Planned Parenthood Employee urges woman to seek gender select abortion

I understand what you are saying and while I have a lot of sympathy for women in those situations I cannot support a law that takes the choice away from women and gives it to the government. Instead, make a law that clearly outlaws forced abortions and spells out the penalty for those that are doing the forcing.

If you don't support a law that makes sex selective abortions illegal you must support sex selective abortions.
Do you have Aspergers? I only ask because you come across as incredibly stupid and that might just be because you don't know how to express yourself properly.

Translating your idiotic post: QW supports terrorists because he doesn't think the TSA should exist.

Strangely enough, you have actually made that argument.
Fraud is a legal term, and is up to a decision of the courts.

PP fired this woman, immediately, because she specifically did things that were antithetical to PP's policy.

Which is what they stated.

I'm not really sure why that needs to be read into. It seems pretty clear to me.

fraud is also a word in the English language.

Yes, it is, and it means something very specific legally. It would seem from this video that the woman is in fact telling a story about how she, herself, committed fraud at some point in the past.

However, whether she is guilty of said fraud is up to a court to decide, not her employer.

Be that as it may, I would say that the courts should in fact investigate this woman, on the basis of the contents of this video. That would certainly be the right thing to do in this case.

But the video itself is not proof of wrongdoing. The woman could easily explain it away as a story she made up to make the woman she was talking to feel comfortable.

I think she would be lying, but she is considered innocent until proven guilty in the eyes of the law.

Putting all that aside however, you can see that my statement is not the result of, how did you put it? "Partisan Hackery"?
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Can't really see why democrats would defend this, they say their reason for supporting abortion is to avoid people having unwanted children, but in this case a child is desired, but it's just not the preferred gender. Even liberals should support a bill that bans gender based abortions.
According to their statement, which I just posted, they fired her because she didn't perform her duties in accordance with their standards of "the highest quality patient care".

I'm not aware of any pending fraud charges against the woman in question.

You would rather be a partisan hack than watch the video where the woman clearly advocates defrauding Medicaid and reach the reasonable conclusion that planned Parenthood has a problem with its employees defrauding the government.

Got it.

says the man who made a thread on regulations and clearly got owned in it.

Fraud is a legal term, and is up to a decision of the courts.

PP fired this woman, immediately, because she specifically did things that were antithetical to PP's policy.

Which is what they stated.

I'm not really sure why that needs to be read into. It seems pretty clear to me.

fraud is also a word in the English language.

Yes, it is, and it means something very specific legally. It would seem from this video that the woman is in fact telling a story about how she, herself, committed fraud at some point in the past.

However, whether she is guilty of said fraud is up to a court to decide, not her employer.

Be that as it may, I would say that the courts should in fact investigate this woman, on the basis of the contents of this video. That would certainly be the right thing to do in this case.

But the video itself is not proof of wrongdoing. The woman could easily explain it away as a story she made up to make the woman she was talking to feel comfortable.

I think she would be lying, but she is considered innocent until proven guilty in the eyes of the law.

Putting all that aside however, you can see that my statement is not the result of, how did you put it? "Partisan Hackery"?

She was fired because of the video. That means she was either fired because the video is proof of wrongdoing, or she was fired because she was the victim of a sting. Your position is that Planned parenthood fired her because she was the victim of a sting.
I understand what you are saying and while I have a lot of sympathy for women in those situations I cannot support a law that takes the choice away from women and gives it to the government. Instead, make a law that clearly outlaws forced abortions and spells out the penalty for those that are doing the forcing.

If you don't support a law that makes sex selective abortions illegal you must support sex selective abortions.
wow this is some dumb shit.
This is right our of the Bush playbook of if you dont support X bill you are unpatriotic.
like i said,dumb shit.

