Please Explain....Uvalde response....

try looking at results from other shootings like Memphis where they went in and shot the prick and ended the killing,,

asking this question so many yrs later only makes you look stupid,,
This is ONE year later and the news is filled with outrage.

So the questions are being asked all over again. I've said nothing about it all this time I've just been listening to the reactions of people and wondering exactly where they think the police failed specifically and precisely how did they fail? Are they thinking that they would have been less casualties?
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Okay that sounds sensible. I'm still trying to figure out where they failed. Maybe they weren't properly trained?
My thought would be that going in up against heavily armed and obviously skilled shooter would take a little bit more forethought than just a head on assault. The assumption was made that everyone he had inside the room was already dead I remember hearing that.

they failed when they refused to do the job they were hired to do and more children died because of it,,
This is ONE year later in the news is filled with outrage.
So the questions are being asked all over again. I've said nothing about it all this time I've just been listening to the reactions of people and wondering exactly where they think the police failed specifically and precisely how did they fail? Are they thinking that they would have been less casualties?
youre the only one I see asking stupid questions,,
youre the only one I see asking stupid questions,,
Well you still haven't answered anything.
What would you have done? So far all we've heard from anyone is that they should have responded sooner. What the hell does that mean exactly? Do you think it's going into the room covered in body armor with five or six guys having pistols drawn that they would have been less casualties?
I have answered it several times,,
Looking through your responses I don't see any answer to the question.
You have not said anything about what you would have done. Respond sooner does not really qualify as an answer. Would you have gone in the front door with heavy armor? Would you have used tear gas? A stun grenade perhaps?
Looking through your responses I don't see any answer to the question.
You have not said anything about what you would have done. Respond sooner does not really qualify as an answer. Would you have gone in the front door with heavy armor? Would you have used tear gas? A stun grenade perhaps?
I would have gone in confronted the shooter and either killed the fuck or watched as they offed themselves like ever other shooting in human history,,

sure wouldnt hide and listen as more children are shot and killed,,
thats for cowards like you,,
they failed when they refused to do the job they were hired to do and more children died because of it,,
Dude that is no kind of an answer. They didn't do their job by not going in? By not using heavier weapons? Are you saying that somehow they should have prevented it altogether? There's no specificity in your response.
I would have gone in confronted the shooter and either killed the fuck or watched as they offed themselves like ever other shooting in human history,,

sure wouldnt hide and listen as more children are shot and killed,,
thats for cowards like you,,
Ok.... That's an answer.
Why are you referring to me as a coward? I'm only asking where people thought the officers did not do their job. You finally gave me an answer.
your comments make it obvious you would hide,,
You probably assume too much. I'm not sure what I would have done. I certainly would have weighed the prospect of whether or not my actions could cause more harm than good if I didn't think them out properly. What if I ran in the front door with an automatic and shot a few of the kids? You don't think that's a possibility? Somebody eventually did shoot him. So far I haven't been able to find any details as to how he got that done. I'm sure he made the offices look bad.
You probably assume too much. I'm not sure what I would have done. I certainly would have weighed the prospect of whether or not my actions could cause more harm than good if I didn't think them out properly. What if I ran in the front door with an automatic and shot a few of the kids? You don't think that's a possibility?
so youre a blind coward,,,

you dont think you act,, any action is guaranteed to save lives,,
so youre a blind coward,,,

you dont think you act,, any action is guaranteed to save lives,,
Your watch too many TV programs. While I agree that you have a point about quick action you're way out in left field about having no thought as to what you're going to do next. If one of those officers broke in and shot a kid he would still be facing murder charges both in public and criminal court.
The Uvalde residents say the cops are dumb, fat and lazy.
Okay now we're getting somewhere. So basically it's a poorly trained force that had no idea what to do in a situation like this. I can accept that as a definitive answer of failure. The failure goes much higher than the officers themselves. Either they pick the wrong guy that had up the department or there was a serious urban planning failure somewhere. So where do we draw the line? Do we want a collection of muscle-bound roots ready to pull the trigger at the drop of a hat? We certainly don't want an army of Sancho Panza's who don't know how to respond. This looks like a failure of planning and training to me. These guys were out of their league.
Your watch too many TV programs. While I agree that you have a point about quick action you're way out in left field about having no thought as to what you're going to do next. If one of those officers broke in and shot a kid he would still be facing murder charges both in public and criminal court.
youre off your rocker nuts,,

since you said you would just run by a room and just start shooting into it I sure hope you dont own any guns,, wouldnt want your family in any more danger than they are already in,,
Okay now we're getting somewhere. So basically it's a poorly trained force that had no idea what to do in a situation like this. I can accept that as a definitive answer of failure. The failure goes much higher than the officers themselves. Either they pick the wrong guy that had up the department or there was a serious urban planning failure somewhere.
training had nothing to do with them being cowards,,
training had nothing to do with them being cowards,,
Okay I'll take your word for it.
My curiosity here was with the specificity of what was not done. I think I got some answers. But it also leaves me with more questions. Are we saying that all school districts should now have SWAT ready teams nearby who are trained in confrontational battle tactics? Indeed maybe it is time for that. Maybe this is what Uvalde teaches us.

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