Piers Morgan calls for unvaccinated to be denied healthcare


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
Well he just went full retard.

This is the same idiot who got two jabs then still came down with WuFlu.
Well he just went full retard.

Piers is under the mass delusion that:

A). Unvaccinated people are spreading the virus.


B). That forcing millions to take an experimental vaccine they don't want and feel they don't need will magically make Covid go away and allow everything to return to normal.

Why don't we start forcing mothers to all carry their terms to full birth?

Once you allow the government to mandate a vaccine by force "for the greater good" they will be able to force you to do anything, including get an RFID radio chip under your skin.
Imagine their response if the unvaccinated are continually blamed for the lockdowns and masking idiocy. Perhaps they should have considered the consequences of lying through their teeth, publicly, OBVIOUSLY, for several years in an effort to remove the Bad Orange Man...
Well he just went full retard.

This is the same idiot who got two jabs then still came down with WuFlu.

With a humble response to someone I never thought I'd agree with, I support his opposition to this thoughtless idea. Without health insurance the ill will receive healthcare in Public Hospitals, and the taxpayers not the insurance company will pay. That's the better of it, most will spend their time infecting others.
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Thus is the nature of government "provided" health care. Politicians here would love to have that kind of power.
I think they'd quickly realize it was a power they had to exercise anonymously. If they were known to be the ones making choices that led to the death or disability of people's children they'd never be safe in any public place and they'd know it!
Essentially all of your rights are on the line here.

The entire Bill of Rights will soon be denied to those who do not Vax.
A guy on British TV said something you don't like so you think our entire bill of rights is in danger. You're more stupid than I thought you were.
Piers can suck my ass.

My body. My choice. That is the unvaxxed mantra. We took it from pro abortionists.
The problem with your response is simple, no pregnant women will lose their fetish simply because another has an abortion. In short, abortions are not transmittable.
Fuck Piers. Not kidding.

Just ship um off to Covfefe Island. Just kidding. Any suggestion Americans receive less health care than their insurance company is willing to pay for, is just un-American. Just kid.....

I know our healthcare workers will provide them the best possible, regardless. Not kidding.
Should drunks be denied healthcare if they come down with a case of cirrhosis OTL?
Or smokers if they end up with emphysema? Or homos stricken with aids?

Sure, they are all partly responsible for their conditions, but they took their chances.

Not everyone who burns a forty pell mells a day, drinks a fifth a day and/or takes it in the caboose is going to get sick you know.
He is speaking about England. I don't think even there people really care about what he has to say.
Maybe. But the sentiment he's expressing highlights a very real danger of government run "services". They can, and will, be used for arm-twisting.
Maybe. But the sentiment he's expressing highlights a very real danger of government run "services". They can, and will, be used for arm-twisting.

Like how I would get a discount on my work insurance for not smoking?

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