Political philosophy tricks of magic


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2010
TRUMP stood American politics upside down upon it's ugly head..

Nobody else.

I was at cpac 16 i saw it happen.. he cancelled his date.. to become president.

America is drowning in mediadorphines right now..

Even nice people that work hard all day and support and love and take care of their families are starting to see that something is wrong...

Political philosophies have shifted Trump changed the Republican Party tailored to his needs like a new suit who wouldn't

The Democrats I've turned their party into a object Madness

The politicians and the journalist seeking attention are flying too close to the flame on this run I predict a third party will emerge

Politics has become a bad magic show everybody can see how the trick is done misdirection is the driving force and the only people that we can't make disappear other ones ruining the country and that starts with c n n like a press conference smoke and mirrors

did you guys know that Joe Biden hasn't been to the Mexican border once since he was elected

Like Nancy Pelosi that's really f****** rich

so many important things to do in Delaware San Francisco chicago and beyond..

Fentynal genocide alone will b the existential genicide of America...

Not the weather...
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Trump obliterated decades of carefully crafted political propaganda. Dared to debate countless issues that were deemed never discuss like millions of illegals flooding into our country and the crime, rapes and deaths of Americans they were causing. There was a news blackout on that until Trump's courage forced the debate.
TRUMP stood American politics upside down upon it's ugly head..

Nobody else.

I was at cpac 16 i saw it happen.. he cancelled his date.. to become president.

America is drowning in mediadorphines right now..

Even nice people that work hard all day and support and love and take care of their families are starting to see that something is wrong...

Political philosophies have shifted Trump changed the Republican Party tailored to his needs like a new suit who wouldn't

The Democrats I've turned their party into a object Madness

The politicians and the journalist seeking attention are flying too close to the flame on this run I predict a third party will emerge
Well we saw what the dems did to the last third party we had.
Trump obliterated decades of carefully crafted political propaganda. Dared to debate countless issues that were deemed never discuss like millions of illegals flooding into our country and the crime, rapes and deaths of Americans they were causing. There was a news blackout on that until Trump's courage forced the debate.
Dared to go to counties Repubs were just writing off cause experts ya know
TRUMP stood American politics upside down upon it's ugly head..

Nobody else.

I was at cpac 16 i saw it happen.. he cancelled his date.. to become president.

America is drowning in mediadorphines right now..

Even nice people that work hard all day and support and love and take care of their families are starting to see that something is wrong...

Political philosophies have shifted Trump changed the Republican Party tailored to his needs like a new suit who wouldn't

The Democrats I've turned their party into a object Madness

The politicians and the journalist seeking attention are flying too close to the flame on this run I predict a third party will emerge

Politics has become a bad magic show everybody can see how the trick is done misdirection is the driving force and the only people that we can't make disappear other ones ruining the country and that starts with c n n like a press conference smoke and mirrors

did you guys know that Joe Biden hasn't been to the Mexican border once since he was elected

Like Nancy Pelosi that's really f****** rich

so many important things to do in Delaware San Francisco chicago and beyond..

Fentynal genocide alone will b the existential genicide of America...

Not the weather...
Blah blah blah
Just to let you know that one candidate always wins or loses popular vote. That's the way it has always been and always will be. However, the last time I checked popular vote doesn't count.
It makes an impression...
The media uses it for taunting

and it's one of those Whimsical ridiculous aspirational dreams

like making d.c. a state the Supreme Court having 51 members stupid s*** like that

I will endorse the popular vote only if everybody shots out the lights in Washington DC the way it is now and every single state makes their own f****** rules
Whoever wins the popular vote gets to help the state make their own f****** rules like the media I think federal government is kind of outlawing its welcome here

That said I could never win the popular vote in Vermont or Florida unless I earned it

The founding mothers married to the founding fathers who were terrified at the founding mothers that one thing this is a big country it's going to get bigger and every reason every state every colony is different people need to make their own decisions at that Level...

