POLL: Open the economy up and go back to work - Stay home and shutdown

Do you support reopening many US businesses 4/13/20, or prefer keeping the US shutdown longer

  • Yes, Re-open the US economy such as small businesses to keep them from going bankrupt

    Votes: 92 69.2%
  • No, do not open up small or big US businesses, COVID-19 is too dangerous to rush opening

    Votes: 41 30.8%

  • Total voters
I'm seeing a lot of discussion but can't figure out who has the majority.

To re-open the US economy in a limited fashion around Easter Monday (4/13/20) with masks, social distancing, no sports venues, no cruises, or major crowds, just minimal re-opening businesses. The object is to keep as many companies in-business as possible.

Or, keep the economy and businesses shutdown until the coronavirus (COVID-19) is under control as recommended by the doctors, even if that means that many businesses would NOT re-open due to the lost revenue and bankruptcy.

Well the problem is many businesses are laying off workers and if we continue to shutdown more will layoff. The government is helping somewhat... but honestly it is hardly any help to the American worker. What does the American worker do who now has health insurance to cover himself and family should they get infected with COVID-19... but won't have that health insurance to cover himself and family should he get fired from his job and lose his healthcare? It is almost like he is better off getting infected before he gets laid off that way health insurance can pay the bill.

What the president needs to do is have an open enrollment period now for ObamaCare and the Marketplace while tons of people are losing their jobs.

How would that help if people don't have the money for any of their plans? Did you ever deal with Commie Care? I have. Terrible plans that don't cover anything at an unaffordable price. It was a failure when it was passed, and it's a failure today.
We need to open up for business, America. America has never tolerated living on her knees in conformity. If we die, we die on our feet. with our boots on . . .

Dumbest post of the year. The same people who say the life of every zygot is precious and we should give people every chance at life, are now saying that saving business is more important than saving people. Right wingers have been brainwashed by the business class, utterly.

Saving small businesses is saving people's livelihood. Putting wage earners out of work is going to ruin more lives than Coronavirus ever could.

You must be a Canuckian welfare queen or else you'd be in Clearwater with the rest of the Canuckian Snowbirds..partying it up. Brr! Too cold for the beach for me.
So if patient was in hospital once again because of his heart attack history over the last 3 years and he is back but positive with corona and has a heart attack and dies then the attribute cause of death to Corona?

It depends a lot on the details. It a person has stable coronary disease but becomes ill with COVID, as in respiratory failure, hypotension etc and this stresses his heart to the point that he infarcts and codes, then it would be due to COVID.
I've always been attracted to the upper quintile, albeit them usually being social outcasts , and what i've noted is they may be God's in whatever they do best, but often lack the simple down to earth common sense to apply it toward the rest of their existence

But you cant have it both ways
Kind of like what they did in 2008, where all the working folks got kind of screwed.
Consider it the government paying you to STAY HOME, just as we paid soldiers to go overseas and fight Nazi's in foreign countries in World War II
As I said before, the ESSENTIAL SERVICES ECONOMY IS BOOMING RIGHT NOW. Its never been a better time to be employed in the production and distribution of FOOD and MEDICINE!
I guess it's nice to be considered 'essential' then....
Remember unemployed people
like me> non essential, & wanting to work?
Someone temporarily losing their non-essential service job is nothing compared to the disaster that is happening in hospitals across the country, especially New York City.
Grand, take a few months of w/out pay

and get back to us then


Sorry, but killing people to open up your non-essential job is not worth it for the country. STAY HOME AND SAVE LIVES! The country is at war with a PATHOGEN and people going to work in their non-essential business's provide the pathogen with a means to spread and kill more people.

There are homeless people out there in worse shape than these people at home from their non-essential business's. Don't aid the enemy, STAY HOME! This is a national effort to defeat the pathogen.
Non essential to who?

if your economic future depends on a small business that you built from the ground up its very essential to you

there are a lot of odd ducks on this forum who are retired or foreigners, or in some other way not part of the regular economy to begin with

but they dont represent most Americans

To the country as a whole. This is a national crises. Were fighting an enemy right now that requires Americans to isolate from each other as much as possible. That's reality. Your primary goal is to isolate your self as much as possible and keep yourself fed. That's why the government is sending Americans 2 Trillion dollars in aid. This is about survival, just like in a Tornado, Hurricane, War etc. When its over, you can go about repairing the damage. Right now, your primary concerns are food, water, shelter and isolation from other people.

The idea that shutting down the non-essential parts of the economy will destroy America forever is absurd. Germany and Japan survived World War II, and they had far more than just non-essential parts of their economy shut down. Those countries were in ruins at the end of 1945, totally bombed out from city to city and in the case of Japan NUKED.

Your county though should address anyone that has problems with FOOD, shelter, water, or electricity until this crises is over.
Putting America on an extended stay at home vacation for 4 months may not destroy America

but it could destroy a lot of American small businesses

not that that would mean anything to you I suppose

We have to put America back to work at the earliest possible moment

Over 1,000 Americans died today from coronavirus and you think this is a time to be worried about non-essential business? Most of these non-essential business's will come back and for the business's that don't, people will migrate to another business.

