POOTIN´S BUDDY Lavrov said that Jews were "the most zealous anti-Semites," and Hitler "also had Jewish blood." In Israel, his words were called outra


Diamond Member
Sep 3, 2017
I think any plans to elicit Jewish sympathy for either group by claiming the one group is more anti-Semitic than the other, you're going to have a tough job.

If you had to decide between Russians and Ukrainians which was the most anti-Semitic, you would need an electron microscope to measure the finish line.

As far as I'm concerned, both groups can rot in Hell and leave Jews out of their fight.
Jews remember Babi Yar, the first large-scale execution of Jews in Europe was committed by Germans and Ukrainian officials in The Ukraine.

34,000 Jews slaughtered in 2 Days.

POOTIN´S BUDDY Lavrov said that Jews were "the most zealous anti-Semites," and Hitler "also had Jewish blood." In Israel, his words were called outrageous​

SO DO you think about Lavrov ´s world view ?​

Лаўроў заявіў, што яўрэі — «самыя заўзятыя антысеміты», а ў Гітлера «таксама была яўрэйская кроў». У Ізраілі яго словы назвалі абуральнымі

Here's a picture of Lavrov with Red Jen Psaki and John "Jew-hater" Kerry. They want to Make the USSR Great Again!

Find a freaking European forum ,Nitwin, and quit clogging up the History forum with your continued rants against Russia.

any comment on this ?


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