The United States has three armies the US Army the States national guard
and citizen militia...
They are woven together so one crazy period of politics doesn't fall the Empire and all the hard work that went into it

I encourage anyone in the United States of the world to post the 10th Amendment on the refrigerator.. if u have one...

Citizen of "the people"
has 2
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Trump was a 1-term President who never won the Popular Vote. He did not turn anything upside down.
There is no popular vote you lying dishonest pond scum Dems. There wasn't a popular vote election, or campaign, or campaign strategy to win a popular vote but you people go right on lying and consoling yourselves because you lost on score but made the most free throws. Morons!

Trump's overwhelming red victory!!

There is no popular vote you lying dishonest pond scum Dems. There wasn't a popular vote election, or campaign, or campaign strategy to win a popular vote but you people go right on lying and consoling yourselves because you lost on score but made the most free throws. Morons!

Trump's overwhelming red victory!!

Also a crime map if you look at it in a mirror...
Trump obliterated decades of carefully crafted political propaganda. Dared to debate countless issues that were deemed never discuss like millions of illegals flooding into our country and the crime, rapes and deaths of Americans they were causing. There was a news blackout on that until Trump's courage forced the debate.

Trump debated nothing. Trump issued executive orders and tried to dismantle the refugee and immigration system simply because he wants a white nationalist government. The idea that immigrants are driving massive crime waves is a lie as old as the USA itself.

REPUBLICANS refuse to discuss immigration reform. REPUBLICANS promote the lies that immigrants cause crime and violence. It keeps the fools like YOU voting against your own best interests and voting for Republican tax cuts for the owners of FOX New, Breitbart, and the other billionaire owned right wing media.

The American Chamber of Commerce is BEGGING for immigration reform. Democrats are begging for immigration Reform, and have been since Ronald Reagan gave amnesty to 6 million illegals.

Illegal immigration goes down under every Democratic President because a Democratic DOJ goes after the employers, and they stop hiring illegals. Republican Presidents, including Trump, go after illegal immigrants and the moment the employers put out the "Now Hiring" signs, illegal immigration spikes.

Illegal immigration is a wedge issue that Republicans use to help their billionaire base, and keep fools like you outraged over their lies. It's a win/win for Republicans to lie to you because you believe anything they tell you. Just check out the graph - spikes of illegal encounters every time a Republican is President.

Just to let you know that one candidate always wins or loses popular vote. That's the way it has always been and always will be. However, the last time I checked popular vote doesn't count.
Thank You, they cling to this notion...
Like DC becomes a state... it's so stupid...
Trump debated nothing. Trump issued executive orders and tried to dismantle the refugee and immigration system simply because he wants a white nationalist government. The idea that immigrants are driving massive crime waves is a lie as old as the USA itself.

REPUBLICANS refuse to discuss immigration reform. REPUBLICANS promote the lies that immigrants cause crime and violence. It keeps the fools like YOU voting against your own best interests and voting for Republican tax cuts for the owners of FOX New, Breitbart, and the other billionaire owned right wing media.

The American Chamber of Commerce is BEGGING for immigration reform. Democrats are begging for immigration Reform, and have been since Ronald Reagan gave amnesty to 6 million illegals.

Illegal immigration goes down under every Democratic President because a Democratic DOJ goes after the employers, and they stop hiring illegals. Republican Presidents, including Trump, go after illegal immigrants and the moment the employers put out the "Now Hiring" signs, illegal immigration spikes.

Illegal immigration is a wedge issue that Republicans use to help their billionaire base, and keep fools like you outraged over their lies. It's a win/win for Republicans to lie to you because you believe anything they tell you. Just check out the graph - spikes of illegal encounters every time a Republican is President.

I think you mean a wedge matter....

Trump want's a white nationalist government... ?

I wish I could say I was stunned

but I have come to expect those sorts of comments from you

u r remarkably misguided and dim...

Don't you think that there are enough conservatives, people u know..

that would be upset at him being the wizard that you think he is...

Are you calling out everyone that voted for Trump
and thought he was a good president as a racist ?

because I think you sound pretty racist

In your own dim way

Trump never addressed imigration....

U believe that..
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