POLL: Will Trump's "Shithole" comments change any minds about him?

Will Trump's "Shithole" comments change any minds about him?

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 15.6%
  • No

    Votes: 82 75.2%
  • Mango

    Votes: 10 9.2%

  • Total voters
aw Trump did good in my opinion if he said it . Likely had Americans all over the USA shaking their heads in agreement with his SUPPOSED comments. By the way , SUPPOSEDLY Trump never made the comment so shame on him if he didn't . I did post a link to info that TRUMP did not make the comments yesterday Slade . So to sum things up , looks like we have a guaranteed 3 more years of TRUMP and MAYBE 7 more years of TRUMP Slade .

Trump will be gone in a year. We will all look back at this period with profound embarrassment.
Why don't you work on cleaning up the murder rate in Chicago instead of wasting time dreaming about removing Trump. Democrats have a lot of work to do.
aw well , some would say that 'chicago' is doing fine and that they just need more ammo . ---------- aw sorry , just trying to be funny BS F .
Haven't you realized yet, that until liberals straighten their idiot selves up, and quit creating or protecting criminals in the societies, that we will have to hold on to our guns until Hell freezes over ??

Most people killed by guns either kill themselves or are killed by friends or family members.... so, um, no, this is a case where the "solution" is worse than the problem.

Your ideas about the immigration is highly uneducated views or just bullcrap political views that have no basis in reality. We've heard the bullcrap to long now, and have seen the results on the ground, and the two just don't add up.

Here's the thing. I work in manufacturing in an office position. Currently at the third manufacturing company I've worked at since 1992.

You know what I see out on the assembly lines? Immigrants. From Poland, India and Mexico, mostly.

Americans don't want to do the job of standing on their feet all day doing repetitive tasks. These aren't even low paying jobs, and the people doing them are here legally.

The thing is, White People long for the wonderful union job that their dads used to have, they just don't actually want to do them.
. So you are an advocate for corporations working and wanting cheap foriegn labor over and above working Americans I see. You just brought to light your plight here. Are you getting paid by the corporation to protect it's interest on the social media sites ?
aw Trump did good in my opinion if he said it . Likely had Americans all over the USA shaking their heads in agreement with his SUPPOSED comments. By the way , SUPPOSEDLY Trump never made the comment so shame on him if he didn't . I did post a link to info that TRUMP did not make the comments yesterday Slade . So to sum things up , looks like we have a guaranteed 3 more years of TRUMP and MAYBE 7 more years of TRUMP Slade .

Trump will be gone in a year. We will all look back at this period with profound embarrassment.
Why don't you work on cleaning up the murder rate in Chicago instead of wasting time dreaming about removing Trump. Democrats have a lot of work to do.
Demon-crats will never fix what they break, because it's all by design.
Did'nt denigrate any people, but he did alledgedly attack the corrupt leadership's who created the shite-holes the people are wanting to flea from. Look we can't just bring people in here by the hundreds of thousands, and then throw them into communities that would be devastated by the influx caused by the so called compassionate government who does these things with no care about the havoc it reeks upon the citizens of this country. I mean Americans have been murdered as a result of all this compassion for the global citizens, and just like in the latest case with Kate Steinle the refugee/illegal/immigrant gets away with it because they are protected above and beyond American's who live here.

33,000 Americans die every year from Gun violence, but you guys won't do anything about the guns. You'll whine about this one lady who was accidentally shot by a defective gun because an undocumented immigrant happened to be holding it. (Or at least, that's what the jury found).

Here's the thing. We have immigrants because there are gaps in the labor pools Americans can't fill. Some of them because they are jobs Americans don't want to do, and some because they are jobs Americans can't do because our education system sucks.

Only people like meth head Joe would want a living wage yet exploit brown people so he can get his rabbit food real cheap
We first need to end Illegal Immigration before we can seriously address Legal Immigration. No sane individual can argue that unfettered Immigration is benefiting American Citizens. It is time for revolutionary change in our Immigration System.

