Political leanings on the USMB Board

Yup, many on the left don't need talking points and bullshit to confirm our opinions and beliefs, we rely on facts....:ducks: :lol:

Wrong again, on the reverse side of the argument.

then how is the one blaringly conservative news station such as fox get such high ratings? WHy Rush and company get such high ratings?

They were the first, and still the best, at what they do. In Fox's case, a lineup heavy on the opinion shows which were stacked in the conservatives favor. In Rush's case, the first newstalk program that combined humor and opinion geared towards conservatives with no care to present the opposing viewpoint.

Liberals can do it too. They just haven't....yet. I have no doubt in my mind that a liberal version of Rush is right now percolating up the ranks. Just don't know who yet, and just don't know when.
I can tell when Fakes News' --and even the decidedly lefty CNN's-- reporting of events ends and the opinion begins.

That's not at all the case on DNCNBC.

Really? As we know, I agree that MSNBC is also a crap-loaded propaganda outlet, but you "can can tell when Fakes News'... reporting of events ends and the opinion begins."?

Because I honestly can't. Here's a good synopsis of the way I feel on the subject via "The Daily Show":

Jon Stewart Exposes Fox News 'Balance Video

It's a long video (10 min), but funny. To see my exact point, skip the Sarah Palin intro to his point and go to where he starts to talk about Megan Kelly's new "News" show.

It's about 2:40 min into the video.
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It would seem that of late, the population of this board has taken a rather pronounced turn to the right.

New members have typically been right-wing oriented, and the posts have taken a decidedly right-wing talking point direction, including much in the way of repetitive spam.

It seems that many of my fellow posters on the left-hand side of things, have found this unpalatable and are posting less and less..

It would be unfortunate to see USMB turn into a right-wing echo chamber, ala Townhall.com.

Perhaps folks on both sides might want to talk about this issue and express their political leanings to see if my assertion has any validity whatsoever.

I, myself, am a leftie.
If anything, this forum has been leaning farther and farther left. With the incessant trolling of the main boards with inane issues filled with talking points straight from the DUh, it has been getting harder and harder to find any real discussion.

I do enjoy reading the various labels though. It makes Me laugh to see people working so hard to pigeonhole themselves as something other then the main parties. It gets so that it is almost impossible to keep up with what flavor of left or what flavor of right anyone seems to be at any given moment. To be honest, that does seem to flow directly from what party is in power at any given time.

The simple truth is. One either believes that government is the end all, be all; or they believe government couldn't wipe its own ass.

Me. I no longer care what others think My leanings are.
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If it was such tripe, why did you bother to read it in the first place?

Now you're attacking my age as well?

It's hilarious how short of time it took for you to turn out to be a complete hypocrite.

How would anyone know it was tripe without reading it in the first place? Are you suggesting that an objective person would just assume that anything posted by you is Tripe and should not bother reading it?

I read your posts in good faith to see if what you had to say. I found them sadly lacking. I'm sorry if you find that disappointing, but you'll get over it.


Best wishes for your recovery.
Wrong again, on the reverse side of the argument.

then how is the one blaringly conservative news station such as fox get such high ratings? WHy Rush and company get such high ratings? many conservatives seem to hear what they already believe. Those guys spout what they know their audience wants to hear, regardless of how stupid the argument they are making is.

Those ratings are not that high...For cable TV sure, but still not that high in the overall state of things..

You don't compare cable ratings to network ratings. And you don't compare cable news ratings to cable cooking shows ratings.

Apples to apples, yes, they are that high.
You're the one making assumptions. I never claimed FOX was "better". Sweetie, don't show yourself to be a hyprocrite and do to me what you're accusing others of doing to you. You don't have a fucking clue what makes me happy or what my ideology is. Now be a big boy and go wipe your snotty nose.:lol:

It's not like I haven't read your posts on here before. I have a fair idea of where you stand ideology wise in general. You would find yourself agreeing with more the point of views put forth by Fox than MSNBC.
How would anyone know it was tripe without reading it in the first place? Are you suggesting that an objective person would just assume that anything posted by you is Tripe and should not bother reading it?