In the meantime, JAPAN only has 57 deaths despite having an older more vulnerable population. Taiwan only has 5 deaths. The difference in the figures in the United States vs. Japan/Taiwan show the scale of Trump's failure to protect the American population.
Japan does not have a national shutdown or quarentine in place like America has

japan is open for business

so is sweden

Sweden is playing with fire for their population of 10 million people. They have 5,466 cases, one of the highest case counts per capita in the world and 282 dead. Not good results given the small population.

Japan has the luxury of being open for business, because they took steps back in January to prevent large penetration of the virus into the country. When you don't have community spread in the country, contact tracing is enough to contain the virus.

The United States could have been like Japan, but Donald Trump failed to enact the same measures Japan did back in January.
We need to open up for business, America. America has never tolerated living on her knees in conformity. If we die, we die on our feet. with our boots on . . .

Dumbest post of the year. The same people who say the life of every zygot is precious and we should give people every chance at life, are now saying that saving business is more important than saving people. Right wingers have been brainwashed by the business class, utterly.

Saving small businesses is saving people's livelihood. Putting wage earners out of work is going to ruin more lives than Coronavirus ever could.

You must be a Canuckian welfare queen or else you'd be in Clearwater with the rest of the Canuckian Snowbirds..partying it up. Brr! Too cold for the beach for me.
Why? When COVID starts to recede the people will get back to work.
Over 1,000 Americans died today from coronavirus and you think this is a time to be worried about non-essential business? Most of these non-essential business's will come back and for the business's that don't, people will migrate to another business.

What i'me really getting tired of is the public sector (gets a paycheck) telling the private sector (locked down, no paycheck) 'we're all in this together'


Well, a lot of people in the Private sector will be getting a $2 Trillion dollar hand out from Uncle Sam this month. Too small in my opinion. Now was the time to enact Andrew Yang's idea for Universal Income until the crises is over.
We need to open up for business, America. America has never tolerated living on her knees in conformity. If we die, we die on our feet. with our boots on . . .

Dumbest post of the year. The same people who say the life of every zygot is precious and we should give people every chance at life, are now saying that saving business is more important than saving people. Right wingers have been brainwashed by the business class, utterly.

Saving small businesses is saving people's livelihood. Putting wage earners out of work is going to ruin more lives than Coronavirus ever could.

You must be a Canuckian welfare queen or else you'd be in Clearwater with the rest of the Canuckian Snowbirds..partying it up. Brr! Too cold for the beach for me.
Why? When COVID starts to recede the people will get back to work.

To what jobs? Derp! You're not much of a thinker, huh?

Rent's due, bills are due. Restaurant stocks got ruined. Many people are about to be homeless.

The sad part is that the hardest hit will be wage-earners and small business. Non-working check-getters that leech off of the wage-earners will weather this shutdown better than the people that are stolen from to supply them.
We need to open up for business, America. America has never tolerated living on her knees in conformity. If we die, we die on our feet. with our boots on . . .

Dumbest post of the year. The same people who say the life of every zygot is precious and we should give people every chance at life, are now saying that saving business is more important than saving people. Right wingers have been brainwashed by the business class, utterly.

Saving small businesses is saving people's livelihood. Putting wage earners out of work is going to ruin more lives than Coronavirus ever could.

You must be a Canuckian welfare queen or else you'd be in Clearwater with the rest of the Canuckian Snowbirds..partying it up. Brr! Too cold for the beach for me.
Why? When COVID starts to recede the people will get back to work.

To what jobs? Derp! You're not much of a thinker, huh?

Rent's due, bills are due. Restaurant stocks got ruined. Many people are about to be homeless.

The sad part is that the hardest hit will be wage-earners and small business. Non-working check-getters that leech off of the wage-earners will weather this shutdown better than the people that are stolen from to supply them.

Restaurants will reopen. People will rebuild. We’ve done it before. We will do it again.

You apparently don’t have the same belief in our great country as me.
I've always been attracted to the upper quintile, albeit them usually being social outcasts , and what i've noted is they may be God's in whatever they do best, but often lack the simple down to earth common sense to apply it toward the rest of their existence

But you cant have it both ways
Kind of like what they did in 2008, where all the working folks got kind of screwed.
Consider it the government paying you to STAY HOME, just as we paid soldiers to go overseas and fight Nazi's in foreign countries in World War II
As I said before, the ESSENTIAL SERVICES ECONOMY IS BOOMING RIGHT NOW. Its never been a better time to be employed in the production and distribution of FOOD and MEDICINE!
I guess it's nice to be considered 'essential' then....
Remember unemployed people
like me> non essential, & wanting to work?
Someone temporarily losing their non-essential service job is nothing compared to the disaster that is happening in hospitals across the country, especially New York City.
Grand, take a few months of w/out pay

and get back to us then


Sorry, but killing people to open up your non-essential job is not worth it for the country. STAY HOME AND SAVE LIVES! The country is at war with a PATHOGEN and people going to work in their non-essential business's provide the pathogen with a means to spread and kill more people.

