Police Body Camera Footage Proves George Floyd Was Not "Murdered"

If he had a lethal amount of drugs that could cause overdosing he would not have been standing and able to struggle like they said he did.
you know how 220 pound people behave after ingesting drugs? just checking, what is your experience? I have a few in my life, and I can tell you people on drugs are much much stronger than they are when they are straight. So please, enlighten me in your experience.
Aldo Raine what do you disagree with?

On drugs does not "make them stronger" a possible adrenaline rush and a short burst of aerobic activity of above normal. Not stronger in the sense they are suddenly able to increase a max strength move.

More durable for a short amount of time, yes. Slightly increased aerobic capacity, probably.
With all due respect, Aldo...Floyd was on Meth. Talk to anyone who's tried to subdue someone on Meth and they'll tell you it's scary how strong they can be and how they don't seem to feel pain.

He was also on fake(more powerful) heroine which does the opposite.
He was not in respiratory distress until the cop pushing his knee down on his neck, cutting off the flow of oxygen and blood...and it took him almost 10 minutes to kill him, I saw it and you saw it.
Can you imagine being a MPD officer? The city is making sure the cops stay in their cars and simply respond to fill out reports....each day of this trial = the days of them confronting actual criminals who are committing crimes is over.....

Even worse, imagine all the unnecessary victims of crime due to officers being sidelined in the name of this farce. Democrats, the media, and their cult followers all have blood on their hands again.
If he had a lethal amount of drugs that could cause overdosing he would not have been standing and able to struggle like they said he did.
you know how 220 pound people behave after ingesting drugs? just checking, what is your experience? I have a few in my life, and I can tell you people on drugs are much much stronger than they are when they are straight. So please, enlighten me in your experience.
Aldo Raine what do you disagree with?

On drugs does not "make them stronger" a possible adrenaline rush and a short burst of aerobic activity of above normal. Not stronger in the sense they are suddenly able to increase a max strength move.

More durable for a short amount of time, yes. Slightly increased aerobic capacity, probably.
With all due respect, Aldo...Floyd was on Meth. Talk to anyone who's tried to subdue someone on Meth and they'll tell you it's scary how strong they can be and how they don't seem to feel pain.

He was also on fake(more powerful) heroine which does the opposite.
He was not in respiratory distress until the cop pushing his knee down on his neck, cutting off the flow of oxygen and blood...and it took him almost 10 minutes to kill him, I saw it and you saw it.

I saw a guy OD on Fentanyl. His knee was on the back, not neck. No need to put a knee on the neck of someone who is no longer resisting.

Also, he complained of having trouble breathing when he was in the back of the police car before the officer got on top of him. Again, he was overdosing, which the autopsy report bears out.
If he had a lethal amount of drugs that could cause overdosing he would not have been standing and able to struggle like they said he did.
you know how 220 pound people behave after ingesting drugs? just checking, what is your experience? I have a few in my life, and I can tell you people on drugs are much much stronger than they are when they are straight. So please, enlighten me in your experience.
Aldo Raine what do you disagree with?

On drugs does not "make them stronger" a possible adrenaline rush and a short burst of aerobic activity of above normal. Not stronger in the sense they are suddenly able to increase a max strength move.

More durable for a short amount of time, yes. Slightly increased aerobic capacity, probably.
With all due respect, Aldo...Floyd was on Meth. Talk to anyone who's tried to subdue someone on Meth and they'll tell you it's scary how strong they can be and how they don't seem to feel pain.

He was also on fake(more powerful) heroine which does the opposite.
He was not in respiratory distress until the cop pushing his knee down on his neck, cutting off the flow of oxygen and blood...and it took him almost 10 minutes to kill him, I saw it and you saw it.
Did you watch the entire video of the "incident"? Floyd complains to the Police that he can't breathe while he is standing up. He was in "respiratory distress" LONG before Chauvin knelt on him!
One witness has taken the fifth and refused to testify. The girlfriend said he was with his drug dealer.
I have changed my mind about the George Floyd case, after watching several hours of Derek Chauvin's trial, and especially after watching the previously unreleased police body-camera footage of the incident.

