Phil sees shadow-6 more weeks


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
The little furry prognosticator may not be a scientist but he makes more sense than most of the the global warming crowd. Naturally the A.P. has to find a conspiracy in Groundhog Day. They talk about the "inner circle" in Puxatawney and analyze the little furry critter's motivation. Anyway, I never figured out how seeing a shadow on a sunny day indicates cold weather but like the warmies say "you gotta trust the science"..
The little furry prognosticator may not be a scientist but he makes more sense than most of the the global warming crowd. Naturally the A.P. has to find a conspiracy in Groundhog Day. They talk about the "inner circle" in Puxatawney and analyze the little furry critter's motivation. Anyway, I never figured out how seeing a shadow on a sunny day indicates cold weather but like the warmies say "you gotta trust the science"..
So 6 more weeks of the Winter that wasn't. :woohoo:
The top of the globe is still cold. Apparently they are really suffering from record cold in north Europe. Sorry, but better them than us. Barry is keeping energy costs high with his insane energy policy with no-pipelines but give money to Soros invested Brazil oil. Anyway it's a break that the middle class isn't going bankrupt trying to heat their homes this winter.

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