Police Beat Another Person of Color to Death

He starts with the assumptive close that whites are all racist and works backwards from there. That it is an outrage, period, doesn't compute with him.

No. I start with my experience with cops and work backwards from there. You dont like it, dont read or comment on the thread.

Working backwards is still working backwards. For the record, I don't believe most of your stories about your youth, they contradict eachother often. That said your experiences mean nothing in the big scheme of things, they're just your experiences.

I read, and comment, because knowing how the other side thinks and works is an education.

Working backwards is called reverse engineering. Its a very effective tool you should learn from as well. Your belief in my personal stories is not a concern of mine though I am curious about your imagined contradictions. How do you know enough about me to see a contradiction? My experiences shape my view of the world. Just like your experiences shape your view of the world. That being said if other people see the same thing then I know I'm not imagining things. Just because your life experience in your white skin is different, that doesnt make you right. If you read and comment trying to know the other side then shut up complaining and talk.
Working backwards is called reverse engineering. Its a very effective tool you should learn from as well.
No its not. Its prejudice and closed mindedness trying to confirm your pre conceived notions.

Your belief in my personal stories is not a concern of mine though I am curious about your imagined contradictions. How do you know enough about me to see a contradiction?

I know, but you post so many.

My experiences shape my view of the world. Just like your experiences shape your view of the world.

Sure. But you don't want to grow, you seek confirmation to your skewed viewpoints. When those outside your accepted spectrum do agree with you, you either ignore it or manage to apply that not being black or of color renders them unworthy.

That being said if other people see the same thing then I know I'm not imagining things. Just because your life experience in your white skin is different, that doesnt make you right. If you read and comment trying to know the other side then shut up complaining and talk.

Another assumptive close and race bait victim whine. The very little I have ever posted about myself would only lead a reader to know my gender...which you get wrong

Shut up and talk? Gotcha.
No its not. Its prejudice and closed mindedness trying to confirm your pre conceived notions.

Dont get upset you did not use the proper term. Working backwards is reverse engineering. Having a closed mind is not working backwards. A closed mind does not take into account other outcomes.

I know, but you post so many.

You know what? My life story?

Sure. But you don't want to grow, you seek confirmation to your skewed viewpoints. When those outside your accepted spectrum do agree with you, you either ignore it or manage to apply that not being black or of color renders them unworthy.

I grow everyday. Thats part of learning. I guess you dont know as much about me as you think you do. It looks like you are the one that has problems accepting alternate realities that do not support your own. You are doing exactly what you just accused me of doing. :lol:

Shut up and talk? Gotcha.

Yes, shut up complaining and talk. Glad you got it.

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