Please Explain....Uvalde response....


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
What were the police officers supposed to do exactly? Bust into the room with automatic weapons spraying bullets in every direction and maybe causing more innocent death?
Granted it wasn't a text book SWAT response but I guarantee you if they rolled in there like buffaloes laying down hundreds of rounds the same angry people would still be angry.
I just doesn't make any sense to me.

What were the police officers supposed to do exactly? Bust into the room with automatic weapons spraying bullets in every direction and maybe causing more innocent death?
Granted it wasn't a text book SWAT response but I guarantee you if they rolled in there like buffaloes laying down hundreds of rounds the same angry people would still be angry.
I just doesn't make any sense to me.


you dont understand the problem after all these yrs??
What were the police officers supposed to do exactly? Bust into the room with automatic weapons spraying bullets in every direction and maybe causing more innocent death?
Granted it wasn't a text book SWAT response but I guarantee you if they rolled in there like buffaloes laying down hundreds of rounds the same angry people would still be angry.
I just doesn't make any sense to me.

If I recall, there was one officer on site, who didn't do anything to try and stop the shooter. I think there was strong video evidence to support that too.
What were the police officers supposed to do exactly? Bust into the room with automatic weapons spraying bullets in every direction and maybe causing more innocent death?
Granted it wasn't a text book SWAT response but I guarantee you if they rolled in there like buffaloes laying down hundreds of rounds the same angry people would still be angry.
I just doesn't make any sense to me.

Standing around was not an option.
See Police response to Nashville shooter.
Talk about a happy ending.
What were the police officers supposed to do exactly? Bust into the room with automatic weapons spraying bullets in every direction and maybe causing more innocent death?
Granted it wasn't a text book SWAT response but I guarantee you if they rolled in there like buffaloes laying down hundreds of rounds the same angry people would still be angry.
I just doesn't make any sense to me.

There's reallly nothing America's police could have done and it will be that way until schools stop infringing on 2nd. amendment rights that prohibit children from taking their own guns to school.
There's reallly nothing America's police could have done and it will be that way until schools stop infringing on 2nd. amendment rights that prohibit children from taking their own guns to school.
no need for such a stupid reaction,, just have armed guards like in every other important place in the country,,
There's reallly nothing America's police could have done and it will be that way until schools stop infringing on 2nd. amendment rights that prohibit children from taking their own guns to school.
I am more sympathetic to your position than you realize....however I am focusing on the officer's response.....I am trying to figure out exactly why people are angry with them and what they should have done differently or even whether it would have made any difference to those judging them.
I am more sympathetic to your position than you realize....however I am focusing on the officer's response.....I am trying to figure out exactly why people are angry with them and what they should have done differently or even whether it would have made any difference to those judging them.
what in the world leads to to believe they would go in randomly shooting in all directions??

do you have a brain tumor or just a dumb mother fucker??
I am more sympathetic to your position than you realize....however I am focusing on the officer's response.....I am trying to figure out exactly why people are angry with them and what they should have done differently or even whether it would have made any difference to those judging them.
Why did the Police show up if they weren't going to do anything? People are wondering: Couldn't you have done something?
Why did the Police show up if they weren't going to do anything? People are wondering: Couldn't you have done something?
Like what? Not being a wise guy here....tear gas, full on door rush? Stun grenade???
I kind of thought about that myself.... Just wondering what their options really were.
what in the world leads to to believe they would go in randomly shooting in all directions??

do you have a brain tumor or just a dumb mother fucker??
I'm not saying that they would but I'm wondering if that's what people wanted.
They didn't actually know where the guy was in the room. Maybe more advanced equipment like the FBI has would have allowed them to shoot through the wall? I'm not being a wise guy here I'm asking an honest question... what were the real options that these guys had available to them that people are complaining about?
Like what? Not being a wise guy here....tear gas, full on door rush? Stun grenade???
I kind of thought about that myself.... Just wondering what their options really were.
I guess your tumor wont let you see most shooters off themselves when confronted by armed people,,
dude you just said thats what they would do,,

I was giving you an out with the brain tumor comment,, I guess all we have left is youre a dumb mother fucker,,
Actually no I didn't I'm asking if that's what people wanted them to do. Maybe I didn't word it right. What was it that they failed to do exactly? Should they have intercepted the guy before we showed up at the school? Should he have been shot down before he got inside? I've seen a lot of complaints but so far I've seen nobody enumerate what they were supposed to do.
I guess your tumor wont let you see most shooters off themselves when confronted by armed people,,
I don't know anything about that statistic.... I'll take your word for it but don't a lot of them also go down in a blaze of bullets? So what would you have done?
Like what? Not being a wise guy here....tear gas, full on door rush? Stun grenade???
I kind of thought about that myself.... Just wondering what their options really were.
A handful of officers should've entered the building, and made an attempt to take out the shooter with sidearms. Since he could be located, because the loud rifle reports were coming from him, it would have been the courageous thing to do. Sadly, courage is hard to find in a Police unit full of cowards.
Actually no I didn't I'm asking if that's what people wanted them to do. Maybe I didn't word it right. What was it that they failed to do exactly? Should they have intercepted the guy before we showed up at the school? Should he have been shot down before he got inside? I've seen a lot of complaints but so far I've seen nobody enumerate what they were supposed to do.
try looking at results from other shootings like Memphis where they went in and shot the prick and ended the killing,,

asking this question so many yrs later only makes you look stupid,,
I don't know anything about that statistic.... I'll take your word for it but don't a lot of them also go down in a blaze of bullets? So what would you have done?
its one or the other,, except in this case where the cops hid and the killing was allowed to continue unchallenged,,
A handful of officers should've entered the building, and made an attempt to take out the shooter with sidearms. Since he could be located, because the loud rifle reports were coming from him, it would have been the courageous thing to do. Sadly, courage is hard to find in a Police unit full of cowards.
Okay that sounds sensible. I'm still trying to figure out where they failed. Maybe they weren't properly trained?
My thought would be that going in up against heavily armed and obviously skilled shooter would take a little bit more forethought than just a head on assault. The assumption was made that everyone he had inside the room was already dead I remember hearing that.


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