Plenty of jobs..but still hard to find work?


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
It's weird paradox...employers are screaming that they can't find workers...and workers are moaning that they can't get a good job?

There’s no single party to blame here. Corporate hiring practices can be convoluted and too reliant on machines, and many applicants aren’t being realistic or strategic enough in their work search efforts. For employers, job seekers, and the American economy in general, it’s worth figuring out what’s going on and addressing it. Because although these trends have been exacerbated by the pandemic, many of them pre-date it, and they’re not going away.
Essentially anywhere you go in the United States right now, you’re going to encounter “help wanted” signs. But just because a bar or restaurant or gas station wants a worker doesn’t mean a worker wants to work for them. The millions of jobs available aren’t necessarily millions of jobs people want.
“A lot of what people are seeing are low-paying jobs with unpredictable or not-worker-friendly scheduling practices, that don’t come with benefits, don’t come with long-term stability,” Shelly Steward, director of the Future of Work Initiative at the Aspen Institute, told Recode. “And those are not the types of jobs that any worker is eager to take on.”
A survey of workers actively searching for a job on FlexJobs, a jobs website that focuses on remote and flexible work, found that about half of job seekers said they were not finding the right jobs to apply for. Some 46 percent of respondents said they were only finding jobs that are low-paying, while 41 percent said there weren’t enough openings in their preferred profession.
There is a lot to scratch your head over. I see people begging for help and I see people complaining they can't get a job.

Where I retired from has asked me to come back. It makes no sense as they have all kinds of people they could hire. There are regular employee's and then they have contractors that do some of the jobs. It used to be they would regularly hire contractors. It helped fill the contractor jobs because they pay far less but it gave people a foot in the door.

Before I retired they started forcing OT. We told them there were a decent number of us that could retire soon and they needed to hire. They refused. Myself and quite a few others did retire. Those still there are getting forced OT all the time. The contract positions have become a revolving door and they are paying incentives to get people to take the jobs and stay.

IMO a large part of the problem is we have allowed "share holder value" become more important than the employee. I got so tired of hearing "share holder value".
Workers are moaning they can't find a job where they work from home for 60k a year, and unskilled laborers are moaning they aren't getting paid skilled labor wages.

Basically everyone wants to not actually work, or they want to get paid way more than they should for something.

Or you have the ones who don't want to work at all, sit at home and get free money then act like they really want to work but can't find a job.
Workers are moaning they can't find a job where they work from home for 60k a year, and unskilled laborers are moaning they aren't getting paid skilled labor wages.

Basically everyone wants to not actually work, or they want to get paid way more than they should for something.

Or you have the ones who don't want to work at all, sit at home and get free money then act like they really want to work but can't find a job.
Silly. Try bring somewhat objective. Blaming this all on people looking for work, is hardly objective. Employers are also to blame.
Workers are moaning they can't find a job where they work from home for 60k a year, and unskilled laborers are moaning they aren't getting paid skilled labor wages.

Basically everyone wants to not actually work, or they want to get paid way more than they should for something.

Or you have the ones who don't want to work at all, sit at home and get free money then act like they really want to work but can't find a job.

"Free money" like the trillions the Fed pumps into the markets.
A lot of what people are seeing are low-paying jobs with unpredictable or not-worker-friendly scheduling practices, that don’t come with benefits, don’t come with long-term stability,” Shelly Steward, director of the Future of Work Initiative at the Aspen Institute, told Recode. “And those are not the types of jobs that any worker is eager to take on.”

People want careers not jobs.
In a labor shortage, employers are still clinging to their “my way or the highway” model with low wages and a poor working environment
We can't find younger folks in our construction outfit. The ones we do find, have no skills, a questionable work ethic and usually wash out after a few months when they find how physically demanding the job is.

Sorry, but you have to start at the bottom and work your way up as I did.

Thing is you can do very well after a few years if you apply yourself. Those that do are few and far between.

My own daughter used to judge jobs when she was younger by how easy they were. After years of struggling with low income she finally went to nursing school and graduated at the age of thirty. She now stands to make more than I do.

The lesson, if you aren't happy with your situation, apply and better yourself with a degree or skills that will actually improve your life.

