Polls, shmolls, read something logical for once!


Platinum Member
Apr 25, 2015
My friends on BOTH sides of the aisle, I have a REAL question for you, and I am asking you contemplate it!

QUESTION------------> Who are the REAL powerhouses in the Democratic party who could, or should, be running for President!

1. John Kerry! Did he not almost beat an incumbent President?

2. Al Gore! Did he not just barely lose?

3. Hillary Clinton! Did she not carry the popular vote by more than 3 million?

4. Eric Holder! Yeah, a little baggage, but still a very powerful force in the Democratic party, and loved by the Left and Black America!

And what if they mixed and matched ANY of these 4 into a ticket; lets say...…...John Kerry and Eric Holder? How about Al Gore and John Kerry? How about John Kerry, and Hillary Clinton?

Why did they NOT! Why did not a 1 of them try to come out, and defeat such a weak President who has been under constant attack for the 3 years of his Presidency, and then they could have easily had one of the others join them on the ticket as VP, when they won the nomination?

Are we to believe that these people have lost their lust for the POWER of the Presidency after being so close to victory in every case except for Holder? AND, they would face a weakened President to boot, one that was under investigation for collusion with the Russians, and were probably ahead of the rest of us on knowing they were going to try and impeach him, in fact, some of them prior to that had voiced their opinion that he SHOULD be impeached.

Are your thought processes spinning yet wondering why?

Well, maybe they know something we don't, or aren't sure about yet-) Maybe they want nothing to do with scrutiny-) Or maybe, it is their own internal polling!

But one thing is for sure if you believe the Leftists version of what is going on, and what HAS been going on-------------->any one of these Democrats I mentioned, should be able to sashay right into the Presidency in November, if only they were running, and would probably carry 60 to 65% of the vote IF they added one of the other 4 to the ticket as VP, and yet they sat on the sidelines.

Go figure-)
My friends on BOTH sides of the aisle, I have a REAL question for you, and I am asking you contemplate it!

QUESTION------------> Who are the REAL powerhouses in the Democratic party who could, or should, be running for President!

1. John Kerry! Did he not almost beat an incumbent President?

2. Al Gore! Did he not just barely lose?

3. Hillary Clinton! Did she not carry the popular vote by more than 3 million?

4. Eric Holder! Yeah, a little baggage, but still a very powerful force in the Democratic party, and loved by the Left and Black America!

And what if they mixed and matched ANY of these 4 into a ticket; lets say...…...John Kerry and Eric Holder? How about Al Gore and John Kerry? How about John Kerry, and Hillary Clinton?

Why did they NOT! Why did not a 1 of them try to come out, and defeat such a weak President who has been under constant attack for the 3 years of his Presidency, and then they could have easily had one of the others join them on the ticket as VP, when they won the nomination?

Are we to believe that these people have lost their lust for the POWER of the Presidency after being so close to victory in every case except for Holder? AND, they would face a weakened President to boot, one that was under investigation for collusion with the Russians, and were probably ahead of the rest of us on knowing they were going to try and impeach him, in fact, some of them prior to that had voiced their opinion that he SHOULD be impeached.

Are your thought processes spinning yet wondering why?

Well, maybe they know something we don't, or aren't sure about yet-) Maybe they want nothing to do with scrutiny-) Or maybe, it is their own internal polling!

But one thing is for sure if you believe the Leftists version of what is going on, and what HAS been going on-------------->any one of these Democrats I mentioned, should be able to sashay right into the Presidency in November, if only they were running, and would probably carry 60 to 65% of the vote IF they added one of the other 4 to the ticket as VP, and yet they sat on the sidelines.

Go figure-)

And read the OP twice if you don't get the drift-)
I wonder if Donald Trump will have a Michael Corleone moment when he settles all family business?
I wonder if Donald Trump will have a Michael Corleone moment when he settles all family business?

OK all, let me put it this way instead-------------_>

BERNARD? The Democrats don't want him, period?

Biden? The man has never won a state primary for President, EVER!

So why did the heavy hitters sit this one out? Why put only Biden up against a weakened President, along with a bunch of nobody's?

THINK about the answer! What do THEY know that we don't! What do they know that every Leftist on this board does not!

