Pete Buttigieg Twists Christianity: ‘Salvation’ Depends on Being ‘Useful.’

More theology lessons from a God hater.

Every time you ask the Left to demonstrate their usefulness to others, it's under the banner of some government redistribution program, transparently used to buy votes from the most needy.

Leftists are only incredibly charitable with other people's money.

Pete Buttigieg Twists Christianity: 'Salvation' Depends on Being 'Useful'

He didn't say anything about "Christianity", shitforbrains. He said "my faith".

Go ahead, check me. Watch your own link.

What a fucking dumbass. If I ran a headline saying "Bridge For Sale" would you pull your wallet out?
Or would you ass-ume it's about "Christianity"?


Stuff it shit for brains, he is a self professed "christian". You're about as big an asshole as anyone can be.
There are a lot of self professed Christians going to hell.
Not all Christians are evangelicals, Southern Baptists, whatever. Get that through your heads. Buttigieg belongs to the Episcopalian denomination of Christianity. There are differences between the various denominations, which is why various denominations exist. Why does this medieval mess continue?

Haha...yeah, that pesky Holy Bible...always trying to keep people decent, moral, law abiding, normal and likeminded...All things the Left and Democrats hate...haha

The bible is neither inerrant nor infallible. Jesus wrote none of it. Paul never even met Jesus. Timothy? What the guys decided to include or exclude from it was a product of that group. I personally think that Revelations should not even be in there. Other writings exist that were not included, perhaps not even considered, like the Gnostic Gospels.

Modern politics has nothing to do with it. Your chatter about "the Left" and "Democrats" is meaningless. Moreover, the likes of graham, jeffress, falwell, focus on the family, and other people calling themselves "Christians," have all turned up to support the republicans. What is their excuse?
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More theology lessons from a God hater.

Every time you ask the Left to demonstrate their usefulness to others, it's under the banner of some government redistribution program, transparently used to buy votes from the most needy.

Leftists are only incredibly charitable with other people's money.

Pete Buttigieg Twists Christianity: 'Salvation' Depends on Being 'Useful'

He didn't say anything about "Christianity", shitforbrains. He said "my faith".

Go ahead, check me. Watch your own link.

What a fucking dumbass. If I ran a headline saying "Bridge For Sale" would you pull your wallet out?
Or would you ass-ume it's about "Christianity"?


Stuff it shit for brains, he is a self professed "christian". You're about as big an asshole as anyone can be.
There are a lot of self professed Christians going to hell.
Jesus knew it too.

Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoer.”
More theology lessons from a God hater.

Every time you ask the Left to demonstrate their usefulness to others, it's under the banner of some government redistribution program, transparently used to buy votes from the most needy.

Leftists are only incredibly charitable with other people's money.

Pete Buttigieg Twists Christianity: 'Salvation' Depends on Being 'Useful'

He didn't say anything about "Christianity", shitforbrains. He said "my faith".

Go ahead, check me. Watch your own link.

What a fucking dumbass. If I ran a headline saying "Bridge For Sale" would you pull your wallet out?
Or would you ass-ume it's about "Christianity"?


Stuff it shit for brains, he is a self professed "christian". You're about as big an asshole as anyone can be.
There are a lot of self professed Christians going to hell.

Not the point. Pogo played a game and lost.
Not all Christians are evangelicals, Southern Baptists, whatever. Get that through your heads. Buttigieg belongs to the Episcopalian denomination of Christianity. There are differences between the various denominations, which is why various denominations exist. Why does this medieval mess continue?

Haha...yeah, that pesky Holy Bible...always trying to keep people decent, moral, law abiding, normal and likeminded...All things the Left and Democrats hate...haha

The bible is neither inerrant nor infallible. Jesus wrote none of it. Paul never even met Jesus. Timothy? What the guys decided to include or exclude from it was a product of that group. I personally think that Revelations should not even be in there. Modern politics has nothing to do with it.
Not all Christians are evangelicals, Southern Baptists, whatever. Get that through your heads. Buttigieg belongs to the Episcopalian denomination of Christianity. There are differences between the various denominations, which is why various denominations exist. Why does this medieval mess continue?