There are homeless people out there in worse shape than these people at home from their non-essential business's. Don't aid the enemy, STAY HOME! This is a national effort to defeat the pathogen.
Non essential to who?

if your economic future depends on a small business that you built from the ground up its very essential to you

there are a lot of odd ducks on this forum who are retired or foreigners, or in some other way not part of the regular economy to begin with

but they dont represent most Americans

To the country as a whole. This is a national crises. Were fighting an enemy right now that requires Americans to isolate from each other as much as possible. That's reality. Your primary goal is to isolate your self as much as possible and keep yourself fed. That's why the government is sending Americans 2 Trillion dollars in aid. This is about survival, just like in a Tornado, Hurricane, War etc. When its over, you can go about repairing the damage. Right now, your primary concerns are food, water, shelter and isolation from other people.

The idea that shutting down the non-essential parts of the economy will destroy America forever is absurd. Germany and Japan survived World War II, and they had far more than just non-essential parts of their economy shut down. Those countries were in ruins at the end of 1945, totally bombed out from city to city and in the case of Japan NUKED.

Your county though should address anyone that has problems with FOOD, shelter, water, or electricity until this crises is over.
Putting America on an extended stay at home vacation for 4 months may not destroy America

but it could destroy a lot of American small businesses

not that that would mean anything to you I suppose

We have to put America back to work at the earliest possible moment

Over 1,000 Americans died today from coronavirus and you think this is a time to be worried about non-essential business? Most of these non-essential business's will come back and for the business's that don't, people will migrate to another business.

In the meantime, JAPAN only has 57 deaths despite having an older more vulnerable population. Taiwan only has 5 deaths. The difference in the figures in the United States vs. Japan/Taiwan show the scale of Trump's failure to protect the American population.
Japan does not have a national shutdown or quarentine in place like America has

japan is open for business

so is sweden

Sweden is playing with fire for their population of 10 million people. They have 5,466 cases, one of the highest case counts per capita in the world and 282 dead. Not good results given the small population.

Japan has the luxury of being open for business, because they took steps back in January to prevent large penetration of the virus into the country. When you don't have community spread in the country, contact tracing is enough to contain the virus.

The United States could have been like Japan, but Donald Trump failed to enact the same measures Japan did back in January.
Japan did nothing differently than the US

and sweden has done less
Over 1,000 Americans died today from coronavirus and you think this is a time to be worried about non-essential business? Most of these non-essential business's will come back and for the business's that don't, people will migrate to another business.

What i'me really getting tired of is the public sector (gets a paycheck) telling the private sector (locked down, no paycheck) 'we're all in this together'


Well, a lot of people in the Private sector will be getting a $2 Trillion dollar hand out from Uncle Sam this month. Too small in my opinion. Now was the time to enact Andrew Yang's idea for Universal Income until the crises is over.

give it one more month and then reopen for business
Over 1,000 Americans died today from coronavirus and you think this is a time to be worried about non-essential business? Most of these non-essential business's will come back and for the business's that don't, people will migrate to another business.

What i'me really getting tired of is the public sector (gets a paycheck) telling the private sector (locked down, no paycheck) 'we're all in this together'


Well, a lot of people in the Private sector will be getting a $2 Trillion dollar hand out from Uncle Sam this month. Too small in my opinion. Now was the time to enact Andrew Yang's idea for Universal Income until the crises is over.

give it one more month and then reopen for business

:auiqs.jpg: Yeah, it doesn't work like that. You'll see, because apparently that's how it's going to go.

7 years of famine prophesied in The Bible.
I've always been attracted to the upper quintile, albeit them usually being social outcasts , and what i've noted is they may be God's in whatever they do best, but often lack the simple down to earth common sense to apply it toward the rest of their existence

But you cant have it both ways
Kind of like what they did in 2008, where all the working folks got kind of screwed.
Consider it the government paying you to STAY HOME, just as we paid soldiers to go overseas and fight Nazi's in foreign countries in World War II
As I said before, the ESSENTIAL SERVICES ECONOMY IS BOOMING RIGHT NOW. Its never been a better time to be employed in the production and distribution of FOOD and MEDICINE!
I guess it's nice to be considered 'essential' then....
Remember unemployed people
like me> non essential, & wanting to work?
Someone temporarily losing their non-essential service job is nothing compared to the disaster that is happening in hospitals across the country, especially New York City.
Grand, take a few months of w/out pay

and get back to us then


Sorry, but killing people to open up your non-essential job is not worth it for the country. STAY HOME AND SAVE LIVES! The country is at war with a PATHOGEN and people going to work in their non-essential business's provide the pathogen with a means to spread and kill more people.

