Planned Parenthood Employee urges woman to seek gender select abortion

pro abortion people's is down to 41% in the country.. The pro lifer's are gaining ground.

but really,, picking a girl to kill over a boy is so damn Chinese don'tyathink?

PP was my CHOICE for reproductive health services before I had kids, they provided yearly check ups, pap smears, etc, and helped me find the birth control method most effective for me.

PP was my obgyn of CHOICE when I was pregnant for my son. They were very supportive of my CHOICE to carry my pregnancy to term, and solicitous of mine AND my son's health.

PP continues to be my CHOICE for my reproductive health. Yearly exams, pap smears, etc. They were the ones who discovered that my anemia was kicking back up, and told me to start taking my iron pills again.

Among many other services, PP conducts outreach with their patients to connect those who were or are victims of domestic violence, including sexual assault (both as adults and as children) to the organizations that can help them through the trauma and towards a better, safer, more healthy life.

PP also offers the above and reproductive health services to men.


Even terrorists support liberal causes.

I'm sure PP does all kinds of wonderful things. It's just that "Murdering The Unborn" thing I have problems with. If they didn't do that I might support them.

"murder" is illegal. Like it or not, abortion is a legal medical procedure decided upon between a patient and her doctor, and none of your business.


no? Then you most likely don't have the uterus either, or any of the other tools, risks, or responsibilities necessary for any woman's choice to BE any of your damned business.

thisis hte lefts best defense, we redefine everything, if a police officer says we caught the theives red handed' the left will say "define red handed" are you assuming hes an indian thats racist"
Oh goody, one more circle jerk of echo chamber members. Let's all attack Planned Parenthood, fun fun fun.

God, Gays, Guns and Abortion - all wedge issues and no matter which party hold the majority in Congress, or who is POTUS, everything will remain the same.

Unless, the far right (which seems to be the majority of Republicans) is able to hold a majority in the Congress, the White House and the Supreme Court. When that occurs we will have made the transition from a democratic republic to a plutocratic one where every member of congress is a millionaire beholden to the Kock Brothers and others in their select club.

Then contraception and abortion will be illegal, the population of the underclass and poor will grow and cheap labor will abound. Nervana for some, hell for most and a sure method to bring forth what the right most fears.

That is and always HAS been the prevailing force behind the powers that drive the (sometimes well-intentioned) busy-bodies to the ridiculousness seen here. Pandering for votes within a wedge issue ranks an incestuously close second.

I've put up quotes of internationally renowned Medical Association personell who have no problem whatsoever with abortion except gender based.

In your wildest dreams do you really believe that physicians world wide are pandering to votes in your country?

Is that why they hold those ethical positions? How crazy are you on the left?

see the post preceding yours. :eusa_snooty:

Gender-based abortion and forced abortion has and is a problem in some parts of the world, but not here in the US, no matter how you'd like (or have been influenced) to push this AS that. I'm sure you've seen the link I posted in response to your OP, but hell, here is a little snippet again, just in case you missed the political nature of the horse shit you've endorsed:

Over the last few weeks, Planned Parenthood locations across the country have been visited by becostumed actors pretending to be women desperate to know whether or not their baby is a girl so that they can abort it. The similarity of the incidents combined with the strange series of questions asked by the visitors suggests that this may be the work of Live Action, a group known for staging "stings" that attempt to make outrage-inducing videos of Planned Parenthood employees acting like how conservatives imagine Planned Parenthood employees act, all shifty-eyed and bloodless.

According to the Huffington Post's Laura Bassett, the mysterious visitors have made stops at Planned Parenthood locations in at least 11 states, and the similarities between visits have led executives to believe that they're part of a coordinated effort to create more misleadingly edited sting videos. And at the top of the lists of suspects is Live Action.

The Idiotic New Sting Operation Against Planned Parenthood
pro abortion people's is down to 41% in the country.. The pro lifer's are gaining ground.

but really,, picking a girl to kill over a boy is so damn Chinese don'tyathink?

Nope. Again it is a specious claim. People have a negative connotation of the word Pro-choice. Evidenced by the fact that when asked specifically about a womans right to an abortion 72% of American agree that women should have that right.

So in reality the anti-choice groups have gained nothing.

