Police, DHS Target Christians

I had no idea Westboro had only 40 members. That is amazing. I'd love to get the list of names for that "church" and find out exactly who these people are! Surely they live in neighborhoods, have neighbors? Co - workers who know more about them? I'd love to find out who they really are.

Not only that, they are all related.

{ It is headed by Fred Phelps and consists primarily of members of his large family;[5] in 2011, the church stated that it had about 40 members.[1}

Westboro Baptist Church - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They are probably funded by George Soros.
Please quote where I called the WBC "typical", hallucination boy.


You bring them up every time, bigot boi.

What percentage of the 200 MILLION Christians in the USA do the 40 members of Phelps group represent?

That would be .00000002% - bigot boi.

You're just a demagogue and a bigot; say, are you Fred Phelps?
I know of several right wingers here who disagree with you.

Sure you do, bigot boi.

In your own words:

I often suspect that the only reason you promote homosexuality is your rabid hatred of Christians. Since many Christians oppose homosexuality, you support it to be against those you so desperately hate.


Little doubt what I posted then remains true today, bigot boi.

Opposing something ain't what you claimed, now is it, Herr Goebbels?
Lovey, you are willing to believe ANYTHING aren't you?

Quick, look outside, there's a black helicopter over your house.

There coming to take you away dude. Take you away.

I sure hope you don't own guns.

And when you have to use Glen I love to make shit up Beck for your source of info, your cause is lost.
Or just a joke. Which is it?

Then why are our soldiers being court-martialed for being Christian? Then there's the attacks on Christmas. Documentation from DHS claiming Christians involved in domestic terrorist attacks. Is this going too fast for you?Maybe you should expand your reading other than reading only TPM, Daily Kos, Media Matters, etc..

DHS Domestic Terror Report Angers Conservatives, Veterans

DHS Domestic Terror Report Angers Conservatives, Veterans

A Homeland Security analysis being distributed to law enforcement agencies and warning of a new era of domestic terrorism has provoked a storm of criticism …


Homeland Security Declares Christians are Terrorists!!!!

Homeland Security Declares Christians are Terrorists!!!!

Washington April 7th 2009 – A newly unclassified Department of Homeland Security report warns that A) Christians, B) Returning US Soldiers, C) Political support
The simple fact is that I am old school conservative.


Yep, a "Josef Stalin" conservative.

I was a National Review subscriber before many of you were even born.


{ "Now listen, you queer, stop calling me a crypto-Nazi or I'll sock you in your goddamn face and you'll stay plastered." } William F. Buckley

I voted the straight GOP ticket right up to 2006 (with a single exception on behalf of an appeal by William F. Buckely himself), at which point I stopped voting altogether.

How many times did you vote for Obama? Less than a dozen and you'll fall behind the other fake Republican - Jakematters.

I read the Bible nearly every night, and pray without fail every evening.

Sure, I believe you. It's every bit as believable as Hitler practicing Passover...

In my spare time, I am the President of a Christian ministry founded on a verse in Matthew.

"Hate thou those who follow in my name, persecute and beleaguer them." - Hmmm, not seeing that in Matthew, but you are faithful to it.

And I am saying there are some batshit crazy fucks who have hijacked the right wing and are carrying it toward totalitarianism with a vengeance.

Yeah, all those "crazies" who cling to the Constitution and seek the "totalitarianism" of the Bill of Rights, which you are so eager to free us from.

The open hatred of homos, negroes, spics, ragheads, and now our own troops is a gigantic flare that something is very, very, very wrong with the Right today. Seriously wrong.

The only hatred comes from you and your fellow travelers, bigot boi. You hate Christians with a passion. Most of those you hold common cause with hate whites.

Anyone wonder how Nazis came to power in Germany?

No, I just look at you and Rachel Maddow; it's real clear.

Watch and learn from the Right today.

You planning to break some church windows?

Everyone is to the left of a Nazi. Remember that.

Especially the National Socialists, brite boi....
Uncensored voted third party, so his comments about Republicanism is bull shit.

