Pocahontas Ain't the Only Elist / Democrat Scamming The System Screwing Americans For Personal Gain


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Elizabeth 'Pocahontas' Warren falsely claimed she was a Cherokee Native American in order to STEAL a real Native American's Scholarship to get into a prestigious college. Her 'Stolen Heritage' was not a 1-time thing. She continued to do so for personal benefit / gain...until she was finally called on it. Afterwards she offered her 'Ok, you got me' apology as 'Restitution'. She faced no jail time and did not even have to pay back the cost of the scholarship she stole.

'Pocahontas', it seems, is only the tip of the proverbial iceberg which is the criminal practice by what we now know is a LOT of Leftists / Elitist Socialist Democrats who believe rules and laws are for others but not for them.



Three bizarre twists in college admission cheating scam revealed as Hollywood elites face justice

College cheating scandal is big -- and it may get much worse

More 'silver spooners' will be arrested

"Desperate Housewives" star Felicity Huffman and “Full House” alum Lori Loughlin were allegedly among the 50 charged in what is said to be the biggest college admissions scam ever prosecuted by the U.S. Justice Department — but the star-studded suspects aren't the only details that have intrigued the public."

"California resident William Rick Singer was pinpointed as the "ringleader" of the scandal, allegedly helping wealthy parents get their children admitted to some of the nation’s most elite schools — such as Yale, Georgetown, Stanford, University of Southern California, among others — through bribes, according to unsealed court documents. Some individuals purportedly paid close to $6.5 million to secure a place for their children in top tier schools."

"Prosecutors said parents paid Singer from 2011 through last month to bribe coaches and administrators to fill slots the universities allocated for new players with his clients' children, regardless of their athletic ability. Singer also allegedly hired ringers to take college entrance exams and paid off insiders at testing centers to alter students' scores, according to charging documents."

Parents were paying huge bucks to get their kids into elite colleges.

'Ringers' were paid to take their children's SAT to get them higher scores

'Monitors' were paid to help the children with the SAT to get higher scores

Fake Athletic Profiles were created to make it look like the kids were talented sought-after athletes

Coaches were paid to add the kids' names to empty holes on recruiting lists to get schools to let them in

These Libtards had no problem cheating the system and breaking laws to screw deserving students out of their legitimate opportunity to go to these schools

Well, at least with the long list of Hollywood libtards who will be facing legal punishment, Lizzy 'Pocahontas' Warren finally has her own 'Tribe' she belongs to / she can claim as her own!



College admissions cheating scheme: 3 bizarre details from the complaint


When these people are caught, nothing ever happens to them.

Which is quite enough in her case, the fake Indian will never come close to presidency for what she has done.
Elizabeth 'Pocahontas' Warren falsely claimed she was a Cherokee Native American in order to STEAL a real Native American's Scholarship to get into a prestigious college. Her 'Stolen Heritage' was not a 1-time thing. She continued to do so for personal benefit / gain...until she was finally called on it. Afterwards she offered her 'Ok, you got me' apology as 'Restitution'. She faced no jail time and did not even have to pay back the cost of the scholarship she stole.

'Pocahontas', it seems, is only the tip of the proverbial iceberg which is the criminal practice by what we now know is a LOT of Leftists / Elitist Socialist Democrats who believe rules and laws are for others but not for them.



Three bizarre twists in college admission cheating scam revealed as Hollywood elites face justice

College cheating scandal is big -- and it may get much worse

More 'silver spooners' will be arrested

"Desperate Housewives" star Felicity Huffman and “Full House” alum Lori Loughlin were allegedly among the 50 charged in what is said to be the biggest college admissions scam ever prosecuted by the U.S. Justice Department — but the star-studded suspects aren't the only details that have intrigued the public."

"California resident William Rick Singer was pinpointed as the "ringleader" of the scandal, allegedly helping wealthy parents get their children admitted to some of the nation’s most elite schools — such as Yale, Georgetown, Stanford, University of Southern California, among others — through bribes, according to unsealed court documents. Some individuals purportedly paid close to $6.5 million to secure a place for their children in top tier schools."