There are homeless people out there in worse shape than these people at home from their non-essential business's. Don't aid the enemy, STAY HOME! This is a national effort to defeat the pathogen.
Non essential to who?

if your economic future depends on a small business that you built from the ground up its very essential to you

there are a lot of odd ducks on this forum who are retired or foreigners, or in some other way not part of the regular economy to begin with

but they dont represent most Americans

To the country as a whole. This is a national crises. Were fighting an enemy right now that requires Americans to isolate from each other as much as possible. That's reality. Your primary goal is to isolate your self as much as possible and keep yourself fed. That's why the government is sending Americans 2 Trillion dollars in aid. This is about survival, just like in a Tornado, Hurricane, War etc. When its over, you can go about repairing the damage. Right now, your primary concerns are food, water, shelter and isolation from other people.

The idea that shutting down the non-essential parts of the economy will destroy America forever is absurd. Germany and Japan survived World War II, and they had far more than just non-essential parts of their economy shut down. Those countries were in ruins at the end of 1945, totally bombed out from city to city and in the case of Japan NUKED.

Your county though should address anyone that has problems with FOOD, shelter, water, or electricity until this crises is over.
Putting America on an extended stay at home vacation for 4 months may not destroy America

but it could destroy a lot of American small businesses

not that that would mean anything to you I suppose

We have to put America back to work at the earliest possible moment

Over 1,000 Americans died today from coronavirus and you think this is a time to be worried about non-essential business? Most of these non-essential business's will come back and for the business's that don't, people will migrate to another business.

In the meantime, JAPAN only has 57 deaths despite having an older more vulnerable population. Taiwan only has 5 deaths. The difference in the figures in the United States vs. Japan/Taiwan show the scale of Trump's failure to protect the American population.
Japan does not have a national shutdown or quarentine in place like America has

japan is open for business

so is sweden

Sweden is playing with fire for their population of 10 million people. They have 5,466 cases, one of the highest case counts per capita in the world and 282 dead. Not good results given the small population.

Japan has the luxury of being open for business, because they took steps back in January to prevent large penetration of the virus into the country. When you don't have community spread in the country, contact tracing is enough to contain the virus.

The United States could have been like Japan, but Donald Trump failed to enact the same measures Japan did back in January.
Japan did nothing differently than the US

and sweden has done less

Japan sealed of the country from foreign travel and other contacts. They had testing in place from day 1 and were able to do contact tracing on all their infections and isolate them. The United States did not shut down foreign travel and had no testing capability like Japan did back in January. Without widespread testing capability, you don't know who is infected and can't do contact tracing to isolate the infected.

Its the same with Taiwan. You block foreign travel and contacts to prevent as much of the infection from getting inside the country. You then follow up with mass testing, contact tracing, and isolation of the infected.

When you contain the problem EARLY, you can remain open domestically.

The United States could have saved thousands of lives and kept the economy humming if it was prepared with testing capabilities, and contact tracing capabilities and had shut down foreign travel and contacts like Taiwan and Japan did in January.

Instead of preparing for this threat since January 2017, Trump handicapped the country's ability to deal with this threat but cutting funding and disbanding a group on the National Security Council meant to deal with a pandemic.
I've always been attracted to the upper quintile, albeit them usually being social outcasts , and what i've noted is they may be God's in whatever they do best, but often lack the simple down to earth common sense to apply it toward the rest of their existence

But you cant have it both ways
Kind of like what they did in 2008, where all the working folks got kind of screwed.
Consider it the government paying you to STAY HOME, just as we paid soldiers to go overseas and fight Nazi's in foreign countries in World War II
As I said before, the ESSENTIAL SERVICES ECONOMY IS BOOMING RIGHT NOW. Its never been a better time to be employed in the production and distribution of FOOD and MEDICINE!
I guess it's nice to be considered 'essential' then....
Remember unemployed people
like me> non essential, & wanting to work?
Someone temporarily losing their non-essential service job is nothing compared to the disaster that is happening in hospitals across the country, especially New York City.
Grand, take a few months of w/out pay

and get back to us then


Sorry, but killing people to open up your non-essential job is not worth it for the country. STAY HOME AND SAVE LIVES! The country is at war with a PATHOGEN and people going to work in their non-essential business's provide the pathogen with a means to spread and kill more people.

There are homeless people out there in worse shape than these people at home from their non-essential business's. Don't aid the enemy, STAY HOME! This is a national effort to defeat the pathogen.
Non essential to who?

if your economic future depends on a small business that you built from the ground up its very essential to you

there are a lot of odd ducks on this forum who are retired or foreigners, or in some other way not part of the regular economy to begin with

but they dont represent most Americans

To the country as a whole. This is a national crises. Were fighting an enemy right now that requires Americans to isolate from each other as much as possible. That's reality. Your primary goal is to isolate your self as much as possible and keep yourself fed. That's why the government is sending Americans 2 Trillion dollars in aid. This is about survival, just like in a Tornado, Hurricane, War etc. When its over, you can go about repairing the damage. Right now, your primary concerns are food, water, shelter and isolation from other people.

