Policeman scarifice their lives


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
On average more than 100 Policemen are killed annually doing their duty protecting Americans.
Policemen are being stereotyped as being racist monsters by people who profess to abhor stereotyping.
They don't get enough recognition for their service to our country.
So, the next time a policeman is murdered by a perp, lets see an enormous out pouring of appreciation for their service.
Let's see nation wide peaceful protests against the hate that Policemen have to endure just doing their jobs.
Paul Harvey Reminds Us All What A Policeman REALLY Is (VIDEO)
Written by Wes Walker on July 6, 2020

Paul Harvey was way ahead of his time. The words he gave us while still among us are as relevant today as they were when he first spoke them.
Not long ago, it was his narration about farmers that was making the rounds in response to Bloomberg’s idiotic statement about them. (We’ve added that link for our interested readers below.)
This time, it’s his narration about the police that might just as easily have been written in response to this summer’s unrest.
Like Norman Rockwell painted his own portraits of how he saw America on canvas, Paul Harvey painted what he saw with words. Precious few could do what he did, or fill his shoes today.

Maybe Mike Rowe.
Here’s what Paul Harvey had to say about the police.

1. Police officers are neither angels nor devils.

2. I have read that most cops never use their weapons in their entire career.

3. We have to have cops because there are a lot of very, very, very bad individuals who have absolutely no conscience about hurting other human beings.

4. Cops in large cities become cynical because day in and day out they are forced to deal with the most defiant and violent people that you can imagine.

5. Most people would never even think about becoming a cop.

6. Yes, cops rarely prevent crime, but they should be congratulated on how often they are able to find the perps.

7. Cops should be given a big THANK YOU for the job that they do. Maybe someone in a restaurant might pay for their meal, for example.

a. Here in Los Angeles, a group of older African American women used to host an annual meal for police officers in their area, for they wanted to show their gratitude for the protection that the cops gave them. I am guessing, however, it is no longer politically possible to hold such an event.
On average more than 100 Policemen are killed annually doing their duty protecting Americans.
Policemen are being stereotyped as being racist monsters by people who profess to abhor stereotyping.
They don't get enough recognition for their service to our country.
So, the next time a policeman is murdered by a perp, lets see an enormous out pouring of appreciation for their service.
Let's see nation wide peaceful protests against the hate that Policemen have to endure just doing their jobs.

Ok, sounds fair. But, and this is just tossed out there as an argument. But what if the cop was breaking the law at the time? Or the person who shot the cop did not know the individual was a cop?

Because there are a few cases where individuals were defending their home, and shot the police, not knowing it was cops entering. And I think we can all agree in those confusing situations that it is hard to know exactly what is going on, and we have to give the individual the benefit of the doubt.

Also, one more question comes to mind. If Biden wins this November, and the Congress passes a law limiting the number and type of firearms that you are allowed to have. Will you shoot the police trying to enforce this law? Or will you obey the lawful authority of the cops? Because the fastest way to die, is to resist the police isn't it?
On average more than 100 Policemen are killed annually doing their duty protecting Americans.
Who the fuck do these bloody cops make such preposterous claims of "protecting" us from? They carry firearms and all sorts of other weapons and instruments of torture, with which they purport to protect us from our disarmed selves. I tell you there are too many cops, and they fuck too hard. Cops are a race unto themselves, because normal people don't fuck with cops.

Small-town local rural and municipal city cops need to be drastically reduced in power, rank, and number, in accordance with "defunding." The issuance of citations for traffic infractions and municipal ordinances should not entail or require the use of force by law enforcement officers on such a grand scale.

Powers of arrest need to be reserved to the feds and state troopers in cases of serious organized crime.

For example, does a shoplifter need a jail sentence? No thank you. That's a lot more expensive than the goods that were allegedly stolen, on most cases. Court ordered fines and restitution are generally sufficient, and merchants are well advised to lay their stores out with clear visibility in the aisles and accountability of purchases and customer returns in mind.
On average more than 100 Policemen are killed annually doing their duty protecting Americans.
Who the fuck do these bloody cops make such preposterous claims of "protecting" us from? They carry firearms and all sorts of other weapons and instruments of torture, with which they purport to protect us from our disarmed selves. I tell you there are too many cops, and they fuck too hard. Cops are a race unto themselves, because normal people don't fuck with cops.