From all indication this is planned action of PP oponents. They apparently sent scores of the undercover provocators to try and catch one employee who they can use and hold their actions or words up as somehow representative of the entire organization.

That shit it worked against ACORN so why not give it a try.

Wouldn't supprise me to find they edit the tape like they did in the ACORN case.
It's all about killing women. Everyone knows it. Liberals believe that dead women are a matter of personal choice. After years of disgust with countries like India and China killing off their females we are finally joining them.
pro abortion people's is down to 41% in the country.. The pro lifer's are gaining ground.

but really,, picking a girl to kill over a boy is so damn Chinese don'tyathink?

Nope. Again it is a specious claim. People have a negative connotation of the word Pro-choice. Evidenced by the fact that when asked specifically about a womans right to an abortion 72% of American agree that women should have that right.

A majority believe there should be limits on abortion. A majority are opposed to abortion on demand.

They support extreme cases like rape and incest and health of the mother, which make up a tiny fraction of existing abortions. Beyond that, the majority opposes abortion.
Even terrorists support liberal causes.

I'm sure PP does all kinds of wonderful things. It's just that "Murdering The Unborn" thing I have problems with. If they didn't do that I might support them.

"murder" is illegal. Like it or not, abortion is a legal medical procedure decided upon between a patient and her doctor, and none of your business.


no? Then you most likely don't have the uterus either, or any of the other tools, risks, or responsibilities necessary for any woman's choice to BE any of your damned business.

thisis hte lefts best defense, we redefine everything, if a police officer says we caught the theives red handed' the left will say "define red handed" are you assuming hes an indian thats racist"

You SO don't want to be a repug pointing fingers as to the redefinition of the status of crime.


and tiny? IF you want to get behind an issue that the actions of AMERICANS could in ANY way effect, here it is:

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That is and always HAS been the prevailing force behind the powers that drive the (sometimes well-intentioned) busy-bodies to the ridiculousness seen here. Pandering for votes within a wedge issue ranks an incestuously close second.

I've put up quotes of internationally renowned Medical Association personell who have no problem whatsoever with abortion except gender based.

In your wildest dreams do you really believe that physicians world wide are pandering to votes in your country?

Is that why they hold those ethical positions? How crazy are you on the left?

see the post preceding yours. :eusa_snooty:

Gender-based abortion and forced abortion has and is a problem in some parts of the world, but not here in the US, no matter how you'd like (or have been influenced) to push this AS that. I'm sure you've seen the link I posted in response to your OP, but hell, here is a little snippet again, just in case you missed the political nature of the horse shit you've endorsed:

Over the last few weeks, Planned Parenthood locations across the country have been visited by becostumed actors pretending to be women desperate to know whether or not their baby is a girl so that they can abort it. The similarity of the incidents combined with the strange series of questions asked by the visitors suggests that this may be the work of Live Action, a group known for staging "stings" that attempt to make outrage-inducing videos of Planned Parenthood employees acting like how conservatives imagine Planned Parenthood employees act, all shifty-eyed and bloodless.

According to the Huffington Post's Laura Bassett, the mysterious visitors have made stops at Planned Parenthood locations in at least 11 states, and the similarities between visits have led executives to believe that they're part of a coordinated effort to create more misleadingly edited sting videos. And at the top of the lists of suspects is Live Action.

The Idiotic New Sting Operation Against Planned Parenthood

I was on female feticide in North America before the video. The video means nothing. It just adds to the debate.

Gender based abortions are performed regularly in America.

One more time from my OP, in the Planned Parenthood's spokepersons own words.

This spokeswoman for Planned Parenthood Federation of America also told The Huffington Post that the organization condemns seeking abortions on the basis of gender, but its policy is to provide “high quality, confidential, nonjudgmental care to all who come into” its health centers.

That means that no Planned Parenthood clinic will deny a woman an abortion based on her reasons for wanting one, except in those states that explicitly prohibit sex-selective abortions (Arizona, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania and Illinois).
pro abortion people's is down to 41% in the country.. The pro lifer's are gaining ground.

but really,, picking a girl to kill over a boy is so damn Chinese don'tyathink?

Nope. Again it is a specious claim. People have a negative connotation of the word Pro-choice. Evidenced by the fact that when asked specifically about a womans right to an abortion 72% of American agree that women should have that right.

A majority believe there should be limits on abortion. A majority are opposed to abortion on demand.