The idea that shutting down the non-essential parts of the economy will destroy America forever is absurd. Germany and Japan survived World War II, and they had far more than just non-essential parts of their economy shut down. Those countries were in ruins at the end of 1945, totally bombed out from city to city and in the case of Japan NUKED.

Your county though should address anyone that has problems with FOOD, shelter, water, or electricity until this crises is over.
Putting America on an extended stay at home vacation for 4 months may not destroy America

but it could destroy a lot of American small businesses

not that that would mean anything to you I suppose

We have to put America back to work at the earliest possible moment

Over 1,000 Americans died today from coronavirus and you think this is a time to be worried about non-essential business? Most of these non-essential business's will come back and for the business's that don't, people will migrate to another business.

In the meantime, JAPAN only has 57 deaths despite having an older more vulnerable population. Taiwan only has 5 deaths. The difference in the figures in the United States vs. Japan/Taiwan show the scale of Trump's failure to protect the American population.
Japan does not have a national shutdown or quarentine in place like America has

japan is open for business

so is sweden

Sweden is playing with fire for their population of 10 million people. They have 5,466 cases, one of the highest case counts per capita in the world and 282 dead. Not good results given the small population.

Japan has the luxury of being open for business, because they took steps back in January to prevent large penetration of the virus into the country. When you don't have community spread in the country, contact tracing is enough to contain the virus.

The United States could have been like Japan, but Donald Trump failed to enact the same measures Japan did back in January.
Japan did nothing differently than the US

and sweden has done less

Japan sealed of the country from foreign travel and other contacts. They had testing in place from day 1 and were able to do contact tracing on all their infections and isolate them. The United States did not shut down foreign travel and had no testing capability like Japan did back in January. Without widespread testing capability, you don't know who is infected and can't do contact tracing to isolate the infected.

Its the same with Taiwan. You block foreign travel and contacts to prevent as much of the infection from getting inside the country. You then follow up with mass testing, contact tracing, and isolation of the infected.

When you contain the problem EARLY, you can remain open domestically.

The United States could have saved thousands of lives and kept the economy humming if it was prepared with testing capabilities, and contact tracing capabilities and had shut down foreign travel and contacts like Taiwan and Japan did in January.

Instead of preparing for this threat since January 2017, Trump handicapped the country's ability to deal with this threat but cutting funding and disbanding a group on the National Security Council meant to deal with a pandemic.

Except there is no truth to that. Need the factcheck link, just ask.

We have an entirely different system of government than others. One person does not have the ability to just shutdown the country at will. Remember what the Democrats were doing at the beginning of last month? They were passing a bill to restrict the Presidents ability to institute travel bans. When he placed a travel ban on African countries, the Democrats said it was out of racism.

Other countries don't have the bureaucracies we do either. The CDC had the only test kits for this virus that had FDA approval. When they started to use them, they found out the kits were defective. Then we had to wait around for the FDA to approve other kits. They don't have all this red tape in other places.

It was only last week the FDA approved of the use of hydroxychloroquine, and over the weekend, finally approved of sterilizing N-95 face masks. It's April 2nd today.
Over 1,000 Americans died today from coronavirus and you think this is a time to be worried about non-essential business? Most of these non-essential business's will come back and for the business's that don't, people will migrate to another business.

What i'me really getting tired of is the public sector (gets a paycheck) telling the private sector (locked down, no paycheck) 'we're all in this together'


Well, a lot of people in the Private sector will be getting a $2 Trillion dollar hand out from Uncle Sam this month. Too small in my opinion. Now was the time to enact Andrew Yang's idea for Universal Income until the crises is over.

give it one more month and then reopen for business

You can't reopen for non-essential business until the numbers of infections have dropped to a level that contact tracing can cover. Otherwise, the numbers would just explode again.

Over 1,040 people died yesterday from Covid-19 in the United States. Will still be over 1,000 deaths a day on April 30, under the most rosy projections. The leading cause of death in mid-April on a daily basis in the United States will be COVID-19.

A limited re-opening of non-essential business might be able to start in July or more likely August. But, FIRST, you must have the infection rate down and the ability to do contact tracing on the remaining infections before you re-open non-essential business.

There are still 12 idiot Governors that don't have stay at home order in place for their states. Their actions are simply aiding the pathogen and extending the period of the lock down as well as increasing the total number of U.S. deaths. The pathogen does not discriminate between state boundries or anything else.
We need to open up for business, America. America has never tolerated living on her knees in conformity. If we die, we die on our feet. with our boots on . . .

Dumbest post of the year. The same people who say the life of every zygot is precious and we should give people every chance at life, are now saying that saving business is more important than saving people. Right wingers have been brainwashed by the business class, utterly.

Saving small businesses is saving people's livelihood. Putting wage earners out of work is going to ruin more lives than Coronavirus ever could.

You must be a Canuckian welfare queen or else you'd be in Clearwater with the rest of the Canuckian Snowbirds..partying it up. Brr! Too cold for the beach for me.
Why? When COVID starts to recede the people will get back to work.

