Poll: Which political party is primarily causing GRIDLOCK in Washington?

Which political party is primarily causing GRIDLOCK in Washington?

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TIME just published “The Party of No,” an article adapted from my new book, The New New Deal: The Hidden Story of Change in the Obama Era. It reveals some of my reporting on the Republican plot to obstruct President Obama before he even took office, including secret meetings led by House GOPwhip Eric Cantor (in December 2008) and Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell (in early January 2009) in which they laid out their daring (though cynical and political) no-honeymoon strategy of all-out resistance to a popular President-elect during an economic emergency. “If he was for it,” former Ohio Senator George Voinovich explained, “we had to be against it.” The excerpt includes a special bonus nugget of Mitt Romney dissing the Tea Party.

The New New Deal: Why the GOP Became the Party of No - TIME.com

Yes, Republicans Really Are Unprecedented in Their Obstructionism

Robert Draper Book: GOP's Anti-Obama Campaign Started Night Of Inauguration

10 ideas Republicans loved until Barack Obama became President

The party of NO planned their obstructionism even before Obama was sworn in.
Americans should embrace Gridlock. Government is already interfering too much in Citizens' lives. There are way too many Laws being passed. Congress needs to convene less often. When they're away, the can't do any damage. Because the fact is, the more they meet, the more damage they do. It's a Vicious Circle. So Gridlock should not be considered the 'Boogeyman' many would like you to believe it is. We desperately need less Government, not more.

Exactly, so let's eliminate the military.
Is there really any difference between the two parties at this point?

So if you support science, education, infrastructure or a dozen other things that government suppose to do. Well, you may end up agreeing with the other party. Doesn't make it a bad thing as it is the right thing to do....We need to get away from extremist crap be it right or left.
Americans should embrace Gridlock. Government is already interfering too much in Citizens' lives. There are way too many Laws being passed. Congress needs to convene less often. When they're away, the can't do any damage. Because the fact is, the more they meet, the more damage they do. It's a Vicious Circle. So Gridlock should not be considered the 'Boogeyman' many would like you to believe it is. We desperately need less Government, not more.

Exactly, so let's eliminate the military.

Well, i'm not sure about that. But we definitely need less Government, not more. I support Gridlock. Congress should only meet a couple times a year and for very short sessions. That would limit the damage they can do.
Is there really any difference between the two parties at this point?

So if you support science, education, infrastructure or a dozen other things that government suppose to do. Well, you may end up agreeing with the other party. Doesn't make it a bad thing as it is the right thing to do....We need to get away from extremist crap be it right or left.

I am fine with the government having a hand in all those endeavors but they have to do so while still living within our means. When it comes to our fiscal situation and our explosive debt their should be no sacred cows. It is time to start trimming the government...everywhere. It won't happen though because the usual politics will get in the way. If the GOP goes to cut the safety network they'll be accused of hating the poor. If the Democrats go to cut the military budget they'll accused of being weak and gutting the military. Neither side is very serious about our debt and it shows.
Both Parties cause gridlock. But gridlock isn't a bad thing. The less Government does, the better off we are. They already pass too many Laws and interfere too much in Citizens' lives. They should only meet a couple times a year and for very short sessions. The more they meet, the more damage they do.

So less Government is the logical way forward. That's how Americans need to begin approaching Government intervention in their lives.

'Less government' is no more the answer than is 'lower taxes' the answer.

The answers are 'fair and simple taxes' and 'appropriate government'.

True Story! :thup:

Again, nothing wrong with Gridlock. The less they do, the better. But that being said, you have a problem on this one. You and others fully supported Gridlock when the other side had power. So do you really have credibility on this issue?

You either support Gridlock, or you don't. You don't get to have it both ways. Personally, i support Gridlock. Government is already doing too much. It's time to scale it back.

Again, nothing wrong with Gridlock. The less they do, the better. But that being said, you have a problem on this one. You and others fully supported Gridlock when the other side had power. So do you really have credibility on this issue?

You either support Gridlock, or you don't. You don't get to have it both ways. Personally, i support Gridlock. Government is already doing too much. It's time to scale it back.

Okay, please show us (with "credible" proof) how Democrats created gridlock during the George W. Bush presidency. He got his wars and he got his funding.
Both Parties cause gridlock. But gridlock isn't a bad thing. The less Government does, the better off we are. They already pass too many Laws and interfere too much in Citizens' lives. They should only meet a couple times a year and for very short sessions. The more they meet, the more damage they do.

So less Government is the logical way forward. That's how Americans need to begin approaching Government intervention in their lives.

'Less government' is no more the answer than is 'lower taxes' the answer.

