Planned Parenthood Employee urges woman to seek gender select abortion

obviously you cannot answer my questions.....but i'll answer yours.....

allowing the government to decide is an "ethical" decision.....just as allowing the government to decide about murder or robbery are "ethical" decisions....

obviously you think it is "ethical" for women to kill their babies.....

of course now you are going to reply with the typical lib argument that rape and womens health are the "good" reasons for abortion.....but as i pointed out earlier those reasons only account for about 6% of all abortions......since Roe v. Wade the vast majority of the well over 50 Million babies aborted have been killed due to the mother's "choice" for her own convenience or social reasons......not much different from the convenient "choice" to kill a girl baby because it's not a boy.....

PS: you didn't satisfactorily answer my theorectical question about government involvement.....why do you think it is awful for the government to get involved with "choice" when the mother decides to abort but it's OK for that same government to get involved in forcing the father to pay child support when his "choice" was to abort the child.....?

...if you liberals believe that men and women are "equal" then "choice" cannot just be one-sided....if only the woman chooses to have the baby then only the woman should pay for it....... and government should not get involved in hunting down "deadbeat dads".....isn't that logical according to liberal beliefs....?
The subject of child support is a different subject than what we are discussing on this thread.

I was curious to know why you brought it up but you certainly don't need to answer.

of course you must ignore my questions......because you don't have a leg to stand on....

why do i bring up the question on ethics.....? isn't killing a girl baby a question of ethics.....?

and don't equal rights apply also to fathers and to baby girls......?
I don't know if it is ethical or not. I don't think biology can be defined as an ethical construct.

So, how does having the government decide when and why a woman should give birth affect child support payments?
----------Sounds like you have a few anger managment issues. Also, your personnel freedoms start and end the moment they effect the life of another person. This is not about the government, it's about the attitudes of people toward the unborn.

Ahh, but see, here we have the clear giveaway as to your motivations.

Knowing that there will be no way to prove or disprove the intention of the candidate for an abortion, you hope to use this strategy to eliminate abortion entirely.

Just another ploy to undermine the right of a woman to decide whether to carry a zygote to term.
I've been a feminist involved in women's issues world wide for decades FYI along with my passion for environmental issues that deal with water quality.

And yes, I'm conservative, a true conservationist and a woman. My activism is wide ranging from the Taliban's brutality against my sisters in Afghanistan,, to campaigning for justice for Zahra Kazemi who was brutally tortured and murdered by the Iranian government, to taking on the most horrific practice of female genital mutilation that is now creeping towards our shores.

I've been at this for ages.

Then for the sake of your credibility and usefulness towards legitimate issues, I would suggest you vet what sucks you in to those that are truly able to pass the scratch and sniff test. This one won't fly HERE, because it is not an issue HERE.

But the diamond trade IS?

Okay, I have a rule that specifically ignores you, but I'll suspend it for today.

Diamonds are SOLD here, yes?

So you think it's "ethical" for women to kill their babies.....? what about their right to life....?

....and speaking of "forcing" about the "forcing" of MEN to pay for child support....?
...if it is the "choice" of women to have or not have their babies....then isn't it logical that men should have the "choice" to support or not support?
...yet liberals think men MUST pay child support even though they did not "choose" to keep the baby....and this is FORCED through government means..... how about getting the GOVERNMENT out of mens lives too.....? :eusa_whistle:

There are no "babies" in the equation.

A zygote is not a "baby", no matter how many times you repeat the falsehood.
I am a conservative and agree with you.
True conservatives oppose abortion just like I do but do not want to hand over to government the power to decide which women can legally have an abortion and who can't.
"In the best interests of the health of the mother the abortion was needed" Dr. Joe Blow for the women that have the cash.
And if government has the power they will prosecute only the women with no resources to defend themselves.
Amazing how truly ignorant the right wing is on this issue. "I am for a ban on abortion" is their cry ignoring the 350 years of history with abortion in this country and how NO LAW has ever stopped it and how when it was banned the above process was always the norm.
Most folk that I know that are pro choice OPPOSE ABORTION.
But we oppose the power of government and the abuses of that even more.
Amazing how the liberal sides with us on this issue only. They want no part of government intervention in this but in everything else they cheer them on.

You sound like more of a Libertarian than a Conservative.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.
The subject of child support is a different subject than what we are discussing on this thread.

I was curious to know why you brought it up but you certainly don't need to answer.

of course you must ignore my questions......because you don't have a leg to stand on....

why do i bring up the question on ethics.....? isn't killing a girl baby a question of ethics.....?

and don't equal rights apply also to fathers and to baby girls......?
I don't know if it is ethical or not. I don't think biology can be defined as an ethical construct.

so for you....if someone 'biologically' blows your face away with a is not an "ethical construct" to be dealt with by the law.....:lol:

So, how does having the government decide when and why a woman should give birth affect child support payments?

what about the government and the "choice" of the man involved......?
of course you must ignore my questions......because you don't have a leg to stand on....

why do i bring up the question on ethics.....? isn't killing a girl baby a question of ethics.....?

and don't equal rights apply also to fathers and to baby girls......?
I don't know if it is ethical or not. I don't think biology can be defined as an ethical construct.

so for you....if someone 'biologically' blows your face away with a is not an "ethical construct" to be dealt with by the law.....:lol:

So, how does having the government decide when and why a woman should give birth affect child support payments?

what about the government and the "choice" of the man involved......?
I'm a human being. A fetus is a potential human being. Not the same thing at all.

