POLITICAL INDUSTRY is the disease - it creates and attacks it's own boogiemen


VIP Member
Nov 17, 2013
Conservatism came before RINO's, I am a conservative. Socialism came before socialists that we know as communists, and I am a socialist. Christ came before Christianity, and I love Christ. I have been called all sorts of names as an insult - I have been called an anti Christ because I do not fit in perfectly with what they teach in the bible, I have been called a right wing loon because I do not fit in with what DINO's (democrats in name) preach under disguise of liberalism, and I have very often been called a communist/socialist/leftist as an insult because I do not fit in with what today's RINO's preach. I AM NOT THE ONLY ONE. These are the creations of parasitic political industry, they hijack movements, and create their own boogie men that they criticize - Vladimir Putin is one of their own boogie men: he plays the same game of international bankers, he has no power of his own, he stationed his troops around Ukraine border and then moved them back, was there ANY sort of reason for that other than to create a circus as in like when democrats fumed against Bush's war in Iraq and then in unison signed off on it? no, it is the same thing - why did Putin, the so called "dictator" according to the political industry not throw out the international banking cartel out of his nation yet? he is in charge of the biggest nation in the world, or is he? no he is not, he is just another boogie man created by political industry.

So is Jesus Christ that the Christians know today - There WAS a man who died because of our sins, a man who tried to create heaven on earth, a man who wanted to educate people to love each other, but today, he is know that he dies FOR our sins, that heaven is up in the sky only, after we die, that politicians who create wars and stir up hate should be left alone because Jesus will eventually come back in the olive field and make hem pay.

All these boogie men were created to confuse humanity, to make us hate and distrust each other, and there are those among us, and in these forums who PROFIT from division, they will NEVER admit the truth, but there are also people here who seek justice, and for those people I advise to look closer at those you disagree with, and ask yourselves - perhaps it is just a different wording that they are using, example: some on the right complain about welfare for the poor people, but some on the left complain about military action in other nations or welfare for the veterans, then the right wingers turn around and express concern for insecure borders - The HYPOCRITES are the politicians, not the people, and it does not matter which party or religion sect they belong to, we can only identify them by leaving politics behind

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