"Prosecutors said parents paid Singer from 2011 through last month to bribe coaches and administrators to fill slots the universities allocated for new players with his clients' children, regardless of their athletic ability. Singer also allegedly hired ringers to take college entrance exams and paid off insiders at testing centers to alter students' scores, according to charging documents."

Parents were paying huge bucks to get their kids into elite colleges.

'Ringers' were paid to take their children's SAT to get them higher scores

'Monitors' were paid to help the children with the SAT to get higher scores

Fake Athletic Profiles were created to make it look like the kids were talented sought-after athletes

Coaches were paid to add the kids' names to empty holes on recruiting lists to get schools to let them in

These Libtards had no problem cheating the system and breaking laws to screw deserving students out of their legitimate opportunity to go to these schools

Well, at least with the long list of Hollywood libtards who will be facing legal punishment, Lizzy 'Pocahontas' Warren finally has her own 'Tribe' she belongs to / she can claim as her own!



College admissions cheating scheme: 3 bizarre details from the complaint


Wait, Hollywood elites do bad things? We're talking about tv stars under investigation(s) here, right?

Or plastic trophies paying ridiculous money for their kids to have special privledges?

Almost makes you support doubling the death tax doesn't it?

Lizzy SHOULD be called upon to payback every dime of the cost of the college tuition she STOLE from a Native American student who was screwed out of their opportunity to go to college by her.

All the coaches involved in this scam should be fired.

All the parents / Hollywood elites who broke the law should face the maximum penalty, whether that be a fine, jail time, or both.

The kids should booted from school for not having actually met the requirements to get in.


The 'masterminds' who ran this will go down. Coaches will get punished. None of the Hollywood crowd will do time - if anything, they will have to pay a hefty fine.
Lizzy SHOULD be called upon to payback every dime of the cost of the college tuition she STOLE from a Native American student who was screwed out of their opportunity to go to college by her.

I didn't know you're such a strong supporter of affirmative action.
I'm amazed that they act like Elizabeth Warren wouldn't have been qualified to work at Waffle House if not for her claim to fame. She's smart as fuck and absolutely deserved to be there.
Warren is corrupt / criminal as hell. She may be smart, but she was not smart enough to get into the college of her choice. To get in there she had to engage in 'Stolen Heritage', claim to be something she is not - which is called FRAUD and is a crime. How much is a scholarship to that college cost - the cost of the scholarship she STOLE helps determine what the exact theft crime was...

Lizzy is smart, and based on her qualifications of 1) being selfish / self-centered / self-serving, 2) ability to lie, 3) ability to convince others she is something she is not, 4) ability to screw others for her own benefit without blinking an eyelash while doing it, & 5) being smart ... I would say 'Pocahontas' wound up in the career she was born for - Federal Politician/

Lizzy SHOULD be called upon to payback every dime of the cost of the college tuition she STOLE from a Native American student who was screwed out of their opportunity to go to college by her.
I didn't know you're such a strong supporter of affirmative action.

I don't make the rules or laws. I am for equal justice and enforcement of the law - for EVERYONE.

The scholarship was specifically for a Native American - I didn't make that stipulation. 'Pocahontas' STOLE the scholarship that she did not qualify for.

If it makes you feel better, change the 'scholarship' into a 'pizza' . 'Pocahontas' was hungry but had no money. She walked into Dominos anyway. The door bell rings, the kid behind the counter asks, 'Pick-Up order for 'Cherokee', paid for already? 'Pocahontas' hesitates then says, 'Yes, that's me!' She takes the pizza and hauls ass out the door.

Same thing. She claimed she was someone she was not and took something already paid for that was to go to someone else.
Same thing. She claimed she was someone she was not and took something already paid for that was to go to someone else.

Even going with it from your perspective it's not enough to sink her in my opinion.
Same thing. She claimed she was someone she was not and took something already paid for that was to go to someone else.
Even going with it from your perspective it's not enough to sink her in my opinion.

That's possibly because you and I have different sets of morals, ethics, and standards.

