Photo Shows McConnell In Front of Confederate Flag. So ?


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
A photograph of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) posing in front of a Confederate flag is making the rounds on social media. Why ? What does it matter ? The flag represents a regional kinship that many southerners have. Sure, it also once represented the Confederacy, and a defense of slavery, 154 years ago, but that was then, not now, and it was generations ago.

Also, it might be noted that many (if not most) of the southerners who fought in the Civil War did so only in self-defense, against an army that traveled hundreds of miles to their home towns, and was shooting at them, blowing up their building, burning down their churches. When asked of southern fighters why they were fighting, the common answer was almost always "Because you're here".

Few southerners, engaged in battle with or without the Confederate flag flying, knew much of anything about slavery, about the Confederacy, and few probably ever even heard of Jefferson Davis. In those days, there was no TV, no radio, no computers, and if southerners had a local newspaper at all, they probably couldn't read it anyway.

So did the veterans who died fighting in defense of their home turfs deserve to be remembered and honored for their courage, as much as the Union troops who attacked them ? I would say so.
So, is the Sons of Confederate Veterans (the group at which McConnell is shown in the picture) a legitimate organization, with a reasonable (if not honorable) standing ? I would say so. Is the Confederate flag a reasonable symbol for the group ? I think it is, as long as one isn't looking for negatives, and prospecting for dispute.

And if one is looking for adversity, might not the burden be on THEM, to justify what could be seen as a bigoted perspective, toward a region of the country inhabited by over 100 million people ?


Photo of Mitch McConnell in Front of a Confederate Flag Resurfaces Amid Northam Yearbook Controversy
Somehow, I don't think most southerners would feel too comfortable having Hillary Clinton on their side. :biggrin:
Don't these flags/emblems support racist Affirmative Action discrimination ?

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A photograph of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) posing in front of a Confederate flag is making the rounds on social media. Why ? What does it matter ? The flag represents a regional kinship that many southerners have. Sure, it also once represented the Confederacy, and a defense of slavery, 154 years ago, but that was then, not now, and it was generations ago.

Also, it might be noted that many (if not most) of the southerners who fought in the Civil War did so only in self-defense, against an army that traveled hundreds of miles to their home towns, and was shooting at them, blowing up their building, burning down their churches. When asked of southern fighters why they were fighting, the common answer was almost always "Because you're here".

Few southerners, engaged in battle with or without the Confederate flag flying, knew much of anything about slavery, about the Confederacy, and few probably ever even heard of Jefferson Davis. In those days, there was no TV, no radio, no computers, and if southerners had a local newspaper at all, they probably couldn't read it anyway.

So did the veterans who died fighting in defense of their home turfs deserve to be remembered and honored for their courage, as much as the Union troops who attacked them ? I would say so.
So, is the Sons of Confederate Veterans (the group at which McConnell is shown in the picture) a legitimate organization, with a reasonable (if not honorable) standing ? I would say so. Is the Confederate flag a reasonable symbol for the group ? I think it is, as long as one isn't looking for negatives, and prospecting for dispute.

And if one is looking for adversity, might not the burden be on THEM, to justify what could be seen as a bigoted perspective, toward a region of the country inhabited by over 100 million people ?


Photo of Mitch McConnell in Front of a Confederate Flag Resurfaces Amid Northam Yearbook Controversy

That picture of Turtle boy wasn't taken 154 years ago dumb ass.
There was slavery under the Star-Spangled Banner, so what now?

Yes, there was. It was disgusting, wrong, and we acknowledged it was disgusting and wrong. Stupid to pretend it was ever right, especially now.
Sure, the Confederacy was a slave colony with about 80 % of the population being blacks. But I guess, it´s today´s meaning is different from what it was back then. It´s the rebel yell and so on. Most people do not have slavery in mind when they put their stickers on the cycles but the exact opposite.
Of course, our intellectually lazy media will equate McConnell's posing to receive an award at an SCV event when a Confederate flag happened to be in the background with Northam's posing as a black man with a KKK guy standing beside him. The focus of Northam's photo was his being painted black and standing next to a KKK guy. The focus of McConnell's photo was his receiving an award from an SCV leader, not the Confederate flag that happened to be in the background.

One could fill a large photo album with pictures of Democratic politicians from the early 1900s through the 1960s, including FDR, who posed or spoke in front of the Confederate flag.
Sure, the Confederacy was a slave colony with about 80 % of the population being blacks. But I guess, it´s today´s meaning is different from what it was back then. It´s the rebel yell and so on. Most people do not have slavery in mind when they put their stickers on the cycles but the exact opposite.

Actually, it's the same thing, keeping the darkies in their place.

Stick to regurgitating the Syrian Propaganda line, you sound less retarded.
There was slavery under the Star-Spangled Banner, so what now?

