Pope Francis and the Long March Through the Institutions

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Feb 06 2020
Pope Francis and the Long March Through the Institutions
Communism was imposed by brute force in Russia and China. In the West, where people are too used to freedom and live too well to submit to slavery without a hell of a fight, communists have settled on a different approach. German Marxist Rudi Dutschke called it the Long March Through the Institutions.

By infiltrating, subverting, and eventually commandeering major institutions, communists can brainwash large numbers of people into giving up their freedom and their standard of living of their own free will. Eventually, many will become communists themselves, and find a twisted sort of meaning by working to deny others freedom and the wealth that freedom creates.

The strategy works, or we would not find ourselves in a position where Bernie Sanders could conceivably be elected President of the United States. Key institutions with vast power to shape opinions have already fallen under the domination of leftists. These include academia, the news media, and the entertainment industry. Under Pope Francis, the Catholic Church is following close behind:

Tax cuts for the wealthy constitute a “structure of sin,” Pope Francis said Wednesday in a passionate address calling for international wealth redistribution.

At a Vatican seminar, the Red Pope denounced tax havens that shelter money he thinks should be confiscated “to fund health care and education.”

“Today’s structures of sin include repeated tax cuts for the richest people, often justified in the name of investment and development,” Francis told the meeting organized by the Pontifical Academy for Social Sciences.

There was a time when violating the 8th and 10th Commandments was considered sin.

Without investment and development, there is no money to confiscate. But getting your hands on other people’s property is only a short term benefit of Marxism. The lasting advantage is control.

This degree of control precludes economic productivity, which is why so many of the 100 million killed by their own communist governments during the 20th century died of starvation. It is also why both Russia and China abandoned Marxism in favor of less dysfunctional forms of authoritarianism.

Pope Francis is still at the smash & grab stage.

“[T]he poor are always poorer, and today they are poorer than ever,” proclaimed Francis last June.


As a Brookings Institution report noted in late 2018, however, the world is currently experiencing “the lowest prevalence of extreme poverty ever recorded in human history — less than 8 percent,” and that number falls with each passing year.

This is due to the economic freedom Francis would like to crush.

On Wednesday, Francis wept that the world per capita income will be only $12,000 this year. That number would represent an astonishing explosion of wealth compared to the recent past. But the actual income is even higher, according to World Bank data. It is three times higher than it was in 1990.

This is hardly the time to revert to a system of takers ruling makers, as we had throughout human history until recently — unless the point is not to feed the poor but to exploit them to achieve power, or to advance an ideology that allows others to achieve power.

On a tip from Rapinhoe.
All links highlighted
Please refrain from projections and pulling Q.E. out of your ass to derail and change subject....thanks in advance leftist and fake centrist .
American Catholics, should seriously be disgusted at this man being pope.
American Catholics, should seriously be disgusted at this man being pope.
I bet he got a lot of pussy when he was a bouncer in Buenos Aires.
That was decades before he became manager at the gay cult university of tax free brain washers (inc)

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