Planned Parenthood Employee urges woman to seek gender select abortion

There are studies showing that there is a true issue here. I'm sorry if truth offends the true pro abortionists that border on being proponents of infanticide (remember those who say a child isn't a child till the age of 2 years? They are out there; and they are serious), but anyone that is reasonable can look at studies and go...whoa geeze. This should be looked at.

Female foeticide: Haryana in California, Punjab in Canada
Indira Kannan : Toronto, Sun Feb 05 2012, 21:57 hrs

From the article:

A working paper for the US National Bureau of Economic Research in 2009 showed that the sex ratio for first births among Indians in the US was close to the norm of 105 boys for every 100 girls.

But the ratio got increasingly skewed for subsequent births if the previous children were girls. In cases where the first two children were girls, the sex ratio for third births among Indians was found to be nearly 190 boys for 100 girls.

Another study published last year and led by Sunita Puri, a physician at the University of California in San Francisco, looked at 65 Indian immigrant women in the US who had opted for foetal sex selection between September 2004 and December 2009.

The paper found 40 per cent of those women had previously aborted female foetuses, and 89 per cent of women carrying girls during the period of the study went on to abort them. The women came from a diverse range of income and education levels, and from different Indian states.
Other than these right-wing "sting" operations, is there really a wave of sex-selective abortion in the United States?

I'm sure some immoral yuppies types have done it, but is there a huge wave going on? I seriously doubt it.

not yet.....because the leftie sleeze party is still in full swing.....

once the party stops....after the lefties have taken full control.....population control will begin in earnest.......then there will probably be a "wave" of selective birthing like in Red China....

It will be worse because they will also implement euthanasia and assisted suicide.
Yes, you've proven you're a real *scientific* dude...

Please regale us again with how a zygote has things *added* to it until it's really a human?

That's my favorite of your scientific explanations.

What I really appreciate about your posts, Kosher, is that you lose an argument, and then make a comment a day or two later implying that you won it, and misquote me to prove it.

Tell us again Kosher, how a baby magically forms itself without being supplied any matter or nutrients from anywhere else, like a mother's body.

Regale us with your tales of miraculous babies that form from a vacuum, with no outside matter being added to allow it to grow and develop.

Tell us again how these miracle zygotes disprove the laws of thermodynamics, as well as the laws of conservation of matter and energy by creating something from nothing.
Tell us again Kosher, how a baby magically forms itself without being supplied any matter or nutrients from anywhere else, like a mother's body.

Regale us with your tales of miraculous babies that form from a vacuum, with no outside matter being added to allow it to grow and develop.

Tell us again how these miracle zygotes disprove the laws of thermodynamics, as well as the laws of conservation of matter and energy by creating something from nothing.

why stop abortion at birth......?

...a child is not "fully developed" until around age 18 or so......why not knock off a bunch of them before then if they prove unsatisfactory....or inconvenient....?
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Other than these right-wing "sting" operations, is there really a wave of sex-selective abortion in the United States?

Nope. Its a non-existent problem that the pubs spent hours voting on while they didn't have even one moment to consider a jobs bill.

Its a lot like Sharia law in the US. The only examples of Sharia law you will find here is what the rabidly religious right wants to shove down out throats.

Like ending the free choice to safe abortion by all American women, regardless of reason for seeking it.

Or, the freedom to marry the consenting adult person you love.

Laws based on religion are Sharia laws and rw's LOVE them.

What next? They're already pushing "see something say something" spying. How about a camera in our bedrooms in case we do something with our consenting adult partner that they don't like?
Tell us again Kosher, how a baby magically forms itself without being supplied any matter or nutrients from anywhere else, like a mother's body.

Regale us with your tales of miraculous babies that form from a vacuum, with no outside matter being added to allow it to grow and develop.

Tell us again how these miracle zygotes disprove the laws of thermodynamics, as well as the laws of conservation of matter and energy by creating something from nothing.

why stop abortion at birth......?

...a child is not "fully developed" until around age 18 or so......why not knock off a bunch of them before then if they prove unsatisfactory....or inconvenient....?

Well its been pointed out that the rw's love fetus' a lot more than they love children.

Hungry children.
Homeless children.

Ask them. They'll say the parents should not have had them if they couldn't take care of them.

Then they'll tell you they should not have access to affordable birth control or abortion.

rw's are down right despicable and vicious. And, if they're also catholic ............ They REALLY hate the little boy children of catholics.
Tell us again Kosher, how a baby magically forms itself without being supplied any matter or nutrients from anywhere else, like a mother's body.

Regale us with your tales of miraculous babies that form from a vacuum, with no outside matter being added to allow it to grow and develop.

Tell us again how these miracle zygotes disprove the laws of thermodynamics, as well as the laws of conservation of matter and energy by creating something from nothing.

why stop abortion at birth......?

...a child is not "fully developed" until around age 18 or so......why not knock off a bunch of them before then if they prove unsatisfactory....or inconvenient....?

Well its been pointed out that the rw's love fetus' a lot more than they love children.

Hungry children.
Homeless children.

Ask them. They'll say the parents should not have had them if they couldn't take care of them.

Then they'll tell you they should not have access to affordable birth control or abortion.

rw's are down right despicable and vicious. And, if they're also catholic ............ They REALLY hate the little boy children of catholics.

so why are you being selective in your killings......?

you kill 'problem' children in the womb.....why not kill 'problem' children later....? problems solved....
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why stop abortion at birth......?

