Policies Republicans believe will help the US Middle Class

Abolish the minimum wage
Raise the minimum wage and consumer cost goes up. Since the middle class are making more than minimum, and most likely will not get a raise to equal that of the increase in the minimum, their purchasing power decreases.
Raising Minimum wage hurts the middle class.

Abolish benefits
not sure what benefits you speak of, but if you are talking about social programs, the middle class pays for them but does not use them. Again, get rid of them and the working middle class has more disposable income.

Slash food stamps for those who rely on them
The middle class on a whole does not rely on food stamps, they just pay more in taxes to give them to others.

Limit or abolish health care
For those working, the cost of healthcare is too high, they have to pay a higher premium so the worthless non working can get it free. Cut the health care and the middle class does much better by buying it on their own, like they used to.

Cut education
depends on where the cuts are, for example, cutting out bilingual education so that the spanish speakers can learn is a good thing. Cutting back on sports is ok since its not academic. Get rid of the free school lunches, the middle class does not qualify for the any way.

reduce investment in infrastructure
Leave it up to the states instead of the federal government.

Invest more in the military
Seems reasonable considering the democrats want to let other countries invade us.

cut taxes for corporations
Lower taxes for corporations means more money for them to invest in research and lower prices, and possible creation of more jobs. This helps the middle class.
cut taxes on the wealthy. The wealthier they are, the less their tax burden.
Even at a lower rate the wealthy pay way more than their fair share.

Move jobs to China.
most companies move jobs to china because of lower wages, less tax, and less regulation. Cut those things back and the jobs will stay here.

Abolish abortion and cut benefits babies need.
Abolish it? no, just don't expect others to pay for your abortion. and if you have to rely on social benefits to have a baby, maybe the best choice would be not to have the baby until you were in a better financial position,, like, middle class.

You need to understand that there's only one of two possibilities in dealing with Rdean,

  1. he's either as nutty as any Batman Villain Instead of Penguin, he's Republican Boy,. He suffered some traumatic experience that's totally deranged him, or
  2. the Koch Brother pay him to post here and embarrass PRogressives

Ah yes, once again reduced to personal attacks because you have nothing else. The best you can do is "You thought that city was someplace else". Weak.

I don't even make fun of you for living in your mom's basement. Many people who failed in the job market have returned home because they needed help. I truly believe that once you get your feet back under you and move from your mom's basement, you will definitely cheer up. So good luck.
The irony being that O has been in charge for almost 8 years now and we have sweeping records of welfare numbers and people out of work. It really is delicious.

You want America to suffer you creep. Tell us how Republicans have helped this president.

Obama by the numbers.


Obama s Numbers January 2015 Update

What a crock. Oil production up on private lands, down on public lands, obamacare premiums expected to rise up to 34 percent next year. You can't even peddle lies.
Expected? By who? Republicans?

GOP wrong again - Google Search
Abolish the minimum wage
Abolish benefits
Slash food stamps for those who rely on them
Limit or abolish health care
Cut education
reduce investment in infrastructure
Invest more in the military
cut taxes for corporations
cut taxes on the wealthy. The wealthier they are, the less their tax burden.
Move jobs to China.
Abolish abortion and cut benefits babies need.
Tell us how these GOP policies will help the Middle Class. Feel free to cover any I missed.
Oh look... more mindless partisan bigotry from rdean.
Abolish the minimum wage
Raise the minimum wage and consumer cost goes up. Since the middle class are making more than minimum, and most likely will not get a raise to equal that of the increase in the minimum, their purchasing power decreases.
Raising Minimum wage hurts the middle class.

Abolish benefits
not sure what benefits you speak of, but if you are talking about social programs, the middle class pays for them but does not use them. Again, get rid of them and the working middle class has more disposable income.

Slash food stamps for those who rely on them
The middle class on a whole does not rely on food stamps, they just pay more in taxes to give them to others.

Limit or abolish health care
For those working, the cost of healthcare is too high, they have to pay a higher premium so the worthless non working can get it free. Cut the health care and the middle class does much better by buying it on their own, like they used to.

Cut education
depends on where the cuts are, for example, cutting out bilingual education so that the spanish speakers can learn is a good thing. Cutting back on sports is ok since its not academic. Get rid of the free school lunches, the middle class does not qualify for the any way.

reduce investment in infrastructure
Leave it up to the states instead of the federal government.

Invest more in the military
Seems reasonable considering the democrats want to let other countries invade us.

cut taxes for corporations
Lower taxes for corporations means more money for them to invest in research and lower prices, and possible creation of more jobs. This helps the middle class.
cut taxes on the wealthy. The wealthier they are, the less their tax burden.
Even at a lower rate the wealthy pay way more than their fair share.

