Police Body Camera Footage Proves George Floyd Was Not "Murdered"

Moron....his own bosses are under orders to hang him........the police chief is appointed by the mayor, and everyone else is on notice...you dipshit.

I'm sure his bosses are happy to hang him because of all the untold misery he's caused them.

Moron....he was over 3X the fatal level of fentanyl, which causes repiratory failure...you idiot...

Retard, he had 3X a potentially fatal level. Which means the minimum they've found in OD victims. the average does found in OD Victims is 9.6, about where he was at... which means that some people have a higher tolerance than others.

He had been addicted to opioids for years. He probably had a pretty high tolerance... you know, like your hero Rush Limbaugh did.

Now, I'd have paid good money to see someone put a knee on that asshole's neck.
chauvin violated other 18 peoples civil rights based on what? Criminals whinning like Floyd that the cops were picking on them by arresting their criminal asses?

It does not take hours to die of drug overdose--what an ignorant claim.

It does if you injest it, dummy. Yes, people will die if they inject or smoke it.... He swallowed a pill...
Actually "We" have the body cam that shows what really went down not just some media and BLM bullshit emotional manipulation. "We" also have the tox report and floyds criminal record of violence and drug abuse........"We" all aren't as stupid as the racist terrorist blm and prosecution hope people are....

His criminal record doesn't matter. If you want to bring that in, let's also bring in the other 18 times Chauvin violated people's civil rights.

The Tox Screen doesn't matter, because it takes HOURS to die of a drug overdose. he was dead in minutes after encounter Chauvin.

Your Boy is going down. Deal with it.
chauvin violated other 18 peoples civil rights based on what? Criminals whinning like Floyd that the cops were picking on them by arresting their criminal asses?

It does not take hours to die of drug overdose--what an ignorant claim.

An intravenous injection can be very quick, but swallowing pills can take hour.
Its intentional.

it takes 15-30 minutes to take affect when swallowed. Geebus
chauvin violated other 18 peoples civil rights based on what? Criminals whinning like Floyd that the cops were picking on them by arresting their criminal asses?

It does not take hours to die of drug overdose--what an ignorant claim.

It does if you injest it, dummy. Yes, people will die if they inject or smoke it.... He swallowed a pill...
Joe you are an idiot. A rude obnoxious one that is always wrong about most everything. I just want you to know--------

6. Response and Effectiveness
  • Time to effect varies depending on formulation from 15-30 minutes (sublingual tablets), 46 minutes (buccal tablets), 1.5 hours (spray) to 3 hours (patch). Respiratory depressant effects can be seen from as early as 15-30 minutes after administration and persist for several hours.
it takes 15-30 minutes to take affect when swallowed. Geebus

Okay. The cops were called at 20:01, Floyd was dead at 20:27. That's some fast acting drugs...

Joe you are an idiot. A rude obnoxious one that is always wrong about most everything. I just want you to know--------

Okay, that's how long it takes to take 'effect", not to kill someone.

Again, the main factor was Chauvin's knee on his neck for 9 minutes, not the 30 minutes it would have taken for a swallowed pill to take effect.
The fact that Floyd and friend sat there in the car outside of the food mart only goes to show what IDIOTS both he and his friend are!

Or they didn't think they had done anything wrong.

The autopsy is the thing that tells me Chauvin didn't use "deadly force"...

Really, because both autopsies said he died of asphyxiation.

he's guilty of failing to recognize that Floyd was OD'ing on drugs...drugs that Floyd the idiot most likely ingested to keep them from being found by the Police! That's an outcome that Floyd the idiot could have avoided if he HAD left after passing the counterfeit bill or HAD told the Police that he had taken a large amount of drugs and was having difficulty breathing because of it!

Actually, leaving would have been "Fleeing the scene" and an admission of guilt. Maybe he legitimately thought that it was a valid bill and the cops would resolve that issue.

It takes MINUTES to die of a drug overdose! Floyd was most likely starting to die when he told the Police he couldn't breathe even before they tried to place him in the cruiser.

The point is, he didn't die in the cruiser, he died under Chauvin's knee.

Would you like to show that Chauvin actually DID violate someone's civil rights 18 previous times? Or does the complaint itself carry an automatic guilty verdict these days if you're a Cop? He was a veteran cop who had 18 complaints filed against him over a period of 19 years...only two of which resulted in reprimands. Pretty typical stuff for a cop working in the inner city.

Actually, no, it really isn't. For instance, when Chicago did a comprehensive review of police complaints after the Laquan McDonald murder, they found that 50% of the complaints were against the same 139 officer - 1% of the force. (Including the officer who shot McDonald 16 times when he was laying on the ground.) The thing we find in these incidents is that the officers involved usually have long records of misconduct the unions and the Police Departments excuse.

