"Porno" Rick Perry and his "Sexy" past.


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City
Another poster put this up..but I did a little digging and what do ya know?

Back in 1995, there was nothing nonsensical about making an investment in a company like Movie Gallery. Frankly, the fact that they were a porn distributor made the investment all the smarter, since at the time, spankware wasn't widely available for free, on the Internet.

Perry was also no mere penny-investor in Movie Gallery: He passed laws that benefitted the company and protected it from lawsuits.As the Burnt Orange Report reported back in 2006:

As reported in Forbes, Movie Gallery possesses a winning business model, which has allowed it to acquire the much-larger franchise Hollywood Video. Forbes reports that pornography increases Movie Gallery’s profits enough to lowball the prices on regular, non-pornographic rentals. Pornography is a unique product that many stores are reluctant to sell. Movie Gallery’s practices have forced small, locally owned rental chains out of business.
Zealously boycotted by the conservative, two-million-strong American Family Association (AFA), Movie Gallery faces two lawsuits because of its allegedly illegal business practices. Smaller competing video stores claim that Movie Gallery illegally distributes porn across state lines. Movie Gallery’s Interim Chief Financial Officer, Thomas D. Johnson, Jr., described these lawsuits as "frivolous."

Coincidentally, Rick Perry used similar language when signing the tort-reform bill that limited the liability—thereby increasing profits -- of companies like Movie Gallery. Perry said the bill would "remov[e] the incentive for trial lawyers to file frivolous lawsuits." Continuing Perry said, "we will save thousands of jobs, generate millions in new revenue to the state;" only some of those jobs come at the price of young girl’s physical and psychological health.

The AFA has undertaken a nationwide campaign -- advertising in USA Today and Washington Post -- urging government officials to investigate Movie Gallery. Many local authorities -- like the U.S. Attorney in the Northern District of Texas -- are allegedly dragging their feet. With Gov. Perry owning stock in Movie Gallery, his financial interests contravene the success of any such investigation.

Lisa Derrick reports that an "AFA press person" professed that they "had no idea" that Perry had connections with Movie Gallery. Bob Vander Plaats, who authored the Family Leader's "Marriage Vow" pledge, which incorporates a strenuous opposition to pornography (and which Perry has not signed, by all accounts), has welcomed Perry into the race without objection. It's possible that the leading lights of the Christian right simply have no knowledge of Perry's connection to pornography. It's also possible that they do, and everyone is just being collossal hypocrites.
Rick Perry Coverage Gets Sexy: Ad Seeks Dirt, Others Press Porn Past
Daily Kos: Rick Perry Has A BIG PORN Problem!!


:boobies: Teens with Titties Perry!
Don't sweat that. He'll explain that Geeziss came and told him to repent and he saw duh lite. The dupes will cheer and pound their bibles and wave them thar flagz.
He IS your next pResident.
So now liberals are against Porn?

Or do they just think that on the way from cashing Larry Flynt's check, they think they can make a big deal out of nothing?

flynt is no hypocrite ....he doesnt have the army of god behind him...now does he?

come on dont be dense.....you are comparing apples and oranges
So now liberals are against Porn?

Or do they just think that on the way from cashing Larry Flynt's check, they think they can make a big deal out of nothing?

It doesn't matter if liberals are for or against porn, many social conservatives are against it.
So now liberals are against Porn?

I think we both know that liberalism doesn't object to pornography.

But Perry and his sanctimonous supporters do ...don't they?

If this report is true?

Then apparently Perry doesn't disapprove of porn as long as he's making money off it.
So now liberals are against Porn?

Or do they just think that on the way from cashing Larry Flynt's check, they think they can make a big deal out of nothing?

flynt is no hypocrite ....he doesnt have the army of god behind him...now does he?

come on dont be dense.....you are comparing apples and oranges

I was just asking the question. After years of defending not only porn and vulgarity, but demanding that the taxpayer pay for it through the NEA and such, Democrats are now claiming that it was a bad thing that a company that produces porn found it more economical to work in Texas than California?

He will get away with all of this , the base who will vote for him dont care about facts.
Nobody is allowed to change for the better?

Shall we do some fifteen year old digging on everyone?

And it's a freakin' CORN DOG....good grief!
They ignore history when they are not trying to rewrite it.

They ignore dictionary definitions.

They ignore science when they are not denying it.

They ignore the economists.

They ignore the "father of the constitution" on the constitution.

They ignore court documented evidence.

What is a little more ignoring to them, they are aces at it.
Another poster put this up..but I did a little digging and what do ya know?

Back in 1995, there was nothing nonsensical about making an investment in a company like Movie Gallery. Frankly, the fact that they were a porn distributor made the investment all the smarter, since at the time, spankware wasn't widely available for free, on the Internet.

Perry was also no mere penny-investor in Movie Gallery: He passed laws that benefitted the company and protected it from lawsuits.As the Burnt Orange Report reported back in 2006:

As reported in Forbes, Movie Gallery possesses a winning business model, which has allowed it to acquire the much-larger franchise Hollywood Video. Forbes reports that pornography increases Movie Gallery’s profits enough to lowball the prices on regular, non-pornographic rentals. Pornography is a unique product that many stores are reluctant to sell. Movie Gallery’s practices have forced small, locally owned rental chains out of business.
Zealously boycotted by the conservative, two-million-strong American Family Association (AFA), Movie Gallery faces two lawsuits because of its allegedly illegal business practices. Smaller competing video stores claim that Movie Gallery illegally distributes porn across state lines. Movie Gallery’s Interim Chief Financial Officer, Thomas D. Johnson, Jr., described these lawsuits as "frivolous."

Coincidentally, Rick Perry used similar language when signing the tort-reform bill that limited the liability—thereby increasing profits -- of companies like Movie Gallery. Perry said the bill would "remov[e] the incentive for trial lawyers to file frivolous lawsuits." Continuing Perry said, "we will save thousands of jobs, generate millions in new revenue to the state;" only some of those jobs come at the price of young girl’s physical and psychological health.

The AFA has undertaken a nationwide campaign -- advertising in USA Today and Washington Post -- urging government officials to investigate Movie Gallery. Many local authorities -- like the U.S. Attorney in the Northern District of Texas -- are allegedly dragging their feet. With Gov. Perry owning stock in Movie Gallery, his financial interests contravene the success of any such investigation.

Lisa Derrick reports that an "AFA press person" professed that they "had no idea" that Perry had connections with Movie Gallery. Bob Vander Plaats, who authored the Family Leader's "Marriage Vow" pledge, which incorporates a strenuous opposition to pornography (and which Perry has not signed, by all accounts), has welcomed Perry into the race without objection. It's possible that the leading lights of the Christian right simply have no knowledge of Perry's connection to pornography. It's also possible that they do, and everyone is just being collossal hypocrites.
Rick Perry Coverage Gets Sexy: Ad Seeks Dirt, Others Press Porn Past
Daily Kos: Rick Perry Has A BIG PORN Problem!!

View attachment 14803

:boobies: Teens with Titties Perry!

I think people should stop all this investigation and ragging on Rick Perry.

At least until he becomes the Republican nominee.
Nobody is allowed to change for the better?

Shall we do some fifteen year old digging on everyone?

And it's a freakin' CORN DOG....good grief!

watch it or someone will photo shop your photo with a corn dog.....lol

i think it just shows how different reality and his public persona are
Yes some people are allowed to change for the better , just not democrats according to the right

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