Move jobs to China.
most companies move jobs to china because of lower wages, less tax, and less regulation. Cut those things back and the jobs will stay here.

Abolish abortion and cut benefits babies need.
Abolish it? no, just don't expect others to pay for your abortion. and if you have to rely on social benefits to have a baby, maybe the best choice would be not to have the baby until you were in a better financial position,, like, middle class.

You need to understand that there's only one of two possibilities in dealing with Rdean,

  1. he's either as nutty as any Batman Villain Instead of Penguin, he's Republican Boy,. He suffered some traumatic experience that's totally deranged him, or
  2. the Koch Brother pay him to post here and embarrass PRogressives

Ah yes, once again reduced to personal attacks because you have nothing else. The best you can do is "You thought that city was someplace else". Weak.

I don't even make fun of you for living in your mom's basement. Many people who failed in the job market have returned home because they needed help. I truly believe that once you get your feet back under you and move from your mom's basement, you will definitely cheer up. So good luck.

Dean, that's your way of saying that you're paid by the Koch's, right
Abolish the minimum wage
Raise the minimum wage and consumer cost goes up. Since the middle class are making more than minimum, and most likely will not get a raise to equal that of the increase in the minimum, their purchasing power decreases.
Raising Minimum wage hurts the middle class.

Abolish benefits
not sure what benefits you speak of, but if you are talking about social programs, the middle class pays for them but does not use them. Again, get rid of them and the working middle class has more disposable income.

Slash food stamps for those who rely on them
The middle class on a whole does not rely on food stamps, they just pay more in taxes to give them to others.

Limit or abolish health care
For those working, the cost of healthcare is too high, they have to pay a higher premium so the worthless non working can get it free. Cut the health care and the middle class does much better by buying it on their own, like they used to.

Cut education
depends on where the cuts are, for example, cutting out bilingual education so that the spanish speakers can learn is a good thing. Cutting back on sports is ok since its not academic. Get rid of the free school lunches, the middle class does not qualify for the any way.

reduce investment in infrastructure
Leave it up to the states instead of the federal government.

Invest more in the military
Seems reasonable considering the democrats want to let other countries invade us.

cut taxes for corporations
Lower taxes for corporations means more money for them to invest in research and lower prices, and possible creation of more jobs. This helps the middle class.
cut taxes on the wealthy. The wealthier they are, the less their tax burden.
Even at a lower rate the wealthy pay way more than their fair share.

Move jobs to China.
most companies move jobs to china because of lower wages, less tax, and less regulation. Cut those things back and the jobs will stay here.

Abolish abortion and cut benefits babies need.
Abolish it? no, just don't expect others to pay for your abortion. and if you have to rely on social benefits to have a baby, maybe the best choice would be not to have the baby until you were in a better financial position,, like, middle class.

You need to understand that there's only one of two possibilities in dealing with Rdean,

  1. he's either as nutty as any Batman Villain Instead of Penguin, he's Republican Boy,. He suffered some traumatic experience that's totally deranged him, or
  2. the Koch Brother pay him to post here and embarrass PRogressives

Ah yes, once again reduced to personal attacks because you have nothing else. The best you can do is "You thought that city was someplace else". Weak.

I don't even make fun of you for living in your mom's basement. Many people who failed in the job market have returned home because they needed help. I truly believe that once you get your feet back under you and move from your mom's basement, you will definitely cheer up. So good luck.

Dean, that's your way of saying that you're paid by the Koch's, right
rdean is a mindless partisan bigot -- he'd have sex with is dead grandmother if he thought it would help the Dems gain and/or retain more partisan political power.
Rtard says:

With an average American family bringing home $50,000 in income, a high medical bill and a high-deductible insurance plan can quickly become something they are unable to pay," LaMontagne said. "If you have an out-of-pocket maximum of $5,000 or $10,000, that's really tough," he said.
Medical Bills Are the Biggest Cause of US Bankruptcies Study
The GOP plan is let them die.