The knee on the neck is in their training manual........they are trained to use the knee on the neck....

According to the police cheif, it isn't. But let's say it is. Does that make it right? Again, this argument of "I was only following orders" didn't work for the Nazis at Nuremburg or Calley at Mai Lai... why do you think it works here?

Moron....the cops knew he was on drugs.....so they held him down to keep him from struggling and making his condition worse...

Idiot- he died. That made his condition a lot worse.
Or maybe he was so high he couldn't think that far ahead! There's a reason they call drugs, "dope" and it's not because it makes you smarter, Joey!

Nice attempt at a deflection when I pointed out that only two of the 18 complaints leveled against Chauvin resulted in negative write ups by the Chicago Police Department. That's 2 in 19 years! I'm guessing that's about average for a Police officer doing his or her job on an inner city beat! Care to prove me wrong?
Moron....his own bosses are under orders to hang him........the police chief is appointed by the mayor, and everyone else is on notice...you dipshit.

I'm sure his bosses are happy to hang him because of all the untold misery he's caused them.

Moron....he was over 3X the fatal level of fentanyl, which causes repiratory failure...you idiot...

Retard, he had 3X a potentially fatal level. Which means the minimum they've found in OD victims. the average does found in OD Victims is 9.6, about where he was at... which means that some people have a higher tolerance than others.

He had been addicted to opioids for years. He probably had a pretty high tolerance... you know, like your hero Rush Limbaugh did.

Now, I'd have paid good money to see someone put a knee on that asshole's neck.
The average dose found in OD victims is 9.6 according to you...Floyd had 11 in his which means he well into the range of an overdose. He was complaining of not being able to breath BEFORE he ever taken to the ground which tells me he was having problems before Chauvin's knee ever touched his neck! Did being held down by those Police officers accelerate those problems? Without question. You've someone with a 90% blockage to one of his heart blood vessels. You've got someone suffering from hypertension. You've got someone who's suffering from Covid 19. That same person has ingested a large amount of drugs like Fentanyl and Crystal Meth. George Floyd was on a collision course with a heart attack because of his own actions. Those Police officers are simply the scapegoats for his death.
it takes 15-30 minutes to take affect when swallowed. Geebus

Okay. The cops were called at 20:01, Floyd was dead at 20:27. That's some fast acting drugs...

Joe you are an idiot. A rude obnoxious one that is always wrong about most everything. I just want you to know--------

Okay, that's how long it takes to take 'effect", not to kill someone.

Again, the main factor was Chauvin's knee on his neck for 9 minutes, not the 30 minutes it would have taken for a swallowed pill to take effect.
15 to 30 minutes-----for under the tongue
46 for swallowed to take effect and KILL
Floyd was already tripping before the cops were even called

then you have the whole other factor of all the other drugs already in his system including meth

Floyd died exactly as a fentanyl overdose would go.

Chauvins knee did nothing...
Actually "We" have the body cam that shows what really went down not just some media and BLM bullshit emotional manipulation. "We" also have the tox report and floyds criminal record of violence and drug abuse........"We" all aren't as stupid as the racist terrorist blm and prosecution hope people are....

His criminal record doesn't matter. If you want to bring that in, let's also bring in the other 18 times Chauvin violated people's civil rights.

The Tox Screen doesn't matter, because it takes HOURS to die of a drug overdose. he was dead in minutes after encounter Chauvin.

Your Boy is going down. Deal with it.
chauvin violated other 18 peoples civil rights based on what? Criminals whinning like Floyd that the cops were picking on them by arresting their criminal asses?

It does not take hours to die of drug overdose--what an ignorant claim.

An intravenous injection can be very quick, but swallowing pills can take hour.
Its intentional.

it takes 15-30 minutes to take affect when swallowed. Geebus

It takes 15-30 minutes in order to START to take effect after swallowing, but it can take hours for full effect.
Depends what is already in one's stomach.
it takes 15-30 minutes to take affect when swallowed. Geebus

Okay. The cops were called at 20:01, Floyd was dead at 20:27. That's some fast acting drugs...

Joe you are an idiot. A rude obnoxious one that is always wrong about most everything. I just want you to know--------

Okay, that's how long it takes to take 'effect", not to kill someone.

Again, the main factor was Chauvin's knee on his neck for 9 minutes, not the 30 minutes it would have taken for a swallowed pill to take effect.
15 to 30 minutes-----for under the tongue
46 for swallowed to take effect and KILL
Floyd was already tripping before the cops were even called

then you have the whole other factor of all the other drugs already in his system including meth

Floyd died exactly as a fentanyl overdose would go.