Haha...yeah, that pesky Holy Bible...always trying to keep people decent, moral, law abiding, normal and likeminded...All things the Left and Democrats hate...haha

The bible is neither inerrant nor infallible. Jesus wrote none of it. Paul never even met Jesus. Timothy? What the guys decided to include or exclude from it was a product of that group. I personally think that Revelations should not even be in there. Modern politics has nothing to do with it.

It is inerrant and infallible.
The Book is called Revelation, not Revelations. Your personal opinion (like mine) means nothing.
More theology lessons from a God hater.

Every time you ask the Left to demonstrate their usefulness to others, it's under the banner of some government redistribution program, transparently used to buy votes from the most needy.

Leftists are only incredibly charitable with other people's money.

Pete Buttigieg Twists Christianity: 'Salvation' Depends on Being 'Useful'

He didn't say anything about "Christianity", shitforbrains. He said "my faith".

Go ahead, check me. Watch your own link.

What a fucking dumbass. If I ran a headline saying "Bridge For Sale" would you pull your wallet out?
Or would you ass-ume it's about "Christianity"?


Stuff it shit for brains, he is a self professed "christian". You're about as big an asshole as anyone can be.
There are a lot of self professed Christians going to hell.

Not the point. Pogo played a game and lost.

Yyyyyeeeah ummmm........ when I give you a challenge I already know you can't handle, and sure enough you can't handle it, I ain't the one who "lost", jackweed.
He says he’s a Christian, ignoramus.

He says "MY FAITH", dickwad. There's no way around that. It's on TAPE.
He even pauses for a beat to let the phrase sink in. Yet there you are going :lalala:

What do you do, trawl around the internet looking for fake headlines where you can go "here's my nose, lead me astray because I won't bother to read the article or watch the video"?

It’s common knowledge he is Episcopalian, you fucking idiot.

Pete Buttigieg: How 2020 Democratic hopeful found God - CNNPolitics

He says he’s a Christian, ignoramus.

He says "MY FAITH", dickwad. There's no way around that. It's on TAPE.
He even pauses for a beat to let the phrase sink in. Yet there you are going :lalala:

What do you do, trawl around the internet looking for fake headlines where you can go "here's my nose, lead me astray because I won't bother to read the article or watch the video"?

Get a clue...dumbass. Or try something that resembles research.

Pete Buttigieg’s Very Public Faith Is Challenging Assumptions


At the 0:35 mark he says WHAT?

Oh, you didn't bother to vet the headline eh? Just leaned back and swallowed whole because you believe everything on the internets, is that it?

Fucking morons...
I can call it my faith AND be a Christian.
lord you are a dumbass.

Sure you can. But you can't be said to have invoked "Christianity" when what you actually said was "my faith".

This ain't rocket surgery here. "Christianity" and "my faith" do not equal each other. The first is a broad concept; the second is personal and singular.

Faith and Christianity may not equal each other...his faith and Christianity do equal each other. For Christ sake, no wonder you're a fricken liberal.
Not all Christians are evangelicals, Southern Baptists, whatever. Get that through your heads. Buttigieg belongs to the Episcopalian denomination of Christianity. There are differences between the various denominations, which is why various denominations exist. Why does this medieval mess continue?
Shut up!

There are differences between the various denominations,
which is why various denominations exist.

What a moronic statement!

God is the same yesterday, today and forevermore
There is no variation

All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God

Pete denies homosexuality as sin,
and proclaims God is just fine with homosexual lifestyles
He follows false teachers who preach the same message
That is satan, not God

If you knew God you would know this.
Not all Christians are evangelicals, Southern Baptists, whatever. Get that through your heads. Buttigieg belongs to the Episcopalian denomination of Christianity. There are differences between the various denominations, which is why various denominations exist. Why does this medieval mess continue?