To what jobs? Derp! You're not much of a thinker, huh?

Rent's due, bills are due. Restaurant stocks got ruined. Many people are about to be homeless.

The sad part is that the hardest hit will be wage-earners and small business. Non-working check-getters that leech off of the wage-earners will weather this shutdown better than the people that are stolen from to supply them.

When a business closes, they still have bills to pay. They still have to pay for insurance. They still have to pay for heat and electricity. They still have to pay property taxes. It doesn't stop because a business has to close. In some cases they won't be able to reopen because the business is out of money.
I've always been attracted to the upper quintile, albeit them usually being social outcasts , and what i've noted is they may be God's in whatever they do best, but often lack the simple down to earth common sense to apply it toward the rest of their existence

But you cant have it both ways
Kind of like what they did in 2008, where all the working folks got kind of screwed.
Consider it the government paying you to STAY HOME, just as we paid soldiers to go overseas and fight Nazi's in foreign countries in World War II
As I said before, the ESSENTIAL SERVICES ECONOMY IS BOOMING RIGHT NOW. Its never been a better time to be employed in the production and distribution of FOOD and MEDICINE!
I guess it's nice to be considered 'essential' then....
Remember unemployed people
like me> non essential, & wanting to work?
Someone temporarily losing their non-essential service job is nothing compared to the disaster that is happening in hospitals across the country, especially New York City.
Grand, take a few months of w/out pay

and get back to us then


Sorry, but killing people to open up your non-essential job is not worth it for the country. STAY HOME AND SAVE LIVES! The country is at war with a PATHOGEN and people going to work in their non-essential business's provide the pathogen with a means to spread and kill more people.

There are homeless people out there in worse shape than these people at home from their non-essential business's. Don't aid the enemy, STAY HOME! This is a national effort to defeat the pathogen.
Non essential to who?

if your economic future depends on a small business that you built from the ground up its very essential to you

there are a lot of odd ducks on this forum who are retired or foreigners, or in some other way not part of the regular economy to begin with

but they dont represent most Americans

To the country as a whole. This is a national crises. Were fighting an enemy right now that requires Americans to isolate from each other as much as possible. That's reality. Your primary goal is to isolate your self as much as possible and keep yourself fed. That's why the government is sending Americans 2 Trillion dollars in aid. This is about survival, just like in a Tornado, Hurricane, War etc. When its over, you can go about repairing the damage. Right now, your primary concerns are food, water, shelter and isolation from other people.

The idea that shutting down the non-essential parts of the economy will destroy America forever is absurd. Germany and Japan survived World War II, and they had far more than just non-essential parts of their economy shut down. Those countries were in ruins at the end of 1945, totally bombed out from city to city and in the case of Japan NUKED.

Your county though should address anyone that has problems with FOOD, shelter, water, or electricity until this crises is over.
Putting America on an extended stay at home vacation for 4 months may not destroy America

but it could destroy a lot of American small businesses

not that that would mean anything to you I suppose

We have to put America back to work at the earliest possible moment

Over 1,000 Americans died today from coronavirus and you think this is a time to be worried about non-essential business? Most of these non-essential business's will come back and for the business's that don't, people will migrate to another business.

In the meantime, JAPAN only has 57 deaths despite having an older more vulnerable population. Taiwan only has 5 deaths. The difference in the figures in the United States vs. Japan/Taiwan show the scale of Trump's failure to protect the American population.
Japan does not have a national shutdown or quarentine in place like America has

japan is open for business

so is sweden

Sweden is playing with fire for their population of 10 million people. They have 5,466 cases, one of the highest case counts per capita in the world and 282 dead. Not good results given the small population.

Japan has the luxury of being open for business, because they took steps back in January to prevent large penetration of the virus into the country. When you don't have community spread in the country, contact tracing is enough to contain the virus.

The United States could have been like Japan, but Donald Trump failed to enact the same measures Japan did back in January.
Japan did nothing differently than the US

and sweden has done less

Japan sealed of the country from foreign travel and other contacts. They had testing in place from day 1 and were able to do contact tracing on all their infections and isolate them. The United States did not shut down foreign travel and had no testing capability like Japan did back in January. Without widespread testing capability, you don't know who is infected and can't do contact tracing to isolate the infected.

Its the same with Taiwan. You block foreign travel and contacts to prevent as much of the infection from getting inside the country. You then follow up with mass testing, contact tracing, and isolation of the infected.

When you contain the problem EARLY, you can remain open domestically.

The United States could have saved thousands of lives and kept the economy humming if it was prepared with testing capabilities, and contact tracing capabilities and had shut down foreign travel and contacts like Taiwan and Japan did in January.

Instead of preparing for this threat since January 2017, Trump handicapped the country's ability to deal with this threat but cutting funding and disbanding a group on the National Security Council meant to deal with a pandemic.

Except there is no truth to that. Need the factcheck link, just ask.

