Plenty of threads condemning cops

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
But very few condemning the criminal activity that led to them being in that situation to begin with.
I think most of you have no idea what demands are placed on our police.
Your quick to talk about soldiers with their hands tied as to their orders but it never occurs to you that the police are hamstrung as well.
But very few condemning the criminal activity that led to them being in that situation to begin with.
I think most of you have no idea what demands are placed on our police.
Your quick to talk about soldiers with their hands tied as to their orders but it never occurs to you that the police are hamstrung as well.

Yes it's a shame. They protect us all.
Like everything else in life

You are going to have some bad apples in any profession.

Look at our stinking Federal Government.

these cases are sad, but from what I see they are few and far in between all the GOOD our police force does.
But very few condemning the criminal activity that led to them being in that situation to begin with.
I think most of you have no idea what demands are placed on our police.
Your quick to talk about soldiers with their hands tied as to their orders but it never occurs to you that the police are hamstrung as well.

Appeal to emotion
But very few condemning the criminal activity that led to them being in that situation to begin with.
I think most of you have no idea what demands are placed on our police.
Your quick to talk about soldiers with their hands tied as to their orders but it never occurs to you that the police are hamstrung as well.

My issue isn't with individual cops, as long as they aren't the stereotypical arrogant officer. My issue is that even when they obviously don't follow proper procedure, any punishment is either a slap on the wrist, or nothing happens because they are cleared. The shooting of that Dog in Salt lake City is a perfect example. The officer didn't even get suspended, and the only entity facing a lawsuit is the city, not the cop who fucked it up.

Police are given the ultimate privilege, the ability to arrest people with immunity when it turns out the person was arrested in error. That great ability requires and equally great punishment if proper procedure is not followed.
I disagree with the OPs premise. Nobody here (well, except for some left wing kooks) is "condemning cops". However many of us think that the pendulum has swung too far, and police are given too much leniency when they violate our rights.

I am a white male, retired military, and I practice medicine. And I FEAR police officers. I have had a police officer totally ruin my day, and I thought I was about to get my ass completely beat by this guy for NOTHING! Yes, he THOUGHT I did something initially, but I was completely and totally compliant with his orders, but this guy was about to beat the hell out of me before his partner (who knew who I was) got there. This guy was out of control.

Police officers, like our military (and physicians) are held in high esteem by society. And they should be. Their "word" is given greater credence in court matters, we wave to them on the street, etc. But in return for that high esteem which they are held, they should also be held to a greater standard of behavior. They are there (or, rather, SHOULD be there) to protect and serve, not to beat the hell out of and shoot. You get the rabid pro-cop people like Bucs who says "A cops #1 job is to come home at night.". I disagree with him. I practice emergency medicine, and my #1 job isn't to come home at night, it is to do the best by my patient. When I was active duty, my job wasn't to "come home at night", it was to successfully prosecute the mission.

Cops who says they "#1 job is to come home at night" should be fired. Their number one job should be to protect and serve their community. Unfortunately, when cops put their own perceived risk higher than the rights of the community, we get problems.
But very few condemning the criminal activity that led to them being in that situation to begin with.
I think most of you have no idea what demands are placed on our police.
Your quick to talk about soldiers with their hands tied as to their orders but it never occurs to you that the police are hamstrung as well.

Condemning "Cops" plural with the exception of situations where one can cite several policemen misbehaving at the same moment is stupid. Defending police in general when discussing specific cases of police abusing the trust we place in them is equally as stupid.
But very few condemning the criminal activity that led to them being in that situation to begin with.
I think most of you have no idea what demands are placed on our police.
Your quick to talk about soldiers with their hands tied as to their orders but it never occurs to you that the police are hamstrung as well.

Hey now...we'll have none of your common sense talk round here!
I disagree with the OPs premise. Nobody here (well, except for some left wing kooks) is "condemning cops". However many of us think that the pendulum has swung too far, and police are given too much leniency when they violate our rights.

I am a white male, retired military, and I practice medicine. And I FEAR police officers. I have had a police officer totally ruin my day, and I thought I was about to get my ass completely beat by this guy for NOTHING! Yes, he THOUGHT I did something initially, but I was completely and totally compliant with his orders, but this guy was about to beat the hell out of me before his partner (who knew who I was) got there. This guy was out of control.