Haha...yeah, that pesky Holy Bible...always trying to keep people decent, moral, law abiding, normal and likeminded...All things the Left and Democrats hate...haha

The bible is neither inerrant nor infallible. Jesus wrote none of it. Paul never even met Jesus. Timothy? What the guys decided to include or exclude from it was a product of that group. I personally think that Revelations should not even be in there. Modern politics has nothing to do with it.

Gosh! Your reply was so substantive! How's your date going with graham?
He says "MY FAITH", dickwad. There's no way around that. It's on TAPE.
He even pauses for a beat to let the phrase sink in. Yet there you are going :lalala:

What do you do, trawl around the internet looking for fake headlines where you can go "here's my nose, lead me astray because I won't bother to read the article or watch the video"?

It’s common knowledge he is Episcopalian, you fucking idiot.

Pete Buttigieg: How 2020 Democratic hopeful found God - CNNPolitics

He says "MY FAITH", dickwad. There's no way around that. It's on TAPE.
He even pauses for a beat to let the phrase sink in. Yet there you are going :lalala:

What do you do, trawl around the internet looking for fake headlines where you can go "here's my nose, lead me astray because I won't bother to read the article or watch the video"?

Get a clue...dumbass. Or try something that resembles research.

Pete Buttigieg’s Very Public Faith Is Challenging Assumptions


At the 0:35 mark he says WHAT?

Oh, you didn't bother to vet the headline eh? Just leaned back and swallowed whole because you believe everything on the internets, is that it?

Fucking morons...
I can call it my faith AND be a Christian.
lord you are a dumbass.

Sure you can. But you can't be said to have invoked "Christianity" when what you actually said was "my faith".

This ain't rocket surgery here. "Christianity" and "my faith" do not equal each other. The first is a broad concept; the second is personal and singular.

Faith and Christianity may not equal each other...his faith and Christianity do equal each other.


Anyone anywhere can consult Christianity for guidance.

Only ***I*** can consult MY FAITH.

You can't do it. It's not what we call "yours".

Anyone anywhere can drive a Studebaker.

Only ***I*** can drive MY Studebaker.

The fact remains --- **NOWHERE** did Buttigieg -- or anyone else -- make any reference to "Christianity" at all. ZIPPO.

Prove me wrong.
It’s common knowledge he is Episcopalian, you fucking idiot.

Pete Buttigieg: How 2020 Democratic hopeful found God - CNNPolitics

Get a clue...dumbass. Or try something that resembles research.

Pete Buttigieg’s Very Public Faith Is Challenging Assumptions


At the 0:35 mark he says WHAT?

Oh, you didn't bother to vet the headline eh? Just leaned back and swallowed whole because you believe everything on the internets, is that it?

Fucking morons...
I can call it my faith AND be a Christian.
lord you are a dumbass.

Sure you can. But you can't be said to have invoked "Christianity" when what you actually said was "my faith".

This ain't rocket surgery here. "Christianity" and "my faith" do not equal each other. The first is a broad concept; the second is personal and singular.

Faith and Christianity may not equal each other...his faith and Christianity do equal each other.


Anyone anywhere can consult Christianity for guidance.

Only ***I*** can consult MY FAITH.

You can't do it. It's not what we call "yours".

Anyone anywhere can drive a Studebaker.

Only ***I*** can drive MY Studebaker.

The fact remains --- **NOWHERE** did Buttigieg -- or anyone else -- make any reference to "Christianity" at all. ZIPPO.

Prove me wrong.

What faith is Buttigieg ?

At the 0:35 mark he says WHAT?

Oh, you didn't bother to vet the headline eh? Just leaned back and swallowed whole because you believe everything on the internets, is that it?

Fucking morons...
I can call it my faith AND be a Christian.
lord you are a dumbass.

Sure you can. But you can't be said to have invoked "Christianity" when what you actually said was "my faith".

This ain't rocket surgery here. "Christianity" and "my faith" do not equal each other. The first is a broad concept; the second is personal and singular.

Faith and Christianity may not equal each other...his faith and Christianity do equal each other.


Anyone anywhere can consult Christianity for guidance.

Only ***I*** can consult MY FAITH.