We have an entirely different system of government than others. One person does not have the ability to just shutdown the country at will. Remember what the Democrats were doing at the beginning of last month? They were passing a bill to restrict the Presidents ability to institute travel bans. When he placed a travel ban on African countries, the Democrats said it was out of racism.

Other countries don't have the bureaucracies we do either. The CDC had the only test kits for this virus that had FDA approval. When they started to use them, they found out the kits were defective. Then we had to wait around for the FDA to approve other kits. They don't have all this red tape in other places.

It was only last week the FDA approved of the use of hydroxychloroquine, and over the weekend, finally approved of sterilizing N-95 face masks. It's April 2nd today.

Sorry, but those are the facts. You can stop the spread of covid-19 in your country when you enact travel bans and other restrictions on foreign contacts EARLY. Japan and Taiwan did that. They then had testing ability and contact tracing to track and isolate the small number of infections that got through. When you do that, you can remain relatively open because inside the country, the virus is contained.

Donald Trump has been President since January 20, 2017. He had three years to prepare the CDC and healthcare community for this crises. He failed to do any of that. Instead, he cut funding and disbanded the pandemic group on the National Security Council that was helping to prepare the country for the next pandemic.
We need to open up for business, America. America has never tolerated living on her knees in conformity. If we die, we die on our feet. with our boots on . . .

Dumbest post of the year. The same people who say the life of every zygot is precious and we should give people every chance at life, are now saying that saving business is more important than saving people. Right wingers have been brainwashed by the business class, utterly.

Saving small businesses is saving people's livelihood. Putting wage earners out of work is going to ruin more lives than Coronavirus ever could.

You must be a Canuckian welfare queen or else you'd be in Clearwater with the rest of the Canuckian Snowbirds..partying it up. Brr! Too cold for the beach for me.
Why? When COVID starts to recede the people will get back to work.

To what jobs? Derp! You're not much of a thinker, huh?

Rent's due, bills are due. Restaurant stocks got ruined. Many people are about to be homeless.

The sad part is that the hardest hit will be wage-earners and small business. Non-working check-getters that leech off of the wage-earners will weather this shutdown better than the people that are stolen from to supply them.

When a business closes, they still have bills to pay. They still have to pay for insurance. They still have to pay for heat and electricity. They still have to pay property taxes. It doesn't stop because a business has to close. In some cases they won't be able to reopen because the business is out of money.

Responsible business owners will weather the storm just fine.
I've always been attracted to the upper quintile, albeit them usually being social outcasts , and what i've noted is they may be God's in whatever they do best, but often lack the simple down to earth common sense to apply it toward the rest of their existence

But you cant have it both ways
Kind of like what they did in 2008, where all the working folks got kind of screwed.
Consider it the government paying you to STAY HOME, just as we paid soldiers to go overseas and fight Nazi's in foreign countries in World War II
As I said before, the ESSENTIAL SERVICES ECONOMY IS BOOMING RIGHT NOW. Its never been a better time to be employed in the production and distribution of FOOD and MEDICINE!
I guess it's nice to be considered 'essential' then....
Remember unemployed people
like me> non essential, & wanting to work?
Someone temporarily losing their non-essential service job is nothing compared to the disaster that is happening in hospitals across the country, especially New York City.
Grand, take a few months of w/out pay

and get back to us then


Sorry, but killing people to open up your non-essential job is not worth it for the country. STAY HOME AND SAVE LIVES! The country is at war with a PATHOGEN and people going to work in their non-essential business's provide the pathogen with a means to spread and kill more people.

There are homeless people out there in worse shape than these people at home from their non-essential business's. Don't aid the enemy, STAY HOME! This is a national effort to defeat the pathogen.
Non essential to who?

if your economic future depends on a small business that you built from the ground up its very essential to you

there are a lot of odd ducks on this forum who are retired or foreigners, or in some other way not part of the regular economy to begin with

but they dont represent most Americans

To the country as a whole. This is a national crises. Were fighting an enemy right now that requires Americans to isolate from each other as much as possible. That's reality. Your primary goal is to isolate your self as much as possible and keep yourself fed. That's why the government is sending Americans 2 Trillion dollars in aid. This is about survival, just like in a Tornado, Hurricane, War etc. When its over, you can go about repairing the damage. Right now, your primary concerns are food, water, shelter and isolation from other people.

The idea that shutting down the non-essential parts of the economy will destroy America forever is absurd. Germany and Japan survived World War II, and they had far more than just non-essential parts of their economy shut down. Those countries were in ruins at the end of 1945, totally bombed out from city to city and in the case of Japan NUKED.

Your county though should address anyone that has problems with FOOD, shelter, water, or electricity until this crises is over.
Putting America on an extended stay at home vacation for 4 months may not destroy America

but it could destroy a lot of American small businesses

not that that would mean anything to you I suppose

We have to put America back to work at the earliest possible moment

Over 1,000 Americans died today from coronavirus and you think this is a time to be worried about non-essential business? Most of these non-essential business's will come back and for the business's that don't, people will migrate to another business.

