Pope Francis warns mankind faces a second 'great flood' caused by global warming


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2019
Pope Francis has warned that mankind is facing a second great flood caused by climate change unless leaders act to fix corruption and injustice.

The 84-year-old said that, in the story of the great flood in the Bible, God used his wrath to punish injustice and 'clean up' the world.

He then added that humanity is facing another 'great deluge, perhaps due to a rise in temperature and the melting of glaciers.

'[That is] what will happen now if we continue on the same path,' he said.

Go away Francis
Pope Francis has warned that mankind is facing a second great flood caused by climate change unless leaders act to fix corruption and injustice.

The 84-year-old said that, in the story of the great flood in the Bible, God used his wrath to punish injustice and 'clean up' the world.

He then added that humanity is facing another 'great deluge, perhaps due to a rise in temperature and the melting of glaciers.

'[That is] what will happen now if we continue on the same path,' he said.

Go away Francis
Dude's lost it. Too much vino.
In terms of allegory, that tracks.

The Hebrew retelling of the Gilgamesh myth mentions "the earth was filled with violence" (freom Gen 6:11)

such a state may lead to the destruction of civilizations as a matter of course
In terms of allegory, that tracks.

The Hebrew retelling of the Gilgamesh myth mentions "the earth was filled with violence" (freom Gen 6:11)

such a state may lead to the destruction of civilizations as a matter of course
Do you think the Pope forgot about this?

Genesis 9:8-16 ESV
Then God said to Noah and to his sons with him, “Behold, I establish my covenant with you and your offspring after you, and with every living creature that is with you, the birds, the livestock, and every beast of the earth with you, as many as came out of the ark; it is for every beast of the earth. I establish my covenant with you, that never again shall all flesh be cut off by the waters of the flood, and never again shall there be a flood to destroy the earth.” And God said, “This is the sign of the covenant that I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for all future generations: ...
Pope Francis has warned that mankind is facing a second great flood caused by climate change unless leaders act to fix corruption and injustice.

The 84-year-old said that, in the story of the great flood in the Bible, God used his wrath to punish injustice and 'clean up' the world.

He then added that humanity is facing another 'great deluge, perhaps due to a rise in temperature and the melting of glaciers.

'[That is] what will happen now if we continue on the same path,' he said.

Go away Francis
Dude's lost it. Too much vino.

Nah...he's a political plant placed there by globalist.
Hell,even catholics hate him.
Pope Francis has warned that mankind is facing a second great flood caused by climate change unless leaders act to fix corruption and injustice.

The 84-year-old said that, in the story of the great flood in the Bible, God used his wrath to punish injustice and 'clean up' the world.

He then added that humanity is facing another 'great deluge, perhaps due to a rise in temperature and the melting of glaciers.

'[That is] what will happen now if we continue on the same path,' he said.

Go away Francis


The fool doesn't understand that most of the world glacial ice are not going to melt away since it is too cold and near or over the polar regions.

This whack job is supposed to represent Christ in human form.
In terms of allegory, that tracks.

The Hebrew retelling of the Gilgamesh myth mentions "the earth was filled with violence" (freom Gen 6:11)

such a state may lead to the destruction of civilizations as a matter of course
Do you think the Pope forgot about this?

Genesis 9:8-16 ESV
Then God said to Noah and to his sons with him, “Behold, I establish my covenant with you and your offspring after you, and with every living creature that is with you, the birds, the livestock, and every beast of the earth with you, as many as came out of the ark; it is for every beast of the earth. I establish my covenant with you, that never again shall all flesh be cut off by the waters of the flood, and never again shall there be a flood to destroy the earth.” And God said, “This is the sign of the covenant that I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for all future generations: ...

I think the Pope is trying to save his adherents, regardless of what ancient tales written by long dead genocide apologists mights have said on the subject
In terms of allegory, that tracks.

The Hebrew retelling of the Gilgamesh myth mentions "the earth was filled with violence" (freom Gen 6:11)

such a state may lead to the destruction of civilizations as a matter of course
Do you think the Pope forgot about this?

Genesis 9:8-16 ESV
Then God said to Noah and to his sons with him, “Behold, I establish my covenant with you and your offspring after you, and with every living creature that is with you, the birds, the livestock, and every beast of the earth with you, as many as came out of the ark; it is for every beast of the earth. I establish my covenant with you, that never again shall all flesh be cut off by the waters of the flood, and never again shall there be a flood to destroy the earth.” And God said, “This is the sign of the covenant that I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for all future generations: ...

I think the Pope is trying to save his adherents, regardless of what ancient tales written by long dead genocide apologists mights have said on the subject

Were that the case he would know that he is not able to abrogate what the Scripture says.
Pope Francis has warned that mankind is facing a second great flood caused by climate change unless leaders act to fix corruption and injustice.

The 84-year-old said that, in the story of the great flood in the Bible, God used his wrath to punish injustice and 'clean up' the world.

He then added that humanity is facing another 'great deluge, perhaps due to a rise in temperature and the melting of glaciers.

'[That is] what will happen now if we continue on the same path,' he said.

Go away Francis

Pope Francis is :alcoholic: as usual.
In terms of allegory, that tracks.

The Hebrew retelling of the Gilgamesh myth mentions "the earth was filled with violence" (freom Gen 6:11)

such a state may lead to the destruction of civilizations as a matter of course
Do you think the Pope forgot about this?

Genesis 9:8-16 ESV
Then God said to Noah and to his sons with him, “Behold, I establish my covenant with you and your offspring after you, and with every living creature that is with you, the birds, the livestock, and every beast of the earth with you, as many as came out of the ark; it is for every beast of the earth. I establish my covenant with you, that never again shall all flesh be cut off by the waters of the flood, and never again shall there be a flood to destroy the earth.” And God said, “This is the sign of the covenant that I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for all future generations: ...

I think the Pope is trying to save his adherents, regardless of what ancient tales written by long dead genocide apologists mights have said on the subject
I had a long chat with God last night, he told me to not worry about the pope cause he is an old senile fart like Joe biden....he also told me that I should smoke more weed and worry less. he also said most of the bible is bs...just jewish mythology and that jesus didnt have to die on the cross, it was all about the optics
Pope Francis has warned that mankind is facing a second great flood caused by climate change unless leaders act to fix corruption and injustice.

The 84-year-old said that, in the story of the great flood in the Bible, God used his wrath to punish injustice and 'clean up' the world.

He then added that humanity is facing another 'great deluge, perhaps due to a rise in temperature and the melting of glaciers.

'[That is] what will happen now if we continue on the same path,' he said.

Go away Francis

The Vicar of Marx strikes again.
Pope Francis has warned that mankind is facing a second great flood caused by climate change unless leaders act to fix corruption and injustice.

The 84-year-old said that, in the story of the great flood in the Bible, God used his wrath to punish injustice and 'clean up' the world.

He then added that humanity is facing another 'great deluge, perhaps due to a rise in temperature and the melting of glaciers.

'[That is] what will happen now if we continue on the same path,' he said.

Go away Francis
Dude's lost it. Too much vino.
Yerba Mate....liquid blow
Sounds like the Pope honors globalism BS more than the word of God. Genesis 9 is very clear against the globalist scare tactic.
This Pope will go to heaven.

I just wish he'd get on with it and go.

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