It takes a person with a very high opinion of themselves to run for President. To believe these 4 all of the sudden changed their opinion of themselves against what is supposed to be a very weak President, is a joke. All 4? No way Jose!
I wonder if Donald Trump will have a Michael Corleone moment when he settles all family business?

OK all, let me put it this way instead-------------_>

BERNARD? The Democrats don't want him, period?

Biden? The man has never won a state primary for President, EVER!

So why did the heavy hitters sit this one out? Why put only Biden up against a weakened President, along with a bunch of nobody's?

THINK about the answer! What do THEY know that we don't! What do they know that every Leftist on this board does not!

It takes a person with a very high opinion of themselves to run for President. To believe these 4 all of the sudden changed their opinion of themselves against what is supposed to be a very weak President, is a joke. All 4? No way Jose!
Oh I don't know, perhaps you could stop playing games and just say what it is you think you know?
I wonder if Donald Trump will have a Michael Corleone moment when he settles all family business?

OK all, let me put it this way instead-------------_>

BERNARD? The Democrats don't want him, period?

Biden? The man has never won a state primary for President, EVER!

So why did the heavy hitters sit this one out? Why put only Biden up against a weakened President, along with a bunch of nobody's?

THINK about the answer! What do THEY know that we don't! What do they know that every Leftist on this board does not!

It takes a person with a very high opinion of themselves to run for President. To believe these 4 all of the sudden changed their opinion of themselves against what is supposed to be a very weak President, is a joke. All 4? No way Jose!
Oh I don't know, perhaps you could stop playing games and just say what it is you think you know?

It is NOT what I know, it is obviously what the rank and file of the Leftists do NOT know!

Don't any of you find it remotely interesting that the big power in the Democratic party sat this one out?

Don't any of you find it interesting that the type of candidate that all of them besides the BERNARD supporters are clamoring for they have, but they all chose to park it for this election, and they were the powers that be in the DNC?

People really ought to ask themselves this question, they really should! If you were a Democrat with the threads on this board basically saying your candidates suck, wouldn't you?

Has to be a reason, dontcha think!
I wonder if Donald Trump will have a Michael Corleone moment when he settles all family business?

OK all, let me put it this way instead-------------_>

BERNARD? The Democrats don't want him, period?

Biden? The man has never won a state primary for President, EVER!

So why did the heavy hitters sit this one out? Why put only Biden up against a weakened President, along with a bunch of nobody's?

THINK about the answer! What do THEY know that we don't! What do they know that every Leftist on this board does not!

It takes a person with a very high opinion of themselves to run for President. To believe these 4 all of the sudden changed their opinion of themselves against what is supposed to be a very weak President, is a joke. All 4? No way Jose!
Oh I don't know, perhaps you could stop playing games and just say what it is you think you know?

It is NOT what I know, it is obviously what the rank and file of the Leftists do NOT know!

Don't any of you find it remotely interesting that the big power in the Democratic party sat this one out?

Don't any of you find it interesting that the type of candidate that all of them besides the BERNARD supporters are clamoring for they have, but they all chose to park it for this election, and they were the powers that be in the DNC?

People really ought to ask themselves this question, they really should! If you were a Democrat with the threads on this board basically saying your candidates suck, wouldn't you?

Has to be a reason, dontcha think!
Still playing games. Spit it out.
I wonder if Donald Trump will have a Michael Corleone moment when he settles all family business?

OK all, let me put it this way instead-------------_>

BERNARD? The Democrats don't want him, period?

Biden? The man has never won a state primary for President, EVER!

So why did the heavy hitters sit this one out? Why put only Biden up against a weakened President, along with a bunch of nobody's?

THINK about the answer! What do THEY know that we don't! What do they know that every Leftist on this board does not!

It takes a person with a very high opinion of themselves to run for President. To believe these 4 all of the sudden changed their opinion of themselves against what is supposed to be a very weak President, is a joke. All 4? No way Jose!
Oh I don't know, perhaps you could stop playing games and just say what it is you think you know?

It is NOT what I know, it is obviously what the rank and file of the Leftists do NOT know!

Don't any of you find it remotely interesting that the big power in the Democratic party sat this one out?