...a child is not "fully developed" until around age 18 or so......why not knock off a bunch of them before then if they prove unsatisfactory....or inconvenient....?

As I've stated, many times, in this thread, I don't care about it being "fully developed".

I care about it being a sentient creature.

Before 28 months it has no thalamus, and therefore has all the sentience of a jelly-fish, meaning none at all.

Now, as I've also stated, I'm willing to admit that a wide window should be left to provide room for error, which I say should be around 20 weeks, but before that, you might as well be referring to a mass of stem cell matter.
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why stop abortion at birth......?

...a child is not "fully developed" until around age 18 or so......why not knock off a bunch of them before then if they prove unsatisfactory....or inconvenient....?

as i've stated, many times, in this thread, i don't care about it being "fully developed".

I care about it being a sentient creature.

Before 28 months it has no thalamus, and therefore has all the sentience of a jelly-fish, meaning none at all.

Now, as i've also stated, i'm willing to admit that a wide window should be left to provide room for error, which i say should be around 20 months, but before that, you might as well be referring to a mass of stem cell matter.

20 months....?
Other than these right-wing "sting" operations, is there really a wave of sex-selective abortion in the United States?

Nope. Its a non-existent problem that the pubs spent hours voting on while they didn't have even one moment to consider a jobs bill.

Its a lot like Sharia law in the US. The only examples of Sharia law you will find here is what the rabidly religious right wants to shove down out throats.

Like ending the free choice to safe abortion by all American women, regardless of reason for seeking it.

Or, the freedom to marry the consenting adult person you love.

Laws based on religion are Sharia laws and rw's LOVE them.

What next? They're already pushing "see something say something" spying. How about a camera in our bedrooms in case we do something with our consenting adult partner that they don't like?

luddly you obviously have not read the statistics and the studies I have put forth in this thread.

This thread is not about gay marriage or even about abortion. It is about female feticide.
Gender selected abortions which have been labelled as violating human rights by many Medical agencies world wide, who are staunchly PRO ABORTION but against gender select abortion.

The best you and your ilk can do is vomit and spew talking points and name call. It's pathetic, and that's why there can never be any rational discussion with the left.
20 months....?

My bad, corrected.

do you think the child is alive at 20 weeks....?

I do not think it is a sentient being at 20 weeks, I think it is a sentient being at 28 weeks, when the thalamus is formed.

Even then it is debatable, but it is my opinion that thalamus development = person.

I say 20 weeks to be absolutely sure that there is no chance of an exception to the rule, like a hyper-development scenario.
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Other than these right-wing "sting" operations, is there really a wave of sex-selective abortion in the United States?

Nope. Its a non-existent problem that the pubs spent hours voting on while they didn't have even one moment to consider a jobs bill.

Its a lot like Sharia law in the US. The only examples of Sharia law you will find here is what the rabidly religious right wants to shove down out throats.

Like ending the free choice to safe abortion by all American women, regardless of reason for seeking it.

Or, the freedom to marry the consenting adult person you love.

Laws based on religion are Sharia laws and rw's LOVE them.

What next? They're already pushing "see something say something" spying. How about a camera in our bedrooms in case we do something with our consenting adult partner that they don't like?

luddly you obviously have not read the statistics and the studies I have put forth in this thread.

This thread is not about gay marriage or even about abortion. It is about female feticide.
Gender selected abortions which have been labelled as violating human rights by many Medical agencies world wide, who are staunchly PRO ABORTION but against gender select abortion.

The best you and your ilk can do is vomit and spew talking points and name call. It's pathetic, and that's why there can never be any rational discussion with the left.

First, when you say "ilk" (or "minion" or "Hitler"), everything else you say is garbage.

Second, please show PROOF that its happening in the US. There is no one who does not know that this is just more posturing and fear mongering from the right who is motivated NOT by a desire to help children but rather the disgusting desire to control our bodies and our lives.

Third, and, I've said this numerous times, MOST abortions are medically necessary, abortion is not done as a method of birth control. The reasons are obvious but give it a moment's thought anyway. And, most important and really the only point that matters is that ABORTION, DONE FOR ANY REASON, IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.

That's not a "talking point" and its not name calling. Its a simple fact that its the woman's choice and the woman's right to reproduce or not.

Bible thumping doesn't change that. Chest thumping doesn't change it. Nothing will ever change the FACT that ABORTION, DONE FOR ANY REASON, IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.
20 months....?

My bad, corrected.

do you think the child is alive at 20 weeks....?

Its not a "child".

From conception to 8 weeks its an embryo. From then until birth, its a fetus.

After birth, it can be called a "child" and so, becomes worthless to the rw agenda and, according to some who post here, should be allowed to be homeless, freeze to death, starve but under no circumstances should the CHILD be helped with medical care, food or housing.

But of course, the CHILD should be sent to church.
My bad, corrected.

do you think the child is alive at 20 weeks....?

I do not think it is a sentient being at 20 weeks, I think it is a sentient being at 28 weeks, when the thalamus is formed.

Even then it is debatable, but it is my opinion that thalamus development = person.

I say 20 weeks to be absolutely sure that there is no chance of an exception to the rule, like a hyper-development scenario.

sentient or not......the child is still alive......what about its right to life.....?

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