If it was up to me I would not only secure the border but stop all immigration. Time to declare the US as being full and we do not need to have more come in each year. Only allow immigration to accommodate legitimate marriages and adoptions. Maybe have a couple thousand slots open for really successful people and world class gorgeous women with big tits. We could always use more of those.
I've been to Haiti and El Salvador.
Obvious why their citizens wish to immigrate to America.
Well, that's what I'm wondering about.

I agree, they're shitholes. I just wonder if this will be the last straw for some.

I'd guess we'll know more in November.
The media spins it into a racist attack upon people, which it was not. But most people lack the intelligence and listen to the media. So yeah, this will be used for the #Resistance.
Here is the thing, there is no spin here. Mike Tyson has a funny voice. Tell Mike Tyson he has a funny voice while he is in his prime you get an upper cut and get knocked out! Does Mike Tyson have a funny voice? Oh, hell ya he does, but if you have a brain you do not say it or ya get knocked out! I expect my pres to be bright enough to not say things that get you knocked out! You want a pres that is not bright enough for such things, that kinda tells us your bar is to low!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've been to Haiti and El Salvador.
Obvious why their citizens wish to immigrate to America.
Well, that's what I'm wondering about.

I agree, they're shitholes. I just wonder if this will be the last straw for some.

I'd guess we'll know more in November.
The media spins it into a racist attack upon people, which it was not. But most people lack the intelligence and listen to the media. So yeah, this will be used for the #Resistance.
Here is the thing, there is no spin here. Mike Tyson has a funny voice. Tell Mike Tyson he has a funny voice while he is in his prime you get an upper cut and get knocked out! Does Mike Tyson have a funny voice? Oh, hell ya he does, but if you have a brain you do not say it or ya get knocked out! I expect my pres to be bright enough to not say things that get you knocked out! You want a pres that is not bright enough for such things, that kinda tells us your bar is to low!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You mean like when President Obama called Libya a "shit show"?
I've been to Haiti and El Salvador.
Obvious why their citizens wish to immigrate to America.
Well, that's what I'm wondering about.

I agree, they're shitholes. I just wonder if this will be the last straw for some.

I'd guess we'll know more in November.
The media spins it into a racist attack upon people, which it was not. But most people lack the intelligence and listen to the media. So yeah, this will be used for the #Resistance.
Here is the thing, there is no spin here. Mike Tyson has a funny voice. Tell Mike Tyson he has a funny voice while he is in his prime you get an upper cut and get knocked out! Does Mike Tyson have a funny voice? Oh, hell ya he does, but if you have a brain you do not say it or ya get knocked out! I expect my pres to be bright enough to not say things that get you knocked out! You want a pres that is not bright enough for such things, that kinda tells us your bar is to low!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

IF he said it, it was behind closed doors and Durbin in the one that created the incident by leaking it.

And btw, is it racist of you to say that Mike Tyson has a funny voice? And if not, why not?
Once again we witness the glaring hypocrisy of the left. Once again their feigned outrage is exposed by their own actions. Don't worry, a few days will pass and they'll find something else to feign outrage about and then be shown up for the Hypocritical propaganda parrots they are.
I've been to Haiti and El Salvador.
Obvious why their citizens wish to immigrate to America.
Well, that's what I'm wondering about.

I agree, they're shitholes. I just wonder if this will be the last straw for some.

I'd guess we'll know more in November.
The media spins it into a racist attack upon people, which it was not. But most people lack the intelligence and listen to the media. So yeah, this will be used for the #Resistance.
Here is the thing, there is no spin here. Mike Tyson has a funny voice. Tell Mike Tyson he has a funny voice while he is in his prime you get an upper cut and get knocked out! Does Mike Tyson have a funny voice? Oh, hell ya he does, but if you have a brain you do not say it or ya get knocked out! I expect my pres to be bright enough to not say things that get you knocked out! You want a pres that is not bright enough for such things, that kinda tells us your bar is to low!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

IF he said it, it was behind closed doors and Durbin in the one that created the incident by leaking it.

