Poll: Will you comply with vaccine mandates required of you by politicians to keep your job?

Poll: Will you comply with vaccine mandates required of you by politicians to keep your job?

  • Yes, I will get vaccinated because Biden mandated it.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
How stupid of you. The nonprofit entities that exist to help people will likely be pleased not to work with a person so low on compassion and sympathy.
Their choice. Play stooge to the regime or get free help with their problems.

I had compassion once. A liberal taxed it and then stole it.

I learned; you got indoctrinated.
Highly-vaccinated Israel now has twice as many COVID infections per capita in the past two weeks compared to the United States:

What is clear is that “breakthrough” cases are not the rare events the term implies. As of 15 August, 514 Israelis were hospitalized with severe or critical COVID-19, a 31% increase from just 4 days earlier. Of the 514, 59% were fully vaccinated."

I would love to hear more about this. It's worthy of a thread topic. It would be interesting to see if you could start a thread on this in Politics which does not get moved to Conspiracy Theories.

Thank you for your service.

Like most Dems, including Biden, you completely ignore natural immunity.

In fact, getting COVID after being vaccinated can actually make the disease worse. From the NIH...

I had COVID. No need to wear a mask. You folks want people to wear an arguably ineffective medical device they don't need for two years.

In your second paragraph, I think you severely trivialize the seriousness of the mask and vaccine mandates Biden is trying to force. Goodness grief, millions of Americans will potentially lose their jobs.

I will write Governor Northam today.

Everyone who is so inclined should also contact their representatives:
House (top right corner - enter your zip): Representatives | house.gov
Senate: U.S. Senate: Contacting U.S. Senators

Taking your argument to extremes, anyone who has a sedentary lifestyle, eats unhealthy foods, is overweight, smokes or drinks, or has other officially "unhealthy" habits should also be denied care since they were negligent.

What's your BMI?

>SweetSue92 said:
>Or it could be you, since your vaccine is wearing off and they don't work so great anymore

Vaccines start to wane at 14 weeks. Boosters recommended after eight months.

Where have you been? CDC recommends booster after eight months. Like influenza, periodic boosters will be recommended as TheGreatSatan said, but maybe not twice annually.

How about everyone doing what they want to do to protect themselves. The vulnerable or scared are free to stay at home and/or wear two masks and gloves for as long as they wish.

It's just another respiratory virus. There are four other common coronaviruses that most people acquire at some point in their lives. Like COVID, they cause flu-like symptoms. SARS and MERS are two additional coronaviruses. They also typically cause flu-like symptoms.

Guilty as charged. Liberty is very important to me.

80% of recent deaths in Scotland were of vaccinated people, 75% had 2 doses....



COVID-19 Statistical Report - 18 August 2021 - COVID-19 statistical report - Publications - Public Health Scotland (page 38)
https://publichealthscotland.scot/media/9030/21-09-08-covid19-publication_report.pdf (page 40)
^The innumeracy parade marches on..
From your own source:
COVID-19 vaccines are estimated to significantly reduce the risk of mortality for COVID-19, however a small number of COVID-19 deaths are still expected in vaccinated people, especially in vulnerable individuals where the vaccine or the immune response may not have been effective. Evidence has shown that vaccination is highly effective in protecting against death from coronavirus (COVID-19). Data published by Public Health England (PHE) has shown that individuals who receive a single dose of either the Pfizer-BioNTech or the AstraZeneca vaccine have approximately 70 to 85% lower risk of death with COVID-19 compared with unvaccinated individuals. Vaccine effectiveness against mortality with 2 doses of the Pfizer vaccine is around 95 to 99% and with 2 doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine around 75 to 99%. Modelling analysis from PHE estimates that 105,900 deaths have been prevented in England as a result of the COVID-19 vaccination programme, up to 20 August.
^The innumeracy parade marches on..
From your own source:
I gave you the numbers Grumblenuts. And the source data so you can confirm yourself.

You are the one who cannot comprehend numbers or English.

I am talking recent data, not all data. People are now vaccinated. Old data is irrelevant.

You read the spin and believe it. You can't comprehend the truth, which is in the numbers and plain as day.

Notice the chart. In the recent three week period, 92 double-vaxxed people died, and 25 unvaxed.

For your information, Scotland is about 80% vaxed.

Have a great day, innumerate!

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The vaxxed and unvaxxed are coming down with covid. Many should not even be in the hospital but for that 14,000 stipend the hospital gets for covid diagnoses.

BUT, i'm going to tell you some things to do if you find yourself in that position..>this is from personal experience. DO NOT let them ventilate you. that is a death sentence. I'm not even happy with oxygen but better oxygen than a ventilator. GET OFF oxygen as soon as possible. Take DEEP breaths IN because this is what can protect you from pneumonia. ASK THEM FOR the pneumonia preventative 'shot'. THERE ARE Things to help protect a bed ridden patient from pneumonia. Ask for the blood clot preventative 'shot' also. Don't let them wait until you are ready for dismissal and they're rushing around giving those 'shots' to cover their asses.