Police officers, like our military (and physicians) are held in high esteem by society. And they should be. Their "word" is given greater credence in court matters, we wave to them on the street, etc. But in return for that high esteem which they are held, they should also be held to a greater standard of behavior. They are there (or, rather, SHOULD be there) to protect and serve, not to beat the hell out of and shoot. You get the rabid pro-cop people like Bucs who says "A cops #1 job is to come home at night.". I disagree with him. I practice emergency medicine, and my #1 job isn't to come home at night, it is to do the best by my patient. When I was active duty, my job wasn't to "come home at night", it was to successfully prosecute the mission.

Cops who says they "#1 job is to come home at night" should be fired. Their number one job should be to protect and serve their community. Unfortunately, when cops put their own perceived risk higher than the rights of the community, we get problems.

You are so full of shit. I worked with ex military guys who said in war...they fought for each other to survive. The mission put them there. They fought to "come home".

Cops are in danger because they do show up to "protect and serve". The mission put them there...and THEN they decide that they will go home at night. And so will their teammates.

If going home safe was their only concern...they wouldnt be cops. You try to compare your job in medicine to that? You wouldnt risk death for an unnecessary reason for the supposedly more noble softer approach to policing and you know it. If you worked a violent neighborhood. ..and your wife and daughter were 20 miles away hoping you come home...and some mental whacko was trying to hurt sure you'd "serve" the hell out of him wouldnt you?
You are so full of shit. I worked with ex military guys who said in war...they fought for each other to survive. The mission put them there. They fought to "come home".

Cops are in danger because they do show up to "protect and serve". The mission put them there...and THEN they decide that they will go home at night. And so will their teammates.

If going home safe was their only concern...they wouldnt be cops. You try to compare your job in medicine to that? You wouldnt risk death for an unnecessary reason for the supposedly more noble softer approach to policing and you know it. If you worked a violent neighborhood. ..and your wife and daughter were 20 miles away hoping you come home...and some mental whacko was trying to hurt sure you'd "serve" the hell out of him wouldnt you?

Sure, in a WAR ZONE they fought for each other to survive. It is the "every call is a war zone" mentality that many police have today that causes many of these problems.

It used to be that if a police officer had a warrant for me, two of them would approach my door, knock on it, present the warrant, and take me into custody. Now the SWAT team rams open the door at 0330 and does a tactical assault on my home turning what should be a simple police action into a violent confrontation that will likely lead to deadly force. Oh, wait....shoot someone busting down your door as they are screaming incoherently, who turns out to be a cop = death penalty in many states.

It's not Fallujah, police shouldn't be acting like the military.

As for telling me that I'm full of shit....yeah, that's funny coming from some roid-head, cop-wannabe holed up in his grandmother's basement auto-fellating himself to reruns of COPS. Lay off the steroids, take some reading lessons, and then read what I wrote again. When you "compare" two things you are not insinuating they are equal in every measure.
You are so full of shit. I worked with ex military guys who said in war...they fought for each other to survive. The mission put them there. They fought to "come home".

Cops are in danger because they do show up to "protect and serve". The mission put them there...and THEN they decide that they will go home at night. And so will their teammates.

If going home safe was their only concern...they wouldnt be cops. You try to compare your job in medicine to that? You wouldnt risk death for an unnecessary reason for the supposedly more noble softer approach to policing and you know it. If you worked a violent neighborhood. ..and your wife and daughter were 20 miles away hoping you come home...and some mental whacko was trying to hurt sure you'd "serve" the hell out of him wouldnt you?

Sure, in a WAR ZONE they fought for each other to survive. It is the "every call is a war zone" mentality that many police have today that causes many of these problems.

It used to be that if a police officer had a warrant for me, two of them would approach my door, knock on it, present the warrant, and take me into custody. Now the SWAT team rams open the door at 0330 and does a tactical assault on my home turning what should be a simple police action into a violent confrontation that will likely lead to deadly force. Oh, wait....shoot someone busting down your door as they are screaming incoherently, who turns out to be a cop = death penalty in many states.

It's not Fallujah, police shouldn't be acting like the military.

As for telling me that I'm full of shit....yeah, that's funny coming from some roid-head, cop-wannabe holed up in his grandmother's basement auto-fellating himself to reruns of COPS. Lay off the steroids, take some reading lessons, and then read what I wrote again. When you "compare" two things you are not insinuating they are equal in every measure.

Ah. Now you change your view?

Its obviously not a war zone.

But you supposedly being a doctor can answer this: What is more deadly- a .45 caliber shot through the head in Los Angelese or a .45 caliber shot through the head in Kosovo?

