricted immigration will have been thrown open, much as the Romans threw open their gates to the barbarian hordes.

Will the world descend into another Dark Age, with Islam replacing medieval Christianity as the principal instrumentality of human repression? Will China impose another Cultural Revolution on all of Asia? Or will we have created a Brave New World where technology reigns supreme?

I await your reasoned responses.
Hemispheres replace countries. All under the control of the NWO. Islam spread world wide. Jews and Christians sent to internment camps. Israel will have given up land for peace, but finds none. 3 and 1/2 years after the peace agreement with Israel, war is declared. Nukes will go off like firecrackers. Most on this earth will perish. Christ returns to stop the carnage and to preserve mankind.
Pay attention to these times, and you can tell which countries will align with whom.
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How do you see the world in 50 years?

By that time, the Trump Train will be a distant memory and America will have become a stew of competing ethnic groups with no common culture or even language to bind them together. As a result, issues like national defense and border security will have withered away in response to ever greater demands by special interest groups. The floodgates of unrestricted immigration will have been thrown open, much as the Romans threw open their gates to the barbarian hordes.

Will the world descend into another Dark Age, with Islam replacing medieval Christianity as the principal instrumentality of human repression? Will China impose another Cultural Revolution on all of Asia? Or will we have created a Brave New World where technology reigns supreme?

I await your reasoned responses.

In's hard to tell just what may happen by then. But I have been curious as to what will be said then, about this time in history
How do you see the world in 50 years?

By that time, the Trump Train will be a distant memory and America will have become a stew of competing ethnic groups with no common culture or even language to bind them together. As a result, issues like national defense and border security will have withered away in response to ever greater demands by special interest groups. The floodgates of unrestricted immigration will have been thrown open, much as the Romans threw open their gates to the barbarian hordes.

Will the world descend into another Dark Age, with Islam replacing medieval Christianity as the principal instrumentality of human repression? Will China impose another Cultural Revolution on all of Asia? Or will we have created a Brave New World where technology reigns supreme?

I await your reasoned responses.

This thread rests on a false premise.
This thread rests on a false premise.

What? That the world will still exist in 50 years?

P.S. Have you EVER posted anything of interest or value on this site?

Stay focused. The OP is a false premise. It attempts to state as a given many factors that are in absolutely no way certain or even likely.

You have made SEVERAL assertions that simply do not make sense. As far as where we will be in 50 years, I think that is very hard to pin down considering the rate that technology moves forward. Life in general may very well be quite different. At the very least I think that there will be a new economic system in place to deal with an economy that no longer requires human labor for the vast majority of it s production.
Our path is to a more "England like" role in NATO as the rest of the world is now competitive and no longer bombed out from the great war.

If China and South Asia can keep their populations from imploding 350 million Americans will have a difficult time competing with 3 billion people.

I expect to see some new boundary war featuring the Russians and Chinese vs some united Middle East coalition. Not sure how NATO and us will fall in that one. We may ride it out as the Middle East gets sent back tonthe stone age, the Chinese discover the troubles and cost of projecting force and the Russians spend themselves further into a pretend economy while commiting terrible acts in occupied "istan countries".
This thread rests on a false premise.

What? That the world will still exist in 50 years?

P.S. Have you EVER posted anything of interest or value on this site?

Stay focused. The OP is a false premise. It attempts to state as a given many factors that are in absolutely no way certain or even likely.

You have made SEVERAL assertions that simply do not make sense. As far as where we will be in 50 years, I think that is very hard to pin down considering the rate that technology moves forward. Life in general may very well be quite different. At the very least I think that there will be a new economic system in place to deal with an economy that no longer requires human labor for the vast majority of it s production.

OK, so you two have no idea. But why pollute this thread?
This thread rests on a false premise.

What? That the world will still exist in 50 years?

P.S. Have you EVER posted anything of interest or value on this site?

Stay focused. The OP is a false premise. It attempts to state as a given many factors that are in absolutely no way certain or even likely.

You have made SEVERAL assertions that simply do not make sense. As far as where we will be in 50 years, I think that is very hard to pin down considering the rate that technology moves forward. Life in general may very well be quite different. At the very least I think that there will be a new economic system in place to deal with an economy that no longer requires human labor for the vast majority of it s production.

OK, so you two have no idea. But why pollute this thread?

Why base a thread on a false premise?
There was no "premise" in my thread. I posed the question of how do you would see the world in 50 years and then gave my own opinion. Why does this question frighten you into distraction? Are you unable to deal with theoretical concepts?
There was no "premise" in my thread. .....?

Of course there was. You posted as given a number of your own assumptions (or were they hopes?) and then asked for comments based on those 'givens.' Read the OP.
How do you see the world in 50 years?

By that time, the Trump Train will be a distant memory and America will have become a stew of competing ethnic groups with no common culture or even language to bind them together. As a result, issues like national defense and border security will have withered away in response to ever greater demands by special interest groups. The floodgates of unrestricted immigration will have been thrown open, much as the Romans threw open their gates to the barbarian hordes.

Will the world descend into another Dark Age, with Islam replacing medieval Christianity as the principal instrumentality of human repression? Will China impose another Cultural Revolution on all of Asia? Or will we have created a Brave New World where technology reigns supreme?

I await your reasoned responses.

Personally I believe I will be dead by then...

Now with that I believe Humanity will have a mass genocide between now and then and will head into a period of darkness before the next enlighten moment...

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