Christophera's incorrect photo analysis of WTC1's foundation


Gold Member
Aug 31, 2009
OMG, agent. You are so inadequate, even more inadequate than the base plate for the elevator guide rail support steel, which sat on a grillage.


That in turn rested on a 1 foot thick concrete slab.

Totally inadequate for the foundation of a core column.

The interior box column in the below image is outside the core and had a footing that went down perhaps 10 feet below the bottom of the core foundation it surrounded. Both were dug into the limestone formation underlying everything.


That is what a core column needs for foundation not a crappy bracket resting on a stack of "I" beam cribbing that bears on a 1 foot concrete slab.

The "grillage" in between the elevator pits can be seen in the core area of WTC 1. "Slurry wall" is an error and is really the perimeter footings of the tower.


The 17 foot thick is now known to extend from the outer edge of the outermost elevator pit to between the interior box column footings which were 5 feet measured perpendicular to the core face. That 5 feet of concrete is outside the core basewall which was 12 feet thick down into the core foundation

Here is WHY he is glaringly incorrect in his photo analysis.

Chris, here's why you are CLUELESS.

In the photo above you say the dark grillages you point to are for the elevator support steel which was just inside the outer ring of massive box columns. Per your claim, the massive box columns were outside your supposed concrete core while the elevator support steel was inside your supposed concrete core.

Concering the columns in the core, how many column rows were there for the short axis and how many column row were there for the long axis? I'll answer for you. 6 columns along the short axis wall and 8 along the long axis.

Next is the photo that I have marked up. I have drawn red lines to indicate the column rows and numbered them 1 through 6. What's that you say? Only 6 column rows from bottom to top? How can that be? That would make the grillages you point at support for the massive box columns since columns rows 1 and 6 are massive box column rows.



Here is the same photo. How do we know that bottom to top is the short axis of the core (6 column rows) and left to right is the long axis of the core (8 column rows)?

How do we know that those are the 8 column rows along the long axis? See the column rows number 4 and 5? Those that the 2 columns are closer together that any of the other columns in the row. Column 4 has 3 columns to the right of it which means that column 5 has 3 columns to the left of it. 8 columns.

Here's your "buttplate" picture. The columns in the red rectangle are column rows 4 and 5 above.

So your claim that those grillages you call are are for elevator guide rail support steel is completely wrong. Those are actually grillages for the BOX COLUMNS!!!


Wait. Let me guess. You re-remembered what you didn't remember you remembered all those years ago?


Please explain HOW you fucked up describing this photo? How did you come to the conclusion that the light area above the dark colored grillages was where your concrete wall was at? If you claim that, then you are saying that all six column rows of the short axis were INSIDE your core. That INCLUDES the massive box columns that you place OUTSIDE your core at other points of you discussing your crap theory.

This also crushes your claim that the dark grillages shown in that photo were not strong enough to support the core box columns. That photo SHOWS the grillages ARE, in fact, beneath the massive box columns which are rows 1 and 6.

Care to debate me on this major mistake made on your part or are you just going to admit that you were completely wrong?

Have at it jackass.
I offer the following photo taken during construction of one of the towers as further evidence that agent chrissy is wrong.

BTW- do not expect honest debate from chrissy, here isn't interested in truth other than to obstruct the truth


  • $coreconstruction.jpg
    46.6 KB · Views: 149

Chris admitted he screw up in his analysis and was completely wrong about the foundation photo above and what it contained per this quote here:

My incorrect analysis of a foundation photo does not create "steel core columns". You still have no image of the supposed steel core columns inthe core area and no independently verified evidence of them.

One down. Many to go.
Hi Gam with some of your Govt Cover Story Stooges mentioned:

Christophera's incorrect photo analysis of WTC1's foundation
The Twin Towers were taken down by Controlled Demolition, just like WTC-7 (my Topic). Gamolon has deluded himself into believing that attacking Chris's Photo Analysis is going to make his "Building Fires Did It" Theory more believable :)cuckoo:).

Gamolon, Fizz, CandyCorn, DiveCon and all of the other Govt Cover Story Stooges have been challenged repeatedly to start their own Topic making the Official Cover Story Case 'and' to date NONE have accepted Terral's Challenge (my Topic). Gamolon will NEVER even try to explain the EMPTY HOLE (my Flight 93 Topic) ...