I can't speak for larger companies and their hiring practices. I can agree that many of them have a convoluted hiring system with workers jumping through many hoops for a mediocre job. Many are impersonal relying far too much on online resumes and applications, instead of face to face from the start. I don't think I could ever work in a large company ever again, but I have years of skills to be picky about who I work for.
I'm looking for new office help, one moved on during the pandemic and I didn't bother replacing her because things we so slow. I've turned down 3 that would be perfect for the job because they refuse to even consider getting vaccinated.
People want careers not jobs.
In a labor shortage, employers are still clinging to their “my way or the highway” model with low wages and a poor working environment
A good example of this is school bus drivers. They are in great demand nationwide, yet school bus employers refuse to offer them a good wage, decent benefits, and authority to do their jobs safely.
I'm looking for new office help, one moved on during the pandemic and I didn't bother replacing her because things we so slow. I've turned down 3 that would be perfect for the job because they refuse to even consider getting vaccinated.
Maybe it’s time to accept facts. Being vaccinated does nothing.

You are a good example of a dumb employer.
Maybe it’s time to accept facts. Being vaccinated does nothing.

Weird how you say to accept facts and then post a myth.

I can tell you this, at my wife's hospital 100% of her COVID patients are unvaccinated. If she has them they are in bad shape and in a negative pressure area. They just shipped one 42 year old unvaccinated woman to a different hospital so they could put her on a heart lung bypass machine so they could one last desperate attempt to save her life.
Weird how you say to accept facts and then post a myth.

I can tell you this, at my wife's hospital 100% of her COVID patients are unvaccinated. If she has them they are in bad shape and in a negative pressure area. They just shipped one 42 year old unvaccinated woman to a different hospital so they could put her on a heart lung bypass machine so they could one last desperate attempt to save her life.
We disagree again. The vax clearly isn’t working. It doesn’t protect you, it doesn’t stop you from spreading, and it just might kill you.
It's weird paradox...employers are screaming that they can't find workers...and workers are moaning that they can't get a good job?

There’s no single party to blame here. Corporate hiring practices can be convoluted and too reliant on machines, and many applicants aren’t being realistic or strategic enough in their work search efforts. For employers, job seekers, and the American economy in general, it’s worth figuring out what’s going on and addressing it. Because although these trends have been exacerbated by the pandemic, many of them pre-date it, and they’re not going away.
Essentially anywhere you go in the United States right now, you’re going to encounter “help wanted” signs. But just because a bar or restaurant or gas station wants a worker doesn’t mean a worker wants to work for them. The millions of jobs available aren’t necessarily millions of jobs people want.
“A lot of what people are seeing are low-paying jobs with unpredictable or not-worker-friendly scheduling practices, that don’t come with benefits, don’t come with long-term stability,” Shelly Steward, director of the Future of Work Initiative at the Aspen Institute, told Recode. “And those are not the types of jobs that any worker is eager to take on.”
A survey of workers actively searching for a job on FlexJobs, a jobs website that focuses on remote and flexible work, found that about half of job seekers said they were not finding the right jobs to apply for. Some 46 percent of respondents said they were only finding jobs that are low-paying, while 41 percent said there weren’t enough openings in their preferred profession.
Stupid is as stupid votes, and they vote Demoncrap. Paying people to not work, will produce just that, no workers. While down here in Florida all over the place, even McD's is paying $13 starting wages. But i dont want stupid progressive slaves to move down, here, i dont mind paying a little more for goods and services while keeping you stupid fucks north of the border...
Stupid is as stupid votes, and they vote Demoncrap. Paying people to not work, will produce just that, no workers. While down here in Florida all over the place, even McD's is paying $13 starting wages. But i dont want stupid progressive slaves to move down, here, i dont mind paying a little more for goods and services while keeping you stupid fucks north of the border...

Trillions being pumped does the same thing. Why create things when you can get it "free"?
We disagree again. The vax clearly isn’t working. It doesn’t protect you, it doesn’t stop you from spreading, and it just might kill you.

It does protect you, much like the flu vaccine, it makes it so if you get the virus your body is better able to handle it and you have a far less chance of ending up in the hospital.
Workers are moaning they can't find a job where they work from home for 60k a year, and unskilled laborers are moaning they aren't getting paid skilled labor wages.

Basically everyone wants to not actually work, or they want to get paid way more than they should for something.

Or you have the ones who don't want to work at all, sit at home and get free money then act like they really want to work but can't find a job.
Yes, Democrats

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