Place your Bet!!! (Before Sunday Noon)


Warrior Princess
Mar 24, 2007
What do you think Donald Trump is going to do, that causes chaos or utter shock, and moves the News in to covering it, instead of covering the Stormy Daniels interview Sunday night?

Some ideas below, but feel free to pick your own Political shock jock scandal....

- Trump pardons Flynn Sunday afternoon

- Trump Fires John Kelly or Fires General Mattis

- Trump bombs Syria or somewhere in the middle east or Africa

- The Russians do something militarily, somewhere this weekend, or kills another 10 spies in Great Britain with their proprietary poison/chemical weapon, and Trump once again stays mum, and does not condemn it

- Trump announces that the Iran Deal Obama worked is over!

- Trump reneges the deal to meet with Kim Jong Un and says we are going to preemptive war instead!

So what political stunt do you think is going to happen this weekend that will cause chaos and to get the Press in an uproar, that prevents them from talking about the Stormy Daniels interview that is suppose to air... and tell us who allegedly physically threatened her.....?

Crazy and off the wall guesses, ARE PERMITTED! :D
The Stormy story is salacious bullshit that belongs in the tabloids.

I'd fuck her 3 ways from Sunday but let's be real. This shit is irrelevant unless you're a horny 17 year old.
What do you think Donald Trump is going to do, that causes chaos or utter shock, and moves the News in to covering it, instead of covering the Stormy Daniels interview Sunday night?

Some ideas below, but feel free to pick your own Political shock jock scandal....

- Trump pardons Flynn Sunday afternoon

- Trump Fires John Kelly or Fires General Mattis

- Trump bombs Syria or somewhere in the middle east or Africa

- The Russians do something militarily, somewhere this weekend, or kills another 10 spies in Great Britain with their proprietary poison/chemical weapon, and Trump once again stays mum, and does not condemn it

- Trump announces that the Iran Deal Obama worked is over!

- Trump reneges the deal to meet with Kim Jong Un and says we are going to preemptive war instead!

So what political stunt do you think is going to happen this weekend that will cause chaos and to get the Press in an uproar, that prevents them from talking about the Stormy Daniels interview that is suppose to air... and tell us who allegedly physically threatened her.....?

Crazy and off the wall guesses, ARE PERMITTED! :D

Don't care, don't make my world go 'round. :dunno:
What do you think Donald Trump is going to do, that causes chaos or utter shock, and moves the News in to covering it, instead of covering the Stormy Daniels interview Sunday night?

Some ideas below, but feel free to pick your own Political shock jock scandal....

- Trump pardons Flynn Sunday afternoon

- Trump Fires John Kelly or Fires General Mattis

- Trump bombs Syria or somewhere in the middle east or Africa

- The Russians do something militarily, somewhere this weekend, or kills another 10 spies in Great Britain with their proprietary poison/chemical weapon, and Trump once again stays mum, and does not condemn it

- Trump announces that the Iran Deal Obama worked is over!

- Trump reneges the deal to meet with Kim Jong Un and says we are going to preemptive war instead!

So what political stunt do you think is going to happen this weekend that will cause chaos and to get the Press in an uproar, that prevents them from talking about the Stormy Daniels interview that is suppose to air... and tell us who allegedly physically threatened her.....?

Crazy and off the wall guesses, ARE PERMITTED! :D

The only ones who give a fuck about Stormy Daniels are you Stalinists.

You desperately want us normals to care, but we just don't.
What do you think Donald Trump is going to do, that causes chaos or utter shock, and moves the News in to covering it, instead of covering the Stormy Daniels interview Sunday night?

Some ideas below, but feel free to pick your own Political shock jock scandal....

- Trump pardons Flynn Sunday afternoon

- Trump Fires John Kelly or Fires General Mattis

- Trump bombs Syria or somewhere in the middle east or Africa

- The Russians do something militarily, somewhere this weekend, or kills another 10 spies in Great Britain with their proprietary poison/chemical weapon, and Trump once again stays mum, and does not condemn it

- Trump announces that the Iran Deal Obama worked is over!