... outside Shanksville, because the Official Cover Story LIE cannot be proven by the complete lack of EVIDENCE. These morons :)cuckoo:) come to this USMB Conspiracy Theories Forum every day to push Official Cover Story LIES, because that is what DoD Ops (How To Spot) are paid to do.

If 'anyone' is led astray by these idiots, then you 'are' worthy to share in their fate ...


Hi Gam with some of your Govt Cover Story Stooges mentioned:

Christophera's incorrect photo analysis of WTC1's foundation
The Twin Towers were taken down by Controlled Demolition, just like WTC-7 (my Topic). Gamolon has deluded himself into believing that attacking Chris's Photo Analysis is going to make his "Building Fires Did It" Theory more believable :)cuckoo:).

Gamolon, Fizz, CandyCorn, DiveCon and all of the other Govt Cover Story Stooges have been challenged repeatedly to start their own Topic making the Official Cover Story Case 'and' to date NONE have accepted Terral's Challenge (my Topic). Gamolon will NEVER even try to explain the EMPTY HOLE (my Flight 93 Topic) ...


... outside Shanksville, because the Official Cover Story LIE cannot be proven by the complete lack of EVIDENCE. These morons :)cuckoo:) come to this USMB Conspiracy Theories Forum every day to push Official Cover Story LIES, because that is what DoD Ops (How To Spot) are paid to do.

If 'anyone' is led astray by these idiots, then you 'are' worthy to share in their fate ...




It's the court jester of conspiracy!!!

Have you made a prediction that has come true yet? Believe in any more hype and post frantic messages about it?


Gamolon, Fizz, CandyCorn, DiveCon and all of the other Govt Cover Story Stooges have been challenged repeatedly to start their own Topic making the Official Cover Story Case 'and' to date NONE have accepted Terral's Challenge (my Topic).


A challenge issued by yours truley, and went unanswered for days, then Terral only issued insults and accusations.

The real fact is that MY challenge was not accepted by the evil Terral, while several of us presented credible evidence in evil terral's thread.

terral is eveil, and disguises himself as 'good'.

here is Terrals' pathetic blog;

9/11 Was An Inside Job: 9:31

I point out that he has one , count 'em, ONE follower, helen murdock, which coincidently is jay canuck's real name, at least when he is in drag.
Does this thread have independently verified evidence showing steel core columns in the core area? Or does it only have the exposed misrepresentations of elevator guide rail support steel

Or is it only showing that without the official plans the thread starter cannot produce and will not acknowledge the violations of law depriving us of the plans for the buildings, that analysis of partial, oblique photos of the construction site before the core cannot be properly analysed?
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Does this thread have independently verified evidence showing steel core columns in the core area? Or does it only have the exposed misrepresentations of elevator guide rail support steel

we are still waiting for your documentation supporting your claim that its elevator guide rail support steel. where are you getting this information? or did you just pull that out of your ass too? :eusa_liar:
Does this thread have independently verified evidence showing steel core columns in the core area? Or does it only have the exposed misrepresentations of elevator guide rail support steel

Or is it only showing that without the official plans the thread starter cannot produce and will not acknowledge the violations of law depriving us of the plans for the buildings, that analysis of partial, oblique photos of the construction site before the core cannot be properly analysed?

It shows that you screwed up majorly in your analysis of the photo. You made shit up about what the photo contained to support your concrete core theory.

Busted big time. Your claims about grillages has also been proven wrong with this photo.
Hi Gam:

What a joke! Gamolon is supposed to be providing evidence that 'Building Fires Took Down The Twin Towers 'AND' WTC-7,' but all he can do is attack other USMB Members with his nonsense and stupidity (see Gam's lame Signature) ...