I read your posts in good faith to see if what you had to say. I found them sadly lacking. I'm sorry if you find that disappointing, but you'll get over it.


Best wishes for your recovery.

Problem is, you're not a objective person.

I don't care about your opinion because you have offered nothing for me to think it has any value in the first place. All I see you doing is assuming this and that because of my age or because I attend college.

I have a good feeling you wouldn't say the same things to a college student who happened to be a Republican. Just sayin.
If it was such tripe, why did you bother to read it in the first place?

Now you're attacking my age as well?

It's hilarious how short of time it took for you to turn out to be a complete hypocrite.

How would anyone know it was tripe without reading it in the first place? Are you suggesting that an objective person would just assume that anything posted by you is Tripe and should not bother reading it?

I read your posts in good faith to see if what you had to say. I found them sadly lacking. I'm sorry if you find that disappointing, but you'll get over it.


Best wishes for your recovery.

Some cultures consider tripe a delicacy.

Menudo, for example.
then how is the one blaringly conservative news station such as fox get such high ratings? WHy Rush and company get such high ratings? many conservatives seem to hear what they already believe. Those guys spout what they know their audience wants to hear, regardless of how stupid the argument they are making is.

Those ratings are not that high...For cable TV sure, but still not that high in the overall state of things..

You don't compare cable ratings to network ratings. And you don't compare cable news ratings to cable cooking shows ratings.

Apples to apples, yes, they are that high.

of course you compare them if you are an advertiser. In the overall scheme of things they are low. Last I saw, something like 2.5%. That means 7.5 million Americans watch the shows and 293.5 million don't. Puts it in perspective, no?

You're certainly expending a great deal of effort responding to someone for whose opinion you do not care.

Just sayin'.
You're the one making assumptions. I never claimed FOX was "better". Sweetie, don't show yourself to be a hyprocrite and do to me what you're accusing others of doing to you. You don't have a fucking clue what makes me happy or what my ideology is. Now be a big boy and go wipe your snotty nose.:lol:

It's not like I haven't read your posts on here before. I have a fair idea of where you stand ideology wise in general. You would find yourself agreeing with more the point of views put forth by Fox than MSNBC.

Ok chief, cite your sources.:D Have fun pouring through my 500 posts to prove that you "know" me.:lol:
It would seem that of late, the population of this board has taken a rather pronounced turn to the right.

New members have typically been right-wing oriented, and the posts have taken a decidedly right-wing talking point direction, including much in the way of repetitive spam.

It seems that many of my fellow posters on the left-hand side of things, have found this unpalatable and are posting less and less..

It would be unfortunate to see USMB turn into a right-wing echo chamber, ala Townhall.com.

Perhaps folks on both sides might want to talk about this issue and express their political leanings to see if my assertion has any validity whatsoever.

I, myself, am a leftie.
If anything, this forum has been leaning farther and farther left. With the incessant trolling of the main boards with inane issues filled with talking points straight from the DUh, it has been getting harder and harder to find any real discussion.

I do enjoy reading the various labels though. It makes Me laugh to see people working so hard to pigeonhole themselves as something other then the main parties. It gets so that it is almost impossible to keep up with what flavor of left or what flavor of right anyone seems to be at any given moment. To be honest, that does seem to flow directly from what party is in power at any given time.

The simple truth is. One either believes that government is the end all, be all; or they believe government couldn't wipe its own ass.

Me. I no longer care what others think My leanings are.

