Poor CNN, all that ass kissin of Trump during the campaign and now this


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
CNN single handily, after the first GOP debate, handed Trump not only the nomination and also the white house. This sorry excuse for a news organization interrupted a Obama speech one time, to cover Trump getting off a motherfuckin plane....not giving a speech, but just arriving to some hick town on his mega plane. They covered this man from the time he got up in the mornings to the time he shut his mouth, week after week, month after month. They got the ratings they wanted, Wolf got his mega hard on and CNN was good in Trump land....that was until their monster baby bragged about grabbing pussy's and the fuck fest went down hill from there.

So today at his long awaited press conference to upstage Obama's farewell speech last night....yeah, its a Trump move that only a ego maniac can pull off....CNN is butt hurt over threats of being ignored or denied future Trump press conferences....all this coming from your hand picked, Presidential nod Tweet monster baby.......I guess it is true, we always hurt the one's we love.....LOLOLOLO
Ok then. So CNN's wall-to-wall negative coverage handed Trump the election. And by contrast their wall-to-wall love fest of Clinton lost her the election. Is that how it works? Nothing to do with Clinton's incompetence and corruption and Trump's brilliant campaign strategy that took down the "Blue Wall"?
Love fest with CNN??

Where the hell does Tigeridiot get this shit??

Oh wait. I forgot. She makes it all up. Never mind.

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