That is exactly what the "Bronze" plan does.
High premiums
Higher deductible, and
No max out of pocket
Help the middle class is easy. Eliminate the liberal policies that crushed the middle class:
1) highest liberal corporate tax in world
2) liberal unions
3) liberal deficits
4) liberal attack on family
5) liberal attack on schools.
6) 20 million liberal illegals
Help the middle class is easy. Eliminate the liberal policies that crushed the middle class:
1) highest liberal corporate tax in world
2) liberal unions
3) liberal deficits
4) liberal attack on family
5) liberal attack on schools.
6) 20 million liberal illegals
"Bolling said the United States has "the highest corporate tax rate in the free world." He was referring to the statutory rate, meaning the rate before deductions. On that score, he’s right: The United States does have the highest statutory rate among developed countries. However, the United States’ corporate tax rate doesn’t appear to be the highest once deductions and other exclusions are taken into account. So Bolling is correct by one valid definition. Because his statement is accurate but needs clarification or additional information, we rate his claim Mostly True." Let's not forget corporations not paying taxes..
26 top American corporations paid no federal income tax from 08 to 12 report RT USA
Liberal unions? Yeah, yeah, fuck working people and labor organization, I know your rhetoric.
Deficits? Tell me more about Reagan.
Attack on family? What, promoting lgbt rights is destroying families? Go back to the dark ages.
Liberal illegals? Illegals come here because capitalists want cheap labor, LOL.
Abolish the minimum wage
Abolish benefits
Slash food stamps for those who rely on them
Limit or abolish health care
Cut education
reduce investment in infrastructure
Invest more in the military
cut taxes for corporations
cut taxes on the wealthy. The wealthier they are, the less their tax burden.
Move jobs to China.
Abolish abortion and cut benefits babies need.
Tell us how these GOP policies will help the Middle Class. Feel free to cover any I missed.
Oh look... more mindless partisan bigotry from rdean.
It's not partisan bigotry if the actions and ideas of the GOP over the past several decades supports it.
"Bolling said the United States has "the highest corporate tax rate in the free world.".

dear, I know as a liberal you will be slow but once again the issue is whether the highest corporate tax rate in the world is good for the middle class. Do you understand?
"Bolling said the United States has "the highest corporate tax rate in the free world.".

dear, I know as a liberal you will be slow but once again the issue is whether the highest corporate tax rate in the world is good for the middle class. Do you understand?
Get out of your partisan world, I am not a liberal, so let's make that clear. None the less, we've seen what right wing policies have done for the middle class... jack shit. Oh, let's ignore that in all reality the corporate tax rate isn't even that high when counting all of the loopholes/etc/etc..
Liberal unions? Yeah, yeah, fuck working people and labor organization, I know your rhetoric.

dear, unions drove 20 million jobs offshore. This was a bad thing. Do you understand? When auot jobs come back they come back down south where there are no unions. Do you anderstand?

See why we say a liberal will be slow??
Liberal unions? Yeah, yeah, fuck working people and labor organization, I know your rhetoric.

dear, unions drove 20 million jobs offshore. This was a bad thing. Do you understand? When auot jobs come back they come back down south where there are no unions. Do you anderstand?

See why we say a liberal will be slow??
Unions drove jobs offshore? 20 million? Seriously???!!!! Capitalists moved production offshore to exploit labor, avoid regulations, avoid paying decent wages.. If you want america to be a hell hole like it was before labor unions, the past is waiting.
Deficits? Tell me more about Reagan.

dear, our subject was deficits, not Reagan. Republicans have tried to make deficits illegal 30 times and Democrats have killed every effort. China get to buy our Democratic deficits rather than our products so its better not to have deficits.

Do you understand?? Slow??
Abolish the minimum wage
Raise the minimum wage and consumer cost goes up. Since the middle class are making more than minimum, and most likely will not get a raise to equal that of the increase in the minimum, their purchasing power decreases.
Raising Minimum wage hurts the middle class.

Abolish benefits
not sure what benefits you speak of, but if you are talking about social programs, the middle class pays for them but does not use them. Again, get rid of them and the working middle class has more disposable income.

Slash food stamps for those who rely on them
The middle class on a whole does not rely on food stamps, they just pay more in taxes to give them to others.

Limit or abolish health care
For those working, the cost of healthcare is too high, they have to pay a higher premium so the worthless non working can get it free. Cut the health care and the middle class does much better by buying it on their own, like they used to.

Cut education
depends on where the cuts are, for example, cutting out bilingual education so that the spanish speakers can learn is a good thing. Cutting back on sports is ok since its not academic. Get rid of the free school lunches, the middle class does not qualify for the any way.

reduce investment in infrastructure
Leave it up to the states instead of the federal government.

Invest more in the military
Seems reasonable considering the democrats want to let other countries invade us.

cut taxes for corporations
Lower taxes for corporations means more money for them to invest in research and lower prices, and possible creation of more jobs. This helps the middle class.
cut taxes on the wealthy. The wealthier they are, the less their tax burden.
Even at a lower rate the wealthy pay way more than their fair share.

Move jobs to China.
most companies move jobs to china because of lower wages, less tax, and less regulation. Cut those things back and the jobs will stay here.

Abolish abortion and cut benefits babies need.
Abolish it? no, just don't expect others to pay for your abortion. and if you have to rely on social benefits to have a baby, maybe the best choice would be not to have the baby until you were in a better financial position,, like, middle class.


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