Police stand down strategy led to the violence by antifa fascists in Virginia...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Again, we have democrats telling the police to stand down when the violent antifa fascists attacked the white national fascists.......

Alt-Right Activists Condemn Violence, Dispute Mainstream Account - Breitbart

But a report on police conduct during and after the rally by ProPublica, a left-leaning investigative journalism non-profit, as well as eyewitness accounts by those who participated in the rally itself, have called the simplicity of this characterization into question. Both suggest mismanagement of police resources by political leadership may have exacerbated, rather than controlled, the violence surrounding the rally and the counter-protests,
and more...

According to ProPublica reporter A.C. Thompson and his colleagues, “authorities took a largely laissez faire approach, allowing white supremacists and counter-protesters to physically battle.”


One man, who was vacationing in the United States from Finland, arrived with one of the last waves to get into Emancipation Park before the event was shut down. From his perspective, “these two groups of very polarly opposed political and social and moral views were forced into conflict” by policing tactics. He recounted his experience to Breitbart News:

I was expecting to enter a peaceful protest to protect this monument and part of United States history from utter and total rewriting. I entered with people from the United States who were aware there were going to be counter-protesters. They promised to keep me safe, which they did.

But what happened was, the police force, which should have kept the protesting parties separate, in fact funneled the right-wing protesters, the people defending the monument, right into Antifa, [making them run] a gauntlet of Antifa to the monument … Then – I don’t know the details of it – on dubious legal grounds, [the police] declared the gathering of right-wing protesters unlawful. We were forced to leave the venue and run another gauntlet.

I put this up in Law and Justice.

"Whoa geeze. Now being reported protestors were throwing cans of tear gas and pop cans filled with cement. Don't ya just love those peaceful anti fascist protestors?

And the cops just let the violent protestors attack the white nationalists.

"Fox News reporter Doug McKelway was in attendance during yesterday’s deadly events in Charlottesville, VA, where he reported that the police were called off as soon as things started turning violent.

“But when the tear gas started to fly, thrown by protesters, the police themselves began to evacuate then. I asked the guy who was in charge, “Where you going?” He said, “We’re leaving. It’s too dangerous.They had a chance to nip this thing in the bud and they chose not to.“"

Video at link:

Charlottesville Police Called Off When Violence Began: “We’re Leaving, It’s Too Dangerous” | Zero Hedge

ACLU confirms that police were given stand-down order. This invited the violence the city used to shut down a court-permitted protest. ACLU of Virginia on Twitter

— Robert Barnes (@Barnes_Law) August 12, 2017

#Charlottesville Mayor who wanted electoral college coup against Trump allowed Antifa and KKK to walk right into each other—no police. pic.twitter.com/3LhsBBuZ3U

— Rep. Steven Smith (@RepStevenSmith) August 13, 2017
Is that what caused the neo-confederates to execute an ISIS style terrorist attack?

One guy.....acting on his own.....

The black lives matter sympathizer murdered 5 police officers in Dallas....black lives matter was invited to the White House by obama......your last Presidential candidate bernie sanders inspired the attempted murder of the entire Republican baseball team.........

your antifa fascists have been attacking peaceful protestors since the election with fists, bricks, bike locks and pepper spray, and they even attacked a police horse with a club with a nail in it...they were just lucky their violence didn't kill anyone....
I put this up in Law and Justice.

"Whoa geeze. Now being reported protestors were throwing cans of tear gas and pop cans filled with cement. Don't ya just love those peaceful anti fascist protestors?

And the cops just let the violent protestors attack the white nationalists.

"Fox News reporter Doug McKelway was in attendance during yesterday’s deadly events in Charlottesville, VA, where he reported that the police were called off as soon as things started turning violent.

“But when the tear gas started to fly, thrown by protesters, the police themselves began to evacuate then. I asked the guy who was in charge, “Where you going?” He said, “We’re leaving. It’s too dangerous.They had a chance to nip this thing in the bud and they chose not to.“"

Video at link:

Charlottesville Police Called Off When Violence Began: “We’re Leaving, It’s Too Dangerous” | Zero Hedge

ACLU confirms that police were given stand-down order. This invited the violence the city used to shut down a court-permitted protest. ACLU of Virginia on Twitter

— Robert Barnes (@Barnes_Law) August 12, 2017

#Charlottesville Mayor who wanted electoral college coup against Trump allowed Antifa and KKK to walk right into each other—no police. pic.twitter.com/3LhsBBuZ3U

— Rep. Steven Smith (@RepStevenSmith) August 13, 2017

Thank you...to repeat what you found...

Video at link:

Charlottesville Police Called Off When Violence Began: “We’re Leaving, It’s Too Dangerous” | Zero Hedge

ACLU confirms that police were given stand-down order. This invited the violence the city used to shut down a court-permitted protest. ACLU of Virginia on Twitter

— Robert Barnes (@Barnes_Law) August 12, 2017

#Charlottesville Mayor who wanted electoral college coup against Trump allowed Antifa and KKK to walk right into each other—no police. pic.twitter.com/3LhsBBuZ3U
Is that what caused the neo-confederates to execute an ISIS style terrorist attack?

One guy.....acting on his own.....

The black lives matter sympathizer murdered 5 police officers in Dallas....black lives matter was invited to the White House by obama......your last Presidential candidate bernie sanders inspired the attempted murder of the entire Republican baseball team.........

your antifa fascists have been attacking peaceful protestors since the election with fists, bricks, bike locks and pepper spray, and they even attacked a police horse with a club with a nail in it...they were just lucky their violence didn't kill anyone....

We can count on President Trump: he won't invite them to WH. They need to be thrown to prison. Where is investigation when it's really needed? Or it's more fun to "investigate" alleged "Russian ties"?
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Is that what caused the neo-confederates to execute an ISIS style terrorist attack?