Yes, there was. It was disgusting, wrong, and we acknowledged it was disgusting and wrong. Stupid to pretend it was ever right, especially now.
Sure, the Confederacy was a slave colony with about 80 % of the population being blacks. But I guess, it´s today´s meaning is different from what it was back then. It´s the rebel yell and so on. Most people do not have slavery in mind when they put their stickers on the cycles but the exact opposite.

Bullshit. The displaying confederate flag is an intentional action to antagonize the civil rights movement.
Sure, the Confederacy was a slave colony with about 80 % of the population being blacks. But I guess, it´s today´s meaning is different from what it was back then. It´s the rebel yell and so on. Most people do not have slavery in mind when they put their stickers on the cycles but the exact opposite.

Actually, it's the same thing, keeping the darkies in their place.

Stick to regurgitating the Syrian Propaganda line, you sound less retarded.
Looks like provocation to me.


Since you tend to have a weakness for assassinations of elected Presidents, will you be after Maduro, soon?
There was slavery under the Star-Spangled Banner, so what now?

Yes, there was. It was disgusting, wrong, and we acknowledged it was disgusting and wrong. Stupid to pretend it was ever right, especially now.
Sure, the Confederacy was a slave colony with about 80 % of the population being blacks. But I guess, it´s today´s meaning is different from what it was back then. It´s the rebel yell and so on. Most people do not have slavery in mind when they put their stickers on the cycles but the exact opposite.

Bullshit. The displaying confederate flag is an intentional action to antagonize the civil rights movement.
People are taking this stuff too serious. When it becomes political I think it is against political correct paternalism, which is a violation of civil rights. And picking this flag out of many symbols makes the whole issue look absurd.
There was slavery under the Star-Spangled Banner, so what now?

Yes, there was. It was disgusting, wrong, and we acknowledged it was disgusting and wrong. Stupid to pretend it was ever right, especially now.
Sure, the Confederacy was a slave colony with about 80 % of the population being blacks. But I guess, it´s today´s meaning is different from what it was back then. It´s the rebel yell and so on. Most people do not have slavery in mind when they put their stickers on the cycles but the exact opposite.

Bullshit. The displaying confederate flag is an intentional action to antagonize the civil rights movement.
People are taking this stuff too serious. When it becomes political I think it is against political correct paternalism, which is a violation of civil rights. And picking this flag out of many symbols makes the whole issue look absurd.

I've read your posts. You think lots of goofy stuff.
There was slavery under the Star-Spangled Banner, so what now?

Yes, there was. It was disgusting, wrong, and we acknowledged it was disgusting and wrong. Stupid to pretend it was ever right, especially now.
Sure, the Confederacy was a slave colony with about 80 % of the population being blacks. But I guess, it´s today´s meaning is different from what it was back then. It´s the rebel yell and so on. Most people do not have slavery in mind when they put their stickers on the cycles but the exact opposite.

Bullshit. The displaying confederate flag is an intentional action to antagonize the civil rights movement.
People are taking this stuff too serious. When it becomes political I think it is against political correct paternalism, which is a violation of civil rights. And picking this flag out of many symbols makes the whole issue look absurd.

I've read your posts. You think lots of goofy stuff.
Read again.
Sure, the Confederacy was a slave colony with about 80 % of the population being blacks. But I guess, it´s today´s meaning is different from what it was back then. It´s the rebel yell and so on. Most people do not have slavery in mind when they put their stickers on the cycles but the exact opposite.

Actually, it's the same thing, keeping the darkies in their place.

Stick to regurgitating the Syrian Propaganda line, you sound less retarded.
Looks like provocation to me.


Since you tend to have a weakness for assassinations of elected Presidents, will you be after Maduro, soon?
It's history, it happened. Learn from it, don't try to erase it.
Sure, the Confederacy was a slave colony with about 80 % of the population being blacks. But I guess, it´s today´s meaning is different from what it was back then. It´s the rebel yell and so on. Most people do not have slavery in mind when they put their stickers on the cycles but the exact opposite.

Actually, it's the same thing, keeping the darkies in their place.

Stick to regurgitating the Syrian Propaganda line, you sound less retarded.
Looks like provocation to me.


Since you tend to have a weakness for assassinations of elected Presidents, will you be after Maduro, soon?
It's history, it happened. Learn from it, don't try to erase it.

It's history. It happened. It was one of our most shameful periods. We should be ashamed of it. Not celebrate it.
Sure, the Confederacy was a slave colony with about 80 % of the population being blacks. But I guess, it´s today´s meaning is different from what it was back then. It´s the rebel yell and so on. Most people do not have slavery in mind when they put their stickers on the cycles but the exact opposite.

Actually, it's the same thing, keeping the darkies in their place.

Stick to regurgitating the Syrian Propaganda line, you sound less retarded.

Since most, as you say, darkies choose to be on the Democrat plantation today, stop whining. Overwhelmingly Democrats for over 50 years and look at the results. Unemployment twice that of whites although under a Republican it is the lowest in history. An over 70% bastard birth rate when it was much lower before Democrat social welfare programs. The highest dropout rate of any race.

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