Actually, it is straight out of Ravi's playbook. She consistently argues that I support terrorism because I want to abolish the TSA, which is a much larger jump than what I posted. Just because you have your head up your ass and want to defend Ravi does not make her right.
Can't really see why democrats would defend this, they say their reason for supporting abortion is to avoid people having unwanted children, but in this case a child is desired, but it's just not the preferred gender. Even liberals should support a bill that bans gender based abortions.

They generally don't. Pelosi actually refused to comment on it because she didn't know about it.
She was fired because of the video. That means she was either fired because the video is proof of wrongdoing, or she was fired because she was the victim of a sting. Your position is that Planned parenthood fired her because she was the victim of a sting.

Your wording makes it seem as if they are only worried about the fact that she was duped.

Which is simply not what I said.

Therefore you are offering a false dichotomy.

There is a third choice, which is my position:

PP fired her because of her terrible job performance, and lack of adherence to the rules and spirit of the organization she worked for, as was revealed by the sting in question.

I will say that PP should probably start conducting their own "stings" of a similar nature, to make sure they know what their employees are up to.
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She was fired because of the video. That means she was either fired because the video is proof of wrongdoing, or she was fired because she was the victim of a sting. Your position is that Planned parenthood fired her because she was the victim of a sting.

Your wording makes it seem as if they are only worried about the fact that she was duped.

Which is simply not what I said.

Therefore you are offering a false dichotomy.

There is a third choice, which is my position:

PP fired her because of her terrible job performance, and lack of adherence to the rules and spirit of the organization she worked for, as was revealed by the sting in question.

I will say that PP should probably start conducting their own "stings" of a similar nature, to make sure they know what their employees are up to.

No it does not, I clearly have stated my position that they fired her because she advocated defrauding the government. You insist that is not what happened, that means you are complaining about your position, not mine.
Can't really see why democrats would defend this, they say their reason for supporting abortion is to avoid people having unwanted children, but in this case a child is desired, but it's just not the preferred gender. Even liberals should support a bill that bans gender based abortions.

Can't really see why democrats would defend this, they say their reason for supporting abortion is to avoid people having unwanted children, but in this case a child is desired, but it's just not the preferred gender. Even liberals should support a bill that bans gender based abortions.


my word you people are retards. nobody outside a few select few support abortion. people tend to support the choice.

You trolls purposely lie about peoples view on the subject in order to try to have the moral high ground.

you people dont love freedom,you route for some bastard version of it.

The issue of gender based abortion is now confronting us clearly on this continent. It is real.

This is not some fucking political game. We are crossing all boundaries here now. When India has banned the practice, when the UN and other organizations clearly see this as female fetacide, when this is regarded as a human rights violation, surely you can't just sit there and go "neneneneneeeeeeeeener right wing dummies it's all about choice".

But there are those that do. I never ever thought I'd live in a time period when it would be acceptable to choose life or death of a fetus at 5 months of age based on sex.

What next? Eye freaking color? And don't tell me that's not around the bloody corner, because I've heard all this shit over the decades that it's all about rape, incest, mistakes, poverty and that choosing the sex of a child would never ever ever happen.

Bull mother fucking pardon my french shit. Now we are into the nitty gritty of choosing sex and by any other name it's called fucking eugenics.

It's sick that anyone in America could even believe that this is acceptable.

Oh and by the way. In her own mother fucking words this bitch from Planned Parenthood does believe that a woman has the right to choose the sex of her child.

I was looking around for a quote I knew was out there from when they were celebrating their anniversary up here.

" The horrific, anti-Life remarks from Planned Parenthood directors were on full display as they celebrated the 39th anniversary of Roe v. Wade.

In an interview earlier this week, Angie Murie, executive director of Planned Parenthood Waterloo Region in Canada, was asked about sex-selection abortions. She said:

“I wrestle with gender-based abortion more than any other reason [for having an abortion]...From a macro perspective, I don’t think it is a good idea for us to be eliminating women.

But if you look at it at the individual level, which is what we do, I don’t have any right to say that one person’s reason is better or worse than another’s.”