They support extreme cases like rape and incest and health of the mother, which make up a tiny fraction of existing abortions. Beyond that, the majority opposes abortion.

I'd like to see documentation for those stats you throw around.

Meanwhile, and not for nothing:
Between 1995 and 2003, abortion rates dropped more in developed than in developing countries. And although it may be difficult for some to accept, rates fell most sharply in countries where abortion is legally available on broad grounds and widely available in practice.
Cohen, Susan A. “New Data on Abortion Incidence, Safety Illuminate Key Aspects of Worldwide Abortion Debate“ Guttmacher Institute. 2007. Volume 10. 4. (accessed April 20, 2009)
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"murder" is illegal. Like it or not, abortion is a legal medical procedure decided upon between a patient and her doctor, and none of your business.


no? Then you most likely don't have the uterus either, or any of the other tools, risks, or responsibilities necessary for any woman's choice to BE any of your damned business.

thisis hte lefts best defense, we redefine everything, if a police officer says we caught the theives red handed' the left will say "define red handed" are you assuming hes an indian thats racist"

You SO don't want to be a repug pointing fingers as to the redefinition of the status of crime.


and tiny? IF you want to get behind an issue that the actions of AMERICANS could in ANY way effect, here it is:


I've been a feminist involved in women's issues world wide for decades FYI along with my passion for environmental issues that deal with water quality.

And yes, I'm conservative, a true conservationist and a woman. My activism is wide ranging from the Taliban's brutality against my sisters in Afghanistan,, to campaigning for justice for Zahra Kazemi who was brutally tortured and murdered by the Iranian government, to taking on the most horrific practice of female genital mutilation that is now creeping towards our shores.

I've been at this for ages.
I've put up quotes of internationally renowned Medical Association personell who have no problem whatsoever with abortion except gender based.

In your wildest dreams do you really believe that physicians world wide are pandering to votes in your country?

Is that why they hold those ethical positions? How crazy are you on the left?

see the post preceding yours. :eusa_snooty:

Gender-based abortion and forced abortion has and is a problem in some parts of the world, but not here in the US, no matter how you'd like (or have been influenced) to push this AS that. I'm sure you've seen the link I posted in response to your OP, but hell, here is a little snippet again, just in case you missed the political nature of the horse shit you've endorsed:

Over the last few weeks, Planned Parenthood locations across the country have been visited by becostumed actors pretending to be women desperate to know whether or not their baby is a girl so that they can abort it. The similarity of the incidents combined with the strange series of questions asked by the visitors suggests that this may be the work of Live Action, a group known for staging "stings" that attempt to make outrage-inducing videos of Planned Parenthood employees acting like how conservatives imagine Planned Parenthood employees act, all shifty-eyed and bloodless.

According to the Huffington Post's Laura Bassett, the mysterious visitors have made stops at Planned Parenthood locations in at least 11 states, and the similarities between visits have led executives to believe that they're part of a coordinated effort to create more misleadingly edited sting videos. And at the top of the lists of suspects is Live Action.

The Idiotic New Sting Operation Against Planned Parenthood

I was on female feticide in North America before the video. The video means nothing. It just adds to the debate.

Gender based abortions are performed regularly in America.

One more time from my OP, in the Planned Parenthood's spokepersons own words.

This spokeswoman for Planned Parenthood Federation of America also told The Huffington Post that the organization condemns seeking abortions on the basis of gender, but its policy is to provide “high quality, confidential, nonjudgmental care to all who come into” its health centers.

That means that no Planned Parenthood clinic will deny a woman an abortion based on her reasons for wanting one, except in those states that explicitly prohibit sex-selective abortions (Arizona, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania and Illinois).

So? That doesn't mean gender based abortion is an issue in the US, beyond the dressed up fakes who were sent around to procure one, and until and UNLESS a one child policy is enforced HERE, your whole PP meme is and continues to BE a non-issue.

thisis hte lefts best defense, we redefine everything, if a police officer says we caught the theives red handed' the left will say "define red handed" are you assuming hes an indian thats racist"

You SO don't want to be a repug pointing fingers as to the redefinition of the status of crime.


and tiny? IF you want to get behind an issue that the actions of AMERICANS could in ANY way effect, here it is:


I've been a feminist involved in women's issues world wide for decades FYI along with my passion for environmental issues that deal with water quality.