- Trump reneges the deal to meet with Kim Jong Un and says we are going to preemptive war instead!

So what political stunt do you think is going to happen this weekend that will cause chaos and to get the Press in an uproar, that prevents them from talking about the Stormy Daniels interview that is suppose to air... and tell us who allegedly physically threatened her.....?

Crazy and off the wall guesses, ARE PERMITTED! :D

The only ones who give a fuck about Stormy Daniels are you Stalinists.

You desperately want us normals to care, but we just don't.

You're right, and that's why you Bible thumping asshats can't be taken seriously. You only care about righteousness when the person doesn't have an (R) after their name. If Trump were still a Democrat there'd be 50 threads about cheating on his wife.
What do you think Donald Trump is going to do, that causes chaos or utter shock, and moves the News in to covering it, instead of covering the Stormy Daniels interview Sunday night?

Some ideas below, but feel free to pick your own Political shock jock scandal....

- Trump pardons Flynn Sunday afternoon

- Trump Fires John Kelly or Fires General Mattis

- Trump bombs Syria or somewhere in the middle east or Africa

- The Russians do something militarily, somewhere this weekend, or kills another 10 spies in Great Britain with their proprietary poison/chemical weapon, and Trump once again stays mum, and does not condemn it

- Trump announces that the Iran Deal Obama worked is over!

- Trump reneges the deal to meet with Kim Jong Un and says we are going to preemptive war instead!

So what political stunt do you think is going to happen this weekend that will cause chaos and to get the Press in an uproar, that prevents them from talking about the Stormy Daniels interview that is suppose to air... and tell us who allegedly physically threatened her.....?

Crazy and off the wall guesses, ARE PERMITTED! :D

You mean he might pull a Clinton?

What do I mean?

On the eve of the Impeachment against Clinton, Bill Clinton bombed Iraq, so do you believe Trump will do what his buddy did?
What do you think Donald Trump is going to do, that causes chaos or utter shock, and moves the News in to covering it, instead of covering the Stormy Daniels interview Sunday night?

Some ideas below, but feel free to pick your own Political shock jock scandal....

- Trump pardons Flynn Sunday afternoon

- Trump Fires John Kelly or Fires General Mattis

- Trump bombs Syria or somewhere in the middle east or Africa

- The Russians do something militarily, somewhere this weekend, or kills another 10 spies in Great Britain with their proprietary poison/chemical weapon, and Trump once again stays mum, and does not condemn it

- Trump announces that the Iran Deal Obama worked is over!

- Trump reneges the deal to meet with Kim Jong Un and says we are going to preemptive war instead!

So what political stunt do you think is going to happen this weekend that will cause chaos and to get the Press in an uproar, that prevents them from talking about the Stormy Daniels interview that is suppose to air... and tell us who allegedly physically threatened her.....?

Crazy and off the wall guesses, ARE PERMITTED! :D

The only ones who give a fuck about Stormy Daniels are you Stalinists.

You desperately want us normals to care, but we just don't.

You're right, and that's why you Bible thumping asshats can't be taken seriously. You only care about righteousness when the person doesn't have an (R) after their name. If Trump were still a Democrat there'd be 50 threads about cheating on his wife.

Of course, we really should let you Stalinists decide what offends the morals you mock and deride...

I mean, cuz that would be so sensible and shit... Hell, if amoral psychopaths like you can't define moral boundaries, what will the nation become? :dunno:
What do you think Donald Trump is going to do, that causes chaos or utter shock, and moves the News in to covering it, instead of covering the Stormy Daniels interview Sunday night?

Some ideas below, but feel free to pick your own Political shock jock scandal....

- Trump pardons Flynn Sunday afternoon

- Trump Fires John Kelly or Fires General Mattis

- Trump bombs Syria or somewhere in the middle east or Africa

- The Russians do something militarily, somewhere this weekend, or kills another 10 spies in Great Britain with their proprietary poison/chemical weapon, and Trump once again stays mum, and does not condemn it

- Trump announces that the Iran Deal Obama worked is over!