One guy.....acting on his own.....

The black lives matter sympathizer murdered 5 police officers in Dallas....black lives matter was invited to the White House by obama......your last Presidential candidate bernie sanders inspired the attempted murder of the entire Republican baseball team.........
Weren't those 2 guys "acting on their own?" I don't recall them having an army of neo-confederate scum making Nazi salutes behind them egging them on.

Obama invited BLM to the White House? Imagine if he'd made one of their founders his Chief Strategist like he did with Bannon and your neo-confederate movement.

Fuck you, inbred trash.
Yeah dem po ol' White Nationalists and KKKers and Alt-Righties came Tom Charlottesville for a grand ol' picnic. They brought their assault rifles and sidearms because, well, maybe there were deer in the woods and they could go out and bag some fresh venison. They brought their shields and helmets because, well, there might be pigeons in Virginia. They brought their torches because it had inspired them and their heroes since 1933. And they brought their Toyotas.

And they came to defend an inanimate object. Inanimate just like their guns. Nothing's no to fear.

Who knew there might be trouble? All they wanted to do was show how much they hated American values and ideals and their fellow citizens who designed to disagree. Who could have predicted any hassles?

Yup! Dem po ol' bigots never saw it coming.
I'm not at all in agreement with the political ideals of the far right, white supremacists, neo-nazis, etc. However, I do agree with their protest to protect southern history.

That said, regardless of what the fuck they were doing there, they have every damn right to hold whatever opinions they want about whomever they want, and they have every right to protest as well. This fascist bullshit from the left needs to stop, calling in foreign protestors, out of state protestors, and starting violence has got to stop...

I don't know what these lefties thought was going to happen here, it's not like the neo-nazi's and far right folks were going to back down - this is the alt-right that's been spoiling for a civil war and shit... I rather think every counter-protestor who went should have been expecting resistance to their shit, and violence if /either/ side pushed the issue.

If the police were stupid enough to funnel these two groups into each other then abandon them to fight, then they should probably be paying for the damages and injuries as they failed to deal with it. (Not that I blame the police here, but whomever was giving the orders/strategy for dealing with it.)
Just a few cops couldn't have done anything other than become targets themselves. With that said, remember this isn't a city like New York with all kinds of stuff at their disposal. The one person that REALLY screwed up? The judge that ordered that the city had to let this protest take place in the narrow street downtown instead of in a park.
Bannon has got to go. It's just a matter of if Trump admits his appointment as chief strategist should have never happened, or if he will continue thumbing his nose at the American people
Again, we have democrats telling the police to stand down when the violent antifa fascists attacked the white national fascists.......

Alt-Right Activists Condemn Violence, Dispute Mainstream Account - Breitbart

But a report on police conduct during and after the rally by ProPublica, a left-leaning investigative journalism non-profit, as well as eyewitness accounts by those who participated in the rally itself, have called the simplicity of this characterization into question. Both suggest mismanagement of police resources by political leadership may have exacerbated, rather than controlled, the violence surrounding the rally and the counter-protests,
Ah, you poor little pissant, your nazis got their asses kicked. And most of the nation condemns the filth that staged that march and murdered. Oh yes, you poor victims came with combat helmets, shields, and clubs. And got your asses kicked. May it ever be thus. Cry, baby, cry.
'Stand down' has been a recurring theme with our Liberal leadership starting with Obama and Benghazi, then Ferguson, Baltimore, Berkeley and now Charlottsville. In each case the results were disastrous. Stand down does not work. Stand Up works.
Stand up did work in Charlottesville. The good citizens showed the neo-nazis that they were not wanted. And the neo-nazis showed what murderous bastards they are. Now the whole nation has seen the neo-nazis for what they are.
Is that what caused the neo-confederates to execute an ISIS style terrorist attack?

One guy.....acting on his own.....

The black lives matter sympathizer murdered 5 police officers in Dallas....black lives matter was invited to the White House by obama......your last Presidential candidate bernie sanders inspired the attempted murder of the entire Republican baseball team.........
Weren't those 2 guys "acting on their own?" I don't recall them having an army of neo-confederate scum making Nazi salutes behind them egging them on.

Obama invited BLM to the White House? Imagine if he'd made one of their founders his Chief Strategist like he did with Bannon and your neo-confederate movement.

Fuck you, inbred trash.

Asswipr, Bannon isn't a nazi or a racist......that is a lie you assholes keep telling in order to attack Trump and Bannon. Shithead.
Yeah dem po ol' White Nationalists and KKKers and Alt-Righties came Tom Charlottesville for a grand ol' picnic. They brought their assault rifles and sidearms because, well, maybe there were deer in the woods and they could go out and bag some fresh venison. They brought their shields and helmets because, well, there might be pigeons in Virginia. They brought their torches because it had inspired them and their heroes since 1933. And they brought their Toyotas.

And they came to defend an inanimate object. Inanimate just like their guns. Nothing's no to fear.

Who knew there might be trouble? All they wanted to do was show how much they hated American values and ideals and their fellow citizens who designed to disagree. Who could have predicted any hassles?

Yup! Dem po ol' bigots never saw it coming.

How many shots were fired then? Genius. The ones who started the attacks were the antifa fascists.....of course you asswipes didn't care about all the attacks on peaceful people at rallies and college speeches....
Stand up did work in Charlottesville. The good citizens showed the neo-nazis that they were not wanted. And the neo-nazis showed what murderous bastards they are. Now the whole nation has seen the neo-nazis for what they are.

And the bernie sanders supporters who have murdered at least 3 people so far? I imagine you want them...right? Everyone knows what neo-nazis are, but you and the other morons keep trying to pretend that the antifa fascists aren't the cause of this violence and the violence we have seen since the election process started....

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