Next. to stay off that oxygen and ventilators, don't let them misread your oxygen levels. Those little finger contraptions that they put on your finger to measure temp and oxygen do not read accurately if your hands are cold...and they keep your room colllllllld 66 to 68 degrees they say to kill the virus. (LOLOLOL) Warm up your hands and fingers to get an accurate reading.

Part of the fear mongering is that the nurses will dress in near hazmat attire. you'll notice that your doctors will not be doing that. LOLOL They walk in their regular 'doctor' attire with no extra safety measures. what's that tellya.
The fact that there are no actual photos of the "virus", the fact that the numbers have been sensationalized and skewed and the fact that the so-called "vaccine" is pushed and given out "free" to those gullible enough to allow the injection, all point to a scam.
Add to that, the companies providing the covid vaccine(s) are also free from liabilities regards the "side effects" and/or other detrimentals of the vaccine(s).
Just curious. Would you, or anyone else be okay with an "Antibody card"? We know that science shows those who have had the virus appear to be better off than those vaccinated, so seems logical IMO. I personally don't like that as it isn't anyones business, but just wondering.

There are tens of thousands or more of us whom have had covid, recovered and better off than would be with the vaccine. So yes, there should be a card for the "got it, got over it" of us!
The vaxxed and unvaxxed are coming down with covid. Many should not even be in the hospital but for that 14,000 stipend the hospital gets for covid diagnoses.

BUT, i'm going to tell you some things to do if you find yourself in that position..>this is from personal experience. DO NOT let them ventilate you. that is a death sentence. I'm not even happy with oxygen but better oxygen than a ventilator. GET OFF oxygen as soon as possible. Take DEEP breaths IN because this is what can protect you from pneumonia. ASK THEM FOR the pneumonia preventative 'shot'. THERE ARE Things to help protect a bed ridden patient from pneumonia. Ask for the blood clot preventative 'shot' also. Don't let them wait until you are ready for dismissal and they're rushing around giving those 'shots' to cover their asses.

Next. to stay off that oxygen and ventilators, don't let them misread your oxygen levels. Those little finger contraptions that they put on your finger to measure temp and oxygen do not read accurately if your hands are cold...and they keep your room colllllllld 66 to 68 degrees they say to kill the virus. (LOLOLOL) Warm up your hands and fingers to get an accurate reading.

Part of the fear mongering is that the nurses will dress in near hazmat attire. you'll notice that your doctors will not be doing that. LOLOL They walk in their regular 'doctor' attire with no extra safety measures. what's that tellya.

You follow whatever advice your doctor gives you. If you need a ventilator, it's because your lungs stopped breathing, or not breathing enough to allow oxygen to get into your system. My cousins husband got it bad early on. They put him on a ventilator and it saved his life. Oximeters are only used as a guideline. Like any machine, they have a tolerance level. Hospitals don't use oximeters to determine PO2 levels, they only do that with blood work when considering oxygen for the patient.

Ventilators have various settings. It's not like you turn it on and it does all the breathing for you. The CPAP mode is used most often. In CPAP, the only time the ventilator initiates a breath is when it doesn't detect you taking a breath on your own. This is important especially when sleeping.
They assume hospitals treat no other patients for some reason. And that everyone in the hospital is there because of COVID.
Don't be afraid to post right to me, big guy.

Neither of those assumptions have a single thing to do with anything I said. So, yeah, maybe don't post to me, if you are just going to make up stupid lies about me.
So your own source spun its own conclusions.. Rrrrright..
haha, right. You cannot have a rational discussion with Jim, once he has been tripped up. he will invent an alternate reality. When he is right, he is right. When he is wrong, he is also right, because the rest of the world is just crazy.
Did you people hear what the video said? You can catch it from vaccinated people too. So there is no need to insist people get it. The argument you people put forward is ridiculous.
Use your big boy words, son. Nobody will know what you are trying to say, if you do not use your big boy words.
Correct. They are blaming Republicans for not getting the vaccine even though no Republican leaders or talk show hosts are protesting against them. In fact they admit they took the vaccine as well.

I had to laugh. I was watching Tucker this evening when they showed a clip of Dementia. He said "we need to vaccinate the un-vaccinated to protect those who are already vaccinated." What?????

I think they are turning off the fence sitters of getting the shot or not more than anybody.
Almost every night, Tucker says stuff that I said the same day or the day prior....


Biden subsequently repeated this illogical statement at the Newsom rally. Kamala has tweeted it too.

I missed Tucker last week when he was off. He is an outstanding journalist with unique content and intelligent insight you will find virtually nowhere else.

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