Petty Election Loss Revenge: Pelosi Denies Newly-Elected R-Congresswoman Request For Naval Grad Son To Attend Swearing-In


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
What a evil, hate-driven, partisan bitch....

Pelosi allegedly denies Marine from seeing his mom sworn in as GOP rep.

Pelosi allegedly denies Marine from seeing his mom sworn in as GOP rep.

"Tenney, R-N.Y., defeated Democratic incumbent Rep. Anthony Brindisi by 109 votes, a New York State Supreme Court justice ruled last week. Tenney was first elected to Congress in 2016, with Brindisi ousting her in 2018.

Tenney was set to be sworn in on Thursday on Capitol Hill, and said she requested to have her son, a graduate of the Naval Academy and an active duty Marine, join her for the ceremony.

"I just would have loved to have my son with me. I raised him as a single parent," Tenney said on "Fox & Friends" Friday. "We’ve been with each other, nothing greater day than his graduation from the U.S. Naval Academy, it was such an honor and now he is serving our country."

"Tenney said her request was denied by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, despite other members who were sworn in last month being allowed to have one family member present.

"We’ve asked repeatedly, can I just have my son in the gallery," Tenney said, adding it was not like she requested him to be on the House floor. "There was no reason indicated."

Tenney claimed there were "no discussion of COVID," and added that her son "manages COVID protocols" in the marines."

"Pelosi allowed a COVID positive member to be in the chamber…just so she could vote for Pelosi on the floor of the House," Tenney said, referring to Rep. Frederica Wilson, D-Fla. It is unclear if Wilson was COVID positive, or whether she was in quarantine status after exposure. Wilson voted in a plexiglass enclosure.

R-Congresswoman Tenney is obviously DENSE, as the reason for not allowing her Naval Academy Grad son into the new 'Baghdad Green Zone' in DC:

He is obviously one of those Conservative, Trump-supporting HITE RACIST / EXREMIST US Military members....


It would be fun to see Trump run for congress.
Sweep in a GOP majority into congress.
Be elected Speaker of the House.
Then Pelosi have to hand-over the gavel to Trump.
She might have another freak out moment.
Pelosi is so far gone over to evil, I fear there is no hope for her soul. Nevertheless, we should pray for her.
Her TIA will kick in any day now, probably as soon as Trump is acquitted, just too much stress for her to handle, just like Krakatoa....

Pelosi hates the military, except when the natives are breaking down her doors and windows and she's shitting her pants.
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