Policies Republicans believe will help the US Middle Class

ways to exploit cheaper labor. You're blaming the wrong people.

too stupid, unless you are forced to take a job you are not being exploited. Nobody here or in China is forced to take any job less than the best job being offered to them. Do you understand?
Wage slavery. You either work in a sweatshop to meet your basic needs for you and your kid, or suffer.

100% stupid of course since if you have capitalism you have the best possible jobs and products just to survive. Do you understand?
Tell that to the billions living in poverty.
The capitalists moved on their own,

dear, now thats too stupid!! we have 95% employment here now so they didn't all move? Do you understand?

Those that did move were pushed by govt taxes unions and deficits. Eliminate those and few would have been forced to move. Do you understand?
Of course they didn't all move, we've moved to a service based economy now, but even that's being moved to where labor is cheaper. LOL. Blame unions, 10/10, keep going.

dear you said the capitalists moved now you're saying they didn't because we have a service based economy? Yes services are moving too thanks to the liberal attack on schools families taxes deficits unions.

Sinking in now?
Tell that to the billions living in poverty.

too stupid of course since China just eliminated 40% of the world's poverty the instant they switched to Republican capitalism. 60 million slowly starved to death under your cancerous libcommieism
Abolish the minimum wage
Raise the minimum wage and consumer cost goes up. Since the middle class are making more than minimum, and most likely will not get a raise to equal that of the increase in the minimum, their purchasing power decreases.
Raising Minimum wage hurts the middle class.

Abolish benefits
not sure what benefits you speak of, but if you are talking about social programs, the middle class pays for them but does not use them. Again, get rid of them and the working middle class has more disposable income.

Slash food stamps for those who rely on them
The middle class on a whole does not rely on food stamps, they just pay more in taxes to give them to others.

Limit or abolish health care
For those working, the cost of healthcare is too high, they have to pay a higher premium so the worthless non working can get it free. Cut the health care and the middle class does much better by buying it on their own, like they used to.

Cut education
depends on where the cuts are, for example, cutting out bilingual education so that the spanish speakers can learn is a good thing. Cutting back on sports is ok since its not academic. Get rid of the free school lunches, the middle class does not qualify for the any way.

reduce investment in infrastructure
Leave it up to the states instead of the federal government.

Invest more in the military
Seems reasonable considering the democrats want to let other countries invade us.

cut taxes for corporations
Lower taxes for corporations means more money for them to invest in research and lower prices, and possible creation of more jobs. This helps the middle class.
cut taxes on the wealthy. The wealthier they are, the less their tax burden.
Even at a lower rate the wealthy pay way more than their fair share.

Move jobs to China.
most companies move jobs to china because of lower wages, less tax, and less regulation. Cut those things back and the jobs will stay here.

Abolish abortion and cut benefits babies need.
Abolish it? no, just don't expect others to pay for your abortion. and if you have to rely on social benefits to have a baby, maybe the best choice would be not to have the baby until you were in a better financial position,, like, middle class.

You need to understand that there's only one of two possibilities in dealing with Rdean,

  1. he's either as nutty as any Batman Villain Instead of Penguin, he's Republican Boy,. He suffered some traumatic experience that's totally deranged him, or
  2. the Koch Brother pay him to post here and embarrass PRogressives

Ah yes, once again reduced to personal attacks because you have nothing else. The best you can do is "You thought that city was someplace else". Weak.

I don't even make fun of you for living in your mom's basement. Many people who failed in the job market have returned home because they needed help. I truly believe that once you get your feet back under you and move from your mom's basement, you will definitely cheer up. So good luck.

Dean, that's your way of saying that you're paid by the Koch's, right
ways to exploit cheaper labor. You're blaming the wrong people.

too stupid, unless you are forced to take a job you are not being exploited. Nobody here or in China is forced to take any job less than the best job being offered to them. Do you understand?
Wage slavery. You either work in a sweatshop to meet your basic needs for you and your kid, or suffer.

In other words, it's not slavery.

Look up Sloth AND deadly sin
Before or after, looking up love thy neighbor and Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy?

Your assumption is that thy neighbor as been working to the bone towards Sunday. Nice try, Alinsky.
Says the guy with no sense of humor.o_O

Edit: Though, since you have none, some people do work 7 days a week: Working 3 Jobs and 7 Days a Week to Get By - Massachusetts news - Boston.com
Johnson helps pay the bills and buy clothes with her paycheck from Chipotle, working as a wheelchair assistant at Logan Airport, and helping clients in their homes as a medical assistant.

She works seven days a week, and she gets paid just above minimum wage for two of her jobs, making about $2,000 a month.

On Tuesday, she will join demonstrations in Boston calling for a raise in the minimum wage to $15 an hour. Organizers hope thousands will attend.
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Obamacare pays for taxpayer funded peckers to people who don't like their junk.

Does Obamacare Cover Gender Reassignment Surgery
Funny, Republicans don't care the country goes into debt by trillions to shovel money to rich people who the GOP said would create jobs. And they did. Millions. In China.
Then they threw trillions at Iraq and the Iraqis want to kill us.
But when it comes to a few thousand who have some kind of problem, they freak out and scream about taxpayer's money. This is why the GOP is laughed at.
1). Raising the minimum wage isn't going to help anyone. Those jobs are meant only for kids, not adults. An adult cannot live on $12 per hour much less $7.25 and well raising it that much isn't realistic.
2). Any company that moves over to china should be forced to rescind its American roots... case closed. If they want cheaper labor then go over there where people work for slave wages. Plus a company can willfully pollute the air and water over there
3). Our military is plenty big and doesn't need more recruits or money. We need to trim there too if we are trimming everywhere else. Nothing should be sacred from cuts.
4) Benefits are offered to attract good workers. A good worker will never work for a lousy company that offers no benefits for their employees.
5). SS is the most successful program this country has ever put in effect. People are dependent on it as well as Medicare. Get rid of those and kiss the election goodbye.
6). Helping the wealthy does nothing for the economy. More money in the hands of the people who actually put it into the economy(the middle class) is the way to improve things.
Before or after, looking up love thy neighbor and Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy?