And yes, I'm conservative, a true conservationist and a woman. My activism is wide ranging from the Taliban's brutality against my sisters in Afghanistan,, to campaigning for justice for Zahra Kazemi who was brutally tortured and murdered by the Iranian government, to taking on the most horrific practice of female genital mutilation that is now creeping towards our shores.

I've been at this for ages.

Then for the sake of your credibility and usefulness towards legitimate issues, I would suggest you vet what sucks you in to those that are truly able to pass the scratch and sniff test. This one won't fly HERE, because it is not an issue HERE.
Once the child is born, both parents are legally obligated to care for it.

Maybe this guy that doesn't want to pay child support should think about it before he has sex, eh?

talk about HYPOCRITICAL....but then libs are well known for that....

it takes two....why should only the woman get to make the decision?
...if the woman makes the sole decision to keep the child then the woman should be the sole provider....
...isn't that what womens lib is all about....? you think it is "ethical" for women to kill their babies....?

Please explain how allowing the government to decide when and why a woman gives birth solves the problem of, as you see it, the unfairness to men regarding child support.

obviously you cannot answer my questions.....but i'll answer yours.....

allowing the government to decide is an "ethical" decision.....just as allowing the government to decide about murder or robbery are "ethical" decisions....

obviously you think it is "ethical" for women to kill their babies.....

of course now you are going to reply with the typical lib argument that rape and womens health are the "good" reasons for abortion.....but as i pointed out earlier those reasons only account for about 6% of all abortions......since Roe v. Wade the vast majority of the well over 50 Million babies aborted have been killed due to the mother's "choice" for her own convenience or social reasons......not much different from the convenient "choice" to kill a girl baby because it's not a boy.....

PS: you didn't satisfactorily answer my theorectical question about government involvement.....why do you think it is awful for the government to get involved with "choice" when the mother decides to abort but it's OK for that same government to get involved in forcing the father to pay child support when his "choice" was to abort the child.....?

...if you liberals believe that men and women are "equal" then "choice" cannot just be one-sided....if only the woman chooses to have the baby then only the woman should pay for it....... and government should not get involved in hunting down "deadbeat dads".....isn't that logical according to liberal beliefs....?
Kudos to Barb, Blindboo, Ravi, Wry Catcher, and Plasmaball for keeping up a dignified conversation on a circular, flame topic.

I'm all out of rep or I'd pos rep all of you!
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talk about HYPOCRITICAL....but then libs are well known for that....

it takes two....why should only the woman get to make the decision?
...if the woman makes the sole decision to keep the child then the woman should be the sole provider....
...isn't that what womens lib is all about....? you think it is "ethical" for women to kill their babies....?

Please explain how allowing the government to decide when and why a woman gives birth solves the problem of, as you see it, the unfairness to men regarding child support.

obviously you cannot answer my questions.....but i'll answer yours.....

allowing the government to decide is an "ethical" decision.....just as allowing the government to decide about murder or robbery are "ethical" decisions....

obviously you think it is "ethical" for women to kill their babies.....

of course now you are going to reply with the typical lib argument that rape and womens health are the "good" reasons for abortion.....but as i pointed out earlier those reasons only account for about 6% of all abortions......since Roe v. Wade the vast majority of the well over 50 Million babies aborted have been killed due to the mother's "choice" for her own convenience or social reasons......not much different from the convenient "choice" to kill a girl baby because it's not a boy.....

PS: you didn't satisfactorily answer my theorectical question about government involvement.....why do you think it is awful for the government to get involved with "choice" when the mother decides to abort but it's OK for that same government to get involved in forcing the father to pay child support when his "choice" was to abort the child.....?

...if you liberals believe that men and women are "equal" then "choice" cannot just be one-sided....if only the woman chooses to have the baby then only the woman should pay for it....... and government should not get involved in hunting down "deadbeat dads".....isn't that logical according to liberal beliefs....?
The subject of child support is a different subject than what we are discussing on this thread.

I was curious to know why you brought it up but you certainly don't need to answer.
pro abortion people's is down to 41% in the country.. The pro lifer's are gaining ground.

but really,, picking a girl to kill over a boy is so damn Chinese don'tyathink?

