Pope to Atheists - we need your help

Preaching the gospel of the Christ is what the pope is suppose to do. All this man does is strut like s peacock with a inflated ego.

tapatalk post

Preaching a message of Peace and asking for all people to pray and want this is exactly the Gospel of Christ.


You tell me when he starts doing that because all I Dee him doing is appease the small minority of groups with the big mouths.

tapatalk post
Preaching the gospel of the Christ is what the pope is suppose to do. All this man does is strut like s peacock with a inflated ego.

tapatalk post

Preaching a message of Peace and asking for all people to pray and want this is exactly the Gospel of Christ.

Except that isn't what he does

tapatalk post

I'm not going to debate this. Faith is personal, and if you don't find a good message here then just stop listening.
He doesn't really believe that desire or prayer can bring peace to warring tribes locked in ethnic struggle. If he believed that he would be praying for the Christians now beng slaughtered. Why doesn't he do that? Is he too afraid of being accused of starting a new crusades and a religious war?

Say what people want to hear as long as it doesn't cause too much trouble.
I'm not much in to preachers, reverends, popes, etc. But this guy...I like him. I like the Dahli Lama as well. There are many such men...and women...who say such positive things. Problem is...most don't really listen.
I don't pay attention to any Pope. I'm not Catholic.

I see in this Pope a policy based in South American Liberation Theology. That is a brother to Jerimiah Wright's Black Liberation Theology. Francis is from Argentina so it's not surprising. I just don't happen to agree with this particular sect.
I don't pay attention to any Pope. I'm not Catholic.

I see in this Pope a policy based in South American Liberation Theology. That is a brother to Jerimiah Wright's Black Liberation Theology. Francis is from Argentina so it's not surprising. I just don't happen to agree with this particular sect.

Francis is a Jesuit, so I can understand the concern. That said, there is a wide gap between Jeremiah Wright and Jesuits.

CNS STORY: Under Pope Francis, liberation theology comes of age
A better explanation on the distinction between Jeremiah Right's liberation theology and the Jesuits:

Liberation Theology: First off, the "liberation theology" we're talking about when we refer to South American Catholicism is distinct from the American "black liberation theology." They trace their roots back to two different commonly-cited foundational texts: James H. Cone's A Black Theology of Liberation, and Gustavo Gutiérrez's A Theology of Liberation, both written in the early '70s. The two theologies definitely share some significant similarities, namely a reading of scripture that puts the emphasis of the Christian concern with sin on social problems, rather than individual ones. In other words, Christians adhering to a liberation theology should orient themselves toward action against oppression. More symbolically, liberation theology argues that God identifies with the oppressed, and that Christianity should take upon itself the lens of the poor. Both theologies are also often derided as "Marxist" by conservatives (remember Rev. Wright?)

On the surface, this theology would seem to fit with Pope Francis. Here's the New Yorker, summing up his approach to poverty as a Catholic:

"He has made some sharp remarks about the vanity, self-infatuation, careerism, and pursuit of promotions in the Roman Curia. As Archbishop of Buenos Aires, he apparently preferred to be called Father Jorge, and was known for his preoccupation with the city’s poorest, reportedly washing and kissing the feet of patients suffering from AIDS."
But Francis has opposed liberation theology in Argentina. According to the National Catholic Reporter, this seems to have to do more with keeping Jesuits from becoming politically active or working directly in community groups

Jesuits and liberation theology explainer: Pope Francis is the first Jesuit pope. What does that mean?

More discussion of that here:

Profile: New pope, Jesuit Bergoglio, was runner-up in 2005 conclave | National Catholic Reporter
Francis transcends the little minds of dogma and doctrine.

He is praying for peace; he is asking all people to join his prayer with their desire for peace, believers and unbelievers alike.

This is beyond petty squabbles.
Im surprised this is a huge revelation. It seems very apparent that if we want to succeed at having peace in the world we all have to work together for that goal.

If this gets people to wake up and realize that, great.
Pope To Atheists: We Need Your Help - Business Insider

"Peace is a daily commitment. It is a homemade peace," he said.

He said that people of other religions were also praying for peace, and - departing from his prepared text - he urged atheists to join forces with believers.

"I invite even non-believers to desire peace. (Join us) with your desire, a desire that widens the heart. Let us all unite, either with prayer or with desire, but everyone, for peace," he said, drawing sustained applause from the crowd.

Francis's reaching out to atheists and people of other religions is a marked contrast to the attitude of former Pope Benedict, who sometimes left non-Catholics feeling that he saw them as second-class believers.

He called for "social harmony in South Sudan, where current tensions have already caused numerous victims and are threatening peaceful coexistence in that young state".

Thousands are believed to have died in violence divided along ethnic lines between the Nuer and Dinka tribes in the country, which seceded from Sudan in 2011 after decades of war.

The pontiff also called for dialogue to end the conflicts in Syria, Nigeria, Democratic Republic of Congo and Iraq, and prayed for a "favorable outcome" to the peace process between Israelis and Palestinians.

"Wars shatter and hurt so many lives!" he said, saying their most vulnerable victims were children, elderly, battered women and the sick.

What an amazing gift he is to this world.

Pope Francis doesn't know God anymore than atheists do.
weren't you supposed to die a few weeks back?
He doesn't really believe that desire or prayer can bring peace to warring tribes locked in ethnic struggle. If he believed that he would be praying for the Christians now beng slaughtered. Why doesn't he do that? Is he too afraid of being accused of starting a new crusades and a religious war?

Say what people want to hear as long as it doesn't cause too much trouble.
not the hackneyed "Christians being slaughtered ploy!..again
more Christians die in car accidents then conflicts, don't see you bitching about that.
The pope carries so much more weight with the 7 billion people of the world than any small time preacher or minister. Francis counts, thank heavens, and is the world's leading spokesperson for peace.

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