You can't do it. It's not what we call "yours".

Anyone anywhere can drive a Studebaker.

Only ***I*** can drive MY Studebaker.

The fact remains --- **NOWHERE** did Buttigieg -- or anyone else -- make any reference to "Christianity" at all. ZIPPO.

Prove me wrong.

What faith is Buttigieg ?

Christian, Episcopalian division.
Not all Christians are evangelicals, Southern Baptists, whatever. Get that through your heads. Buttigieg belongs to the Episcopalian denomination of Christianity. There are differences between the various denominations, which is why various denominations exist. Why does this medieval mess continue?

Haha...yeah, that pesky Holy Bible...always trying to keep people decent, moral, law abiding, normal and likeminded...All things the Left and Democrats hate...haha

The bible is neither inerrant nor infallible. Jesus wrote none of it. Paul never even met Jesus. Timothy? What the guys decided to include or exclude from it was a product of that group. I personally think that Revelations should not even be in there. Other writings exist that were not included, perhaps not even considered, like the Gnostic Gospels.

Modern politics has nothing to do with it. Your chatter about "the Left" and "Democrats" is meaningless. Moreover, the likes of graham, jeffress, falwell, focus on the family, and other people calling themselves "Christians," have all turned up to support the republicans. What is their excuse?

There you go...discourage people, talk them out of their faith...we all know a nation of Protestant Christians would mean a nation of good, decent, moral, prideful, productive, patriotic, law abiding, accountable, likeminded, normal folks...and you can’t have that, there would be no Democrat Party, no filth and that would completely suck for you.
More theology lessons from a God hater.

Every time you ask the Left to demonstrate their usefulness to others, it's under the banner of some government redistribution program, transparently used to buy votes from the most needy.

Leftists are only incredibly charitable with other people's money.

Pete Buttigieg Twists Christianity: 'Salvation' Depends on Being 'Useful'

I am sorry to be the one to tell Pete Queerboy but Christianity isn't deeds based.
James 2:14-26.

You need to pay attention in church because you are confused. Christians believe that Faith and Grace are the key to salvation, not deeds.
It says it quite plainly, son. Faith without works is dead.

Your faith is nothing without works.

So, yeah. Faith (which requires deeds) and grace. You bet.
More theology lessons from a God hater.

Every time you ask the Left to demonstrate their usefulness to others, it's under the banner of some government redistribution program, transparently used to buy votes from the most needy.

Leftists are only incredibly charitable with other people's money.

Pete Buttigieg Twists Christianity: 'Salvation' Depends on Being 'Useful'

I am sorry to be the one to tell Pete Queerboy but Christianity isn't deeds based.
James 2:14-26.
Oh goody, yet another Bible lesson from a God hater.
I would bet I attend church more than you do.

What's more, I have co-founded two faith-based charities. One of which is named after a bible verse.

And you?
More theology lessons from a God hater.

Every time you ask the Left to demonstrate their usefulness to others, it's under the banner of some government redistribution program, transparently used to buy votes from the most needy.

Leftists are only incredibly charitable with other people's money.

Pete Buttigieg Twists Christianity: 'Salvation' Depends on Being 'Useful'

He didn't say anything about "Christianity", shitforbrains. He said "my faith".

Go ahead, check me. Watch your own link.

What a fucking dumbass. If I ran a headline saying "Bridge For Sale" would you pull your wallet out?
Or would you ass-ume it's about "Christianity"?


He claims to be a Christian, stupid fuck....
That pesky Bible...

"Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery, and the man who marries a divorced woman commits adultery."

New International Trump Version:

And Jesus spake, "Thou mayest committeth adultery many, many times with prostitutes, bigly. You may have as many wedding cakes as you wish for all your multiple marriages. It's Okay When Trump Does It!

"But thou shalt not bake a cake for a homo. Truly, I tell you, that would be a disaster, believe me. "

I'm always confused by left-wingers on this issue.

The new international Trump version? Where is this version? Which Bible based church is teaching this version? Or are you just making up crap, because you don't have anything of value to say?

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