Politics over racial killings.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
The facts are that TWICE as many whites are killed by Blacks as Blacks are killed by whites. THE facts are that blacks are 13 percent of the population while whites are 70 percent and TWICE as many whites as blacks are killed by the other race. We have a problem, but it is not that whites are killing blacks, it is that blacks are killing whites. https://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2016-09-29/race-and-homicide-in-america-by-the-numbers

Yet main stream news and BLM and the democrats would all have you believe there is an epidemic of whites murdering blacks. The reality is that 13 percent of the population killed twice as many of 70 percent of the population then the reverse.

Now watch the usual racist democrats will either ignore this thread or make excuses for it. While the black racists claim percents don't matter, well to them the over all numbers are that Blacks killed twice as many whites as whites killed blacks.

But notice the bent of the article they make it sound like whites are the problem by noting that a higher percent of blacks were killed by whites that year then in previous years, Which means in previous years blacks killed even MORE whites then whites killed blacks.
and some more facts....

US homicide victims by race, 1980–2008[40]

US homicide convictions by race, 1980–2008[40]

According to the US Department of Justice, African Americans accounted for 52.5% of all homicide offenders from 1980 to 2008, with Whites 45.3% and "Other" 2.2%. The offending rate for African Americans was almost eight times higher than Whites, and the victim rate six times higher. Most homicides were intraracial, with 84% of White victims killed by Whites and 93% of African American victims killed by African Americans.[41]
Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia
The facts are that TWICE as many whites are killed by Blacks as Blacks are killed by whites. THE facts are that blacks are 13 percent of the population while whites are 70 percent and TWICE as many whites as blacks are killed by the other race. We have a problem, but it is not that whites are killing blacks, it is that blacks are killing whites. https://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2016-09-29/race-and-homicide-in-america-by-the-numbers

Yet main stream news and BLM and the democrats would all have you believe there is an epidemic of whites murdering blacks. The reality is that 13 percent of the population killed twice as many of 70 percent of the population then the reverse.

Now watch the usual racist democrats will either ignore this thread or make excuses for it. While the black racists claim percents don't matter, well to them the over all numbers are that Blacks killed twice as many whites as whites killed blacks.

But notice the bent of the article they make it sound like whites are the problem by noting that a higher percent of blacks were killed by whites that year then in previous years, Which means in previous years blacks killed even MORE whites then whites killed blacks.
i just feel like i'm being bullied by #BLM at this point, like they are the brokers for who can and cannot like black people. that should be up to the individual, not the group, not any group. anything beyond that is racist. they are turning on black conservatives. i had friends from cabrini (chicago), nothing has changed in fifty years. it's disgraceful, and this militant group isn't helping America.
This thread is NOT going away, you lefties and black racist can ignore it all you want but the fact is the problem is blacks not whites, Blacks kill twice as many whites as whites kill blacks EVERY year. The cops kill so few people with out cause as to be meaningless in the list of deaths. And the reason 6 times as many blacks as whites get shot is because BLACKS not whites are committing the most murders the most assaults the most armed robberies and the list goes on and on.
Stunning how most in this country are not aware of or ignore the stats posted in this thread and blindly follow a false narrative. The truth is police brutality is way down on the list of things for blacks to worry about. If they don't break the law and resist arrest they never have to worry about police brutality. What they really need to worry about is other blacks.
The facts are that TWICE as many whites are killed by Blacks as Blacks are killed by whites. THE facts are that blacks are 13 percent of the population while whites are 70 percent and TWICE as many whites as blacks are killed by the other race. We have a problem, but it is not that whites are killing blacks, it is that blacks are killing whites. https://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2016-09-29/race-and-homicide-in-america-by-the-numbers

Yet main stream news and BLM and the democrats would all have you believe there is an epidemic of whites murdering blacks. The reality is that 13 percent of the population killed twice as many of 70 percent of the population then the reverse.

Now watch the usual racist democrats will either ignore this thread or make excuses for it. While the black racists claim percents don't matter, well to them the over all numbers are that Blacks killed twice as many whites as whites killed blacks.

But notice the bent of the article they make it sound like whites are the problem by noting that a higher percent of blacks were killed by whites that year then in previous years, Which means in previous years blacks killed even MORE whites then whites killed blacks.
....yes--I've posted this many times--so the RATE is they kill whites at TEN times the rate
..it's '''amazing''' the MSM leaves this out
Stunning how most in this country are not aware of or ignore the stats posted in this thread and blindly follow a false narrative. The truth is police brutality is way down on the list of things for blacks to worry about. If they don't break the law and resist arrest they never have to worry about police brutality. What they really need to worry about is other blacks.
yes---the statistics prove it
Facts or TRUTH to the agenda of the left are about as relevant as the moon and a warm puppy.

Totally irrelevant.

We ought to be preparing for the counter revolution and we should be more intolerant of them as they are of us.

Even trying to present Facts to these degenerates is an utter waste of time.

We should be preparing for the bloody conflict cause nothing else is going to stop their cultural marxist revolution from slaughtering all of us.

Don't think we get it.
1. Americans are not stupid.

2. They know the facts.

3. But they also know that they have to keep their mouths shut -- or lose their jobs.

4. So they just do their best to keep out of situations in which they may be a victim of robbery, sucker punching, rape, or murder.

5. Sadly, sometimes a person is just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

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