I'll answer for you: Neither. When a man is faced with danger...he must protect himself. With lethal force sometimes.

So if YOU want to go "serve" and allow violent criminals the benefit of the doubt, and put yourself in unnecessary risk, please go sign up. You dont even have to give up your day job. Be a police reserve officer. Show them how to TRULY "serve".

Me? I dont care if a man is wearing green in Baghdad or blue in Los Angeles. ...a bullet through an a bullet through an artery. The mission puts them there and they volunteered. Their ROE based on law and policy dictates what choices they can make. After that....I say they are entitled to make the choice that gets them home. Just like YOU did.
I disagree with the OPs premise. Nobody here (well, except for some left wing kooks) is "condemning cops". However many of us think that the pendulum has swung too far, and police are given too much leniency when they violate our rights.

I am a white male, retired military, and I practice medicine. And I FEAR police officers. I have had a police officer totally ruin my day, and I thought I was about to get my ass completely beat by this guy for NOTHING! Yes, he THOUGHT I did something initially, but I was completely and totally compliant with his orders, but this guy was about to beat the hell out of me before his partner (who knew who I was) got there. This guy was out of control.

Police officers, like our military (and physicians) are held in high esteem by society. And they should be. Their "word" is given greater credence in court matters, we wave to them on the street, etc. But in return for that high esteem which they are held, they should also be held to a greater standard of behavior. They are there (or, rather, SHOULD be there) to protect and serve, not to beat the hell out of and shoot. You get the rabid pro-cop people like Bucs who says "A cops #1 job is to come home at night.". I disagree with him. I practice emergency medicine, and my #1 job isn't to come home at night, it is to do the best by my patient. When I was active duty, my job wasn't to "come home at night", it was to successfully prosecute the mission.

Cops who says they "#1 job is to come home at night" should be fired. Their number one job should be to protect and serve their community. Unfortunately, when cops put their own perceived risk higher than the rights of the community, we get problems.

The primary person condemning cops on these forums is not a lib.
But very few condemning the criminal activity that led to them being in that situation to begin with.
I think most of you have no idea what demands are placed on our police.
Your quick to talk about soldiers with their hands tied as to their orders but it never occurs to you that the police are hamstrung as well.

I always ask myself....
Would I ever find myself in the same situation that got that guy shot?
Ninety nine times out of a hundred I can honestly say no I wouldnt find myself in his position.
Mainly because I'm not a criminal. Funny how that works.
But very few condemning the criminal activity that led to them being in that situation to begin with.
I think most of you have no idea what demands are placed on our police.
Your quick to talk about soldiers with their hands tied as to their orders but it never occurs to you that the police are hamstrung as well.

I always ask myself....
Would I ever find myself in the same situation that got that guy shot?
Ninety nine times out of a hundred I can honestly say no I wouldnt find myself in his position.
Mainly because I'm not a criminal. Funny how that works.

Yep. When a person is shot by cops...99.5% of the time its their own fault.
So if YOU want to go "serve" and allow violent criminals the benefit of the doubt, and put yourself in unnecessary risk, please go sign up.

The issue that many of us now have is that too many police officer's no longer give the citizens they encounter the benefit of the doubt that they are peaceful.
The primary person condemning cops on these forums is not a lib.

Typical clownfaced liberal who can't understand logic. I'm not condemning cops.

If that isn't clear enough for you, I will type slower so you can comprehend it.

I a m n o t c o n d e m n i n g c o p s.
But very few condemning the criminal activity that led to them being in that situation to begin with.
I think most of you have no idea what demands are placed on our police.
Your quick to talk about soldiers with their hands tied as to their orders but it never occurs to you that the police are hamstrung as well.

I always ask myself....
Would I ever find myself in the same situation that got that guy shot?
Ninety nine times out of a hundred I can honestly say no I wouldnt find myself in his position.
Mainly because I'm not a criminal. Funny how that works.

Yep. When a person is shot by cops...99.5% of the time its their own fault.

Yep...thats what they want you to believe but thats weird since the feds dont even keep records of police shootings hwo you come up with such reasoning
So if YOU want to go "serve" and allow violent criminals the benefit of the doubt, and put yourself in unnecessary risk, please go sign up.

The issue that many of us now have is that too many police officer's no longer give the citizens they encounter the benefit of the doubt that they are peaceful.

Speaking as a white none criminal type guy,I can honestly say I never got anything from the cops I didnt deserve.

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