In the meantime, JAPAN only has 57 deaths despite having an older more vulnerable population. Taiwan only has 5 deaths. The difference in the figures in the United States vs. Japan/Taiwan show the scale of Trump's failure to protect the American population.
Japan does not have a national shutdown or quarentine in place like America has

japan is open for business

so is sweden

Sweden is playing with fire for their population of 10 million people. They have 5,466 cases, one of the highest case counts per capita in the world and 282 dead. Not good results given the small population.

Japan has the luxury of being open for business, because they took steps back in January to prevent large penetration of the virus into the country. When you don't have community spread in the country, contact tracing is enough to contain the virus.

The United States could have been like Japan, but Donald Trump failed to enact the same measures Japan did back in January.
Japan did nothing differently than the US

and sweden has done less

Japan sealed of the country from foreign travel and other contacts. They had testing in place from day 1 and were able to do contact tracing on all their infections and isolate them. The United States did not shut down foreign travel and had no testing capability like Japan did back in January. Without widespread testing capability, you don't know who is infected and can't do contact tracing to isolate the infected.

Its the same with Taiwan. You block foreign travel and contacts to prevent as much of the infection from getting inside the country. You then follow up with mass testing, contact tracing, and isolation of the infected.

When you contain the problem EARLY, you can remain open domestically.

The United States could have saved thousands of lives and kept the economy humming if it was prepared with testing capabilities, and contact tracing capabilities and had shut down foreign travel and contacts like Taiwan and Japan did in January.

Instead of preparing for this threat since January 2017, Trump handicapped the country's ability to deal with this threat but cutting funding and disbanding a group on the National Security Council meant to deal with a pandemic.
Japan did not seal the country any sooner than America did

the rest of your complaints are equally groundless
Over 1,000 Americans died today from coronavirus and you think this is a time to be worried about non-essential business? Most of these non-essential business's will come back and for the business's that don't, people will migrate to another business.

What i'me really getting tired of is the public sector (gets a paycheck) telling the private sector (locked down, no paycheck) 'we're all in this together'


Well, a lot of people in the Private sector will be getting a $2 Trillion dollar hand out from Uncle Sam this month. Too small in my opinion. Now was the time to enact Andrew Yang's idea for Universal Income until the crises is over.

give it one more month and then reopen for business

You can't reopen for non-essential business until the numbers of infections have dropped to a level that contact tracing can cover. Otherwise, the numbers would just explode again.

Over 1,040 people died yesterday from Covid-19 in the United States. Will still be over 1,000 deaths a day on April 30, under the most rosy projections. The leading cause of death in mid-April on a daily basis in the United States will be COVID-19.

A limited re-opening of non-essential business might be able to start in July or more likely August. But, FIRST, you must have the infection rate down and the ability to do contact tracing on the remaining infections before you re-open non-essential business.

There are still 12 idiot Governors that don't have stay at home order in place for their states. Their actions are simply aiding the pathogen and extending the period of the lock down as well as increasing the total number of U.S. deaths. The pathogen does not discriminate between state boundries or anything else.
We know that about .6-.7% of Americans will die because of the chinese virus

its only a matter of time before the virus reaches them and they die

I understand the goal of spacing out the serious cases so that hospitals are not overloaded

but that cannot go on for months or years

we have to return to business as soon as possible
We need to open up for business, America. America has never tolerated living on her knees in conformity. If we die, we die on our feet. with our boots on . . .

Dumbest post of the year. The same people who say the life of every zygot is precious and we should give people every chance at life, are now saying that saving business is more important than saving people. Right wingers have been brainwashed by the business class, utterly.

Saving small businesses is saving people's livelihood. Putting wage earners out of work is going to ruin more lives than Coronavirus ever could.

You must be a Canuckian welfare queen or else you'd be in Clearwater with the rest of the Canuckian Snowbirds..partying it up. Brr! Too cold for the beach for me.
Why? When COVID starts to recede the people will get back to work.

To what jobs? Derp! You're not much of a thinker, huh?

Rent's due, bills are due. Restaurant stocks got ruined. Many people are about to be homeless.

The sad part is that the hardest hit will be wage-earners and small business. Non-working check-getters that leech off of the wage-earners will weather this shutdown better than the people that are stolen from to supply them.

When a business closes, they still have bills to pay. They still have to pay for insurance. They still have to pay for heat and electricity. They still have to pay property taxes. It doesn't stop because a business has to close. In some cases they won't be able to reopen because the business is out of money.

Responsible business owners will weather the storm just fine.

Some will, but some won't. Some businesses barely make a profit and live month to month. Others have the money to hold out for a while.

If our Governor made a law that landlords were not allowed to collect rent for an indefinite time, my only choice would be to file bankruptcy. I still have mortgages to pay. I still have utility bills to pay on behalf of me and my tenants. I still have property taxes to pay. I would sooner do that and keep the money I do have instead of paying all these bills until I had nothing.

When your business stops, it doesn't mean the bills do.


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