Politician slammed for tasteless Christmas Card

This is what the repub party has become....a classic hate filled Christmas card. Only days after the slaying in Michigan....tasteless and cruel.

1.) The gun used in the shooting was a pistol. The family are all holding rifles.

2.) It’s not the family’s fault that the shooter chose to kill people during the Christmas season.
Just for Timmy's Taint....

I have known your point from the first time you stated it.

It's a stupid point.

Many people have holiday cards taken in Hawaii. It's not unusual. And a holiday card taken in Hawaii with a holiday theme is very common. Do you believe those who live there aren't allowed to take a photo for a holiday card? People take photos for holiday cards all around the world. Are you saying that a person can only take a holiday card in the stable where the baby Jesus was born?

You have a different opinion from me.

I can accept different opinions.

Apparently you can't.

And apparently you have no idea what the holiday is all about.

You may want politicians who prostitute off the birth of the baby Jesus but I find it tacky and an insult to the christian religion.

The fact that I have a different view from you shows both of us can think for ourselves.

The fact that you can't accept someone else's view shows how insecure you are about your views.

You can reply to this but I'm just going to scroll right by it without even reading.

Your are making a very stupid point to justify someone using the birth of the baby Jesus for their own personal, financial and political gain.

How christian of you.

You're not going to scroll by anything, you just won't respond.

Take the Hawaii picture out of this. What about the other instances I gave; the other pictures that have little or nothing to do with the holiday? You never addressed one of those. Why? Because they don't bother you. They are not about Christ, his birthday or the holiday itself. So quit being a hypocrite. It's not that this family didn't create a religious picture, it's because it was a picture of them with guns.
Look at these "rightwing Redneck gun nuts"............................ :abgg2q.jpg:

If a person uses a car for it's intended purpose, someone is transported from one place to another.

If an ice pick is used for it's intended purpose, you have a bunch of ice cubes or shavings.

If a gun is used for it's intended purpose, someone is either dead or harmed. Or something is destroyed.

I'm not surprised far right wingers don't know this.
Why is “intended purpose” relevant if the victim is just as dead?

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Yes, I imagine this will elicit cheers from an element of the membership on here. It does seem tone deaf when we have a similar gun loving family cause a tragedy in Detroit. Me Massie passes legislation in the US.
Which one is he married to ?
Bad memories of you going to see Santa, Timmy's Taint?


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Yes, I imagine this will elicit cheers from an element of the membership on here. It does seem tone deaf when we have a similar gun loving family cause a tragedy in Detroit. Me Massie passes legislation in the US.
Which one is he married to ?
Says the peasant from a country with a medieval form of government. Here's a family pic of your rulers. God save the Queen.


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No, you insisted the only reason for a gun is to kill. I gave you 7 reasons that have nothing to do with killing. You can't accept that because you really think there's only one reason to have a gun. Not my problem.
Yes, that is the reason guns exist. Just because you have sex with it, doesn't make it a sex toy. But hey, do what you want with it. Not my problem.

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Yes, I imagine this will elicit cheers from an element of the membership on here. It does seem tone deaf when we have a similar gun loving family cause a tragedy in Detroit. Me Massie passes legislation in the US.
Which one is he married to ?


Yeah, you would be more comfortable if they were holding dildos. Right faggot?

Yes, that is the reason guns exist. Just because you have sex with it, doesn't make it a sex toy. But hey, do what you want with it. Not my problem.
So you double down on stupid. Not my problem your imagination is stuck in your pants.
1.) The gun used in the shooting was a pistol. The family are all holding rifles.

2.) It’s not the family’s fault that the shooter chose to kill people during the Christmas season.
OH! EXCUSE ME! I overlooked the assault rifles that the "Christmas Card Family" are holding. I see that changes the entire meaning of the card.....IDIOT!
So you double down on stupid. Not my problem your imagination is stuck in your pants.
LOL. Double down on what, you moron? The fact that guns are used for killing and is not an appropriate message for this holy season? Yeah, I'll double down on that. While you keep doubling down on being a moron. Deal?
LOL. Double down on what, you moron? The fact that guns are used for killing and is not an appropriate message for this holy season? Yeah, I'll double down on that. While you keep doubling down on being a moron. Deal?
Reading comprehension is not one of your most shining strengths. At least you've moved from, "The only reason guns exist is to kill" to, "Guns are used for killing". Way to move the goalposts.
Reading comprehension is not one of your most shining strengths. At least you've moved from, "The only reason guns exist is to kill" to, "Guns are used for killing". Way to move the goalposts.
LOL. Still harping on that, are we? Yes, the reason guns exist is to kill. You use it to masturbate makes no difference. Get it now, moron?
LOL. Still harping on that, are we? Yes, the reason guns exist is to kill. You use it to masturbate makes no difference. Get it now, moron?
I see you're still fixated on sex. Don't worry, in about 10 years you'll be 25 and things will be in better control. Since you clearly have a reading comprehension problem, I'll repost 7 reasons why someone would want to have guns that don't involve killing. Here's your challenge. Take your hands out of your pants long enough to tell us all which of these has anything to do with killing.

1. Fun shooting targets at the range.
2. Increasing hand/eye coordination.
3. Stress reduction.
4. Comradery.
5. International competition.
6. Teaching discipline.
7. Collecting.

Now, bets are being placed. Will you one, find one that involves killing (good luck with that) two, admit none of them involve killing (not likely from you because reasons and narrative) three, ignore all of them and insist that guns only kill and serve no other purpose at all (you've already done this one), or four, mumble something about what you wish you had in your sex life (the big money is on that one).
Poor trumptard. Stuck on stupid. Here ya go... the same answer as before:

Guns exist to kill. Just because you have sex with it, doesn't make it a sex toy. But hey, do what you want with it. Not my problem.
Okay, so you combined options three and four. Doesn't in any way negate anything I said. This is what happens when an immature doofus runs up against solid arguments and they realize they're outclassed. They inevitably start sputtering things like "trumptard", even though TRUMP! isn't a part of the discussion, and ramble on about the poor state of their sex lives. I'm not quite sure what they think they're accomplishing, but it's kind of entertaining to watch.
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