And btw, is it racist of you to say that Mike Tyson has a funny voice? And if not, why not?
I have a funny voice and a big nose and am white. Who gives a fuck about color we all have our thing! You know we all have to watch what we say or there are consequences! It is that simple! Fuck the politics!
None at all. The majority of Americans already despise the treasonous fat senile old orange clown. The others line up to kiss his stinking ass. That is the way it is at present. Things will change when President Pence loses the election big time in 2020.
looks like you are rattled , WHO is this President PENCE eh ?? Anyway 3 years to go for President TRUMP and then maybe 4 more years for The TRUMP OldRocks :afro: !!
I've been to Haiti and El Salvador.
Obvious why their citizens wish to immigrate to America.
Well, that's what I'm wondering about.

I agree, they're shitholes. I just wonder if this will be the last straw for some.

I'd guess we'll know more in November.
The media spins it into a racist attack upon people, which it was not. But most people lack the intelligence and listen to the media. So yeah, this will be used for the #Resistance.
Here is the thing, there is no spin here. Mike Tyson has a funny voice. Tell Mike Tyson he has a funny voice while he is in his prime you get an upper cut and get knocked out! Does Mike Tyson have a funny voice? Oh, hell ya he does, but if you have a brain you do not say it or ya get knocked out! I expect my pres to be bright enough to not say things that get you knocked out! You want a pres that is not bright enough for such things, that kinda tells us your bar is to low!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

IF he said it, it was behind closed doors and Durbin in the one that created the incident by leaking it.

And btw, is it racist of you to say that Mike Tyson has a funny voice? And if not, why not?
I have a funny voice and a big nose and am white. Who gives a fuck about color we all have our thing! You know we all have to watch what we say or there are consequences! It is that simple! Fuck the politics!

Weatherman pointed out that the media has spun it into a racial thing.

You said there was no spin.

You are white and just said something negative about a black guy.

If I was as hostile to you as the media is to Trump, I would "spin" that into a "racial thing".

Oh, and I would have to be a soulless piece of shit.

Because that would be very, very wrong of me.

Would you not agree, that I would have to be a complete piece of shit to accuse you of being racist, just for pointing out the truth, ie that Tyson has a funny voice?
Did'nt denigrate any people, but he did alledgedly attack the corrupt leadership's who created the shite-holes the people are wanting to flea from. Look we can't just bring people in here by the hundreds of thousands, and then throw them into communities that would be devastated by the influx caused by the so called compassionate government who does these things with no care about the havoc it reeks upon the citizens of this country. I mean Americans have been murdered as a result of all this compassion for the global citizens, and just like in the latest case with Kate Steinle the refugee/illegal/immigrant gets away with it because they are protected above and beyond American's who live here.

33,000 Americans die every year from Gun violence, but you guys won't do anything about the guns. You'll whine about this one lady who was accidentally shot by a defective gun because an undocumented immigrant happened to be holding it. (Or at least, that's what the jury found).

Here's the thing. We have immigrants because there are gaps in the labor pools Americans can't fill. Some of them because they are jobs Americans don't want to do, and some because they are jobs Americans can't do because our education system sucks.
/----/ "Some of them because they are jobs Americans don't want to do," Voting for democRATS is a job Americans don't want to do so that's why we need to flood the country with illegals who will.
Flashback: Rolling Stone Defends Obama Calling Romney ‘Bullsh*tter’ in Its Magazine
  • Abraham Lincoln: "There is nothing to make an Englishman shit quicker than the sight of General George Washington."
  • Barack Obama: “Obama really drew the ire of the pious, calling opponent Mitt Romney a ‘bullshitter.’ Sometimes the dirty word is the most precise.”
  • Joe Biden: "This is a big f**king deal."
  • Dick Cheney: “Cheney reportedly told Vermont Senator Patrick Leahy to ‘go f**k [himself]’”
  • George W. Bush: “Commented on the presence of New York Times reporter Adam Clymer. Believing he had an audience of one, Bush called Clymer a ‘major-league asshole.’”
  • Barack Obama: "I don't think I should take any sh*t from anybody on that, do you?"
  • Richard Nixon: “The Watergate tapes put the phrase ‘expletive deleted’ on the map.”
  • Lyndon Johnson: "I do know the difference between chicken sh*t and chicken salad,"
  • John F. Kennedy: "This is obviously a f**k-up."
  • Harry Truman: “In Truman's eyes, General Douglas MacArthur was a "dumb son of a bitch," and Nixon was ‘a shifty-eyed goddamned liar.’”
I’ve already said I don’t care about the term. They are poor countries. The offensive part was how he talked about the PEOPLE
---------------------------------------- the people are third worlders , haven't built anything of worth and shouldn't be allowed anywhere near the USA Slade .
Those people are the ones who built our country you dumbshit
I don't see any houses built from shit. Only dumbshit,s are you who believe what the liberal propagandist teach you in public schools.