Small-town local rural and municipal city cops need to be drastically reduced in power, rank, and number, in accordance with "defunding." The issuance of citations for traffic infractions and municipal ordinances should not entail or require the use of force by law enforcement officers on such a grand scale.

Powers of arrest need to be reserved to the feds and state troopers in cases of serious organized crime.

For example, does a shoplifter need a jail sentence? No thank you. That's a lot more expensive than the goods that were allegedly stolen, on most cases. Court ordered fines and restitution are generally sufficient, and merchants are well advised to lay their stores out with clear visibility in the aisles and accountability of purchases and customer returns in mind.
yes, criminals hate the Police
The ladies and gentlemen who organized that "anti-cop movement" that caused such chaos a few weeks ago should actually THANK the cops for protecting them from very unpleasant people from their own community.

They need the cops more than any other group of ladies and gentlemen.

Just today, I heard sirens. I looked out my door and saw 6 (yes, 6) Los Angeles police cars racing up the street to some incident. Apparently, someone was in dire danger from the bad guys, and here came the good guys to the rescue.

Yes, I know that some cops lie and plant evidence and use too much force. But we need cops. After all, even homogeneous countries like Japan and Iceland have cops.
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On average more than 100 Policemen are killed annually doing their duty protecting Americans.
Who the fuck do these bloody cops make such preposterous claims of "protecting" us from? They carry firearms and all sorts of other weapons and instruments of torture, with which they purport to protect us from our disarmed selves. I tell you there are too many cops, and they fuck too hard. Cops are a race unto themselves, because normal people don't fuck with cops.

Small-town local rural and municipal city cops need to be drastically reduced in power, rank, and number, in accordance with "defunding." The issuance of citations for traffic infractions and municipal ordinances should not entail or require the use of force by law enforcement officers on such a grand scale.

Powers of arrest need to be reserved to the feds and state troopers in cases of serious organized crime.

For example, does a shoplifter need a jail sentence? No thank you. That's a lot more expensive than the goods that were allegedly stolen, on most cases. Court ordered fines and restitution are generally sufficient, and merchants are well advised to lay their stores out with clear visibility in the aisles and accountability of purchases and customer returns in mind.
yes, criminals hate the Police

Yeah. I am sure the Criminals and their supporters hate the cops. Since you ignored my question above. Let's move along shall we? Are the cops bad guys for taking the guns of that couple in St. Louis? You know the ones. I mean, the cops had a court order right? So the cops were doing their jobs, and doing it fantastically to act on that order in a timely and orderly professional fashion. So are the cops bad guys?

Or how about the case of General Flynn, when the FBI the most esteemed law enforcement agency in the world, lied under oath to get the warrants? How about the IG report which shows that every FBI office is similarly lying to get FISA warrants? Hard to argue it is a few bad apples there isn't it? I mean, what are the odds that all the bad apples in the FBI are the ones doing FISA related investigations?
THANK the cops for protecting them from very unpleasant people from their own community
Unpleasant people do not suddenly become pleasant when they go through some labor-union police academy and hire onto the city employees' payroll and pension system as sworn officers.
Apparently, someone was in dire danger from the bad guys, and here came the good guys to the rescue.
Really? Mafia goodfellas are working at the police station with uniforms, guns, and badges. There's a godfather or two and a police commissioner at city hall. Is there a Constitution as the supreme law of the land? Does it include a Bill of Rights? Not to any of those people. They forgot what country they lived in when they went to work for the city hall aldermen.
It's a good thing I have location disabled on my cell phone. A crew of "first responders" showed up across the street from where I posted. No, they don't have a criminal warrant. It's a "civil commitment" to the mental hospital they're working toward. That was the mental health crisis ambulance. They are aiming to impound my vehicle and other belongings and auction all my stuff off. The "first responder" crew has military police connections with the Army and Air Force, as well. (I'm not sure about the Navy and Marine Corps police, but there is a cadre of military police officers who strongly believe that civilians and off-duty military personnel should not be allowed to possess firearms.)
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