
Gold Member
Jul 11, 2015
Hello. Keeping it 100% REAL & Respectful!

Can we examine the character and values, as well as mental health of American citizens loudly declaring RACISM is impeding the advancement of black or American citizens of African descent?

In this broadcast, Ms. Vicki Dillard, clearly a supporter of America's large SEGREGATION-MINDED, INTRA-RACIAL DISCRIMINATION & HATE practicing PRO BLACK community, shares views that in my opinion are advocated by serious emotionally troubled fellow citizens.

'Police, Hate, C^^ns & American PRO BLACK Mental Health' ~Jesse Lee Peterson & Vicki Dillard

I look forward to reading other people's opinions about Ms. Dillard's concerns and beliefs, as well as her current state of mental health.

Frankly, I become sad witnessing people apparently living in an alternative reality they've created for themselves.

Here is JLP and Ms. Vicki Dillard's entire 37:00 convo:

'Impossible! Jesse Earns Yet Another Coon Award With Vicki Dillard' Published on Jul 23, 2019 by Jesse Lee Peterson 25,196 views

Dr. Umar Johnson Ph.D, Dr. Boyce Watkins Ph.D, Tariq Nasheed.jpg

_RECOGNIZING_Children Denounce Intra-Racial discrimination.png

Hello. What is your reaction to this apparent emotionally troubled, hate embracing PRO BLACK woman excoriating Kanye, who is one of COUNTLESS American urban story-TRUTH-tellers, including Pres. and Mrs. Obama friends, composing popular American music art denigrating women as less than human creatures and hoes.

Listening to Mechee X spew HATE @Kanye, you'd think he murdered babies and devoured them for a snack.

Obviously, Mechee is a very troubled citizen, who in all probability is passing on to her children...HATE!

"The real reason Kanye is a cooooon... Mechee X"

PRO BLACK HATERS, MecheeX, Vicki Dillard, Shonna Ettiene.png

_thuglife Tupac Shakur.jpg

I'm not sure why I should be concerned about what someone I have never heard of might think. I'm sure, if you look hard enough, you can find a video of someone in favor of kicking puppies too, but that doesn't make them representative of anything, or any body.
There is no denying that black people are the most obsessed race on the planet with race. I have lived through it, been subject to it, seen it on every level and hear about it every single day. I honestly have no idea why. Why can't they just go about their lives like the rest of the races on earth do?

I have a few theories about why... as in they've been coddled beyond anything any other race has, with Affirmative Action, quotas, free this, free that, and the list of BLACK ONLY things is extensive, Miss Black America, The Congressional Caucus, the Black Entertainment Channel, Ebony Magazine, you can just go on and on and on listing things that are BLACK ONLY, yet THEY are the always screaming RACISM, as they themselves have some of the most exclusive racist organizations on the planet. They have all learned that crying RACISM gets them what they want. They have gotten so used to the freebies and special treatment that when they DON'T get it, they think it's because of RACISM, when in reality it's nothing more than simply having to compete against everyone else on a level playing field.
#TheLargerIssue #SingleParenting #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions


Hello. Being advised she is a HATER by a good number of black American citizens, apparently did not sit well with PRO BLACK minded Mechee X, resulting with her sharing more HATE.

"I’m the monster America has created...the hate you give W/Mechee X" 7,801 views Streamed live August 9, 2019 by Mechee X

Apparently, HATING white or Americans of Euro descent is not enough for Mechee X.

Listening to her broadcasts it's apparent Mechee X also feels a burning need to HATE free-thinking black American citizens wishing to peacefully pursue THEIR OWN individual unique vision for L, L, (Love) & Happiness.

Apparently PRO BLACK Mechee X fails to recognize 'we' humans are an IMPERFECT, often self destructive species that during the course of human evolution has cause a lot of pain for people of all backgrounds.

Apparently Mechee X is no different from other INTRA-RACIAL HATE and DISCRIMINATION practicing PRO BLACK citizens, in that she expects her followers to $DONATE CASH$ so she can continue spewing hateful ramblings that are focused on our ignorant past...while IGNORING the destructive NATURE of today's female dominated PRO BLACK community.