It's the court jester of conspiracy!!!
Here is a short list of my current USMB Topics:

This Is What Happened On 9/11
Govt Documentation Proves 9/11 Inside Job
Flight 93/Shanksville
Flight 77/Pentagon
WTC-7 Controlled Demolition
9:32 AM First Explosion Can Break The Pentagon Case Wide Open
Pentagon Timeline
DoD Manipulated Fire And Firemen
Flight 77 Never Crashed Near The Pentagon
April Gallop Was Injured During 9:31:39 AM Missile Strike
9:31 AM Missile Strike: Answers To Bill Veale's Questions
"9/11 Press For Truth" Continues: The Video
Secret Bush-Clinton-FED Pakistani Accounts Linked To 9/11 Attacks
Dick Cheney, Karl Rove And Donald Rumsfeld Have Been Murdering Americans
Rebuttal To CIT Claims About What "Did Not" Hit The Pentagon
Poll: Who Supports The Official 9/11 Cover Stories

Where can we find Gamolon's Topics making the Official Cover Story Case for Flight 93 Crashing Outside Shanksville??? Oh yeah. This loser has no 9/11 Topics ... My Flight 93 Topic is here.

[ame=""]Hey Gamolon! Debunk This!!![/ame]

Where can we find Gamolon's Pentagon Topics making the Official Cover Story Case that AA77 crashed into the Pentagon??? Oh yeah .... My "What Happened At The Pentagon" Topic is here.

[ame=""]Hey Gamolon! Debunk This!!![/ame]

Where can we find Gamolon's Topic proving that the WTC Skyscrapers collapsed at freefall speed into their own footprints from 'Building Fires' (:cuckoo:)??? My WTC-7 CD Implosion Topic is here.

[ame=""]Hey Gamolon! Debunk This!!![/ame]

Have you made a prediction that has come true yet?

Mr. Gamolon has 'NO' Topics explaining the Official Cover Story LIE for the Flight 93, Flight 77/Pentagon 'NOR' the WTC-7 CD Implosion Cases, but he can talk nonsense about predictions! Here is a prediction that has already been proven over and over again: Gamolon will NEVER (in a million years) accept Terral's Challenge (Do it hotshot!) to start 'His Own Topic' using 'EVIDENCE' to support the Official Govt Cover Story LIES for 'What Really Happened On 9/11' (my Topic). Period!

Believe in any more hype and post frantic messages about it?


Frantic? Get real! My work on these related 9/11 Inside Job Topics outnumber those from ALL of my debating adversaries combined (BY FAR). The fact is that Gamolon can debunk NOTHING, so he attacks 'other members' and pretends that all of that STUPIDITY means something ...

[ame=""]In Your Deluded Mind ... Dude ...[/ame]


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Hi Gam:

What a joke! Gamolon is supposed to be providing evidence that 'Building Fires Took Down The Twin Towers 'AND' WTC-7,' but all he can do is attack other USMB Members with his nonsense and stupidity (see Gam's lame Signature) ...


It's the court jester of conspiracy!!!
Here is a short list of my current USMB Topics:

This Is What Happened On 9/11
Govt Documentation Proves 9/11 Inside Job
Flight 93/Shanksville
Flight 77/Pentagon
WTC-7 Controlled Demolition
9:32 AM First Explosion Can Break The Pentagon Case Wide Open
Pentagon Timeline
DoD Manipulated Fire And Firemen
Flight 77 Never Crashed Near The Pentagon
April Gallop Was Injured During 9:31:39 AM Missile Strike
9:31 AM Missile Strike: Answers To Bill Veale's Questions
"9/11 Press For Truth" Continues: The Video
Secret Bush-Clinton-FED Pakistani Accounts Linked To 9/11 Attacks
Dick Cheney, Karl Rove And Donald Rumsfeld Have Been Murdering Americans
Rebuttal To CIT Claims About What "Did Not" Hit The Pentagon
Poll: Who Supports The Official 9/11 Cover Stories

Where can we find Gamolon's Topics making the Official Cover Story Case for Flight 93 Crashing Outside Shanksville??? Oh yeah. This loser has no 9/11 Topics ... My Flight 93 Topic is here.

[ame=""]Hey Gamolon! Debunk This!!![/ame]

Where can we find Gamolon's Pentagon Topics making the Official Cover Story Case that AA77 crashed into the Pentagon??? Oh yeah .... My "What Happened At The Pentagon" Topic is here.

