Photographer Detained for Taking Pictures of a BP Refinery


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2005
Surfing the Oceans of Liquidity
On the July 4th weekend nonetheless.

A photographer taking pictures of a BP refinery in Texas was detained by a BP security official, local police and a man who said he was from the Department of Homeland Security, according to ProPublica, a non-profit news organization in the U.S.

The photographer, Lance Rosenfield, said he was confronted by the officials shortly after arriving in Texas City, Texas, to work on a story that is part of an ongoing collaboration between PBS and ProPublica.

Rosenfield was released after officials looked through the pictures he had taken and took down his date of birth, Social Security number and other personal information, the photographer said. The information was turned over to the BP security guard who said this was standard procedure, ProPublica quoted Rosenfield as saying.

Rosenfield, a Texas-based freelance photographer, said he was followed by a BP employee after taking a picture on a public road near the refinery, and then cornered by two police cars at a gas station. The officials told Rosenfield they had the right to look at the pictures taken near the refinery and if he did not comply he would be "taken in," the photographer said according to ProPublica.

Field Notes - Photographer detained by police, BP employee near refinery

I imagine that this is because they don't want al-Qaeda terrorists further understanding potential targets, but this to me seems to be very much counter to freedom of, well, pretty much everything America stands for.
Rosenfield was released after officials looked through the pictures he had taken and took down his date of birth, Social Security number and other personal information, the photographer said. The information was turned over to the BP security guard who said this was standard procedure, ProPublica quoted Rosenfield as saying.

I imagine that this is because they don't want al-Qaeda terrorists further understanding potential targets, but this to me seems to be very much counter to freedom of, well, pretty much everything America stands for.

Not sure how you conclude that officials cannot take security precautions and protect individual rights.

Would you also like to eliminate security at airports?
you can thank george bush, the patriot act, and dhs and for the creation of "critical infrastructure" which is how they got the guy on this. once again GW shows how much he loves freedom and limited government.
you can thank george bush, the patriot act, and dhs and for the creation of "critical infrastructure" which is how they got the guy on this. once again GW shows how much he loves freedom and limited government.

While you say we can thank George Bush for this, you forgot to mention Owe Bama because he still has this practice in force. Does this mean that we can thank Owe Bama too for showing us how much he loves freedom and limited government too? When you attempt to be a little snot and blame George Bush you also have to be a little snot and blame Owe Bama too or is Owe Bama getting a pass because he's a liberal Democrat that is destroying this country as fast as he can?
you can thank george bush, the patriot act, and dhs and for the creation of "critical infrastructure" which is how they got the guy on this. once again GW shows how much he loves freedom and limited government.

While you say we can thank George Bush for this, you forgot to mention Owe Bama because he still has this practice in force. Does this mean that we can thank Owe Bama too for showing us how much he loves freedom and limited government too? When you attempt to be a little snot and blame George Bush you also have to be a little snot and blame Owe Bama too or is Owe Bama getting a pass because he's a liberal Democrat that is destroying this country as fast as he can?

nice ASSumption. I have spoken out numerous times on how obama == bush when it comes to FP. too bad you are a partisan fool and can't take any criticism of your hero bush.
you can thank george bush, the patriot act, and dhs and for the creation of "critical infrastructure" which is how they got the guy on this. once again GW shows how much he loves freedom and limited government.

While you say we can thank George Bush for this, you forgot to mention Owe Bama because he still has this practice in force. Does this mean that we can thank Owe Bama too for showing us how much he loves freedom and limited government too? When you attempt to be a little snot and blame George Bush you also have to be a little snot and blame Owe Bama too or is Owe Bama getting a pass because he's a liberal Democrat that is destroying this country as fast as he can?

nice ASSumption. I have spoken out numerous times on how obama == bush when it comes to FP. too bad you are a partisan fool and can't take any criticism of your hero bush.

I love the way you show your ignorance... You don't know anything about me or you wouldn't be calling me a partisan fool.
Rosenfield was released after officials looked through the pictures he had taken and took down his date of birth, Social Security number and other personal information, the photographer said. The information was turned over to the BP security guard who said this was standard procedure, ProPublica quoted Rosenfield as saying.

I imagine that this is because they don't want al-Qaeda terrorists further understanding potential targets, but this to me seems to be very much counter to freedom of, well, pretty much everything America stands for.

Not sure how you conclude that officials cannot take security precautions and protect individual rights.

Would you also like to eliminate security at airports?
Actually ? Yes.
Just yesterday I was snapping photos of a Marathon refinery. No one gave a shit. They were all dead.

Rosenfield was released after officials looked through the pictures he had taken and took down his date of birth, Social Security number and other personal information, the photographer said. The information was turned over to the BP security guard who said this was standard procedure, ProPublica quoted Rosenfield as saying.

I imagine that this is because they don't want al-Qaeda terrorists further understanding potential targets, but this to me seems to be very much counter to freedom of, well, pretty much everything America stands for.

Not sure how you conclude that officials cannot take security precautions and protect individual rights.

Would you also like to eliminate security at airports?
Actually ? Yes.

Then your POV is understandable.

However, I'm not aware that America has ever stood for eliminating security for its citizens.
Not sure how you conclude that officials cannot take security precautions and protect individual rights.

Would you also like to eliminate security at airports?

You can't take pictures of security at airports?

Taking away your pictures because you are photographing a private business seems more like something they'd do in Iran and China than in America.
Not sure how you conclude that officials cannot take security precautions and protect individual rights.

Would you also like to eliminate security at airports?

You can't take pictures of security at airports?

Taking away your pictures because you are photographing a private business seems more like something they'd do in Iran and China than in America.

Did they take the pics?

I thought they just looked at them.

The point of having security at airports is public safety.

The point of investigating photographers of refineries, chemical plants, rail yards, etc, is public safety.

Nice throwing in the red herring: "taking pics of security at airports" will no doubt extend the thread another 5 pages of meaningless idiocy.

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