I do not believe that Chauvin committed second-degree murder. I think he committed manslaughter. I would need several pages to fully explain the reasons for my view. Here are a few points that capture the main reasons:

* Floyd could have avoided being pinned on the ground in the first place if he had simply obeyed the police officers' repeated request to get into the back of the police car.

* The officers did not pin Floyd on the ground until after he strongly resisted being put into the police car and after he then pushed his way out of the car and came out the other side of the car. Only at that point did the officers pin him on the ground.

* Floyd's claim that he was afraid to get into confined spaces and therefore afraid to get into the back of the police car seems extremely doubtful, given the fact that Floyd had just spent several minutes in the front of a small car with the windows rolled up. The body camera footage shows that the front of the car that Floyd was taken from was virtually identical in size to the back of the police car.

* The officers may have doubted Floyd's claim that he could not breathe because he started making this claim long before he was pinned on the ground and at a time when he clearly could breathe, as the officers pointed out to him.

* Floyd's autopsy report proves that he was heavily under the influence of drugs during the incident. This could explain his irrational behavior.

* Floyd deserves most of the blame for the incident. Chauvin should not have put his knee on Floyd's neck. He should have eased up on Floyd's neck after Floyd stopped moving, and he should have checked Floyd's vital signs after he stopped moving. But, again, Floyd never would have been pinned on the ground in the first place if he had simply gotten into the back of the police car as he was repeatedly instructed to do.

And, just for the record, George Floyd was neither a "gentle person" nor "a good father"; he was a violent thug with a long rap sheet:

Two Sides To Every Story: George Floyd And Derek Chauvin – Stateline Network EXTRA

Another Big Gubmint "conservative" willing to believe the lies of the alt-right media lol
If he had a lethal amount of drugs that could cause overdosing he would not have been standing and able to struggle like they said he did.
you know how 220 pound people behave after ingesting drugs? just checking, what is your experience? I have a few in my life, and I can tell you people on drugs are much much stronger than they are when they are straight. So please, enlighten me in your experience.
Aldo Raine what do you disagree with?

On drugs does not "make them stronger" a possible adrenaline rush and a short burst of aerobic activity of above normal. Not stronger in the sense they are suddenly able to increase a max strength move.

More durable for a short amount of time, yes. Slightly increased aerobic capacity, probably.
With all due respect, Aldo...Floyd was on Meth. Talk to anyone who's tried to subdue someone on Meth and they'll tell you it's scary how strong they can be and how they don't seem to feel pain.

He was also on fake(more powerful) heroine which does the opposite.
He was not in respiratory distress until the cop pushing his knee down on his neck, cutting off the flow of oxygen and blood...and it took him almost 10 minutes to kill him, I saw it and you saw it.
Did you watch the entire video of the "incident"? Floyd complains to the Police that he can't breathe while he is standing up. He was in "respiratory distress" LONG before Chauvin knelt on him!

So you kneel on the neck of a person alreaxy in respiratory distress and keep it there for about 2 minutes longer even after he is unresponsive?
At minimum, he deserves to be fired from his job. He does not deserve 40+ years in prison for being a "callous and poorly trained officer."

Sure he does.

We hold people to account for their carelessness all the time. Like the Drunk Driver that runs over a family, that person is getting jail time. Usually. Unless they are rich and white, anyway.
If you could have wiped the foam from your mouth and put aside your rabid Marxist ideology for just 90 seconds, you would have noticed that I did not say that Floyd's death was "justified" or that Chauvin did nothing wrong. I said Chauvin should be convicted of manslaughter. Next time you might try taking some deep breaths and actually try to read what I write before you produce another one of your bizarre replies.