Chauvins knee did nothing...

Under the tongue won't work at all.
Saliva is not acidic enough to dissolve the outer coating.

We can see pills in Floyd's mouth in some of the video, so likely when he put pills in his mouth was when the police arrived, and he wanted to get rid of anything that might be used by the police to arrest him.

All the medical experts have testified the drugs had nothing to do with it, and it was ONLY the knee that caused death.
You don’t understand because you’re a leftist sheep is the media and the dnc told you Chauvin is guilty of murder without all the evidence being presented.

Not at all.

There are only two legal questions here.

1) Was the use of the choke hold legitimate? Other cops have said it wasn't something they teach and wasn't something they use.

The second issue is did the illegal choke hold cause Floyd's death. Medical doctors have said it has, and oh, yeah, he actually DIED while being choked.

But you think getting a hired expert to talk about "milligrams" is going to win this for you, have at it.
A win for me is a verdict based on the facts. A win for you is black man died whitey must pay to hell with the facts.
1) Was the use of the choke hold legitimate? Other cops have said it wasn't something they teach and wasn't something they use.
it was a neck restraint hold, not choke hold. fk I hate your kind of fking stupid . Do you even know what a choke hold looks like? Use that internet thingy and educate your stupid self. And it is a legitimate tactic taught. The prosecution already knows this and are now going after length of time of the hold. So you can bury your question in file 13.
All the medical experts have testified the drugs had nothing to do with it, and it was ONLY the knee that caused death.
no they didn't. dude, unbelievable. you just fking flat out lie all the time in here. How can anyone have an honest discussion with you blatantly lying all the time? Name one expert that said drugs had nothing to do with it. go for, that will show your lie.
Moron....his own bosses are under orders to hang him........the police chief is appointed by the mayor, and everyone else is on notice...you dipshit.

I'm sure his bosses are happy to hang him because of all the untold misery he's caused them.

Moron....he was over 3X the fatal level of fentanyl, which causes repiratory failure...you idiot...

Retard, he had 3X a potentially fatal level. Which means the minimum they've found in OD victims. the average does found in OD Victims is 9.6, about where he was at... which means that some people have a higher tolerance than others.

He had been addicted to opioids for years. He probably had a pretty high tolerance... you know, like your hero Rush Limbaugh did.

Now, I'd have paid good money to see someone put a knee on that asshole's neck.
so you missed Floyd's girlfriend's testimony huh? she testified he OD in March, symptoms white foam around the mouth and stomach pain. Curiously those two symptoms were noted the day he died. So factually, you are wrong. His symptoms say otherwise and his cardiac arrest.
Actually "We" have the body cam that shows what really went down not just some media and BLM bullshit emotional manipulation. "We" also have the tox report and floyds criminal record of violence and drug abuse........"We" all aren't as stupid as the racist terrorist blm and prosecution hope people are....

His criminal record doesn't matter. If you want to bring that in, let's also bring in the other 18 times Chauvin violated people's civil rights.

The Tox Screen doesn't matter, because it takes HOURS to die of a drug overdose. he was dead in minutes after encounter Chauvin.

Your Boy is going down. Deal with it.
chauvin violated other 18 peoples civil rights based on what? Criminals whinning like Floyd that the cops were picking on them by arresting their criminal asses?

It does not take hours to die of drug overdose--what an ignorant claim.

An intravenous injection can be very quick, but swallowing pills can take hour.
Its intentional.

it takes 15-30 minutes to take affect when swallowed. Geebus

It takes 15-30 minutes in order to START to take effect after swallowing, but it can take hours for full effect.
Depends what is already in one's stomach.
or how many other drugs ingested, confirmed by testimony of the paramedic and doctor.
Floyd deserves most of the blame for the incident. Chauvin should not have put his knee on Floyd's neck. He should have eased up on Floyd's neck after Floyd stopped moving, and he should have checked Floyd's vital signs after he stopped moving. But, again, Floyd never would have been pinned on the ground in the first place if he had simply gotten into the back of the police car as he was repeatedly instructed to do.

This is going to be the key in the manslaughter charge. After watching the video several times, it dawned on me, that there's no way to know how much actual pressure Chauvin was putting on Floyds neck. As someone with an extremely bad left knee (4 surgeries and arthritis) I can tell you that you can put your knee on something and not be applying pressure.
Example: You can place a tack on the ground, get in Chauvins position, put you knee on the tack and never even break the skin.
I can see several times that Chauvin released the pressure on Floyds neck, allowing him to either take his right chest off the ground (making room for the chest and lungs to expand and inhale). You can see a few times that Floyds neck was not pressed against the ground.
At first, when Floyd was still struggling, Chauvin has his knee firmly on Floyds neck. But as time goes by, and Floyd stops squirming, Chauvin knee is clearly raised (or the pressure is reduced)

Another important fact to mention. The cops knew that the ambulance was on their way. So there was no need to change anything about what they were doing.