None of these bleeding heart liberals will volunteer to take refuges into their home and pay to care for them, pay to educate, feed, house them. These idiots pat themselves on the back thinking they accomplished something by helping a fraction of 1% of the worlds poor people its a joke.
The bleeding heart liberals pay taxes and are supporting a portion of those funds going toward humanitarian efforts. What horrible people we are. You got us
You have nothing to do with it. Unless you personally give. I highly doubt it
Flashback: Rolling Stone Defends Obama Calling Romney ‘Bullsh*tter’ in Its Magazine
  • Abraham Lincoln: "There is nothing to make an Englishman shit quicker than the sight of General George Washington."
  • Barack Obama: “Obama really drew the ire of the pious, calling opponent Mitt Romney a ‘bullshitter.’ Sometimes the dirty word is the most precise.”
  • Joe Biden: "This is a big f**king deal."
  • Dick Cheney: “Cheney reportedly told Vermont Senator Patrick Leahy to ‘go f**k [himself]’”
  • George W. Bush: “Commented on the presence of New York Times reporter Adam Clymer. Believing he had an audience of one, Bush called Clymer a ‘major-league asshole.’”
  • Barack Obama: "I don't think I should take any sh*t from anybody on that, do you?"
  • Richard Nixon: “The Watergate tapes put the phrase ‘expletive deleted’ on the map.”
  • Lyndon Johnson: "I do know the difference between chicken sh*t and chicken salad,"
  • John F. Kennedy: "This is obviously a f**k-up."
  • Harry Truman: “In Truman's eyes, General Douglas MacArthur was a "dumb son of a bitch," and Nixon was ‘a shifty-eyed goddamned liar.’”
How about deplorables. Just more hypocrisy
Well, that's what I'm wondering about.

I agree, they're shitholes. I just wonder if this will be the last straw for some.

I'd guess we'll know more in November.
The media spins it into a racist attack upon people, which it was not. But most people lack the intelligence and listen to the media. So yeah, this will be used for the #Resistance.
Here is the thing, there is no spin here. Mike Tyson has a funny voice. Tell Mike Tyson he has a funny voice while he is in his prime you get an upper cut and get knocked out! Does Mike Tyson have a funny voice? Oh, hell ya he does, but if you have a brain you do not say it or ya get knocked out! I expect my pres to be bright enough to not say things that get you knocked out! You want a pres that is not bright enough for such things, that kinda tells us your bar is to low!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

IF he said it, it was behind closed doors and Durbin in the one that created the incident by leaking it.

And btw, is it racist of you to say that Mike Tyson has a funny voice? And if not, why not?
I have a funny voice and a big nose and am white. Who gives a fuck about color we all have our thing! You know we all have to watch what we say or there are consequences! It is that simple! Fuck the politics!

Weatherman pointed out that the media has spun it into a racial thing.

You said there was no spin.

You are white and just said something negative about a black guy.

If I was as hostile to you as the media is to Trump, I would "spin" that into a "racial thing".

Oh, and I would have to be a soulless piece of shit.

Because that would be very, very wrong of me.

Would you not agree, that I would have to be a complete piece of shit to accuse you of being racist, just for pointing out the truth, ie that Tyson has a funny voice?
It is not a racial thing it is a big mouth thing!

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