Naw. Convicting him of murder sends a clearer message to thug cops they might be happier doing something else for a living.

The problem is, of course, that the statues are worded in such a way that you could probably convict him of either.
If Chauvin's callousness doesn't call for the higher charge, I don't know what does.
The Floyd issue is 100% political.
The Press used it to help the Corrupt and Racist Democratic Party win the 2020 election.

Except Trump Riots weren't really the proximate cause of why Trump lost. Trump Lost because of Trump Plague and Trump recession.

The Police kill about twice as many White suspects annually than they do Black suspects but the Press never makes it an issue when a white suspect is killed.
The Press exploits these incidents and fans the flames of hate on purpose.
If Floyd was White you would have never heard of him.

If Floyd were white, they never would have used that level of lethal force against him.

Cops kill nearly twice as many whites as blacks

That's nice. There are five times as many white people as black people in this country... So that statistic still looks bad.
Of those 5 photos, 4 of them are photos of democrats party members....the first is the photo of a pre-democrat party member ......remember, the slave owners of the south started the democrat party.....

Guy, the Democrats threw out the racists a long time ago.

Tricky Dick welcomed them with open arms... and they've been a key Republican Constituency ever since.
But the 11 nanograms per milliliter of fentanyl is rather important, inasmuch as the chief medical examiner called this "a fatal level of fentanyl under normal circumstances," saying, "deaths have been certified with levels of 3."

Three. But George Floyd went up to 11.

But that's the point, Dicktiny. Yes, 3 would be fatal to most people, who don't do drugs. 11 might not be fatal to a habitual abuser whose body has already built up a tolerance.

If they had de-escalated the situation and just made him give back the merchandise and sent him home, and he died at home, there wouldn't be an issue here, I guess.

But instead they escalated it, used excessive force and he died.
If he had a lethal amount of drugs that could cause overdosing he would not have been standing and able to struggle like they said he did.
you know how 220 pound people behave after ingesting drugs? just checking, what is your experience? I have a few in my life, and I can tell you people on drugs are much much stronger than they are when they are straight. So please, enlighten me in your experience.
Aldo Raine what do you disagree with?

On drugs does not "make them stronger" a possible adrenaline rush and a short burst of aerobic activity of above normal. Not stronger in the sense they are suddenly able to increase a max strength move.

More durable for a short amount of time, yes. Slightly increased aerobic capacity, probably.
With all due respect, Aldo...Floyd was on Meth. Talk to anyone who's tried to subdue someone on Meth and they'll tell you it's scary how strong they can be and how they don't seem to feel pain.

He was also on fake(more powerful) heroine which does the opposite.
He was not in respiratory distress until the cop pushing his knee down on his neck, cutting off the flow of oxygen and blood...and it took him almost 10 minutes to kill him, I saw it and you saw it.

I saw a guy OD on Fentanyl. His knee was on the back, not neck. No need to put a knee on the neck of someone who is no longer resisting.

Also, he complained of having trouble breathing when he was in the back of the police car before the officer got on top of him. Again, he was overdosing, which the autopsy report bears out.
The autopsy report did not say that he died of an overdose.
But the 11 nanograms per milliliter of fentanyl is rather important, inasmuch as the chief medical examiner called this "a fatal level of fentanyl under normal circumstances," saying, "deaths have been certified with levels of 3."

Three. But George Floyd went up to 11.

But that's the point, Dicktiny. Yes, 3 would be fatal to most people, who don't do drugs. 11 might not be fatal to a habitual abuser whose body has already built up a tolerance.

If they had de-escalated the situation and just made him give back the merchandise and sent him home, and he died at home, there wouldn't be an issue here, I guess.

But instead they escalated it, used excessive force and he died.
Three medical examiners ruled Floyd died from cardiopulmonary arrest caused by asphyxiation. Unfortunately, USMB wacko right-wing experts disagree and blame his death on unknown other stuff somehow related to drug use.

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