I'll ask you one last time the question you keep avoiding.

How does allowing the government to decide when and why a woman gives birth affect child support payments?
Even terrorists support liberal causes.

I'm sure PP does all kinds of wonderful things. It's just that "Murdering The Unborn" thing I have problems with. If they didn't do that I might support them.


Liberals believe in government control of economic matters, and individual freedom in moral matters.

Conservatives believe in government control of moral matters, and individual freedom in economic matters.

Obviously, this implies a much stronger similarity between extremist Muslims and Moral Majority right-wing progressives than between extremist Muslims and liberals.
So you think it's "ethical" for women to kill their babies.....? what about their right to life....?

....and speaking of "forcing" about the "forcing" of MEN to pay for child support....?
...if it is the "choice" of women to have or not have their babies....then isn't it logical that men should have the "choice" to support or not support?
...yet liberals think men MUST pay child support even though they did not "choose" to keep the baby....and this is FORCED through government means..... how about getting the GOVERNMENT out of mens lives too.....? :eusa_whistle:

There are no "babies" in the equation.

A zygote is not a "baby", no matter how many times you repeat the falsehood.

hey ijit....go look at a picture of a 20 week old child.......the age to determine whether it's a boy or girl....that's no "zygote"....:cuckoo:
I don't know if it is ethical or not. I don't think biology can be defined as an ethical construct.

so for you....if someone 'biologically' blows your face away with a is not an "ethical construct" to be dealt with by the law.....:lol:

So, how does having the government decide when and why a woman should give birth affect child support payments?

what about the government and the "choice" of the man involved......?
I'm a human being. A fetus is a potential human being. Not the same thing at all.

I'll ask you one last time the question you keep avoiding.

How does allowing the government to decide when and why a woman gives birth affect child support payments?

you expect me to answer your questions all the time when you never really answer mine....?

i'm avoiding nothing...... like you are........:eusa_hand:

you answer my question first....!
It's all about killing women. Everyone knows it. Liberals believe that dead women are a matter of personal choice. After years of disgust with countries like India and China killing off their females we are finally joining them.

This is probably the dumbest post I have seen in months.

And that's saying a lot.
Liberals are from the same cloth as Nazis and Communists that were experts in mass murder, because all of them put themselves above other people.
Here is Planned Parenthood's entire statement regarding why their employee was fired:

A Planned Parenthood spokeswoman told The Huffington Post on Tuesday the staffer in the video “did not follow our protocol” for dealing with “a highly unusual patient scenario.”

“Planned Parenthood insists on the highest quality patient care, and if we ever become aware of a staff member not meeting these high standards we take swift action,” she said in a written statement.

“Within three days of this patient interaction, the staff member’s employment was ended and all staff members at this affiliate were immediately scheduled for retraining in managing unusual patient encounters. Today opponents of Planned Parenthood are promoting an edited video of that hoax patient encounter.”

This spokeswoman for Planned Parenthood Federation of America also told The Huffington Post that the organization condemns seeking abortions on the basis of gender, but its policy is to provide “high quality, confidential, nonjudgmental care to all who come into” its health centers.

That means that no Planned Parenthood clinic will deny a woman an abortion based on her reasons for wanting one, except in those states that explicitly prohibit sex-selective abortions (Arizona, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania and Illinois).
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Other than these right-wing "sting" operations, is there really a wave of sex-selective abortion in the United States?
It's all about killing women. Everyone knows it. Liberals believe that dead women are a matter of personal choice. After years of disgust with countries like India and China killing off their females we are finally joining them.

This is probably the dumbest post I have seen in months.

And that's saying a lot.

I beg to differ.

You are still the Stupid Post Emperor.
hey ijit....go look at a picture of a 20 week old child.......the age to determine whether it's a boy or girl....that's no "zygote"....:cuckoo:

Personally I rely on whether they have a thalamus or not, as that determines the ability to have any form of sentience.

But I'm sure your way is much more scientific.
hey ijit....go look at a picture of a 20 week old child.......the age to determine whether it's a boy or girl....that's no "zygote"....:cuckoo:

Personally I rely on whether they have a thalamus or not, as that determines the ability to have any form of sentience.

But I'm sure your way is much more scientific.

Yes, you've proven you're a real *scientific* dude...

Please regale us again with how a zygote has things *added* to it until it's really a human?

That's my favorite of your scientific explanations.
Liberals are from the same cloth as Nazis and Communists that were experts in mass murder, because all of them put themselves above other people.

Ahh poor poor GoneBezerk has gone bezerk. Liberal are Nazis nonsense. Even Goldberg admitted it was all based on bullshit.
Other than these right-wing "sting" operations, is there really a wave of sex-selective abortion in the United States?

I'm sure some immoral yuppies types have done it, but is there a huge wave going on? I seriously doubt it.
Other than these right-wing "sting" operations, is there really a wave of sex-selective abortion in the United States?

I'm sure some immoral yuppies types have done it, but is there a huge wave going on? I seriously doubt it.

not yet.....because the leftie sleeze party is still in full swing.....

once the party stops....after the lefties have taken full control.....population control will begin in earnest.......then there will probably be a "wave" of selective birthing like in Red China....

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