She LIED to a University, the same thing these Hollywood douche bags did.
She f*ed over another American to get what she wanted...and kept doing it for years

While I admit that these are the exact requirements needed to be Political Parties (especially Democrats) are looking for in future candidates/ members, those things absolutely disqualify her for me. She did all this as an 'amateur'. She went 'Pro' when she was elected into office. NOW she wants to 'trade up' and be given the reigns to ultimate power,

Sorry, no f*ing way I am going to vote for someone who has already proven they are a corrupt, criminal, self-serving, citizen/constituent-screwing liar whose #1 priority is themselves and that they will do literally anything - to include break laws - to get what she wants.

The United States just rejected THAT in 2016.
Sorry, no f*ing way I am going to vote for someone who has already proven they are a corrupt, criminal, self-serving, citizen/constituent-screwing liar whose #1 priority is themselves and that they will do literally anything - to include break laws - to get what she wants.

You wouldn't have voted for her regardless of this scandal. Am I wrong?
You wouldn't have voted for her regardless of this scandal. Am I wrong?
You are wrong.

I look at all the candidates, listen to them, and then decide.

If you would have told be 10 years ago that I would be voting for Donald Trump in 2016 I would have laughed at you and said 'No Way'.

Then 2016 came along....and the choices we had were a life/career-long scandal queen who abandoned Americans to die, compromised national security, and broke numerous laws - who should have been in jail but was protected and who was given a nomination she could not win, even after cheating in debates, rigging primaries, and breaking laws - and Businessman Donald Trump. I chose the lesser of 2 'evils'.

Certain things are immediate dis-qualifiers for me. Learning that a candidate lied, committed fraud, impersonated someone else, stole, and continued to personally lie and mis-represent herself for the benefits - that's an automatic 'No Way In Hell'.

Had Warren NOT done any of this, I would have listened. I would have watched the candidates debate. I would have listened to her ideas / policies. I would have compared her to other candidates. Even if there were some differences in opinion regarding some of her policies, decisions, policies, and ideas can change.

What can NOT change is who you are at the very core of your being. It is who you are, affects your every move, all of your choices I think we can make some small superficial changes, but who you are at the core never does.

At the CORE, Warren has proven herself to be a self-serving, lying, manipulating, dishonest, corrupt person who will lie, cheat, or steal to get whatever she wants.

People seem to forget, the role of a politician is to SERVE, to represent OTHERS, and to fight for what OTHERS want, to fight for what is best for THEM. Try applying that to the politicians you see in Washington right now. How many meet that? Warren, like many, thought of and thinks of SELF...and Party. At her core was not 'servant to others' - it was all about 'ME'.

No Thanks.

(You should be able to tell by this post, in party, that I am not 'shallow' when it comes to politicians. I don't just look at the flash. I don't just listen to what they say when they are in front of the camera / mike. I also pay attention to those little revealing comments and moments...like Obama whispering to Medvedev. I listen to what they say and compare it to as many aspects of their documented history and their current life. I dig to find if the are walking-the-walk or just talking-the-talk.

I have a high standard - not impossible, realistic yet still 'high'. I...everyone...this country needs / deserves that high standard. Sometimes we have to choose the highest standard we can apply when the both choices are what's left in the barrel (like in 2016).

Yes, there was a possibility I would have voted for Warren....had she not turned out to be such a corrupt / criminal / liar. If she wins the nomination in 2020 I will look at who is her opponent. If the bad choice, like in 2016, is Warren or someone worse I still might vote for her.
This is nothing new. Harvard and Yale have been "non-Profit" hedge funds for faculty for over a century. And if you got the money honey they have degrees for the intellectually challenged off-spring of the elite and I had one chick give me the low-down 42 years ago about how she couldn't get her grandchild into Harvard because of divorces and bad investments AND the profitability of short bus degrees for the college. This is same old same old. The reason this is a scandal is that someone other than the college got a big slice of the bribe money.
You are wrong.
Bullshit. There is no fucking way you would vote for Elizabeth Warren if everything was the same except that scandal hadn't happened.

The fact that the REALITY I have divulged does not meet your biased assumption / personal belief and thus you can not accept it as fact is not really my problem. You are free to believe whatever you want, no matter how ignorant or wrong that may be.
You are wrong.
Bullshit. There is no fucking way you would vote for Elizabeth Warren if everything was the same except that scandal hadn't happened.