The same PRO BLACK females who more than one dozen Pres. and Mrs. Obama's American urban story-TRUTH-teller friends, like Child Abuse victims Kendrick Lamar, Shawn Carter and Nasir Jones, HATEFULLY denigrate as less than human B!tches and HOES or THOTS undeserving of being treated with basic human respect.

'Exposing 'Pro Black' Modus Operandi, Logic, Fvvkery, Savagery, White Supremacy' ~Mrs. Princella Clark-Carr



In her "I'm a monster" broadcast, Mechee X mentions the late social acticvist and INTEGRATIONIST Sandra Bland.

'Sandra Bland, Let's Go To WAR'

One question for Mechee X. Who is raising, nurturing and socializing perfectly healthy newborns maturing into apparent emotionally damaged, SU!CIDAL, HOMICIDAL thinking teen and adult American citizens Ms. Bland wants shipped out of our country?


Keeping it REAL, in her "I'm a monster" broadcast, Mechee X mentions names of citizens who died while interacting with police.

Sadly many Americans killed by police were raised by HATEFUL women like Mechee X and the late Korryn Gaines. A seriously ill MOTHER who chose to bring a convicted drug peddler into her children's lives.

*The Late Illogical Thinking, HATEFUL "Pro Black" minded Ms. Korryn Gaines - An Emotionally Ill American Grievously Harmed by America’s Culture of African American Child Abuse & Neglect*

I'm closing this writing by sharing:

"Mental illness in Black Communities" Published on Nov 10, 2010 www dawsondenise com

Mental illness in Black Communities

Disclosure. I listened to the first 32 minutes of Mechee X's "I’m the monster America has created" broadcast before turning OFF her hateful, stomach-turning rhetoric.

If you listen to this broadcast you'll learn Mechee X spent the first 17 minutes of this broadcast subliminally shilling for $donations$ before she began addressing the topic of HATE.


_RECOGNIZING_Children Denounce Intra-Racial discrimination.png
American *(Children)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; *End Our Nation's *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS*; End Community Violence, Police Anxiety & Educator's Frustrations
There is no denying that black people are the most obsessed race on the planet with race. I have lived through it, been subject to it, seen it on every level and hear about it every single day. I honestly have no idea why. Why can't they just go about their lives like the rest of the races on earth do?

I have a few theories about why... as in they've been coddled beyond anything any other race has, with Affirmative Action, quotas, free this, free that, and the list of BLACK ONLY things is extensive, Miss Black America, The Congressional Caucus, the Black Entertainment Channel, Ebony Magazine, you can just go on and on and on listing things that are BLACK ONLY, yet THEY are the always screaming RACISM, as they themselves have some of the most exclusive racist organizations on the planet. They have all learned that crying RACISM gets them what they want. They have gotten so used to the freebies and special treatment that when they DON'T get it, they think it's because of RACISM, when in reality it's nothing more than simply having to compete against everyone else on a level playing field.
And another pathetic, moron liberal, "katsteve2012," thinks the truth is "FUNNY."
There is no denying that black people are the most obsessed race on the planet with race. I have lived through it, been subject to it, seen it on every level and hear about it every single day. I honestly have no idea why. Why can't they just go about their lives like the rest of the races on earth do?

I have a few theories about why... as in they've been coddled beyond anything any other race has, with Affirmative Action, quotas, free this, free that, and the list of BLACK ONLY things is extensive, Miss Black America, The Congressional Caucus, the Black Entertainment Channel, Ebony Magazine, you can just go on and on and on listing things that are BLACK ONLY, yet THEY are the always screaming RACISM, as they themselves have some of the most exclusive racist organizations on the planet. They have all learned that crying RACISM gets them what they want. They have gotten so used to the freebies and special treatment that when they DON'T get it, they think it's because of RACISM, when in reality it's nothing more than simply having to compete against everyone else on a level playing field.
And another pathetic, moron liberal, "katsteve2012," thinks the truth is "FUNNY."

And yet another delusional,misinformed, stereotyping wingnut generalizes about an entire group of people, and believes it as truth.

For your information, there is a Hispanic caucus, radio and TV stations that offer programming geared toward other minorities than blacks...or didn't you know that?

Yes. Your idiocy IS funny...azzclown. And laughing at your stupidity does not make me a liberal
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