She actually says "eliminating women". Tcccchh tccccch, Not a good idea. Holy Mary mother of God what type of beast is running this organization. A descendant of freaking Dr. Mengele?

Well hell's bells. How's that for a fucking war on women. This is the mindset of Planned Parenthood world wide.

I think that takes the freaking cake don't you?

Disgusting: Planned Parenthood Executive Supports Gender Based Abortions - Katie Pavlich
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Just a few facts about China, for the severely misinformed, so you guys stop saying GO TO CHINA!

1. Yes, it was horrible that China had a 1 child policy where males were preferred due to inheritance.
2. Maybe 10 years ago the law began to change. In rural areas the gov't began to allow families to have more than one child, in order to help with farming.
3. Around that same time, you could begin to pay the gov't the have a second or third child.
4. In more recent years, the gov't actually started to pay families to have female children, due male/female ratio.
5. The Chinese gov't is considering lifting the 1 child policy due to it's "population" crisis.

So, China is not so far in the past that you can legitimately say, "if you want gender selected abortions, go to China." Besides that's not why a lot of people got abortions. They got them because they already had a kid and didn't want to be fined or jailed for having a second child. If a woman did have a girl the first time, then it was more likely that the baby would find its way to an orphanage, rather than aborted, they didn't exactly have the tech. Thats all.
If right-wing types had the same mind set as liberals, they'd be all for abortions because the libs would only be aborting themselves.
Just a few facts about China, for the severely misinformed, so you guys stop saying GO TO CHINA!

1. Yes, it was horrible that China had a 1 child policy where males were preferred due to inheritance.
2. Maybe 10 years ago the law began to change. In rural areas the gov't began to allow families to have more than one child, in order to help with farming.
3. Around that same time, you could begin to pay the gov't the have a second or third child.
4. In more recent years, the gov't actually started to pay families to have female children, due male/female ratio.
5. The Chinese gov't is considering lifting the 1 child policy due to it's "population" crisis.

So, China is not so far in the past that you can legitimately say, "if you want gender selected abortions, go to China." Besides that's not why a lot of people got abortions. They got them because they already had a kid and didn't want to be fined or jailed for having a second child. If a woman did have a girl the first time, then it was more likely that the baby would find its way to an orphanage, rather than aborted, they didn't exactly have the tech. Thats all.

----------I've sometimes wondered what would society be like if it were like China's, a civilisation of only children, no one ever experiencing what it's like having brothers and sisters. I'm sure when it came to sharing the breakfast cereal there are many advantages to being a single kid. As a member of a family with 6 sibs I'm sure you can understand my curiosity.

The Stukaman
Can't really see why democrats would defend this, they say their reason for supporting abortion is to avoid people having unwanted children, but in this case a child is desired, but it's just not the preferred gender. Even liberals should support a bill that bans gender based abortions.

They generally don't. Pelosi actually refused to comment on it because she didn't know about it.

We'll see who stands against the bill won't we. I'm betting Pelosi votes against it
Just a few facts about China, for the severely misinformed, so you guys stop saying GO TO CHINA!

1. Yes, it was horrible that China had a 1 child policy where males were preferred due to inheritance.
2. Maybe 10 years ago the law began to change. In rural areas the gov't began to allow families to have more than one child, in order to help with farming.
3. Around that same time, you could begin to pay the gov't the have a second or third child.
4. In more recent years, the gov't actually started to pay families to have female children, due male/female ratio.
5. The Chinese gov't is considering lifting the 1 child policy due to it's "population" crisis.

So, China is not so far in the past that you can legitimately say, "if you want gender selected abortions, go to China." Besides that's not why a lot of people got abortions. They got them because they already had a kid and didn't want to be fined or jailed for having a second child. If a woman did have a girl the first time, then it was more likely that the baby would find its way to an orphanage, rather than aborted, they didn't exactly have the tech. Thats all.

The one child policy and forced abortions to me are just the tip of the iceberg of the disregard for human life and where it leads.