[ame=""]Hey Gamolon! Debunk This!!![/ame]

Where can we find Gamolon's Topic proving that the WTC Skyscrapers collapsed at freefall speed into their own footprints from 'Building Fires' (:cuckoo:)??? My WTC-7 CD Implosion Topic is here.

[ame=""]Hey Gamolon! Debunk This!!![/ame]

Have you made a prediction that has come true yet?

Mr. Gamolon has 'NO' Topics explaining the Official Cover Story LIE for the Flight 93, Flight 77/Pentagon 'NOR' the WTC-7 CD Implosion Cases, but he can talk nonsense about predictions! Here is a prediction that has already been proven over and over again: Gamolon will NEVER (in a million years) accept Terral's Challenge (Do it hotshot!) to start 'His Own Topic' using 'EVIDENCE' to support the Official Govt Cover Story LIES for 'What Really Happened On 9/11' (my Topic). Period!

Believe in any more hype and post frantic messages about it?


Frantic? Get real! My work on these related 9/11 Inside Job Topics outnumber those from ALL of my debating adversaries combined (BY FAR). The fact is that Gamolon can debunk NOTHING, so he attacks 'other members' and pretends that all of that STUPIDITY means something ...

[ame=""]In Your Deluded Mind ... Dude ...[/ame]



hey jackass..... why did you leave out all your threads with stupid fucking claims that never happened? :lol:

here's a nice list of your claims.

* The economy was collapsed on purpose conspiracy

* The China is on its way to invade Mexico conspiracy

* The US is about to come under martial law conspiracy

* The Trinity conspiracy, which near as I can tell is about a lion and an eagle and a badger all battling each other in heaven.

* Obama creating new "Hitler Youth" conspiracy

* DoD/FBI/CIA CounterIntelligence Disinformation Propaganda Conspiracy

* Advanced BioWar Event Conspiracy

* Homosexuals Destroying the American Empire Conspiracy

* Cheney, Rove and Rumsfeld Murdering Americans Conspiracy

* The $9 Trillion Stolen from the Fed/Treasury/Government Conspiracy

* Secret Bush-Clinton-Federal Reserve Pakistani Accounts Conspiracy

* The New World Order Agenda to Reduce the Global Population to less than 2 Billion Conspiracy

* European bankers (Rothschild, Warburg, etc., i.e. Jewish banks) staged the 1907 Panic so they could create the Federal Reserve System so (100 years later) they could kill you or make you a subject of the CanAmeriMexico Fascist/Totalitarian State.

* The conspiracy to make you think the Federal Reserve has some sort of "reserve" so they can fool you and take all your money out of the country.

* The Rothschild/Warburg (i.e. "Jewish")-controlled Govt killed JFK

* The 1970s Gas Shortage Conspiracy. There was no gas shortage. It was a conspiracy between the Saudis and the Federal Reserve so the Rothchild/Warburg (i.e. Jewish) Banking Elites could continue their plan, er, 70 years later.

* The War in Iraq was because Iraq was going to stop pricing oil in dollar conspiracy.

* Big Oil and the Federal Reserve conspired to kill Vaporization Carburetor Technology so everyone would still have to drive cars powered by hydrocarbons.

* The Same People Who Created the Federal Reserve, Who Killed JFK, and Who Have Unleashed the Global Bio-Weapon Virus, Killed Abraham Lincoln Conspiracy. Yes, conspiracies are generational. Seven generations, in fact.

* The NAU and the formation of the "Fascist State CanAmeriMexico"

* The moon landing was fake.

* Obama wasn't born in America Conspiracy

* The Rothschild/Rockefeller Eugenics/Genocide Program conspiracy

* The "My current conclusion is that every Govt Agency of the USA is part of the ongoing 9/11 DoD/FBI/CIA/NSA Counterintelligence/Disinformation Cover-up Operation ... " Conspiracy.

Damn, I should have linked them all from the beginning

* The Warburgs/Rothschilds/Morgans/Rockefellers/Federal Reserve were behind 9/11 conspiracy.

* Goldman Sachs is a surrogate for "The House of Rothschild" Conspiracy. The Rothschilds own the Fed. (Of course, this is wrong.) Bush, Clinton, Bush and Obama are all Rothschild puppets. That's because the Rothschilds have been killing Presidents since Lincoln.

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