The answers are 'fair and simple taxes' and 'appropriate government'.

True Story! :thup:

Well, 'appropriate government' for me means less of it in our lives. Gridlock is a good thing. It limits the damage they can do.

Again, nothing wrong with Gridlock. The less they do, the better. But that being said, you have a problem on this one. You and others fully supported Gridlock when the other side had power. So do you really have credibility on this issue?

You either support Gridlock, or you don't. You don't get to have it both ways. Personally, i support Gridlock. Government is already doing too much. It's time to scale it back.

Okay, please show us (with "credible" proof) how Democrats created gridlock during the George W. Bush presidency. He got his wars and he got his funding.

Maybe so, but you and most Democrats did fully support Gridlock. You were the 'Party of No' back in the day. So like i said, you either support Gridlock, or you don't. You can't have it both ways. Gridlock really isn't a bad thing though. It limits the damage both Parties can do. I fully support it.
TIME just published “The Party of No,” an article adapted from my new book, The New New Deal: The Hidden Story of Change in the Obama Era. It reveals some of my reporting on the Republican plot to obstruct President Obama before he even took office, including secret meetings led by House GOPwhip Eric Cantor (in December 2008) and Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell (in early January 2009) in which they laid out their daring (though cynical and political) no-honeymoon strategy of all-out resistance to a popular President-elect during an economic emergency. “If he was for it,” former Ohio Senator George Voinovich explained, “we had to be against it.” The excerpt includes a special bonus nugget of Mitt Romney dissing the Tea Party.

The New New Deal: Why the GOP Became the Party of No - TIME.com

Yes, Republicans Really Are Unprecedented in Their Obstructionism

Robert Draper Book: GOP's Anti-Obama Campaign Started Night Of Inauguration

10 ideas Republicans loved until Barack Obama became President

The party of NO planned their obstructionism even before Obama was sworn in.

I blame Republican Gerrymandering and the take-over of the republicans by those who considered themselves a "Moral Majority" at the time.
A poll started by a far left Obama drone that refuses to see anything outside their narrow microscopic view of the world.

Duh, isn't it irrelevant who started the thread? Are the 3 choices too complicated?

Again the bogus far left poll started by a known far left drone, does not help your case..

But then again you would deny reality and yourself if it was a part of your far left programming..
Both Parties cause gridlock. But gridlock isn't a bad thing. The less Government does, the better off we are. They already pass too many Laws and interfere too much in Citizens' lives. They should only meet a couple times a year and for very short sessions. The more they meet, the more damage they do.

So less Government is the logical way forward. That's how Americans need to begin approaching Government intervention in their lives.

'Less government' is no more the answer than is 'lower taxes' the answer.

The answers are 'fair and simple taxes' and 'appropriate government'.

True Story! :thup:

Well, 'appropriate government' for me means less of it in our lives. Gridlock is a good thing. It limits the damage they can do.

Gridlock is bad. Compromise and consensus are good.
Both. The way Congress is setup means that If one party doesn't have a majority, progress is difficult. So either party at anytime can be the blocker. The numbers (meaning seats) in the current Congress and its sub-party factions (won't name names) means they can block one another from progress.
Both Parties cause gridlock. But gridlock isn't a bad thing. The less Government does, the better off we are. They already pass too many Laws and interfere too much in Citizens' lives. They should only meet a couple times a year and for very short sessions. The more they meet, the more damage they do.

So less Government is the logical way forward. That's how Americans need to begin approaching Government intervention in their lives.

'Less government' is no more the answer than is 'lower taxes' the answer.

The answers are 'fair and simple taxes' and 'appropriate government'.

True Story! :thup:

Well, 'appropriate government' for me means less of it in our lives. Gridlock is a good thing. It limits the damage they can do.

Gridlock is bad. Compromise and consensus are good.

I disagree. Government is already interfering in Citizens' lives too much. More Government is definitely not the answer. Less Government is the logical way to go. Congress should go home and stay home most of the time. They should meet very sparingly. It's about damage control at this point. The less they meet, the less damage they can do.
What is the role of the national government?

The role of any national government is to protect the safety and well-being of its citizens and the sovereignty of the country's borders. National government is authorized to act based on a legal constitution, federal laws and accepted civil standards. All citizens benefit from agencies and programs created by national government.

Full Answer: What is the role of the national government?

I think one has to understand the role of government before discussing the size of government.
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Americans just need to change their approach to Government intrusion in their lives. They should embrace Gridlock. Because it's all about damage control at this point. 'Do-Nothing' Congresses should be fully embraced. There's just too much Government now. It needs to be scaled back.

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