Now, this is not a blanket condemnation of the Chinese people, but of the government policies put in place that desensitize a certain segment of the population.

Case in point and this truly blows away the trade in tiger powder and tiger body parts.

Thousands of pills filled with powdered human baby flesh discovered by customs officials in South Korea

More than 17,000 pills smuggled into country have been intercepted since last August
Pills viewed as a 'miracle cure' for all ailments - but unsurprisingly they are harmful

Thousands of pills filled with powdered human flesh have been discovered by customs officials in South Korea, it was revealed today.

The capsules are in demand because they are viewed as being a medicinal 'cure-all'.

The grim trade is being run from China where corrupt medical staff are said to be tipping off medical companies when babies are aborted or delivered still-born.

Read more: South Korea customs officials find thousands of pills filled with powdered human baby flesh | Mail Online
Can't really see why democrats would defend this, they say their reason for supporting abortion is to avoid people having unwanted children, but in this case a child is desired, but it's just not the preferred gender. Even liberals should support a bill that bans gender based abortions.

They generally don't. Pelosi actually refused to comment on it because she didn't know about it.

We'll see who stands against the bill won't we. I'm betting Pelosi votes against it

I've been posting on the fly (garden season) so I'm not up to speed on the bill. Has one been introduced and if so, when will it be voted on?
They generally don't. Pelosi actually refused to comment on it because she didn't know about it.

We'll see who stands against the bill won't we. I'm betting Pelosi votes against it

I've been posting on the fly (garden season) so I'm not up to speed on the bill. Has one been introduced and if so, when will it be voted on?

I think within the next few days

House to begin debate Wednesday on bill banning abortions based on sex of child - 2chambers - The Washington Post
Update: Gendercide appears to be AOK with Planned Parenthood. Gee, I remember the good old days when we were told that abortions would be performed on rape and incest victims. We'd never ever go down a slippery slope into eugenics.

And then they reassured us, abortions would never be used to select the sex of a baby.

Sheer evil. Now America is no different than India and China and North Korea.

This spokeswoman for Planned Parenthood Federation of America also told The Huffington Post that the organization condemns seeking abortions on the basis of gender, but its policy is to provide “high quality, confidential, nonjudgmental care to all who come into” its health centers.

That means that no Planned Parenthood clinic will deny a woman an abortion based on her reasons for wanting one, except in those states that explicitly prohibit sex-selective abortions (Arizona, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania and Illinois).

Planned Parenthood Responds to Video: Won’t Prevent Sex-Selective Abortion |


So a few months back I'd put up thread discussing gender select abortions on the rise in Canada and how we were dealing with it to eradicate this horrific turn of events in the world of abortions. For quite a while we've already known of this hideous practice in places like India and China.

Well, now there is a video that has surfaced where a PP employee in Texas is recommending an abortion for a woman who really wanted to have a boy instead of a girl. We've gone down that slippery slope, hit rock bottom and started digging.

Talk about a" liberal war on women ". Right in the womb. :mad:

On the other hand for Planned Parenthood, it will be a great way to drum up new business.

Think of the slogans they could use.

"Don't want to pay for the wedding? We can help!"

Here you go. Video at link.

“I see that you’re saying that you want to terminate if it’s a girl, so are you just wanting to continue the pregnancy in the meantime?” a Planned Parenthood counselor named “Rebecca” offers the woman, who is purportedly still in her first trimester and cannot be certain about the gender.

“The abortion covers you up until 23 weeks,” explains Rebecca, “and usually at 5 months is usually (sic) when they detect, you know, whether or not it’s a boy or a girl.”

While this bone-chilling video is unsettling to watch, it does raise an important question: if this type of “advising” is permissible at one clinic in Austin, Texas – and there are 820 Planned Parenthood clinics in the United States – how many other PP staffers are offering similar advice?

Video: Planned Parenthood Employee Urges Woman to Seek a Sex-Selection Abortion - Daniel Doherty

Just super.

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