Poll of native americans shows that "Redskins" doesn't offend them

One does not need a poll to know this. Just go onto any Indian reservation and see all the youngsters wearing Redskins clothing as a representation of their wannabe street gangs and it'll be clear.
I was down on the reservation last week.
Diesel was only 2 bucks a gallon. After visiting Canyon de Chelly
went to 4 Corners and saw native Americans wearing Redskins hats.
In Utah some native Americans buy University of Utah Ute hats as a gang symbol
Native Americans do not have red skin. The redskins are the people with European skin pigment ancestry who forgot to use SPF30 sunblock.
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Very few people ever cared. The media needed a new story of outrage to push, and it has long since passed. Now they have moved on to... whatever the fuck.
Native Americans do not have red skin. The redskins are the people with European pigment ancestry who forget to use SPF30 sunblock.
They are coppertone...that's what they mean by redskin.

Coppertone is a brand of tanning lotion. Which is kind of silly anyway.
Wouldn't Aunt
Native Americans do not have red skin. The redskins are the people with European pigment ancestry who forget to use SPF30 sunblock.
They are coppertone...that's what they mean by redskin.

Coppertone is a brand of tanning lotion. Which is kind of silly anyway.
I agree. Sales and marketing guy that I am, I'd name a new tanning lotion Aunt Jemima's.
Uuummmmm...... Wonder what my redskin side has to say about this? Nope, doesn't have a problem with it....... neither does my honky side. Well I'm good to go. :thup:

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