Possibly the Last Thread about Russia Collusion

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
I just want to clarify with Democrats that they now understand what Russia collusion was about.

Democrats, however firmly you may have believed that Trump colluded with Russia to interfere in the 2016 election, you are now aware that the Justice Department has, in two different investigations, has told us that it was a false narrative that started with Clinton-funded Opposition Research that was given to the FBI under James Comey with full knowledge of then President Obama?

You understand that the "Russia Collusion" idea was a hoax from the beginning and was used to put the country through years of turmoil culminating in the "Mueller Report," which was largely fraudulent document written by staffers who were nearly one hundred percent maxed out donors to Democratic candidates?

If you get all that, then no need to talk about it. If not, it is clear that the American people get it, so a few of you holding out like aging Japanese soldiers in a cave won't reallly matter.
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If Trump is eliminated from the running
Trump is defeated by Biden

then Putin will have no incentive to keep the 'pissing hookers' story under wraps. In fact, he may find and incentive to expose it?
Durham said that never happened. When you have to perpetuate lies you really have nothing to say, do you?
I just want to clarify with Democrats that they now understand what Russia collusion was about.

Democrats, however firmly you may have believed that Trump colluded with Russia to interfere in the 2016 election, you are now aware that the Justice Department has, in two different investigations, has told us that it was a false narrative that started with Clinton-funded Opposition Research that was given to the FBI under James Comey with full knowledge of then President Obama?

You understand that the "Russia Collusion" idea was a hoax from the beginning and was used to put the country through years of turmoil culminating in the "Mueller Report," which was largely fraudulent document written by staffers who were nearly one hundred percent maxed out donors to Democratic candidates?

If you get all that, then no need to talk about it. If not, it is clear that the American people get it, so a few of you holding out like aging Japanese soldiers in a cave won't reallly matter.
Trump Tower Meeting. It happened. Don Jr and his friends went there to lay their hands on DNC emails in an attempt to damage Clinton's candidacy. Hell, even Steve Bannon thought the meeting was illegal. But..it didn't affect the outcome of the election, but it happened. Were your savior and rescuer of the white race not so corrupt or incompetent, if he surrounded himself with reputable advisors, if he could have just pivoted to the job he was elected for, none of it would have mattered and Comey's "investigation" would have died quietly in the late spring of 2017. Most of the Steele Dossier has been verified (save for the pee-pee tape). Durham's final report was an absolute embarrassment. Nothing found done wrong. Just people doing their jobs. And funniest part of the whole Mueller investigation???...Trump was never impeached for it. Nancy called them all off. He really should have sent her a fruit basket for that. Comey can go DIAF. He put the final nail in Clinton's campaign. All the while keeping Trump campaign ties with Russia a virtual secret.

I'm not positive why your alt-right media masters are keeping this nonsense in play. Trump is already going to lose handily in 2024. But instead of getting behind another candidate and backing them, the GOP and conservatives are going to allow Trump to destroy the field in the primaries.....and then lose spectacularly in the general.
Trump Tower Meeting. It happened. Don Jr and his friends went there to lay their hands on DNC emails in an attempt to damage Clinton's candidacy. Hell, even Steve Bannon thought the meeting was illegal. But..it didn't affect the outcome of the election, but it happened. Were your savior and rescuer of the white race not so corrupt or incompetent, if he surrounded himself with reputable advisors, if he could have just pivoted to the job he was elected for, none of it would have mattered and Comey's "investigation" would have died quietly in the late spring of 2017. Most of the Steele Dossier has been verified (save for the pee-pee tape). Durham's final report was an absolute embarrassment. Nothing found done wrong. Just people doing their jobs. And funniest part of the whole Mueller investigation???...Trump was never impeached for it. Nancy called them all off. He really should have sent her a fruit basket for that. Comey can go DIAF. He put the final nail in Clinton's campaign. All the while keeping Trump campaign ties with Russia a virtual secret.

I'm not positive why your alt-right media masters are keeping this nonsense in play. Trump is already going to lose handily in 2024. But instead of getting behind another candidate and backing them, the GOP and conservatives are going to allow Trump to destroy the field in the primaries.....and then lose spectacularly in the general.
All debunked. Three years of lies from the government and the media. You cannot talk the truth away.
I just want to clarify with Democrats that they now understand what Russia collusion was about.

Democrats, however firmly you may have believed that Trump colluded with Russia to interfere in the 2016 election, you are now aware that the Justice Department has, in two different investigations, has told us that it was a false narrative that started with Clinton-funded Opposition Research that was given to the FBI under James Comey with full knowledge of then President Obama?

You understand that the "Russia Collusion" idea was a hoax from the beginning and was used to put the country through years of turmoil culminating in the "Mueller Report," which was largely fraudulent document written by staffers who were nearly one hundred percent maxed out donors to Democratic candidates?

If you get all that, then no need to talk about it. If not, it is clear that the American people get it, so a few of you holding out like aging Japanese soldiers in a cave won't reallly matter.

The MSM literally drove millions of Americans over the edge with that non-stop crap. So much so that TDS is a recognized disorder.
It did not happen the way you say it did. You are lying and everyone knows it, even you jerkoff.
It happened. End of story. Wouldn't really be an issue if your savior wasn't so corrupt.
I believe that's why you're chapped about Trump's treatment. He's a bum..and you backed him.
Trump Tower Meeting. It happened. Don Jr and his friends went there to lay their hands on DNC emails in an attempt to damage Clinton's candidacy. Hell, even Steve Bannon thought the meeting was illegal. But..it didn't affect the outcome of the election, but it happened. Were your savior and rescuer of the white race not so corrupt or incompetent, if he surrounded himself with reputable advisors, if he could have just pivoted to the job he was elected for, none of it would have mattered and Comey's "investigation" would have died quietly in the late spring of 2017. Most of the Steele Dossier has been verified (save for the pee-pee tape). Durham's final report was an absolute embarrassment. Nothing found done wrong. Just people doing their jobs. And funniest part of the whole Mueller investigation???...Trump was never impeached for it. Nancy called them all off. He really should have sent her a fruit basket for that. Comey can go DIAF. He put the final nail in Clinton's campaign. All the while keeping Trump campaign ties with Russia a virtual secret.

I'm not positive why your alt-right media masters are keeping this nonsense in play. Trump is already going to lose handily in 2024. But instead of getting behind another candidate and backing them, the GOP and conservatives are going to allow Trump to destroy the field in the primaries.....and then lose spectacularly in the general.
So, your answer is that yes, you still believe the hoax?

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