- Trump reneges the deal to meet with Kim Jong Un and says we are going to preemptive war instead!

So what political stunt do you think is going to happen this weekend that will cause chaos and to get the Press in an uproar, that prevents them from talking about the Stormy Daniels interview that is suppose to air... and tell us who allegedly physically threatened her.....?

Crazy and off the wall guesses, ARE PERMITTED! :D

The only ones who give a fuck about Stormy Daniels are you Stalinists.

You desperately want us normals to care, but we just don't.

You're right, and that's why you Bible thumping asshats can't be taken seriously. You only care about righteousness when the person doesn't have an (R) after their name. If Trump were still a Democrat there'd be 50 threads about cheating on his wife.

Of course, we really should let you Stalinists decide what offends the morals you mock and deride...

I mean, cuz that would be so sensible and shit... Hell, if amoral psychopaths like you can't define moral boundaries, what will the nation become? :dunno:

Uh no? How about you crack open the Bible and see what it says about adultery? Or have you ever even read one?
What do you think Donald Trump is going to do, that causes chaos or utter shock, and moves the News in to covering it, instead of covering the Stormy Daniels interview Sunday night?

Some ideas below, but feel free to pick your own Political shock jock scandal....

- Trump pardons Flynn Sunday afternoon

- Trump Fires John Kelly or Fires General Mattis

- Trump bombs Syria or somewhere in the middle east or Africa

- The Russians do something militarily, somewhere this weekend, or kills another 10 spies in Great Britain with their proprietary poison/chemical weapon, and Trump once again stays mum, and does not condemn it

- Trump announces that the Iran Deal Obama worked is over!

- Trump reneges the deal to meet with Kim Jong Un and says we are going to preemptive war instead!

So what political stunt do you think is going to happen this weekend that will cause chaos and to get the Press in an uproar, that prevents them from talking about the Stormy Daniels interview that is suppose to air... and tell us who allegedly physically threatened her.....?

Crazy and off the wall guesses, ARE PERMITTED! :D

The only ones who give a fuck about Stormy Daniels are you Stalinists.

You desperately want us normals to care, but we just don't.

You're right, and that's why you Bible thumping asshats can't be taken seriously. You only care about righteousness when the person doesn't have an (R) after their name. If Trump were still a Democrat there'd be 50 threads about cheating on his wife.

Of course, we really should let you Stalinists decide what offends the morals you mock and deride...

I mean, cuz that would be so sensible and shit... Hell, if amoral psychopaths like you can't define moral boundaries, what will the nation become? :dunno:

Uh no? How about you crack open the Bible and see what it says about adultery? Or have you ever even read one?

Oh, the bible you fucking hate and spew shit at?


Fucking commies, so stupid in your hypocrisy.
The Stormy story is salacious bullshit that belongs in the tabloids.

I'd fuck her 3 ways from Sunday but let's be real. This shit is irrelevant unless you're a horny 17 year old.
I agree on the salacious parts, that is just bull crap and truly, I could care less if he did not use protection or whatever about their sexual relationship is none of my bees wax anyway!

To me, Donald Trump and the thought of anyone being with him in that kind of manner is equivalent to an arctic cold shower....:eek:

but there is more to it than Donald having another one of his affairs, in her case and McDoogle's case they were paid to be silenced right before an election, both in Oct 2016, so to help candidate Trump, win and not have to deal with them, when he was dragging up Bill Clinton's accusers on to the debate audience forefront....

apparently, that broke campaign finance laws, even if his personal lawyer paid for it, as he claims.....

and there is the aspect that Stormy's lawyer said someone physically threatened Stormy....

the WHO and WHEN with some sort of proof is suppose to come out the interview.

I have no intention of watching it though....don't have the stomach for it....

I'll let the news tell me if anything came out significant....

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