Honestly? I think it's been drawing more extremes on both sides. There happen to be more rightys overall right now, but it's becoming less and less representative of the actual voters and everyday people out there and more like a bunch of protesters and counterprotesters screaming slogans at each other. Bound to happen on a political board, but still annoying to post around when the loonies are out in full force.
Ok chief, cite your sources.:D Have fun pouring through my 500 posts to prove that you "know" me.:lol:

I said I have a fair idea where you stand ideology wise, not that I know you personally. :eusa_whistle:

Here's you defending Glenn Beck:


Here's you classifying all Liberals and people who may agree with Obama into one group:


And another "interesting" post:


Here's you saying Obama pals around with Castro and Iran's dictator:


Not a Fan of Michael Moore:


So my earlier conclusion that you would find more to agree with on Fox rather than MSNBC seems to hold true. I can get more evidence but I think that's more than enough.


Edit: Reversed MSNBC and Fox due to typo that I didn't catch.
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then how is the one blaringly conservative news station such as fox get such high ratings? WHy Rush and company get such high ratings? many conservatives seem to hear what they already believe. Those guys spout what they know their audience wants to hear, regardless of how stupid the argument they are making is.

Those ratings are not that high...For cable TV sure, but still not that high in the overall state of things..

You don't compare cable ratings to network ratings. And you don't compare cable news ratings to cable cooking shows ratings.

Apples to apples, yes, they are that high.

Isn't it interesting that the majority of the citizenry watch broadcast television which is 100% liberal but they complain about FoxNews. They even went so far as to provide boxes for digital reception of their media outlets and still they fear one little cable network station like it is destroying America.

The same with Talk Radio. There are more cities and towns that don't get the Limbaugh program then do and these people are stuck listening to the propaganda of the left but they complain about the measly 20 million listeners that Limbaugh gets.

And it still isn't enough for them. That they have to actually consider passing legislation to silence that little bit of opposition programing.

Amazing stuff.
It would seem that of late, the population of this board has taken a rather pronounced turn to the right.

New members have typically been right-wing oriented, and the posts have taken a decidedly right-wing talking point direction, including much in the way of repetitive spam.

It seems that many of my fellow posters on the left-hand side of things, have found this unpalatable and are posting less and less..

It would be unfortunate to see USMB turn into a right-wing echo chamber, ala Townhall.com.

Perhaps folks on both sides might want to talk about this issue and express their political leanings to see if my assertion has any validity whatsoever.

I, myself, am a leftie.
If anything, this forum has been leaning farther and farther left. With the incessant trolling of the main boards with inane issues filled with talking points straight from the DUh, it has been getting harder and harder to find any real discussion.

I do enjoy reading the various labels though. It makes Me laugh to see people working so hard to pigeonhole themselves as something other then the main parties. It gets so that it is almost impossible to keep up with what flavor of left or what flavor of right anyone seems to be at any given moment. To be honest, that does seem to flow directly from what party is in power at any given time.

The simple truth is. One either believes that government is the end all, be all; or they believe government couldn't wipe its own ass.

Me. I no longer care what others think My leanings are.

Honestly? I think it's been drawing more extremes on both sides. There happen to be more rightys overall right now, but it's becoming less and less representative of the actual voters and everyday people out there and more like a bunch of protesters and counterprotesters screaming slogans at each other. Bound to happen on a political board, but still annoying to post around when the loonies are out in full force.

To Me it has just degenerated into a hate Cheney/Palin/Tea Party website with some anti-Obama rhetoric thrown in for flavoring.
and these people are stuck listening to the propaganda of the left

People are stuck doing nothing. It's called turning off the television or changing the channel.

Also, there is a thing called the internet. You might of heard of it?

And no, it's not a series of tubes. :eusa_shhh:
Isn't it interesting that the majority of the citizenry watch broadcast television which is 100% liberal but they complain about FoxNews. They even went so far as to provide boxes for digital reception of their media outlets and still they fear one little cable network station like it is destroying America.

The same with Talk Radio. There are more cities and towns that don't get the Limbaugh program then do and these people are stuck listening to the propaganda of the left but they complain about the measly 20 million listeners that Limbaugh gets.

And it still isn't enough for them. That they have to actually consider passing legislation to silence that little bit of opposition programing.

Amazing stuff.

Maybe it's because righties always provide links and quote these guys are sources....

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