And one more thing. From the time the ambulance pulled up, the paramedics took 2 full minutes to get Floyd into the ambulance. In fact, they didn't perform CPR or anything other than checking his pulse. The paramedic didn't tell Chauvin to get off his neck. Instead, after checking his pulse, he went back to the ambulance, pulled out the stretcher, straightened the gurney, put the pillow in place, along with some other non necessary actions before even getting the gurney on the ground.
2 full minutes, when someone is dying, is pretty important.
If our police were adequately trained to recognize the signs of drug use and a potential drug overdose, and they took seriously the motto, "protect and serve," if we held them to the standard that we should, and they treated all citizens' life as sacred as they should?

Chauvin was not a paramedic. He was a cop.
BTW, speaking of training. Considering it took the paramedics no less than 2 minutes from the time they got out of the ambulance to the time they put Floyd in it., Don't you think that's a long time, considering he'd already be out for at least 2 minutes? Those 2 minutes might have saved Floyds life.
In fact, they did a lot of things before even getting Floyd on the stretcher. Things that had nothing to do with saving Floyds life.
No CPR on the ground. Not telling Chauvin to get his knee off his neck for over 1.5 minutes.
No dipshit. Just because you’re too stupid to understand anything doesn’t mean the jury will do what you demand. No conviction on your bullshit murder charge. Funny you keep ignoring everything else from that day. Fuck off asshole. Idiots like you should keep their uneducated mouths shut.

The Jury will convict because the tape is so horrible.

We have the tape.

You have some guys mealy-mouthing about milligrams.

We win.

No, YOU are the child dumbfuck. Refusing to read ANY evidence and letting your hatred of whitey dictate everything. Hey dumbfuck, why did Floyd also LIE when asked directly if he had taken anything? He says NO twice. Plain as day. So you fucking uneducated racist how come there are ZERO injuries to the neck or chest aside from a checked rib from CPR? Better review the department training videos. Chauvin used the technique TAUGHT by that idiot chief’s department. Try to educate yourself.

Those training videos are for suspects who are resisting. Floyd was handcuffed, on the ground and pretty much stopped moving after five minutes... being dead and all. It doesn't matter what he took, that isn't what killed him. The knee to the neck did.

Chauvin is going down...
No asshole. The medical examiner saying NO injuries to the windpipe, throat, or chest. Overdose of Fentanyl. Most people aren’t as stupid as you and can understand when a professional says this killed Floyd as it was 3x the FATAL dose. The knee didn’t kill him no matter how much your racist ass lies about it dumbfuck.
You lie. If he had an overdose of drugs in his body he would have died before the cop put him on the ground and he did not. The cause of death was asphyxiation cutting off oxygen and blood supply to his brain and lungs. He is going down like the dirty dog he is. None of the examinations showed enough drugs in his body to kill him.
You’re obviously an illiterate Moron. Do you claim to know exactly when Floyd took his lethal overdose (as noted by the medical examiner dumbfuck). Try reading. Dozens of places to see that Floyd had 3x the lethal amount in his system. Now STFU you proven liar. You’re going to cry when Chauvin doesn’t go down like you crybabies want.
AS you can see the neck is positioned between the shoulder and the head and cops knee in on the neck and not the shoulder. The very position of his head being turned while he is on his stomach can affect breathing due to the absence of flow of oxygen. You morons do not know your ass from a hole in the ground. Cop is going down, down down.


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Blame George for his own death? People high on drugs and the mentally ill is not capable of following instructions and cops are trained to deal with those situations or they should not be cops.
Let's just lay it out there for the world to see mmmk?
There was NO resistance from Floyd who suffered an extrajudicial murder.
But that's okay cuz you know: Big Sceery Black Guy!
Just shut the hell up - This is NOT going well for the defense.

: done in contravention of due process of law an extrajudicial execution
floyd's ex girlfriend called him a mama's boy. if you see his 2019 arrest by police you see what his ex girlfriend meant. he was a consummated whiner. he pleaded,complained and whined incessantly. one of the officers told him COME ON BE A Man. Officer Chauvin's actions did not kill floyd. Floyd's lifestyle finally caught up with him and killed him. Floyd was not a good father or person. he was a career criminal and drug addict. Officer Chauvin certainly did not show up with the intent of harming floyed. that day mama's boy complained and whined and did not want to be put in the cruiser and ended up on the pavement.

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