The fact that the REALITY I have divulged does not meet your biased assumption / personal belief and thus you can not accept it as fact is not really my problem. You are free to believe whatever you want, no matter how ignorant or wrong that may be.

Sorry, that is just really hard to believe; I'm trying. Is it possible that maybe you're overreacting? It just seems like such a small thing. I'm amazed that that would tip the scale for you.
This is same old same old. The reason this is a scandal is that someone other than the college got a big slice of the bribe money.
I disagree, and here is why.

In Warren's case -- College costs an incredible amount of money. To meet the requirements to get in one of these elite schools is hard enough, but to do well enough to earn a scholarship is even harder. Anyone who gets one of these scholarships and can maintain it is looking at getting a great education and NOT being buried under debt they have to pay back for years, maybe decades. A native American, potentially a poor family, got cheated out of a chance for not only college at an elite school but to go without having to worry about all that financial debt...

Regarding the Hollywood crooks - These elites did not just screw these schools out of money - the kids who get in when they shouldn't have still have to pay for tuition and all of the bells and whistles. The colleges still get paid. The ones getting screwed are the kids who have busted their asses to get in and who were robbed of that opportunity.
Is it possible that maybe you're overreacting? It just seems like such a small thing. I'm amazed that that would tip the scale for you.
There is another difference between the 2 of us:

You see a person who claimed to be someone she was not, who claimed a heritage that is not hers, who falsified information on college forms - which, again, is a crime, FRAUD, in order to steal something she was not qualified for. She 'stole' someone else's spot in that prestigious school. And you incredible thin, 'Mpfff, no big deal.'

I guess that is how liberals become liberals. They see 'small' things like that - small crimes, injustices - and they are able to justify them / ignore them away. "It's just something small'. Repeatedly doing this results in being able to justify / ignore more and bigger injustices / crimes until one day you are defending a career POS like Hillary Clinton who has been proven beyond the shadow of a doubt as having committed crimes and has been protected from the consequences of those crime.

I went the other way. Injustices, doing the right thing, protecting those who couldn't protect themselves...'honor, integrity, service before self, and excellence in all we do'...I bought into all of that and have fought for those things my whole life. I actually believe that a person should always act as if the whole world is watching them all the time, to be yourself....and do the right thing.

I see what Warren did as a HUGE deal, What she did by falsely claiming she was someone she was not was not just 1 choice in 1 moment in time. It was a choice - one of many - in a series of choices and decisions we all make that help decide who we re going to be for the rest of our lives. That choice she made -- looking at her career we see she made the same choice again and again throughout her life...until she recently got busted.

Deciding to STEAL that scholarship by committing fraud was NOT just something she DID...it, as has been proven...was a demonstration of WHO SHE IS / BECAME.

You can overlook that because she has a (D) in front of her name, just as others can blindly follow someone else just because they have an (R) in front of their name if they want. As for ME? No thanks. People's past matters. Their choices, decisions, and actions matter. THOSE are the things that give you the best insight into who a politician is, not just what they SAY.

Lizzy SHOULD be called upon to payback every dime of the cost of the college tuition she STOLE from a Native American student who was screwed out of their opportunity to go to college by her.

All the coaches involved in this scam should be fired.

All the parents / Hollywood elites who broke the law should face the maximum penalty, whether that be a fine, jail time, or both.

The kids should booted from school for not having actually met the requirements to get in.


The 'masterminds' who ran this will go down. Coaches will get punished. None of the Hollywood crowd will do time - if anything, they will have to pay a hefty fine.

This sounds like the perfect time to be discussing "reparations". From Lizzy and all the college scandal participants. Not quite sure how high a number we could be talking, but lost income as a result of not getting into some of these schools could be a start....get your calculators out.
Hillary Clinton

Elizabeth Warren is nothing like Hillary Clinton. I was disappointed when she finally endorsed Hillary when it became apparent she was going to beat Bernie. Bernie endorsed her too which was equally disappointing. That's how it be in politics though.

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