Your assumption is that thy neighbor as been working to the bone towards Sunday. Nice try, Alinsky.
Says the guy with no sense of humor.o_O

Edit: Though, since you have none, some people do work 7 days a week: Working 3 Jobs and 7 Days a Week to Get By - Massachusetts news - Boston.com
Johnson helps pay the bills and buy clothes with her paycheck from Chipotle, working as a wheelchair assistant at Logan Airport, and helping clients in their homes as a medical assistant.

She works seven days a week, and she gets paid just above minimum wage for two of her jobs, making about $2,000 a month.

On Tuesday, she will join demonstrations in Boston calling for a raise in the minimum wage to $15 an hour. Organizers hope thousands will attend.

Help her.....by all means. One data point does not make for a trend. Now, go find 3-5 similar stories vs. the reality of masses that are sitting at home in the AC in their trailor or project surfing pay TV while their lady is out getting her nails done complaining that the government is not paying enough.
Funny, Republicans don't care the country goes into debt by trillions to shovel money to rich people who the GOP said would create jobs. And they did. Millions. In China.
Then they threw trillions at Iraq and the Iraqis want to kill us.
But when it comes to a few thousand who have some kind of problem, they freak out and scream about taxpayer's money. This is why the GOP is laughed at.
Oh look.... more mindless partisan bigotry.
You have to look at it like a free loading liberal.
for instance, repealing the ACA and going back to what it was is not repealing health care.
for the liberal it is taking away your RIGHT to health care and leaving millions of people dying in the street.
Funny how Red States are such basket cases dependent on Blue States for just about everything. Where do Republicans get the weird idea they are the providers. Very strange.
Abolish the minimum wage

Abolish benefits

Slash food stamps for those who rely on them

Limit or abolish health care

Cut education

reduce investment in infrastructure

Invest more in the military

cut taxes for corporations

cut taxes on the wealthy. The wealthier they are, the less their tax burden.

Move jobs to China.

Abolish abortion and cut benefits babies need.

Tell us how these GOP policies will help the Middle Class. Feel free to cover any I missed.
Gee, let's start with the first one, shall we??? LINK???

Matter of fact, provide links for ALL of your claims, since you tend to post a lot of bullshit anyway....

Pick you link:

Republicans say abolish Social Security - Google Search

Do we have to go look up Medicare and Medicaid too? Haven't we already heard enough on those programs from the GOP?
Actually, a lot of what I see is the GOP wanting to FIX Social Security, if you discount the loony LIB sites that no one pays any attention to, anyway..... After all, if they us a quote, it's always cherry-picked and used out of context.....
The GOP "FIX" Social Security????? Then you are blind or brainwashed. Conservatives have wanted to end SS since it started. Do catch up.
Obamacare pays for taxpayer funded peckers to people who don't like their junk.

Does Obamacare Cover Gender Reassignment Surgery
Funny, Republicans don't care the country goes into debt by trillions to shovel money to rich people who the GOP said would create jobs. And they did. Millions. In China.
Then they threw trillions at Iraq and the Iraqis want to kill us.
But when it comes to a few thousand who have some kind of problem, they freak out and scream about taxpayer's money. This is why the GOP is laughed at.

Funny, dems have spent 22 trillion on poverty and we have record numbers in poverty. You lose again. That's why dems are laughed at.
You have to look at it like a free loading liberal.
for instance, repealing the ACA and going back to what it was is not repealing health care.
for the liberal it is taking away your RIGHT to health care and leaving millions of people dying in the street.
Funny how Red States are such basket cases dependent on Blue States for just about everything. Where do Republicans get the weird idea they are the providers. Very strange.
Oh look.... more mindless partisan bigotry.
Funny, Republicans don't care the country goes into debt by trillions to shovel money to rich people who the GOP said would create jobs. And they did. Millions. In China.
Then they threw trillions at Iraq and the Iraqis want to kill us.
But when it comes to a few thousand who have some kind of problem, they freak out and scream about taxpayer's money. This is why the GOP is laughed at.
Oh look.... more mindless partisan bigotry.
Here, read it again:

Funny, Republicans don't care the country goes into debt by trillions to shovel money to rich people who the GOP said would create jobs. And they did. Millions. In China.
Then they threw trillions at Iraq and the Iraqis want to kill us.
But when it comes to a few thousand who have some kind of problem, they freak out and scream about taxpayer's money. This is why the GOP is laughed at.

Now name the part that's mindless? Better yet, name the part that's untrue.
Funny, Republicans don't care the country goes into debt by trillions to shovel money to rich people who the GOP said would create jobs. And they did. Millions. In China.
Then they threw trillions at Iraq and the Iraqis want to kill us.
But when it comes to a few thousand who have some kind of problem, they freak out and scream about taxpayer's money. This is why the GOP is laughed at.
Oh look.... more mindless partisan bigotry.
Here, read it again:..
It doesn't matter how many times you repeat your mindless partisan bigotry -- it remains mindless partisan bigotry.
But when it comes to a few thousand who have some kind of problem, they freak out and scream about taxpayer's money. This is why the GOP is laughed at.
1) if they were laughed at they would not control House and Senate
2) few thousand??, there are millions and millions living on ever growing crippling welfare entitlements. See why say a liberal will be slow?

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