Don't any of you find it interesting that the type of candidate that all of them besides the BERNARD supporters are clamoring for they have, but they all chose to park it for this election, and they were the powers that be in the DNC?

People really ought to ask themselves this question, they really should! If you were a Democrat with the threads on this board basically saying your candidates suck, wouldn't you?

Has to be a reason, dontcha think!
We're talking USMESSAGEBOARD? This board consists of Conservative thinking? Is this correct? I would suspect they wouldn't have anything good to say about us Leftists, Liberals or Democrats. Do you? [emoji847]
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I wonder if Donald Trump will have a Michael Corleone moment when he settles all family business?

OK all, let me put it this way instead-------------_>

BERNARD? The Democrats don't want him, period?

Biden? The man has never won a state primary for President, EVER!

So why did the heavy hitters sit this one out? Why put only Biden up against a weakened President, along with a bunch of nobody's?

THINK about the answer! What do THEY know that we don't! What do they know that every Leftist on this board does not!

It takes a person with a very high opinion of themselves to run for President. To believe these 4 all of the sudden changed their opinion of themselves against what is supposed to be a very weak President, is a joke. All 4? No way Jose!
Oh I don't know, perhaps you could stop playing games and just say what it is you think you know?

It is NOT what I know, it is obviously what the rank and file of the Leftists do NOT know!

Don't any of you find it remotely interesting that the big power in the Democratic party sat this one out?

Don't any of you find it interesting that the type of candidate that all of them besides the BERNARD supporters are clamoring for they have, but they all chose to park it for this election, and they were the powers that be in the DNC?

People really ought to ask themselves this question, they really should! If you were a Democrat with the threads on this board basically saying your candidates suck, wouldn't you?

Has to be a reason, dontcha think!
We're talking USMESSAGEBOARD? This board is consists of Conservative thinking? Is this correct? I would suspect they wouldn't have anything good to say about us Leftists, Liberals or Democrats. Do you? [emoji847]

I am asking EVERYONE to explain this phenomena. Everyone should be interested in where these people went, who seemed to want the Presidency more than anything.

Besides Holder, ALL of them stood for election against either a very strong candidate, or a sitting President. They all came within inches of winning, and in fact Hillary claims she won because she got the popular vote.

Now they supposedly have a weak GOP President, their party doesn't like their candidates, and we hear or heard squat!

Is there NOBODY who thinks there is something wrong with this picture? And if so, why are they hiding in the background...…...in fact...…….hiding in the background when it is supposedly obvious that whomever the DNC nominee is, would win!
Where are the Leftist big guns? We should all ask this question!
I wonder if Donald Trump will have a Michael Corleone moment when he settles all family business?

OK all, let me put it this way instead-------------_>

BERNARD? The Democrats don't want him, period?

Biden? The man has never won a state primary for President, EVER!

So why did the heavy hitters sit this one out? Why put only Biden up against a weakened President, along with a bunch of nobody's?

THINK about the answer! What do THEY know that we don't! What do they know that every Leftist on this board does not!

It takes a person with a very high opinion of themselves to run for President. To believe these 4 all of the sudden changed their opinion of themselves against what is supposed to be a very weak President, is a joke. All 4? No way Jose!
What do THEY know that we don't? Well its pretty obvious to me anyways. This many candidates STILL in the race which means possible contested convention and that leads to Hillary being chosen. Do I think it will happen? Eh 40% chance...I do believe the demoncrats are dumb enough to screw Bernie over AGAIN to please the donors.
I wonder if Donald Trump will have a Michael Corleone moment when he settles all family business?

OK all, let me put it this way instead-------------_>

BERNARD? The Democrats don't want him, period?

Biden? The man has never won a state primary for President, EVER!

So why did the heavy hitters sit this one out? Why put only Biden up against a weakened President, along with a bunch of nobody's?

THINK about the answer! What do THEY know that we don't! What do they know that every Leftist on this board does not!

It takes a person with a very high opinion of themselves to run for President. To believe these 4 all of the sudden changed their opinion of themselves against what is supposed to be a very weak President, is a joke. All 4? No way Jose!