As always.

Your type are not wanted in the GOP for good reason, Uncensored: you are worthless to American values and standards.
What I think is that you are quick to jump on the cross and act as if you are being persecuted for being a Christian in this country when clearly, you are not. There aren't any red, blue, yellow, pink or purple dots being put on people's mailboxes by the government. There just aren't. And for you to repeat that story without doing even the most basic of internet searches tells me that you have a persecution complex and you enjoy wallowing in it.

Persecution complex? lol! I don't fear adversity! I'm grateful for it! If you knew what it did for you you'd be grateful for it too! Ha! ha!! - Jeri

Even when the adversity is made up in your head? That's rich.

I am honestly not feeling any adversity at the moment. I believe Obama is doing the right thing in supporting Israel right now. I find that refreshing. I'm really not too worried about the HLS just yet. Thanks for your interest.
The simple fact is that I am old school conservative. I was a National Review subscriber before many of you were even born. I voted the straight GOP ticket right up to 2006 (with a single exception on behalf of an appeal by William F. Buckely himself), at which point I stopped voting altogether.

I read the Bible nearly every night, and pray without fail every evening.

reply - You do strike me as a person who believes in God. Glad to hear I was right.

In my spare time, I am the President of a Christian ministry founded on a verse in Matthew.

And I am saying there are some batshit crazy fucks who have hijacked the right wing and are carrying it toward totalitarianism with a vengeance.

reply - I don't know what is up with Westboro - definitely a disconnect and I agree there is something wrong with the GOP but I'm not so sure I'd list those as the issues I am troubled over. I believe both parties are completely lost.

The open hatred of homos, negroes, spics, ragheads, and now our own troops is a gigantic flare that something is very, very, very wrong with the Right today. Seriously wrong.

Anyone wonder how Nazis came to power in Germany? Watch and learn from the Right today.

Everyone is to the left of a Nazi. Remember that.

I'm wondering how you arrive at that one. Can you explain that for me? Thanks in advance. - Jeri

Glenn Beck went off the rails around early 2011. He has slowly but surely morphed into a full anti-police nut. I hear his radio show here from 9am-12 sometimes. He preaches fear and doom. Makes cops sound like the boogey man now.

Its pathetic, sad..........and yes, dangerous. What he is doing isnt much different than the Arab schools in the ME who are preaching to their kids about the evils of Jews, Americans and "Zionists". He's brainwashing those will weak, willing ears.
So you think the story is not true?

Yes. I think the story is not true.
Persecution complex? lol! I don't fear adversity! I'm grateful for it! If you knew what it did for you you'd be grateful for it too! Ha! ha!! - Jeri

Even when the adversity is made up in your head? That's rich.

I am honestly not feeling any adversity at the moment. I believe Obama is doing the right thing in supporting Israel right now. I find that refreshing. I'm really not too worried about the HLS just yet. Thanks for your interest.
You and I both know that I don't give a flying fuck sideways about your adversity or lack thereof, imaginary or not. I was just calling you out on your red-dot-on-the-mailbox lunacy.
Police, DHS Target Christians

I know you liberals will OH glen beck. But listen to him . What if he is right?? that This country is going to turn Christians He is reading a leader from a police officer in Colorado.. We see it every day now in this country . This list has Christians above Al Queda .. US is lost if people dont wake up

Glenn Beck is a


Glenn Beck went off the rails around early 2011. He has slowly but surely morphed into a full anti-police nut. I hear his radio show here from 9am-12 sometimes. He preaches fear and doom. Makes cops sound like the boogey man now.

Its pathetic, sad..........and yes, dangerous. What he is doing isnt much different than the Arab schools in the ME who are preaching to their kids about the evils of Jews, Americans and "Zionists". He's brainwashing those will weak, willing ears.
So you think the story is not true?

Yes. I think the story is not true.

Glenn is a LDS skousenite anti-commie that has gone around the bend with the idea that "in the final days the elders of Zion (mormon priesthood) will save the Constitution as it hangs by a single thread".

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