Pope says homosexuality not a crime

I doubt the Catholic Church is interested in your definition of "the dark ages." . What Pope Francis just said is not all that far reaching or new in any way. He is not condoning any sin of sex outside of marriage, including gay sex.

From the article: ---- On Tuesday, Francis said there needed to be a distinction between a crime and a sin with regard to homosexuality. Church teaching holds that homosexual acts are sinful, or “intrinsically disordered,” but that gay people must be treated with dignity and respect. Bantering with himself, Francis articulated the position: “It’s not a crime. Yes, but it’s a sin. Fine, but first let’s distinguish between a sin and a crime.”

So I do not see where the Catholic Church does not welcome all people already. . And if a practicing gay Catholic comes up to receive communion, it will not be refused --- albeit, there may be great risks involved when one takes communion "unworthily."

Pope Francis also famously said years ago when confronted about a gay priest - - - "Who am I to judge?" . . On that score, I thought he was spot on.
Do you think if the queer has monkey pox and goes to receive communion, that the priest or person giving might not want to give?

Nothing fails like prayer, and a pig as god is a variation on the symbology of sacrifice, the sacrificial victim, the scapegoat, absolutely required for civilization's establishment (McKenna, Violence and Difference: Girard, Derrida and Deconstruction).
Do you think if the queer has monkey pox and goes to receive communion, that the priest or person giving might not want to give?

What sort of twisted world governs your brain?
I can assure you of this ----- no matter how disgusting or pitiful a tortured human being appears to untold numbers of Catholic missionaries, they will not be refused. . On the contrary, they will be bathed, medically treated and cared for until death. . Yes, the Catholic Church has great sinners within, but also many more great servants of God.
What sort of twisted world governs your brain?
I can assure you of this ----- no matter how disgusting or pitiful a tortured human being appears to untold numbers of Catholic missionaries, they will not be refused. . On the contrary, they will be bathed, medically treated and cared for until death. . Yes, the Catholic Church has great sinners within, but also many more great servants of God.
Where do you think Monkey Pox comes from? Would you trust a queer to come up to you and possibly spread that disease on you?
You try to customize your argument, like blm, reifying one race or country at the expense of all others. A catholic pope just did that, excluding established cultural laws of millions of Homo sapiens who do not do democracy.

You conveniently acquire amnesia that the CIA, who now runs the marionette now in the WH has been operating in Ukraine for the last 70 years, and when the CIA goes to church, it's damn sure not to pray. Suggested reading is Seidel, The Founding Myth: Why Christian nationalism is Un-American; Derrida, Rogues: Two Essays on Reason.
no. you are trying to customize. Many peoples are not christians and do not use the bible but oddly enough..homosexuality is still considered unnatural and in many cases punishable by death. Don't blame THAT on God, which you seem to want to do. As to the Christian Nationalism charge...it was unheard of prior to the political advantage it gave to the godless left during the Trump administration. You don't know what you're talking about. I'm sorry for you. I hope things change for you.
Prove there aren't homosexuals, rapists, and child molesters in the Catholic church.
That has already been proven , you retard, everything the Marxists touch end up going to shit. BSA (Boy Scouts of America) were sued into having them accept fagots into the organization, and right after that, those degenerates started molesting the boys and BSA got sued and bankrupted for it. The church was pressured into accepting queers and then they were found out to be touching boys, the Vatican whisked the fagot fathers off to the Vatican where they can seek sanctuary. At that time i hated the church....
It's already legal Stormlover....why the care about whether it is a sin. You know it's a sin otherwise you wouldn't be posting the topic. The pope is apostate and i expect nothing less from him. So. go ahead and engage in homosexuality and lesbianism. Homosexuality is a death sentence. it causes disease, it is unsanitary, it causes mental issues, MEDICAL issues, suicide, murder, assaults on innocents, death. But go ahead. no one will stop you. Lesbianism causes big mouth karens obesity and domestic violence.
It rather makes one wonder why the church would demand celibacy from priests and nuns at the age of maximum sexual need and desire, and then be surprised when the priests so often diddle boys and girls.

Not much the church does makes sense, and the Pope's recent declaration seems to have Freudian Slip undercurrents.
These days you're damned if you do and damned if you don't. So I just blend in like I'm on the bus. lol.

I've read a lot of bibles. Did you know that there's one Ethiopian bible out there where everything is a pig? True story. So instead of the lamb of God, it says the pig of God.

But thanks. At least somebody around here appreciates my input. Ha.

I would have given you the books. I have em in digital.
I use audible because I can do chores and have it read to me. Allows mobility. What other cool books have you got.

Staying on topic Is being gay legal in every country on the Planet? Because if you are in A middle eastern Country even though you might be a gay catholic, you might be considered a criminal.

I can't speak for God though.
It rather makes one wonder why the church would demand celibacy from priests and nuns at the age of maximum sexual need and desire, and then be surprised when the priests so often diddle boys and girls.

Not much the church does makes sense, and the Pope's recent declaration seems to have Freudian Slip undercurrents.
Evil has infiltrated many groups.

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