Well maybe just maybe they know something you don't. They know that the democratic party is so far gone now that they don't have a snowball's chance in hell of winning. How could they with shit like Pelosi, Waters, AOC and the rest of the lunatics as baggage? They are simply choosing not to be the sacrificial lamb and take another one for the team.
The democratic party is so far gone now it's doubtful it can ever be overhauled or saved and no one is even trying so I think you can color it gone and extinct like the dodo bird.
I wonder if Donald Trump will have a Michael Corleone moment when he settles all family business?

OK all, let me put it this way instead-------------_>

BERNARD? The Democrats don't want him, period?

Biden? The man has never won a state primary for President, EVER!

So why did the heavy hitters sit this one out? Why put only Biden up against a weakened President, along with a bunch of nobody's?

THINK about the answer! What do THEY know that we don't! What do they know that every Leftist on this board does not!

It takes a person with a very high opinion of themselves to run for President. To believe these 4 all of the sudden changed their opinion of themselves against what is supposed to be a very weak President, is a joke. All 4? No way Jose!
What do THEY know that we don't? Well its pretty obvious to me anyways. This many candidates STILL in the race which means possible contested convention and that leads to Hillary being chosen. Do I think it will happen? Eh 40% chance...I do believe the demoncrats are dumb enough to screw Bernie over AGAIN to please the donors.

You may be correct! But the fact is------------->all of these people should have been in the race already, and one of them would have won the nomination.

To bet on a brokered convention seems to me to be highly unlikely when they were viewing the political landscape coming into last year. It hasn't happened since 72, or was it 68?

No, something else is going on here, and whatever it is, the powers that be are well aware of it!
I wonder if Donald Trump will have a Michael Corleone moment when he settles all family business?

OK all, let me put it this way instead-------------_>

BERNARD? The Democrats don't want him, period?

Biden? The man has never won a state primary for President, EVER!

So why did the heavy hitters sit this one out? Why put only Biden up against a weakened President, along with a bunch of nobody's?

THINK about the answer! What do THEY know that we don't! What do they know that every Leftist on this board does not!

It takes a person with a very high opinion of themselves to run for President. To believe these 4 all of the sudden changed their opinion of themselves against what is supposed to be a very weak President, is a joke. All 4? No way Jose!
What do THEY know that we don't? Well its pretty obvious to me anyways. This many candidates STILL in the race which means possible contested convention and that leads to Hillary being chosen. Do I think it will happen? Eh 40% chance...I do believe the demoncrats are dumb enough to screw Bernie over AGAIN to please the donors.

I wonder if Donald Trump will have a Michael Corleone moment when he settles all family business?

OK all, let me put it this way instead-------------_>

BERNARD? The Democrats don't want him, period?

Biden? The man has never won a state primary for President, EVER!

So why did the heavy hitters sit this one out? Why put only Biden up against a weakened President, along with a bunch of nobody's?

THINK about the answer! What do THEY know that we don't! What do they know that every Leftist on this board does not!

It takes a person with a very high opinion of themselves to run for President. To believe these 4 all of the sudden changed their opinion of themselves against what is supposed to be a very weak President, is a joke. All 4? No way Jose!

Well maybe just maybe they know something you don't. They know that the democratic party is so far gone now that they don't have a snowball's chance in hell of winning. How could they with shit like Pelosi, Waters, AOC and the rest of the lunatics as baggage? They are simply choosing not to be the sacrificial lamb and take another one for the team.
The democratic party is so far gone now it's doubtful it can ever be overhauled or saved and no one is even trying so I think you can color it gone and extinct like the dodo bird.

If you notice, not one Leftist has come in this thread; or any other thread for that matter, and wondered where John Kerry, or Al Gore was.

And while they proclaim VICTORY for Hilly because of her popular vote margin, we haven't heard them clamoring for her either. (personally, I think Hilly would be a better candidate this year than Biden, Mayor Pete, or Amy, but let them pick their own poison!)

The question I have is...…….and I repeat it...……….if Trump is this easily beatable as Leftists proclaim, where are the big powerbrokers in the DNC that have almost won the Presidency, and why are they sitting this one out?

Deference to Biden is a joke! Anyone with any sense knows they checked with Obama, and he told them he would NOT endorse him unless he won the primary. Without endorsement of the LAST Democratic President, that means the primary was OPEN! And yet, crickets.

It is a question we MAY soon have the answer to-)

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