Diamond Member
Physics and why LWIR can not warm oceans... Info for Clueless Senator Markey and alarmists..
Physics tells us that CO2 emitted LWIR (Long Wave Infrared Radiation) CANNOT influence anything but INCREASED evaporation rates which, actually cools the body of water.
The ocean is where AGW fails in the first few microns. Every combined SST & land temp chart “proving” AGW is meaningless because LWIR/CO2 can not heat water. Karl Et Al attempts to show increased SST's to erase the pause, but this only disproves AGW and affirms the sun and natural climate variability.
Downward LWIR radiation will all be captured in the top 5-50 microns of water surface. This leads to higher surface evaporation, which actually cools the surface thin layer. This will also cool the ambient air above it as the heat rises rapidly and water vapor collects the IR near surface.
When you look at the heat loss for downward surface (4/1 raito) transfer (of LWIR) it is highly unlikely that any warming can be caused by LWIR emitted from CO2. Only Short wave IR is capable of warming the oceans beyond 50 microns and CO2 emitted IR is insufficient to heat even the surface layer of 50 microns.
Its Rather telling that Senator Markey failed to recognize even basic physics when he was schooled by Ross Mckitrick, Judith Curry and Mark Styne on not only the snow storms he falsely claimed were caused by AGW but surface temperature, water vapor, and those who hide their work paid for by public funding.
Let the schooling begin.. Even COP21 is dead locked and failing..
Physics tells us that CO2 emitted LWIR (Long Wave Infrared Radiation) CANNOT influence anything but INCREASED evaporation rates which, actually cools the body of water.
The ocean is where AGW fails in the first few microns. Every combined SST & land temp chart “proving” AGW is meaningless because LWIR/CO2 can not heat water. Karl Et Al attempts to show increased SST's to erase the pause, but this only disproves AGW and affirms the sun and natural climate variability.
Downward LWIR radiation will all be captured in the top 5-50 microns of water surface. This leads to higher surface evaporation, which actually cools the surface thin layer. This will also cool the ambient air above it as the heat rises rapidly and water vapor collects the IR near surface.
When you look at the heat loss for downward surface (4/1 raito) transfer (of LWIR) it is highly unlikely that any warming can be caused by LWIR emitted from CO2. Only Short wave IR is capable of warming the oceans beyond 50 microns and CO2 emitted IR is insufficient to heat even the surface layer of 50 microns.
Its Rather telling that Senator Markey failed to recognize even basic physics when he was schooled by Ross Mckitrick, Judith Curry and Mark Styne on not only the snow storms he falsely claimed were caused by AGW but surface temperature, water vapor, and those who hide their work paid for by public funding.
Let the schooling begin.. Even COP21 is dead locked and failing..
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