Pity the Poor (non) Immigrant


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Here is the caption under a picture in today's Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. The picture shows a middle aged woman presumably saying goodby to her daughters and husband.

"FAMILY SPLIT. Alejandra Juarez, 39, left, says goodbye Friday to her children, Pamela and Estela, at Orlando International Airport in Florida. Ms. Juarez, wife of former Marine Temo Juarez, was self-deporting to Mexico in a move that would split up their family after exhausting all options to stop her deportation. Mr. Juarez is a naturalized citizen. His wife petitioned to become a citizen in 2001, but was rejected because she was accused of making a false statement at the border when she sought asylum in 1998.

Ahem. Where does one start?

  • She was NOT rejected because "she was accused of making a false statement." She was rejected because she LIED WHEN SHE GOT HERE. Had she not lied, this fact surely would have come to light subsequently, in her 20 fucking years of appeals.
  • She came here illegally in 1998. IT IS 2018! She has been here for 20 years illegally, and we are supposed to feel sorry for her? Apparently, yes.
  • Her daughters are U.S. CITIZENS, arguably because they were born on U.S. soil; that bogus citizenship is based on a horrible mis-reading of six innocuous words in the Fourteenth Amendment ("...and subject to the jurisdiction thereof..."). THERE IS NO OTHER COUNTRY ON EARTH that would grant citizenship to a baby born here to a mother who was in the country illegally. And yet this "birthright citizenship" is apparently as sacrosanct as Fucking Social Security, as not even the staunchest Republican has the balls to suggest that it be changed by legislation (it would NOT require a Constitutional Amendment), as it so manifestly needs to change.
  • This family is not being split up because of the U.S. government. It is being split up because the family CHOOSES to split up.
  • I would bet ten thousand dollars to a nickel that this bitch will be back living in the U.S. within a year.
Corrected caption for the picture:

"Alejandra Juarez, is FINALLY, after living in this country and enjoying all that the Country has to offer for twenty years, going back to her native Mexico, where she is a citizen and legally permitted to reside. Her case exemplifies the mockery that illegal aliens make of our immigration laws and agencies, who tried for 20 years to enforce laws that are neither complex nor ambiguous. Vaya con Dios, Hermana! Don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out, and don't ever darken our door again."
Very interesting, first it is Orlando Sentinel and not the
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

"His wife first tried to enter the U.S. illegally in May 1998 by falsely claiming to a Customs and Border Patrol agent that she was an American citizen."

So this tracks with your first point.

"Juarez admitted she is Mexican and said she was interrogated by agents and unwittingly signed paperwork to avoid six months at a federal detention center in exchange for being immediately released to return to Mexico.

It turned out she had signed a waiver that bans her future rights to a permanent resident card, visa or a path to naturalized citizenship."

Well it seems she could never be in the US based on paperwork she signed.

"Juarez briefly returned to Mexico but soon crossed over into the U.S. unnoticed."

So she came back illegally again..
Pity the poor poor Mexican...Good title. Poor Mexicans, they have NO respect for American culture, but they demand respect for theirs. Even though they aren't in Mexico anymore. They DEMAND sensitivity, even though they are insensitive jerks. And Mexicans feel entitled to ignore immigration laws that apply to everyone else. And they get Sanctuary that we Americans never approved off. And they have stolen lower class American jobs for the last twenty years. But we worry about Russian collusion. About THAT....We have bigger fish to fry here.
Here is the caption under a picture in today's Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. The picture shows a middle aged woman presumably saying goodby to her daughters and husband.

"FAMILY SPLIT. Alejandra Juarez, 39, left, says goodbye Friday to her children, Pamela and Estela, at Orlando International Airport in Florida. Ms. Juarez, wife of former Marine Temo Juarez, was self-deporting to Mexico in a move that would split up their family after exhausting all options to stop her deportation. Mr. Juarez is a naturalized citizen. His wife petitioned to become a citizen in 2001, but was rejected because she was accused of making a false statement at the border when she sought asylum in 1998.

Ahem. Where does one start?

  • She was NOT rejected because "she was accused of making a false statement." She was rejected because she LIED WHEN SHE GOT HERE. Had she not lied, this fact surely would have come to light subsequently, in her 20 fucking years of appeals.
  • She came here illegally in 1998. IT IS 2018! She has been here for 20 years illegally, and we are supposed to feel sorry for her? Apparently, yes.
  • Her daughters are U.S. CITIZENS, arguably because they were born on U.S. soil; that bogus citizenship is based on a horrible mis-reading of six innocuous words in the Fourteenth Amendment ("...and subject to the jurisdiction thereof..."). THERE IS NO OTHER COUNTRY ON EARTH that would grant citizenship to a baby born here to a mother who was in the country illegally. And yet this "birthright citizenship" is apparently as sacrosanct as Fucking Social Security, as not even the staunchest Republican has the balls to suggest that it be changed by legislation (it would NOT require a Constitutional Amendment), as it so manifestly needs to change.
  • This family is not being split up because of the U.S. government. It is being split up because the family CHOOSES to split up.
  • I would bet ten thousand dollars to a nickel that this bitch will be back living in the U.S. within a year.
Corrected caption for the picture:

"Alejandra Juarez, is FINALLY, after living in this country and enjoying all that the Country has to offer for twenty years, going back to her native Mexico, where she is a citizen and legally permitted to reside. Her case exemplifies the mockery that illegal aliens make of our immigration laws and agencies, who tried for 20 years to enforce laws that are neither complex nor ambiguous. Vaya con Dios, Hermana! Don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out, and don't ever darken our door again."
Her husband was a Trump voter. To him I say HAHAHAHA FUCK YOU
1. If they cared so much about each other as a family, they would all go back to Mexico together.

2. The Trump administration should be taking some kind of action to reverse birthright citizenship for kids of foreigners, never intended for them by Senator Jacob Howard (author of the 14th amendment) and really only stamped into law by a footnote slipped into a 1982 court case (Phyler vs Doe), by then Supreme Court justice (nutjob), William Brennan.
Why are Mexicans so special? I have known refugees from communist oppression.
They were actually in mortal fear of their lives. People from east Germany, Hungary, Lithuania for instance. Yeah, they wanted a better life, too. Thing about that, 99% of them HAD to get visas and follow immigration laws. And they sometimes were separated from their kids, and they all wanted a "better life", TOO. They didn't get nor did they ask for special treatment. They got sanctuary AFTER they immigrated legally, not BEFORE. They didn't get special treatment Mexicans DO, and why? Mexicans aren't any better or different than past immigrants. They really aren't. So why the special treatment for just Mexicans?
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Her daughters are U.S. CITIZENS, arguably because they were born on U.S. soil;
NOPE, that's not all together true.... is it?

Her children are BORN citizens, because their FATHER is an American citizen, no?
I have not done the calculation, but I would guess that they were born BEFORE he was naturalized, hence their citizenship would be based on having been dropped on U.S. soil. They look like near adults in the picture. Had they been born after he was naturalized, the situation might be different. Regardless, birthright citizenship is an abomination created by a subversive Supreme Court justice (Bill Brennan) in a footnote to an opinion.

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