Nope. Again it is a specious claim. People have a negative connotation of the word Pro-choice. Evidenced by the fact that when asked specifically about a womans right to an abortion 72% of American agree that women should have that right.

A majority believe there should be limits on abortion. A majority are opposed to abortion on demand.

They support extreme cases like rape and incest and health of the mother, which make up a tiny fraction of existing abortions. Beyond that, the majority opposes abortion.

When asked if they support a complete ban on all abortions 72% said no.

Frankly I oppose late term abortions unless the mothers life is in danger or the child suffers from congenital defects that doomed the child to a short life of intolerable suffering. I'm also disgusted by the pratice currently under discussion.

The country is solidly pro-choice.
You SO don't want to be a repug pointing fingers as to the redefinition of the status of crime.


and tiny? IF you want to get behind an issue that the actions of AMERICANS could in ANY way effect, here it is:


I've been a feminist involved in women's issues world wide for decades FYI along with my passion for environmental issues that deal with water quality.

And yes, I'm conservative, a true conservationist and a woman. My activism is wide ranging from the Taliban's brutality against my sisters in Afghanistan,, to campaigning for justice for Zahra Kazemi who was brutally tortured and murdered by the Iranian government, to taking on the most horrific practice of female genital mutilation that is now creeping towards our shores.

I've been at this for ages.

Then for the sake of your credibility and usefulness towards legitimate issues, I would suggest you vet what sucks you in to those that are truly able to pass the scratch and sniff test. This one won't fly HERE, because it is not an issue HERE.

But the diamond trade IS?
Please explain how allowing the government to decide when and why a woman gives birth solves the problem of, as you see it, the unfairness to men regarding child support.

obviously you cannot answer my questions.....but i'll answer yours.....

allowing the government to decide is an "ethical" decision.....just as allowing the government to decide about murder or robbery are "ethical" decisions....

obviously you think it is "ethical" for women to kill their babies.....

of course now you are going to reply with the typical lib argument that rape and womens health are the "good" reasons for abortion.....but as i pointed out earlier those reasons only account for about 6% of all abortions......since Roe v. Wade the vast majority of the well over 50 Million babies aborted have been killed due to the mother's "choice" for her own convenience or social reasons......not much different from the convenient "choice" to kill a girl baby because it's not a boy.....

PS: you didn't satisfactorily answer my theorectical question about government involvement.....why do you think it is awful for the government to get involved with "choice" when the mother decides to abort but it's OK for that same government to get involved in forcing the father to pay child support when his "choice" was to abort the child.....?

...if you liberals believe that men and women are "equal" then "choice" cannot just be one-sided....if only the woman chooses to have the baby then only the woman should pay for it....... and government should not get involved in hunting down "deadbeat dads".....isn't that logical according to liberal beliefs....?
The subject of child support is a different subject than what we are discussing on this thread.

I was curious to know why you brought it up but you certainly don't need to answer.

of course you must ignore my questions......because you don't have a leg to stand on....

why do i bring up the question on ethics.....? isn't killing a girl baby a question of ethics.....?

and don't equal rights apply also to fathers and to baby girls......?
She was fired because of the video. That means she was either fired because the video is proof of wrongdoing, or she was fired because she was the victim of a sting. Your position is that Planned parenthood fired her because she was the victim of a sting.

Your wording makes it seem as if they are only worried about the fact that she was duped.

Which is simply not what I said.

Therefore you are offering a false dichotomy.

There is a third choice, which is my position:

PP fired her because of her terrible job performance, and lack of adherence to the rules and spirit of the organization she worked for, as was revealed by the sting in question.

I will say that PP should probably start conducting their own "stings" of a similar nature, to make sure they know what their employees are up to.

No it does not, I clearly have stated my position that they fired her because she advocated defrauding the government. You insist that is not what happened, that means you are complaining about your position, not mine.

Yes, in fact it does.

Your choices were as follows:

A. That she was fired for defrauding the government.
B. That she was fired because she was the victim of a sting.

Choice A is clear in it's meaning.

Choice B implies that they were only firing her because she was stupid enough to fall for a sting, not because of what the sting revealed.

Therefore you are supplying a false choice of answers, or rather, one answer, and one misleading half-answer.

My answer would be:

C. They were firing her due to the terrible job performance and dishonesty that was revealed by the sting.

Which is what they stated as their reason for firing her.

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